115 N. Lindsay St. ~. ...':>._-~~.. TYPE OF PERMIT Re:.3identiarAddition . .. . . .,. (itt);~,5:i~~~: . . CITY ~%,~~.j,ti~fI ElM . \::1.~:;?~~<~~.~.-~;;/ ~,;",', '.': , BUILDING DIVISiON 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLiNE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: .39 5U:l,DING PEi<,.!IT NO. BLD2G04-01848 DATE: 5/19i2004 JOe ADDRESS: .115 N LINDSAY ST LEG,^.L DESCRIPTION: N TR 1851 LOT 34 APPLICANT: GAHY MAl OWNER INFORMATION: GARY MN 115 N prldsay S'l . Anaheim, CA 92a01 . -J<?B,DE9CR!PT!ONA,ddi.tion of(2)-bedrooms,.(2) balhro'oms, a"d-a kitcr.en to\; SFD. (HIH) ,VALUATION: - 69,:,52.00 I_ I . . OWNER-BUILDE";9.l;CLARATION I. hereby affirm-under pei''lalty of perjury' that j'arn exempt from the C0i1tracto:-'~1 tic,ense Law'for the following reason {Sec. 7031.5,Business and Professions Cede: any City or.,ccufltY,w~lichrequires a permit to constru~t;,'::h.;'l,i', i;nprove, demoHsh or repair any structure/prior to ,its issuance, ,also requires the app'licant for such permit to file, a signed ~tat,emetlt that-he;~ Ir("~;~::.;e9 pursuant to,the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(comrr.encing with Section7QOO of Division 3ui the 8usille.c:;~ and ,.Pr::l_'1ss:.:'\:;s',Co~e) or,thaU'16 IS exempt therefrom and the basis for the al:eged ' [e;;~):;()n. A:1Y Yio"lation of Sectio~ 7031.5 by an~ applicant for a p~frnitslj;:.t~0.:$' tlif:: G;p~11ic,ant to a dvil p~nalty of not _more th~ n ~ve hund,red dollars "I, as o'J,'!1er of property, or my employees with wages as theirscit~ c.or!lpids~tion, will do the work, and thestruct~re is not intended or offered for ie {S~~c:. 70_44 au~iness and Professions Code: The Ccntrack,r's UC€:T:~~,~)!~.; 'jries not applytoan owner of. property who builds or irnproyes ' thcreon,and-who'dces ,such Work-i1imse!f or herself or through his O~ hG~ ':....;.f~r.lp:0yees,provided th;at such, improvements are nof ,intended or offered for sale. If, r1owever, toe buildingor ,improvement :s solCl with 0:ll= yc;y-ofcompfetioll, the owner~builder will have theburdeo of.proving that he. did not buiid or improve fOI th~ purpose of sale). '. i! , _ ',' . ..'. . .' . 0 I, as th~C!wner oit~IS pfoJpert'j. am excit..:;1'.1:-:-!Y COr';'fcl(.~:ng wlth ncer.se~f}i":!.f<;:q-ors'to constf.llct the project (Sec: 7044 8usinessand Professions ~od_e: The ~ontracto.r'sUC€!nse' Law.does not apP~i t6 an-ow,~'.~:' orp..op~:t,y, tt:" b:.HIC:::3' 'Jr,i-;nprcves thereon. and who,cont,racts for such projects with ~ontrac!:or(s)llcensed,pur$'..'::lnt to the Contractor's License 'Law), ~' ~l~ am exemptunde, se~wne~- Jr'~ this. ,,,.',r: ~-* [, ... "WCRKER'SCO~EN~E~LARATON~__._L. 1 I. h~reby ~ffjr~un~er,pe~ai~ of perj~ry t)n'~C)f ~he following de~larations:. _ i ; [J I have_end Will malntalna ce~ilficate of mnsent to ~elf-JOsure fer ......or!<cr'f;COm?