21 (2)Public Comment From: C.E. Breeden < Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 1:24 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Jose Diaz Subject: MTG 8/24/2021 Item 21 Mr. Mayor and Members of the City Council; Tonight, you will be nominating and voting to fill the Anaheim representative vacancy on the Orange County Water District, District 9. 1 would like to strongly urge you to NOT fill the position with a member of the City Council but instead, appoint a member of the community. Based on the Orange County Water District Act, there is no requirement for the Director appointed to be a member of the City Council. By appointing a non - council member to be a director, there won't be any disruption of representation on the OCWD Board if the appointed council member is not re-elected. Thank you for your time. Clifford Breeden Jr