64-305~' .., ~ ,..~.- .......... ~,~;,.:~..' '.~ A GP~T DEED UTILITY P~POSES. City Council of the City of '' ~ the hereinafter described real pro~a to wit' An easement for road and ~'"',,~,MER~S~:', the o~ers of said property have zlo soil. and convey the same to the City; and o~fered .~,;HER~,.AS, .... the '~.~zty~' Council of the City of ~<.~aheim ~znds~' for the be~nefit and best interest of the City of accept said offer and purchase said real property. NOW~ THEREFORE.,, BE liT RESOLVED by the City Council of' .... ~ne~m t~a~ the offer of RIC~ R~TETROW and sell ~:o the City of Anaheim the following descr~ real prc~[,erty situated in the City of Ao. aheim, County of Orange, ::}r~e of California, to ba used for an easement for road and ~j~ icu t i 1 ~fn~._~. r~p s e s -- ............................................................ , and more particularly R~ed as ....... An easement for road and public utility purposes over, under and across that parcel of land described as follows: The Southerly 32.00 feet (as measured at right angles from the center line of Savanna Street) of Lot 21 of Tract No. 743, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 22, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County~ California. For the purpose of this description, the South line of said Lot 21 is assumed to be the center line of said Savanna Street. be, amd the same is hereby, acc?ted by the,C£ty Council of the City of Anahetm~ and that the City of 2kmahexm accept a convey- ance of said property. BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor of the City of Anaheim be, a~d he i~ hereby, authorized to payto the tamer or owners ~f said real proper~y, out of General Funds of the City of A~'~ah~i~ tk~ ~u~ cf O~ Dollar ~ht~ 28th ATTEST~ DENE N~. WILLIAMS CIYY CLERK k __Lb_:._ THE FOREC~%Ng RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me day of April ...................... , 196~4 o COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~So CITY OF ANAHEIM } I~ DENE. M.~ WILL~2.~ City Clerk of the City of Anaheim~ do hereby cer(~ify tha~ the foregoing resolution was passed a~d adopted at a regular . meeting of the City Council held o~ t~e, 28th~=~a,y of ...... ~1 , 19 64 , ~y the following vote cf the AYES COUNC)IL']M~,~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Kzein and Chandler IL,MEN ~ N on e ABSENT COUNCILMEN $ None AND I F~JRTHER CERTIFY that ~,he Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved anat. s~gr~ad said te~olution on the 28~h day Of April ..... ~ 1964 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve hereunto set my hand and A affixed the ~eal, of the City of ~ahe~ this 28th day of April =~ 19 64 ' DENE M. WILLIAMS Deputy City Clerk