~riSatlon. as provided for by 8.ection 3700- of the LaborCode, forthe performanoo oft;~ ......orl< for which this permit is'i5sued." .' _ ';- 0,' havB:_and will maintain worker's,co'!lpensation ir.r,uranco.'as j'c.quircd t):~ Section 3700. of the ,Labor COdEl' ff)_r the performance of the.work tor which ihis p.en:u!t is iSSt,E-~. Mywerker's <::XllpenSl3tion ;r13~,ralice carrier and poHcyar,e:. .1 ,-,arner: Policy Nu mber., I This section need not.be ..:Omp'leted if the pennit i$ for one .hundroo dollars (~1CO;;vr less. [] r certify that in H.le perforrnane;e of the work for which this, pennil;f, i.s::.,:ue.), ': snail ~ot employ any person in any manner so as ',0 become subject to the #orkers t:(;npensation laws of Calitom'ia-"and, agree thatii ! shoul:~ become subject 'tr:l th.e worker's co,n:~e:'133tion-'- j)rovisiofls of Section 3700. Of the Labor Co e,l shaH fort with comply With ~~~~:,e provisions. , . Date: 5f19/2004 Applican ._,,~;... . WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER' COMPENSA ON C(iVE;.l:,~E.'S UNLAWFUL; AND. SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAi'qf;S AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000); IN AiX;,,,ON TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FO" IN SEC~iON3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES,. . I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: . I ' ' CONTRACTOR INFORM?',TlOI'I: ARCHITECTiENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: CAL LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I I h~reby affirm uriderpenalty of PEilrjury that I a~ licetlsed under provisions 'Jf chapter 9 (commencing wlth'Sectlon-70DD) of Divsicn ~'fc.ithe Bus;n&~sand Professil;ms Code. 5/19/2004 Date': Contractor NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE TYpE Construcion Types: VN; , Fire Sprink]e~ed? NO i hereby affirm under penalty-of perjury that there is a constructionle,iiding ac'''ncyfor the performanq3 cf the work for which this permit is issued (See. 309T.Ci-: .C). Lender's InforfTlalion: .' "'-4 I.c_ertify that I have rea_d-this a'pplicatiqn and stateth.at the above information i.) correct. I a'gree to-mmply with all city ordinances and state laws relatfng, to building copstruction,-and . hareby'authorize representives of this dty to-enter uponthe above mention~ propertY_ for \n,.,ection :ur s. ^ Date: 5/19/2004 Signa e of Applicantor Ag nt The permit shall e ire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days fr.QIll the date of pernlit issuanCe. A , new permit is ,required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for p:errnit: .Total: 1.106.93 : .' IJIISPECTION RECORD .' . FINAL INSPECTlO~$ . " Date . Inspector I. .' INSPECTION . . .' " . ElectriCal Final , .' , . "tiMOr' DATE . . INSPECTOR " ,eu. ,- ~. Temporary Power Pole '. 1 Plumbing .Final . . , rl\{~\of A., ,. . Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) . . . . 'tfz,1l0( "1 Elecltical GrOund Electrode/ur~ . . Mechanical Final . ,:,. . 1.'tt~1\qJ Selbackli'ormslJ"renChes (Footi '. Gas Test .. . , . 1hu."" Do not install subflOor or pour floor slab until the '.' ~ -. Engi.......ringlGrading Final 765-5126 '. fOllowing applicable' items have been signed' '. '/ .. . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Fire Dept. Final 76!l-4040 . . ;( '. '. r.lechanical (Groundwork) .' . . Water Engin....ring 765,5268 ", ., . . I !:Jectric;aJ (Undergr.ound Conduit) .' PI'e-slab (Compaction/Mflll1br3l)ll.Reinf. '.. Sub i.istlBusine~sLicense 765.5,19' ,l)1r ~'lPWf V Underpinning (l'IixlrJoiStlGinlers) , . , , ' . Zoning765-5,t39 ' , , . " . , ~4/Z710 ... "I " ,DollOt cover or conceal,thework.below until the .' , " Building Final . ~ast Inspection. b~!~~ ~'.'.. 'followingapplicable items. have been signed: .,' . '. .' fter Above Complete). ~ r-v-..... 