300 S. Laxore aUILDING PERMIT NO. BLQ2004.02427 TYPE OF'PERMIT '~lockwaIlIColumns CITY DATE: 611412004' JOB ADDRESS: 300 S LAXORE.ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION:' N T~ 2655 LOT 55 L""" ,C",,- _,(~~~:'~i ':,,';--~f~'~ f:' .~<.,~ ,0'- . '__>~~\C.;'\" . . /;." .,,*~\,., - .' T~';"'" i ElM ,,';. ~ 0'" _ .\ _ , . - , , \ . :id1(l /I \~ :!l:';,';"~/ ~~ .~}(~,/:;;f)/ - . BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765" 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714)765" 4626 CENSUS CODE: . 434 QUARTER SECTI.ON: 13 APPLICANT: SONORA DE VANCE OWNER INFORMATION: ' CONTRACTOR INFORJv.hION: ARCHITECTIENGINEER INFORMATION: Sondra Vance . 300 S Laxore St Anaheim, CA .92804 , ' . ' JOB DESCRIPTIONl>uild new 71 lineal It of Blockwalk 6ft hi9h per City standar!s, VALUATION: 1,704.00 PRCCESSED BY: HRO I OWNER.BUILDER"DECLARATION,': I .J hereby ,affirm under penalty.of perjury that I am exemptfromlhe 'C.ontracton~ License Law fot the following, rea~on (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions pode: a'ny dty or county which requires a permit to canstruc,t, 'a~~<!r,. improve, dem6lisho"r r'ep?ii"'any structure,' prior to its iSsuance, (:1150" . requires the applicant for such permit to fllea signed statement that he is H?t>:lsed pu'rsuant to the-,provisions of the Contractor's License law.(Chapter . 9)(commencing with. Section 7000 of DiviSion 3.of the Business_and PrcfF:ssivr.S Codel.or~hat he is-exempt therefrom an~ the basjs ,for the 'alleged . exemption, Any violation of Section 703:1.5 by any applicantfor a pf:::rmitsub" .~~cts the appliGant to a dvil pena,ttyofnot more than five hundred dollars' ~O?)~s' o~.n.~r 01 p~operty, or my employees wil~ wages as. their $0. I,;comp,"sation, Wi;1 dot~~ wor~. 'a~d. the stru. ctur~ is no, t intended ora. ffer~~"fof .' ~(Sec. -7044 Business and Professions Code:, The Contractor's License law does not apply to a"n owner of property who builds or improves , thereon" a(ld.who ,does sum wOrk himself or herself o,r through his or her OWn employees, provided that such improvements are not interi~fect or. , ' . . offered for sale. If.however, the building or improvement is sold with one ye:l. of completion, thE? owner-builder will have the. burdenof proving that he. did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). . . , .'\, o ",I, as, the ownl;lr ofth~ property, am eXdusively' contm~ing with licenser. :~.~:Jt"actors,to construct,the project (Sec. 704:4 BusineS~s and Professions Code: -The Contractor's License .Law oes not apply to an owner' of property :'(ho builds or i~proves thereon, <'lnd whooontracts,for sum projects-With ~Qn.tr.adOr(.S) licensed pursuant-t<)-t Contractor's_licenseLa)..' ' ' . I am exempt under Sec. " fa Date: 0 -"( -'O'f Owner: } . WORKER'S CO ENSATION 0 C RATION .____ I hereby affirm under penalty"6f perjury 0 ofthe following declarations: o 1 hitve and will matnt~in a certificate of oonsent to self~insure for worker':.~ cotnp~~sation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of th,~work: forwhich this permit 'is iss.ued~ o "haye and will maintain worker's compensation lnsu~nce, as required b~' S.ection 3700 of the labor C.ode, forthe perfohnanc-e'of the work for which this ,permit, is j,ssl.l.;:d. My wprker's CompenSation insurance carrierandpdliey are: Carrier: Policy Number:: I I LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION j hel"eiJy Z!ifinTi undor p~n.altl of perj~I)' t'1:3t I am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with Septicin7000) of Divsion 3_of the Business,and P.rofesSions' Cod e. ' 61141.004 Date: Contractor' NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE ,This section need not be completed; if