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I?,]~SO~UT~ O~ NO. 64R-438 A RESOLUTION OF ~ ClT~ COUNCIL OF OF ANAII~II~ &CCEFTII~ A CORPO~TION ~S~ DEED FROP~ FOR ~ ~$~T ~R PUBLIC UTILITY P~OSES. ' for~unicipil~ur~oses, ~o wi:: a eas~en: for public uti%ity ~urDoses ~nd ...................... ''' ; ~S, th~ o~e~___ of stid pzoperty h~s offered ~o sell lnd convey ~h~ si~ to the City; iud ~ WH[~S, ~h~ City Council of the City of A~mhmim finds A~ahelu to icct~ tti~ offe~ mmd ~rchase eald r~l propmrU. property 8i~ted l~ tht Cit~ of aheim, Co~Cy of Orm~e, utility An easement for public utility purposes over, under and across those portions of Tract 5053, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 183, pages 34 to 38, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: A strip of land 10.00 feet in width lying 5.00 feet"0n each side of the following described centerline: Begin- ning at the point on the Easterly line of Lot 28 of said tract, distant South 0° 16' 10" East 5.05 feet from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence South 88° 42' 29" West 86.54 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point '~", said Point '~" being located 5.25 feet Easterly and 7.50 feet Southerly, both measured at right angles, from the Westerly and Northerly lines of said Lot 28; thence South 68° 43' 14" West 55.66 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "B", said Point "B" being located 1.50 feet Southerly, measured at right angles from the Northerly line of Lot 35 of said tract, and 21.00 feet Easterly, measured at right angles from the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of Lot 26 of said tract; thence North 89° 40' 09" West 338.74 feet to .the Westerly terminus of this easement, said Westerly terminus being located 1.79 feet Southerly and 8.00 feet Easterly, both measured at right angles from the Northerly and Westerly lines of said Lot 35. The side lines of this easement are prolonged or shortened to terminate on the Easterly line of said Lot 28. PARCEL TWO: A strip of land 3.00 feet in width, lying 1.50 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at Point "A", above described; thence North 11~ 17' 09" West 15.00 feet. PARCEL THREE: A strip of land 3.00 feet in width, lying 1.50 feet on ~a~h""§ide of the following described centerline: Beginning at Point B', above described; thence South 10° 28' 28" East %5.00 feet. be, and the same s hereby, accepted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim~ smd that the City of ~maheim accept a convey- ance of said property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLYED Chat the City Auditor of the City of Anaheim be, :~d he is hereby, authorized Co pay to the owner or owners of ~.aid real property, out of General Funds of ~he City of ~,ahei~ tke ~um ,~f O~le Dollar Chit 16th THg FORE~[N~ RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me ~ay Of June _ ~., 19 64 M~YOR 6F'~T~E~CITY OF ~A~IM STATE @~ CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM I,~ DENEM,, WlLL!AM$.~ City Clerk of the City of Anahei~ do hereby ce~!~ify ~ha~ ~ke foregoing resolution was passed a~d adopted ~.~ ~ ~ ~eetimg of the Cit~ Council he~d on th~ 16t~~ Ju~e , 19 64 , Dy the iollowimg vote cl the ~er's ther~c~ ~ ~ !]0UNCILZ~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler '~.~UNCILMEN~ None ABSENT, C©UNCILMEN; None ~ND I FURTHER CERTIFY t:hat the Mayor of the City of Amahei~ ~pprcYe~ ~n~ signed said ~8olution o:% the 16th day of June 19 6~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ii, h~ve hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of ~he City o~f A~%aheim this 16th day of June 19 6~ (SEAL) CITer CLERK OF T~E CITY OF ANAHEIM