2585 W. La Palma Ave. , TYPE OF PERMIT Tenant Improvement (Limited) CITY DATE: 3/16/2005 JOB ADDRESS: 2585 W LA PALMA AVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION:' P BK 45 PG 6 PAR 2 . ,<~f.':;:;~~:'j';,. #" ; .~.' _~... A' \'" [>.0/ '''''-,>;'-: i: '.~~~~?\. ,Y~;'M~HEIM . ,~J~-,!,,, \\ ' -"'~-. ""~fil' .' " '" ...;;,' :)[...'4(: .I ~Jt.'" '.-.~~,,~;;/ ~O' ~:_./1)\/^ "'~"t;i-~~;:/ BUILDING DNISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD,,' (714) 765 05153 INSPECTION RE;QUEST LINE: (714) 765 0 4626 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2002-03223 .~ CENSUS CODE: 437 QUARTER SECTION: '24 APPLICANT: All DOGMETCHI OWNER INFORMATION: "_ Tosdo Corp '02585 W La Palma Ave ANAHEIM, CA 92801 0000 , , ' ", JOB DESCRIPTION: Tenant Improvement. Convert existing service station ir:lc a food mart and "install new parapet. (Separate permit required fOI" light VALUATION:' sta~HliH:&~enew permit for sixmonths to expire 9/15/2~05) PROCESSED BY: ,SAM I OWNER-BUILOciLDECLARATION I hereby affirm under: penalty of perjury that I_am exempt from the Cbntlactc:i'~ License Law, for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions:_Code: anydty or .county which requires a permit ~o-eonstruct.'flf;,$-J,,:irYji)rcve, d~rtlolish or,repair any !Structure, prior to its issuanc~, 'alSo requireS the applirontfor such permitto file asigr:red statement that he iSnl':,~,lsed p'ursL!ant to the provisions ofihe COlitractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section-70aOof DiVision 3 of the Business a nct Prof8ss!~>ns,Gode) or that he is e;~empt therefrOm and the basis for the all.eged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,.5.by any spplicant 1ar a pe:-mit sub\ctts the applicC'lnt to a civil ,penaftyof not more than five hundred dollars . -' . 't ,. , .~"OO), " , ',' .' , .. I, as oweer of property, or ~lY ~mpioyees Wiih wagos a, thei;- sole cumi!,~:,-18.StiOn, wilt d? the work, and the str~j9tur(:: is not intend, ed:oroff~red for . a. (Sec: 7044 Sl'!';:dness and P~of~ss!0!1S Code: TheContra(".i.o!"'s:~:(,€jJ.::;e,i!~~.'1 c!ee,f) not apply to an owner of propertY' who builds 01' improves hereon, and whodc?5. sudl work hirnsl':lif or herself orthrql.gh hj~ or j'l<:'r O'f"jl;'~l11p!oye(;s; provided that such improve!t1entsare uot intended or . . offered for sale:, U; howaver, thebui!tling or lmpruyement-is Gold witncnc- ~.;;)~ of -:ompletivr;, the owner-builder will have the 'burden of proving that he did not'build or improve fertile pl;tposeQf ~ie}. I'; o I! a8the O\</ller cfthe prop~rty.a: ex~~\vely cont . y ith'!ie;ensed ~~)nt~'aci:(;rs lOi::Oiist(llctth~~ project,(S9c. 7044'SLI.ein~ss aDd. Profess~ons Code:,_ The Gontr~ctor's ,License: ~..olir ~~., -~ne1. a,pp. , al1.owne:-of P(O~rtY!Nho bu~d~ m improves ih!'lf€lOI1, an::!: W:'IO ~.o~tracts iar such projects with fL~ontractor(s) Hc?r.sed, purSiJam ~ . ';3 '7'< tr'lq. ;' uce~~f: La~/).' , \" ". .' . , . LJ .13m'i:>ver"pt 'inde,' S~~ " ,.... "'or ",'< r"''"'.;'''r.' " :"".'" ~,:' -' -'-:::: .. ':. "', ~/,.....,. .r..> ,.;..",,~.....1., ~f_-'-~-""":;"""~----,"';"-'-----'"--"':---':'"-:---~'- Delle:. _~', 0 ler: ..' " __;______-:-__._____'-----.".,~______ ~_o MP 1 ,-:..nON DgCL,\R~TiON --::'-C===_--l r, l!CENSEU CCNTRACTORS DECLARATiON"'l i hereby affirm ufld.r;r pene:ity of perjur)' one of ihe following dec!aratjolls:' ,i' ... ~I' Chel'eby affirm Vnnel pen~~lt/of'periury that: arT', . o I have arid .w'n:l m:Etintain a ce:iiflc.ate vcf consent to .ooiHnsu;:e for \.V(lrke,.'j ~cri:!')ens~t1,)n,' Il~ensed ~ncer P~6\'is:d(.\S?( chapter 9 {c~me:TCing CiS :Jrovided f,or bf,$,ectiO!'l 3~'OO of tne Laber GOd,e, fOi tt",E' perforrn;;mo:; c,fYhp," ......f:)M~ fur Which, I' W:}h'S9~tIO!) 7000) of DI\'Slcn 3.cHi1e ~SltlesS and this permifis lsSflec.L. .1 . P!"9fess1ons elide. D ,I have a~ ~ijll::-)aintain worker's compensctlo:-: jr,s~r::!:f"I('e, ~s !"e'quired b} S~'(;ti!Jn 3700 of. 3/16/2005 th~ Laber Coee; fQ(the performar,ce ot the 'hc.rk for whjch'~h:$ pf,)rrnit is !~su<kl Myworker's I Date: ,Compensation jn~~j"ance carner and "po:!oj are: ,', ~ I ca:rier: .:..-, , . Poli,cy i'~Umbt:r:t..' 1- NUMBER jhiS S2Ction neetl root be- compl"lted if the permit i::. for one n...l:-ldred dollar~ (S~?~ ',::r 1<;:;5. 