64-575AND '~H;~T f~-, ~',~?SDARiE50'F CERi'AiN ZONES
Anahei~a did b'~d ~ ~., ~,li~' ~,::,:~a~; e~.:l~ssifi(:ati, on Proceed-
s No, 63-6q-125 ........ t:(~ cowsider an amendment to
- - t:he ~one or zones
herait~fter' ~e~;I:~:Tme,1 o:!d de~cribe~, and at said hearing did
receive evl el,~ e &~,.~ re~,2.~,rr~ i'ro~2 persons interested therein
aud from i
WHEi, L...~, ~t~.lit, a period c;t- to,.'t.y days following said
heating ttmreon the Pl;~.,n,~ir-~? Com[nis:sioll did duly adopt a reso-
ev:idence presented a~ s::~J,i [~eari.ng, arid a recommendation that
the proposed a. memdt:,e.~, t~e a .,.pteJ by .. (1~ Council and that
[ :::~t o..Ji~gs, and recomme~id~t:~on of the City
Planning ~':ommiss[~>n ~'t,e 6ily (h:>~lc. cil did fix t'he 4th day
c;f ..... ~gu~,~ .... ....... , t':; ~_4 , ,,s t:he t:ime and '~he City Council
(ihambers in ~hre (?fry iL~].I of the City of At~aheim as the place
for a pubilc tteari~'i~,, t,p~m said proposed amendment to Title 18
of the Aha", '.-n "
,.a~, biu't~iclpal ~..ode, and the excl. usion of said prop-
ert:y', hereinafte~ de:~,(ribed, from the zone or zones in which
ii ~s fi{tag siCuaCea, a'~d the ir, corporation thereof in the zone
()~:' zones he. rei~after :~et. forth; and dl.d ¥'i,.?e notice thereof
itle 18 of the
W~EREAS, a; l.,~te t.l:r~e and !>lace :fixed for said public
t~eaz'lnR the: (ii. tv C,'-?:',cii did h<~ld and co,duct such public
hearing, a,,d did ~.iv~.~ all pez,~ons inte .e.,t. ed therein an oppor-
tuai~y to be heard ~d id receive evidence and reports, and
did vb_ereu~,(~ , ~msid,t::~ the summary of evidence presented at
said pubtf(: hearin~ before the Plz,'on~ng Commission, its report
of findi, n,,~ an rec~::~;~:net~dat:ion, and
? '~ , d · ' "
~4HEREAS, the ~i;it:y Council does find and detezmine
t. hat: the ame~dpaeat ~<:, Title 1$ of the A~aheim ~nicipal Code
should be adc, pled and that the property hereinafter described
should be excluded frc:.m t:he zo~e or zones in Which it is now
situated atld in?::o.rpora, t:ed in the zone or zones as hereinafter
set forth;
NOW, T[tEf~EF()Rfi~ Bg IT RESOLVED by the City Council
of the Cit:y o[ A:~aheim t'bat- Title 18 of the Anaheim ~nicipal
Code be~ and ~l',e sa.t',:e i.s he):eby, amended and that the following
described property, ~ituat:ed in the City of Anaheim, County
of Orange, State of' ('al:ifornia, t:o wit::
~ ] - 63-64- i25
Lot ~,~o. ,~2 of T~act No. 97 of the Hart Sub-
diw~.sion, in the City of Anaheim, as shown
on a ~ap thereof recorded in Book 7, Page 207
of liisceilaneous Maps, Records of Orange
County, California;
Excepting the north 40 feet thereof.
'be excluded from P-i~ AUTOMOBILE PARKING ZONE, and incorporated
in C-2, GENEiiAL-CO~RCiAL ZONE, upon the following conditions:
That the ow~e~ of subject property shall deed
to the Cicy of Anaheim a strip of land 45 feet
in ~idtb~ from t~r~.e center line of the street,
along Lemon Street~ for street widening purposes.
That the owner of subject promerty shall pay
~o =o.e o_~y o~ ~nane:m~ 'the oUm of $2.00 per front
i~oot~ along Lemon $treet~ for sC~.~eet lighting
put-poses ~
Thac the owne~ of subject property shall
pay ~o che City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢
~..~on~ foo~]~ .
pe~ .r ..... atonal Lemon Street, for tree
planting purposes.
That t~'ash storage areas shall be provided in
acco~aance with approved plans on file in the
zz~ee of the Director of Public Works and
Superintendene of Streets, prior to final
building inspection.
T~ an ordinance z'eczasszfying subject property
shall not ~e adopted until the i5-foot alley
across the service station site has been
abandoned, or in the event the abandonment is
n~.~t accomplished, the plan of development shall
be ~'evised ~o provide for an unobstructed public
alley winh a s~andard driveway cut to Lemon
That subject property shall be developed sub-
stantialty in accordance with plans and specifi-
catl. ons on ri.re with ~che o~t~. of Anaheim, marked
~'mxhibits Nos. I. 2, 3 and 4'; and that plans
for addii~ionai st~cuctures proposed to be placed
on the p?omerty shall ~oe subject to approval by
the City Council.
That subject l~ro?erty shall also be developed
suOstantiaily in accordance with Service
Station Minimum Site Development Standards of
the City of Anaheim on file in 'the Planning
That all struceures shall be removed from subject
property orio~ to final building inspection of
the service station, as stipulated by the
That Conditions Nos ~ 2 and 3 above-mentioned
shall be complied wi~h within a period of 180
days from date hereof, or such further time as
the City Council may grant.
BE iT FURTt~ i~SOLVED that the City Attorney be, and
he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to
the City Council an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim
~nicipal Code ~o accomplish the objects herein found and
determined to be necessary and p~oper.
me this
T~ FOIiEGOiNG kESOLUTION is approved and signed by
4th day of August, 1964.
I~ DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and
adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the
4th day of August, i964= by the following vote of the members
CO~NCIL~N: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein
and Chandler
oOUNCIL~m: None
AND i FURTH~ii CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 4th day of
August, 1964.
iN WI~i%~ESS ~REOF~ I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 4th day of August,