1st Floor Shear '.'. " . . :l'1\1Ii'V' 41L1/I '. PARTIAL INSPECTIONS." ,,' Riespri nJiI"" (Rough) . " . . . 'Buildinalnspectibns ',' " " ' 2nd Floor Shear' " , " , . ROOf ISheathina/DiaohragmlFram!li' ""IIN11' ",.fl. , , . '7>/J.I-tlit FOtff'lJiRtJ-.5 "Ii StAJ5.tiL ~fl--. Ml!!$oor)' (RIIlinfJBond BeamlPre,Grout)' . . .'" , . . 40D/T1Pf'I. "'"Nt.Y: :I/'-'.?,;i < 'Ii ':, . '. ", R!lughPlumbing (Top Out) . ',' , , ' , .. . . .;.b' ..},~ ' Rough MeChanical ',. ~'Zl~~J:"~" '. . lU)\19h t:Iectnc31 II)'... .' " . ..' , ".' ,,' , '. . ..,.,.'C. . . . RoughElectrical' ." . IJ' , . "', . , Framing (Gn~afterPlbg..EleC::f,jeCh.andFire).~"" . '. . .' .' . . . . .. .'. In$Ulation (SoundlEnergy) .' .' . . . '., . .'. . . Mechanical Inspections' .' , Do not tape or.plasteruntiltl1e followiAg applicable ',. Uem.s have been signed:: . . '- .- .', . ,_." .. ." . .'. " .DrYwalf . . '. .. .. '0 . , . . . Pl!rietrations (Fire Ratedi Electrical . . .' . ~ .' Penetratioi)S (Fire Rated).Mechanlcal . . . '. . . . . . P!lRetrations IFire Rated) Plumbing ~ . . . . '. Interior.t.ath ' ..... . '()-/3-u'f . .. Inspections '.' . Eliterior Lath ". .'. n...i-o PlumbinG ., '" .: . GENERAL ITEMS . . . . exterior Ptaster (Brown Coat) '. '. .' T.Bar Electrical . '. '.' '. . . . .. T.Bar Mechanical' ' ' ..... .~ . .. ': . .' '. T.Bar Structural . , . .' . . . Silwer ,.," . '.' . .. .'. . . . . .' " . . Water .Engineering .Backflow .. '. '7 Electrical Inspections Water Service . . .. . -- TYPEOF PERMIT . Blockwall/ Columns DATE: 5/20/2004 . JOB ADDRESS: 115 N LINDSAY ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 1851 LOT 34 . CITY ,,-,..-{;S:' ~_" /"~~~,~~>+-;~-~)~ ' t7.;~ . c ""'"","", //:-.'/$'4 _ .~ ,.;:- ~..;<>\ ~C';i,"KA'(~^"\H" EI M a~~Rt!fM: \\~'~<""'W'l' 'I . . .~ \ ~-:.:_~~~; /I. . '. - '~_~,'1,['~;'_~ : :~<~ // . . ",{:,~_",..,.1 . ~~i;_'_->" .. , BUILDING DIVISION . 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765-5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: . 434 QUARTER SECTION' 39 ) BUILDING PERMIT NO, BLD2004-01874 APPLICANT: GARY MAl OWNER INFORMATION: GARY MAl 115 N Lindsay SI . Anaheim, CA 9280,1 ,: . . . JOB DESCRIPTIONSlockwaU -1581In. It of 6'mhlgh blockwalls, per city stand,,,d spec's. (HIH) VALUATION:' 3,792,00' " ~, I OWNER-BUILDER'PECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am "exempt from the C~>ntractor'}. License Lawfqr the following r~ason (Sec.- 70315 Bu's.jnes~ and Professi~:ms Code: any city or oountywhich requil13s a permit to construct, a!tr-r, improve, demolish or repair'any structure, prior to its iss.uance, also req.uires ttte CiPplicant for.~uch p~rmit to fife a signed s.~atement th~t he.is licerj,sed pursuant to the provi.sions of the 'Contractor's:Licens'e Le.w (Chapter < 9)(commencing with Section 7000 'of Division' 3 of the Business and ProfessiopsCooe} or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged . exempti9n. Any viOlation of Section7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subJ-ctsthe applicant to a civil pen'altyef not more than five hu'ndred doHars ~~l~s ~wner ofp~operty, or myemployeeswlth wages as their sole c~mp,l1Satlon, will do the work, and the structure Is not Intended or offer~d tor ~e {Sec, 7044 Busmess and ProfeSSIons Code: The Contractor's