64-001Engr ·
r".¢ ..~ Tv.. O ? .A <.Ai .... ] '-': (". q:";..;~, q i f{O 'r-~:..., ~ E. VACATI Ol',l AND
~':', !;A ;'-..f i)" O F "" ,'
RC'::A L}.::~",.,;.~q ?OSES, TC l,~' i T , ¢'" '," ..
- ',..~:-,TZOH O~ A STEARNS
. ; uounc i ' o;.2' th e C fry of` Anshe ira, a
Corporation of thc crate of California, did, on the
iZ.A L ':~ l'{ C': '-; :"' :'" '-'"'
AND i: :' :qECT ~,.~".m,, _, Ti'.; ?() :2 'i" .-'~ ~';','--~ k"' :."' ;'{OT i (1. ~" "" 'F n" '"-'.~:'. r'tzOr"'" ..... AND THE
........... ..... · :[::".cl'}:~ent 5ot' ro:~c:. ;:,,r~'os.a:~., tie wit,, a portion, of a Stearns
........... r..,. a iong thc here ~nafter
9' ! ,
' ~1c i?'t ~ :g fl f c" ~.:> of ~h,. <..~]ty Clcri.< j:or ~urther
~ ~ ancl'~o ~Reservation
., __~: u,nci, di:d !'::3,.- said re so ].ut i o-n 'rix
~-: :t~,~',cr i.n thc C'i:.', .... 7[':, ~ ~ ~, ~ ~;', '~ t.
.. ~ - ~,eim as 'the time and
' t::_c~::. :;'er a 'r:>u:::,.! ~.c i car'if:..-: .... o~ ~,:.~7~,::~matter of suct"~ vacation, abe:n-
!-,7::, .:::u ch pro po:;c,'": v-'t"::t loft., c:~'L':;~ndo~'~r:"~ent and closing to pub! ic
:. 7: ~ .:.,: 5'[ ¢ -rns ';:-':~r'~c'i':.o :<,.o :::{: Fva ~ fo.n. ,.;ho~: ': ,:':'; not. be vaca tecj~ aZ>an done '
C, .: ? (!. C i:: r,~ .p C; F ~ ] O ;-. '::' '~ r',. -' :~- '-- .:
':: '; r' <.: u 2. :. t. ion, ;)r4nt. c.j, ~",~.~.17,~ i,-.'v',~:'d an.;..'~ c:'rc,,iatca in the City oz
7i: ~ :-' :~: (':: :;. r,-~, C, ~' ;: ;') :7" C," ~.'~ o Lv, {;. :.~, ~_ { '-~',.~ ~',; .....
:3, b.y c,.7.~d rc~3(: it:,t~o:": :;aid City Council directed
thc ;:.,a:-:::.r.:?.{':~'~. c::? ::.s.id :' :c so lu t i on s~-I of the time
i':<~ar'ir~f.~ (:,'~ ti <-: ;:':' z: + t. .. r o:6 the .... vacation, abandon-
c t.c ;':,ui:;7 t<7 ,~
"* ........ . ., .u
L. ,. , ~'~: ::;:: "{ iT: G C': Q:,7 ~:.;c:: ~'~.,'
........ at~ou 2~op. osed to ~e vacated,
than t. hr e~z- (3) such
:~,.3n_! '~' c :,-, -..' £cc t apart,
the 7th dsv of January,
:~,i:~a~'~Xoncd s~, closed, to ~ublic
for :.,r<:':~nt or :::rc'~7'.ec~ive ro~d purpose~ and that an
..................... u c tv' t. b e
iT i:~ SOi~/-E.,'_~ i)5, thc City ,~ouncil o£
:. {;"h~t i.~ .Sir,,;J{s tlr'~c rccit,~:.s hereir,~b~xfore set forth
ir.d" i'ro.rq ail thc ::_:vidcnce: subn:,itted that
'tit; ~-,,onc~o .:.~eservat ion described in said
for -;',r,~:s n.' or- prosp~:.ct, ive public purposes;
said oortion or cass-
a otearns Rancho Re'-er-
al?:~ndonc, d and closed
~,. Titat saia z:,o?tioti o2 casem.¢nt for road purposes, to
' it., -' :.::;crtfou of ::. St,:.~arn:.': R'anchc q'~'~s~:rvation, herein order~;~d vaca-
u ......, ~ .... a r~. d o :i c c J~ n c c i o ~ c { t o [.:': u ?:, i i c u $ c i s th a t. pop t i o n d c s c r i b e d
~-' :_~aic Resolu*io::'i {'in ':'-:'7'.-° , i~ s~ tuat. ed in +l'ie City of Anaheim,
.... c~:r':ty of Orange, :::,tatc cf (;o!ifornia, and is n:orc particularly
thc ,ooutt~t, rcst q'uarteF of the
~ , ~-,:; r, Range
inn iot,~ns ..... '.~. SOU.~ ~
'~' ion de oanta .Aha, as
City C~crt~ be, ,=
~? a certified copy
C'~'icc of the County
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Gle.rk of the ~Cit¥ of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-1 was
introduced and adopted at a rec3ular meeting provided by law~ of
the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 7th day of
January~ 1964~ by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-1 on the
7th day of 3anuary~ 1964.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rny hand and
affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim, this 7th day
of 3anuary~ 1964.