64-113 u~.u~ 05' ~'HE oi£¥ UOb~Ci~ OF THE_.CITY ~'.,j ..... ~l~,O A~ BiDS ' ..... '~"-' ~*' · n=. HO~Ro~: ~0 ~ F.N. ~,:~"~'~' FE~RUAILY I 3, 1964 FOR PUBLIC WORKS JOJ dO. 839. ~]iER~S~ heretofore~ to wit, on the 21st day of January:, -~", the City Council of the ~__ty of Anaheim did adopt Resolu- tion No. 64R-27 finding and determining that public convenience aa~ necessity required the construction and completion of a puOlic improvement consisting of the construction and completion -~¢ ...... -' '~ ~ Municipal Golf Course~ in the o~: comfor~ statio~.~s at the ,~nan.~m . ~.~!cy of Anaheim, Sob ~o. 839; and ~:m?~UVAS cha ~icy Oounci. i did authorize and direct the o:~.cy uAe'fA ~o publish a notice according. ~o law inviting sealed O'?:oposa'~s for ~h=. furn:~.shing of a~l piant~ labor; services~ ~.a 'eria]s and equi. pmenC and al~ u '~'~ ~-'~' and transportati.on~ ~ fuel. ' wa~er at!t oerformins all work neces- ~ ~.c lu~i~l~ Dower an.k: _.. .., ~. ~ ~-~ .~ s public imorovement, and 5~r}~ {lO CO~S?'rUet ~.t'li Cwh~O~_~z Sa ..'5>':Sng c~e 13ch ~av :,f Feoruary:, ~9'~''~ hour of 2'06 o cloch ,- ~:,~. as th~ dar .... and ' '-~-' +':0r the oo~ning of said bids in the ~uncli Cb. amber ?n the C:l':,~-' Hail, in abe City of Anaheim; and "o~ r at the ..... '~' ~'a,qn sail i3th day of Fobruary~ ~_~o%~ -.. ~ '~ ~ .1 hour of 2'Ou c,'c~ oc~.. _ P.?,'~_~. , ~"~--'~,,....~ Oi..:y :,.:~ a o~en all :' ': '' in oublic in the ,. a~us received uo co that hour~ ,.. , (;icy Hall in gh= City o-~: AnaheJ.m~ and the dS.,:y Engineer did :abuiate all bids so received and did report the result thereof - - .... m ....... ting h=qd on the iSth ~ o~i ~- . .... ~:::~ the uicy ~ounciJ. ac :{.c~' next re !ay of Fe'bruary, 1.964; and cne Gi,_y .... ~ounc~_~"'"'-,. -": finds that' (i) Only one °id was suOmi~-ted; (2) That said bid is in excess of the estimate -of the City ':~ngineer of 'the cost of said (3) That saS.J °i.d should oe rejected and said job re-adverc:!sed ac a later date for smaller units. NOW, '£H~,~,-"'"~,.,~Or, c,~;", ~.i::, !T ~.:~oo~V..,D by =b City. Council of ~:t~e Uicv of Anaheim that all bids received up to the hour of 2-00 o'clocL P.M. on Fabruary 13, ~964, tabulated by the City ?mgS'.neer, and submi, cted to tha City Council on February 18, "~'~'- for the construction and completion of Public Works Job R'o ~i, 39 'be, and ~-~= ~'--, · and that said job . ~ ,_. same a::~_~ h..~.._o~ rejecrea, ' '=~ 'ed la,er d = for smaller uni:s be e-a,'aver u~_s at a THE FOr~EGOING >:.?~2SOLU}'iON is ap~oved and signed by me i6ch day of Februarv~ £9o~. / ,:? ....... ) · EX 5~ CLERK OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoin9 Resolution No. 64R-113 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 18th day of February, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENI: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERIIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-113 on the 18th day of February, 1964. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim, this 18th day of February, 1964. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL)