64-436P.~SOLUTION N0~ 64R-436 ~'~--'RF. AS, the C~ty Council of ~he City of An~mim is desirous of purch~s~t~ t~e herGLnefter described real p~ope~[y DUrDOSeS · and .......... '" ''' ' WHE~F~S, ~he City Co~cil of ~h~ City of~~ finds ~ i~ is ~cr ~he b~n~fi~ a~d be~ intereo~ of ~ Cl~y of '~' ~OW~ ~YO~ SE IT ~$OL~ by :he City C~I o~ the City of ahti t~ th~ ofit~ of BROO~RST G~ENS. IN~., ~ corDorat~on~ property o~t~d i~ ~h~ C~ o~he~m, C~Cy office, utili=~ purpgses ~ easement for public utility purposes over~ under and across those portions of Tract 5053, as sho~ on a Map recorded in Book 183, pa~es 34 to 38, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, described as follows: ~CEL ONE: A strip of land 10.00 feet in ~idth, lyin~ 5.00 feet Oh"each side of ~he followin~ described centerline: ~e- ~innin~ at the point on the Easterly line of Lot 11 of said tract, distant Northerly 0.75 feet from the Southeast co,er of said lot; thence North 89© ~0~ 09" West parallel wi~h the Southerly line of said lot, a distance of 120.16 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"~ said Point "A" bein~ located 0.75 feet Northerly and 1.~0 feet Easterly, both measured at ri~t an~les, from the Southerly and Westerly lines respec- tively of said Lot 11; thence North 86© ~9~ ~4" Nest 176.56 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "B"~ said ~oint be~n~ located 1.50 feet Easterly and 1.50 feet Southerly, both measured at right an~les, from ~he ~esterly and Northerly lines respectively of Lot 15 of said tract; thence North 89° 40~ 09" Nest 189.~0 feet ~o the Southwest co~er of Lot 1 of said tract~ and the Westerly te~inus of this eas~ent. The side lines of this easement are prolonged or shortened to resinate on the Easterly lines of Lots 11 and 12 of said tract~ ~d on the Easterly line of Lot 2 of said tract. PARCEL TWO: A strip of land 3.00 feet in width lying 1.50 feet on e~ch side of t'he following described centerline: Beginning at Point "A", above described; thence South 1° 45' 03" West 7.00 feet. ~. PARCEL THREE: A strip of land 3.00 feet in width, lying 1.50 feet on each side of the following described centerline: 45~Be in~.n.i, ngut,. East at Pointl0.00 feet."B"' above described; thence North 1© be, and the same is hereby, accepted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim, and that the City of Anaheim accept a convey- ance of said property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor of the City of Anaheim be, a~d he is hereby, authorized to payto the owner or owners of said real property, out of General Funds of :he City of Ariaheim~ the ,~um cf O~e Dollar TME MOREC4~ING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 16th ~y Of June ~, 19 64 o ~OR OF~ ~~ OF ~A~IM'~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE > ~,~ CITY OF ANAHEIM '~ I,~ DENE M WILLIA~B~ City Clerk of the City of Anahei~ do hereby certify ~hat the foregoing resolution was passed amd adopted ~t ~ ~ meeting of the City Council held o~ the 16t~ d~y O~ June: , 19 64 , by the following vote cf the ~e-~ers ther~ ............... AYES CObqqCIL~%[~'g Pebley, Dutton, $chutte, Krein and Chandler COUNCILMEN :, None ABSENT ~,OUNC ILMEN ~ None AND I ~URTHER CERTIFY ~:hat the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and skg~ed said resol~tion on the 16th day Of June affixed IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set hand and the seal of ~he City of A~gahei~ this l~Yth day of June ~, 19 64 (SEAL) 'Ci~-CL~ OF THR CiTY OF ANAHEIM