'TYPE , i certiff that in the pE".rformance of the work fOlwhich this 'p3r:rllt!sissu~.~, ! 1;<~U!r(;(lt I ,_m, PIO,y any person,,~ in;:i qy rnanner so as to be.come subject to the "'\'orkell~'c6:r.,pe, i1BBt:C,n ld-WS ~ ',' ofCalifomia; anc'3gree that if I,should become su .ectl~~rker's com;:'€;...sa;i,~, --'--..M__ ~rO,YisiOnS of Se"ii"n 3700 Ofth, eLab ~Code, I ,all fO/:Z~;' _,'.' :_' f':;<:; cro\!isio:"\<i. ,e~:],~,tT~cion Types: 'Date: 3/15/2005 " Appiicant:. ~-''''''.7f:9;{ . '/-".... "':'_--._~__J Fire Sprinkler~d? WARNING: FAILURE TO SECUR W KE S OMPE A ON COVEP.f,GE IS 'I Number of Slaries ' UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL, SUBJECT AN EMP 'fER l' CRIMINAL PENMiTlES AND CIVIL U Araa: FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR ($100,000)" IN ADOil1ON 10 THE 'I ' COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVI ED FOR IN S~CTION:;706 OF THE' LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, I I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY , I hereby affirm under !;>e!lalty of. perju,ry that ~h~re 15 a c~pstructiml ,~~;n$ af;~ncy for the l r..~.."ri:"l.".'T'~I).(",;L2f_~b~vnry_._.fcc..I__''1!d"":...1IJ!S_;Jen!1:J is:t.F.UE\d tS_~c;30~7 .CIY :-~\L. i . '>._-_.,,,,:., -~--+.-,~t--__-,,';-..... Lender's Information: CONTRACTOR INFORMAc:ION: , . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION:) Contracto'r - :::XPIRAT:O~; DATE 'NO 1 1,004 Oat.,: 3/15/2005 . Fees paid for Permit: Total: 1,039.36 INSPECTION RECORD . INSPECTION . '.DATE' INSPECTOR. . Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (Dr.iinlWaste Pipe) . : Electrical Ground Elec.trode/Ufer . SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings). . .... Do not install slibflqor or pour floor slab until the . .. following applicable items have been signed; Plumbing (Water Pipe.SprinklerValves) Mechanical (Groul)(lwork) Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compactlon/Membrane.Reinf. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) : . 00 not cover or conceal the work below until the , following applicable itemS have been signed: ,. . ' 1 st Floor Shear . . . . , Fi.eSprinkler (Rough) .' 2nd Fioor Shear. .' , RQof (SheathinglDiaphragrn'FrlWlle) , Masonry (ReilifJBond BenlPr~l"O\It) '. . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical . .. Rough Bectrlcal ,... y all) . Rough Elec;ir'C31 . .' Framing {Only afterPlbg.. Elec., Mech. and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) Donat tape or plaste.r until the following applicable items have Ileen signed:. . . . Drywall .' :.... Penetrations (Fire. Rated) Electrical . '.: .' PeIletrations (FIre Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . . 'Interior Lath " Exterior Lath . . 'GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . . T-Bar Electrical T -Bar Mechanical '" . ' . T -Bar 'Structural , , . Sewer . . . . '. Water Engineering Baekflow. . Water Service' Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mec.hanieal Final, Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765,4040 Water E.ngineeri"g 765-5268 sub'List/BusinessLieense 765- Zoning 765-5139 Building Final ILastlnspection. Only.. '211t.fO .' Mer Above Complete) ZIP!' PARTIAL .INSPECTIONS Bui/dina Inspections cr-\-Il-'-t E-,L-~ -;J:t4C"~~;; ....~,.. . ...... .' MechanicallnsDections .......&. . _~,,;.. '. .. ~.~.. ~'R>\""""~ f<S'I'--iJ-.~~ ~~1 ~ , Plumbhia Inspections Electrical Inspections . ~ . . ',,," '-". . ~, .; CERTIFICATE' .OF' '.' OCCUPANCY, '. .; '.' City Of Analleim .. " . This struciuJe ha$b8e~inspectedpursuimttothe . .Jheeityot Ari?-~eim., '. .... '.' .,.. . .... "'~ Any chll.nge in the Character 01 oCClJpancie' ~. :group'oIMcupancies requires a new Certi aPA .'.;.' ..,',: .'. ~.. , DESCRIPTlON'OFOCCUPANCY:.. . .' . - . IT: Bl02002-03223 . . EA: 1,003' ".OCClJPANCYCLA,SSIFlCATIPN:M . .. ..NOe Of STORIES: .' .'. 1 . CONSTRUCTIONTYPE:,.V N . .'BUILDINGOWNER: . BUILi)ING A,DDRESS: DATE OF ISSUANC7; '. PR.. OCESSED. BY. : Mary Montgomery .' .... .'. ... . '. '. ..' OFFICECOPY ,,; , . . . . . . . . , .. , .-' '.' '" .' .-, ......~' f!}11 '. ..' .' v ,'.' . '.' . --. - ". '. -".,. ,.', . - -'." . . '" IL~fl'" . . /' . . .: 'JUUEASEAY,C ..' '.' . BUILDING'OFFICIJi' ,~ , ' , . :; ..... , fbldc~fo ' ,,'. :.-,- "