L1cense-L~w ooes not apply to an owner of property wh() bUIldS or Improves thereon, and whodoes -such work himself or herself or through hisof:t-ero'"vrtemployees,. provided that such improvements.are not intended or' '. offer~d.for Sflle.' If, however, the building or imprdvem~nt is sold with one yciJ'1 of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that. he did not build or improve -for the purpose of .sale).:, ' ' . " ,:;', ' . . ' o .1, ,as the owner of the ptoperty" am exdusively contracting with licensed lontractors to construcfthe project (Sec. 7044 Business and ProfessiOns' C'ode: The Contractor's,Licens!=: Law does not apply to an owner of propeity.;.:'t.ho builds or improves thereon, and who ccintracts for such projects with . '.' .- ~ . . . .. >E' ontra~or(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) J. t. . . ' .' ..... .' :, . . lam._ex mp under Sec. ,B & P.C. for t is reaso' _~,' '. . '. -. , '. ate: '. Owner: --=l . " CONTRACTOR INFQRM<\;-ION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: HRO WORKER'S COMPENSA ON D LARAT/ON J ber~by affirm under: penalw of pe~ur'y one 9fthe follpwing i:fecJarat;ons: : o I have .and' will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insu~e for'worker.~t::ompensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code! for'the performance of thJ'work for which this permit is issued. . ". .' , i o I Qaveand will maintain worker's compensatiOn insurance, as requtred bY.'Section 3700 of the .Labor Code; for the performance of ,the work for. whiCh this permit is iSSll~'? My worker's Cot:npensation insurance carrier and policy are: _ : Carrier: . Polley Number. I . j Thi,s section,need not be completed if the pennit is for one hundred dollars ($100:. br ies.s. o I certify that irithe ,perf0/Tl18nce'ofthe work for wh'ict) this permit is issuec, J ~hall n?t employ any person in any man'ner soas to become subject to theworker'sco\n;:ensation laws of CaJ,ifomia, andagree.that if.1 sho'utd' b~come ;>ubject fo the worker's.compehsat[90 - provisions of Section 3700 of the La!x>r. Code, , shaU forthWith mptywith thc~e provisions, . ? ..' . ,. . . Date: 5/20/2004 Applicant' WARNING: fAILURE TO SECURE WaR ER'S COMPENSATION COVER',SEls .... . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAL'c;cS' AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE. HUNDRE;D THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDn1o.N TO THE . COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR INSECT/ON 3t06'OF THE LAB0.R Co.DE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . ;.: COr<lSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY . ': f hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that .there.is a construction-Iend,ing agr~ncy fo,: the performance6f the-work for which this permit is iSsUed'(Sec.3097 .Civ.C): - 'l.ender's Information: LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjory that I am. licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing' with Section 7000) of Divsion.3 of the Busines's and P ro~ssions. Cod e. 5/20/2004 Date: Contractor . NUMBER EXPIRATlo.N DATE TYPE Construcion Types: VN, , Fire Sprinklered? NO. . ,'--- -~, - -' , , - --------......... I certify that I have read this application and ,state that the above information iscorre-.;t; I agree to oomply with all city ordinaJ)Ces,and state laws relating to bunding construction, and hereby-authorize repreSentives of this city to enter upon the abovementioned property for iris e:ctiOn rposes.' . ; ~ { '"l Date: 5/20/2004 Fees paid for Permit: Totat:. 