the p~nnit i~ for one hundr~,.do'!ars,($.1~1j, Or less,_. '0' certify that'in the: performance of the work for which this permiUs .i~ue,j, I shein not. . .. employ any'person-in any manner so as to become subject to.the workets-;:;cm!13ns,~tlon laws of California, and agree:.that if I should 'comesubjed to theworker's com~'f'~-a_ti~,n proyisions,of Sectior}' 3-700 oft-hoe l~bo G>de, I. hall fo ply .withthase prr;j\iisions:<.. Date: ,611412004 "Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT EMPLOYER TO CRiMINAL PENALTiES AND'CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED 1HOUSAND DOLLARs ($100,000), IN'ADDl1loN TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR INSECflON 3706.0FTHE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ::' I 'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY. Ih~rebyaffirm under penalty of perjury that there: is a constructi(}r:trencf1nij cqE{:~y'fqr,the.. . }-'t::,..fvIIHd:IIQ, vf~[11; JV~i" iul Wilili, mis penna is iSsU~d (Sec.3wi .Civ.GJ: .,--~----" "-~~< , Lender's Information: . , TYPE Construcjon Types: VN, , ' Fire Sprinklered? NO .~-.:.' "- ". , ,,' , ' -' 'lcertify that' have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree tooomply with all city or~inances and- state law$ relating to building construction, and . he y authorize represen~ives of this city toenter.upon the'above mentioned property for ~on .pu ses. Date: 6/14/2004 Fees pai~ for Permit: Total; 101.93 u f P. can orAgen Th ermitshaJl expire liy limitation 'and become null andvoid if the building or 'work lias not passed final inspeCtion 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work.' INSPECTION RECORD ..... ' . , INSPECTION . . DATe INSPECTOR T einporary Pow.r- Pol.. . '.' '. . . .. Plumbing (DrainIWast. Pip.) '. . . ' . , ehlctrij:a/GrciUnd Electrode/Uter ,,'. ' , '. ' SelballklFormsfTrenChl!S (Footings) 'l,.'\~ Vin.L _ ' . Do nOt install subfloororpour floor slab until the. . : following applicable'items have been signed,: " , Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) . Mechanical(GrOUndworl<) .', ',' . , . , ,'. Electric;al(Undergrounll Condu it) .. . . Pte-slab (C(lItlf)alltioniMembrane.Reinf. , '. :, Unclerpinning (F100rJOistlGirtlers) ,.' . . Po. not cover 0' conceal the work pe,ow until the . 'following applicable items have beensign~d: " , ; 1$tFloo.r Shear ','" Fil1lsprinkler. (Rough) " . .' . , 2nd FIOC)r,Shelir' ' . . . Ri:!of (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) ", -- M3$onry (Reinf./Bond BeamlPre.Grout) "" . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . . , Rough Mechanical ' : . Rough ElectrIC ,'walll, " Rough Electrical . . Framing IQolyafter Plhg.. Elec...r"lech and Fire) . . In,sulation'($ou1ldlEnergy) '< 00 not tape or plaster ,until the fo/lowiRg applicable .' items have been signed: . , ,,' -', '. Dryyiliil : '. " " , ' . Penetrations (FiteRated) E,lectrical ' penwations (fire Rated) Mechanical ' Penetr;lians (Fire Rated) Plumbing . , . Interior Lath .... , ..'.', .. . I Exterior Lath -- '" . , .. '-- ' ',,: ' GENERAL ITEMS EicI.tior Plast.r (BlOWn Coat) .' ' '. ,T -Bar EI.ctrical. .. , , '. T-Bar Mechanical. , " , : T-Bar Structural" , , ' . , ' S~.r " , . ..' ..' , , Water Eriglne.ring BackflolN . : . Water Servic,,' -' '-"',-. " .' flNALINSPECTlONS ' Electrical Final Plumbh,g ,Final Mechanical Final Gas Test Engine!iringlGrading Final 765-6126 , Fire Dept Final 165-4040 Wat.t Engineering 765:5268 Sub Lisl1Business License 1SS;5,19 Zoning 765'513~ Building Final [La'tln,pectic'n, Only . . " 'After Abov,e Complete), .'PAlnJAL INSPECTIONS. Buildinolnspections Inspector Date, ,~ .'. . . . Mechanical Inspections . . ' Plumbincrlnspections . Electricaf fnspections