64-174RESOLUT ION NO~ 'o ~.~.- ± / ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMININQ THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUND- ARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED, WHEREA$, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has heretofore duly passed and adopted a resolution recommending denial of a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described, after having fixed a time and place for the holdtn9 of a public hearing thereon in the manner and as prescribed in Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ and after having duly held and conducted such public hearing to consider said proposed change of zone or zones, and after having received evidence and reports from persons interested there in; and ~t/EREAS, within a period of forty (~0) days fc>llowtn9 the hearing thereon, the Planning Commission did duly. announce by formal resolution its. findings of facts and declare it's' opinions and reasons for recommendin§ denial of said proposed change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described~ and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City Plan:- nin§ Commission, the City Council did fix the . 17ah day of ~'~rch 1964~ as the time, and the City ~°uncil Chamb~'r'$ '" 'ih'the" c{t~y'~all-Tn the City o'f Anaheim as the place for a public hearing upon sa id proposed amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of said property, hereinafter described, from the zone in which it is now situated and the incorporation thereof in the zones hereinafter set forth; and did give notice thereof in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of said Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing, the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and did i;lve all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports and did there- upon consider the summary of evidence presented at said public hearin9 before the Plannin9 Commission, its report of findings and recommendations; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now situated, and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter set forthl NC~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Title 15 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby amended, and that all of the property and area situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows.. -1- 63-64-61 The east half of Lot i2 and the east half of Lot 13 o-c the Orang~,7ood Tract in the bi_y of Anaheim:, County of Orange~ Snare of California: as par mao recorded in 8ooi~ 7.. Page 42 of Miscellaneous ~',~ps in 'the Office of zbe ~ounty Ke¢o~der of said G oun 't y. ~ONE :. L.e excluded ~,.om ,:~-A~. .,_,.,.ozu~_,NilA~-z{Gr, IuULfU~L and incor- ~'~ in ~[-2 'D, ffO:-FAHiLY R!SiDENTIAL ?n~ upon ~n.~ following conditions ' That the owners of st(bi eot property shall .deed to the C'ty of Anab. eim a strip of land 45 feet in width~ ..... ~ !in~ f ~h .... ~ ~ ....,-, om ~ne ~snter o snr., t~ along Orang..woo~ Avenue an~ along L~,,~ = '-~r ~ ~ .... ,._~.=~o~ e,=t for str~=t widening purposes. 2. That ti-,~ owne. zs c,f subject proper'cy shall deed to the City o~. Ana[~eim a strip of iand 32 feet in .~.~L1] di'l~ .... ~? .~_~_~1._ O_ along cent,._.= '~-~e C the street: Tna~ ~n.~ owners ,of sub-jec~ prooerty shall deed ~ma~aJ_m o!:re,._c h.A~ as shown on ~xh:ibi~ ~o 'L kevision No ~ on file with the u}.~y of Ana[~eim That saiu o'c,'~> ~A~: " . .... ~ .... shall be 64 f~e;"~ wide. terminating with a 5n-.~, foot radius c u i - d e- s ac. :4. (a) Thai: ail at~gineer:i.ng requirements of 'the City of &na. heim along Orangewood &venue: Lewis 3treet~ immons L~,,~nn.~ and ' . .......... ~ ~-~, including preparation o';: ~Q'?o,-~m~n~- :)fans aha :!'ns~ai.,.atAOn of all improve- ' ~ .'~ street r~,~n{-s, sccc as ~:'~..irO~. ag..l ~..,u~ters s~_~.~ewalks: . . saa3_i ,,.~ .:~omol: e.a w'SEh as required CL~:. Ol:.~: ..... ~]n~i,..n .....aod i.n acco-'aanc.~ wita stanaara ~).zans an:.i s::.:::~c": i'..ca':.: c. ns on ';if ia in the ufi::ice o~ em,',',,~-:~' !: :') ':: :: m ::~'.a-~'_-':'":ac'-o:-:y "'"' h.~ C~';-y of inaheim slta!l be posLe, l w':L~h the City to guarantee the ~ ...... '..-,c i- ~--, '.-. ,,,':' i:y :::~-:a!li.. Sa ":,-val,ooed gubstantial!y Jn accs?;iartc.~ ~:..~ [:?"~ ::,ians and specifications on file w:Ltn :~.:e ,,.~.,~v :o:c: ~u'mn~-;r;~ ~-~a'r~ad "Exhibit No. i, ..... -"~ i "=-~%~b' No 2 3 4 and 5 ]'Levi s i. on d o .... , an ............ :L t s s. ~ ~ That che compiet:Lon of these reclassification proce ~d-' '" .... ..... ,.~a$ is cont~,a, ant upon the grant:lng of a 0on:iitional Use Permit. .,.,: ._ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ and 6 above- · oau :3on.,i:i t:{,ons Nos. m,~n~-:- d o~e ~omp:~:_e~x w-~ ~h wld~'~n a perioJ of 180 days !rom da~:ie i~ereof:, or such furth, er 'time as t~1':' '"" .... BE ~'.,~ ~ w.'~u;.,lh,..,~.,,"",~.': kESOLVED. 2hat one" Cu_-ty' Attorney b.~:..~ and ~ a~.~hor~.~, and '" ~: to preoare and submit to ~..::?~ :;.s hereby ..... 4~.~'[ c~krec ed :':,-~, 6fty Oounc~_~_ an o:;:dinanco amend':" ....... '~ _ ~. .uag ~e .~ of the Ananezm ,_ u,.~..:; oosects nere:;.'a found and L~ini. c:.pa.~ Oode Co accomolish i~uerm~aed to be aecessary a~ pro~er~ '~OR OF THeE CiTY OF-ANAHEIM :~~-i,~k~ :O'F THE-C'~TY O~ AN,.:kHEIM ~ uzuy of Anaheim, i~ u.,.:,N.m m. ~,liLLiAI'iS City 6ierk cz the ne~ rc~fy =ban the ~orego.uns r~soiution was passed and eoy ce -~ - adop'-~"'~,,u at a '~'~°'r"~a'~o ........ mee;~inS of ~he City Counc~'l._._ held on the ' ' '~"'":"' by th~ following vo~ of ~n._ members '!.7~h cmy o-f l,~arch:=.:.v,~-, . · · ire S' GOUNG ~.,:v, -' - ' " . ,. ..... ihr'~.~.,a L~xt;.zon~ ~ohandxer,~ and Coons AND i¢"~U~-:~lni~.i~-- o;,,~,.±irY that the P~yor of the u,'i~cy of ~b,~-[m aporovec and s~'~- ,~d gai.<i z'e~oiution on ~b.~ i/th day c; f l,'~.rc h, i 964. ,~,.o.~, i,'RiEREOF I havo hereunto set my hand and af_~-~ .... -? -~'..~do' ~he' s cai o f the ~""'z :y'- o f ~ma~X' - ..... ~; ~n uhi' s !7 th day o f -3-