0,50' Slg ture of pllcant 0 Agent .' l11epermitshalJe pire by limitation. become null and void iftheoui/dingor work has not passed finallnspei:tion 365 days from the date of permit issuarice. A new permit is required to Commence or continue work. . INSPECTION RECORD iNSPECTOR . . '. .INSPECTION 'DATE ' , temporary Pow,er Pole Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) . Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer ; ~ SetbacklFormsrrrench"ll"Cl"ooti~ ~/1 'It""'l ~ Do not install subfloor or,pour, ,Ioor slab until the following applicable Items have been Signed: . Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler ValVes) , . . Mechani.cal (Groundwork) " . . . . ElectriCal (Underground Conduit) . pnHllab (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. Underpi nning (AoorJoist/Gi rders) ", " Do, not cover or conceal the work below until the '. . following applicable items have been signed: ' . 1st Floor Shear '. ". Firesprinkler(Rough) . , . 2nd Floor Shear " ',' Roof (Sheathjn!llDlaph~~ illl1E! ' - ,Masonry(Reinf./Bond Be e-G 1M.!.... , Rough Plumbing' (Top Out) I ' . Rough Mechanical . ,.Rough l:IectrlCaI (Dry Wall), Rough Electrical . . . Framing (Only.after Plbg:,t:lec.. M~Gh-.. and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) Do not tape or pla~ter' until th,e. following applicable Items have been SIgned: ',.. , . Drywall . Penelfatiorl$ (Fire Rated) Electrical Penelfations(Flre Rated) Mechanical. , Penelfal;ions (Fire Rated) Pluinbing , . . Interior Lath . " .., . ',' . ' . Exterior Lath , ' " GENERAL,ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . ,T -Bar Electrical . . T -Bar Mechanical . ' . T-BarStructural . I Sewer . . , . , Water Engineering Backflow . Water Service . FINAL INSPECTIONS. ' Electrical Final Plumbing,Final Mechanical Final Gas Test ,Date Inspector Engineering/Grading Fina,765..s126 Fire olip!. Final.765,4040 Water Engineering 765;5268 Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning ,765'5139 Building Final {Last Inspection. Only , tL",,,,,,",,' '", . . After Above Complete, 1/I'II"J PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections Mechanical Inspections Plumbina Inspections. Electrical Inspections , ! \ r; _ N L 1 N D SA'1 ' S c- A TV 1'\ tft \ tv'\. 6A q 2- ~ 0 l r'V=,:..s.""1 'r ~ 801-00 'Rs --1a1)O LANNING DEPARTMENT Af:t?ROVED ~ ~~CT10N~ ~ ~ \1 ("",,\a,,, ) FOOD ZONE .h IS IC DISTRICT REVIEW: N/ A See sta~ilP thiS .pa~e . cle (1ne 0(1 - above Hne EE BUILDING PERMIT FOR ANY CONDl-;\Of~S..__. 'C\ "l:- ~~ 1Allvf- W~\\ Ii\> .s,^(.\M- (::l " ~I'T Gr-e)(? ~r_oo~ ~ +1:\1;; 1:!:!~4\ll,,", 8f 'l'HIS "e;aMI': COES rllCJ't ~~. VtOLATION OF' ANY OF ~ THE BUILDING CODES OF THE CITY. THE HOL-DER OF THIS PEf'lMIT PROOEEDS AT HIS OWN RISK. . ~ MAY 2 0 2004 BUILDING DIVISION OF ANAH 1M Lf....OI~~PPB~OV 04/ ,,' <J .... --- ~ / ....., ~ -~ - - L)O I/E 57: 6.3.27' , \) It) ~ , () \) f ~ .EXIST. /lOUSE. "- 7.0' <t PROP. () \)' "rJ , ~ - . ~ <:::l ........ ADDReSS: .5392 I1/. DOVE ST- LOT 4/ TRA CT I/. 13697