125 N. Lindsay st. ~ ~..--.~ - TYPE OF PERMIT Blockwall/Columris DATE: 5/24/2004 JOEl ADDRESS: 125 N L1NDSAY ST ' , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 1851. LOT 36 CITY , A~;it:!7~+:~,;\ "" ,- . ,,' "J;.~" ,~!,.:..';Zr ,'- "I~"-~~: " , . ~1r\t9~ ElM, \;~!;f~:,}~*rrl , ' , BUILDING DIVISION ,,-':lbO S, ANAHEIM BLVD,' ,-:.," (71M 7GS - 5153 /f'lSPEGTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765-4626 CENSUS CODE: ' 434 QUARTER SECTION: 39 BUILDING PERMIT NO. 'BLD2004-01953 APPLICANT: MARTIN MACIAS OWNER'INFORMATION:, Martin Madas 125 N Lindsay St Anaheim, CA. '9280'\ JOB DESCRIPTION: Construct 68 If x 6'bloqk wall per city specs, VALUATION: 1,632,00 PROCESSED ,BY' MJF L,,' , ,',' ' OWNER-BUILDEF.DECLARATION', ,', " , I he.reby-affirm {mder penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Con'trac:t("~<:;Licel1se taw for tr.e following reason (Sec. '1031;5 Business and P.~f~ssions Code: any dty or county which requires a perm'it.to construct'-a~'~r, im'prove, demolish or repair any structure, plior to "its issuance, al,so ~' requires the applicant for Such permit to file ,8 signed statement th~t he is lic.tnsed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(c6ml11encing with Sedion 700Dof Division 3 of the Busine$s and Profess.ibns Code) or that-he is exempt therefrom and the, basis for the alleged"- 7:t~tion-- Any violation ofSeclion7031,5 by any applicant for a permit sutlects, t~e,apPli?ant to a civil PE>nally pfnolmore than flve hundr, ed dollars .t:ju~, ~s owner of property, or my employees w1thw~ges as thei~- sole cCM~if.n~ation, will do the work;,anct the. structure is n~t intended or offered for :,ale,<$ec. 7044 BUSiness_and Professions Code: The Contractor's-LicensU:'~;tW,doe_s not apply to .an owner of pro perty who bUilds or,improves thereon, an~ who does such work himself or herself orthrough..his or her ov!h elniployees, prqvidedth2ltsuchimprovements-arenqt intended or- offered for S21le.~' If, however; the build-.ingar improvement is'so'ld with one Y4">r of oompietion, the,owner-builder will have the burdel1 of proving'thath~ did no.t build.or improve forthe purpose of sare): _1_ _ . o 'I, as the oWner of the property, am exdushr.~ty contracting with lic.el1se~,;oontract6rs to construct the project (See 7044 Business anq Prof~~ions . - Code:. The Cqiltractor!s license, Law does noti;lpply,tp_.an owner ofprope:rt'l\v~o builds or improves thereor;, and who co'ntra~ts for sudl projectSw:t:h . Bontractor(s) licensed pursuant'~o the ContradfOi"~,_hh~,,~~~:aw), '. j' .'" _. _ . .,.' .laO)ex m unoerSec::, . '. ,:. forth.i.lJre q; 'L- -, ...".. , . - _.~ kgate: "Owner: . .'~. , ',,' ..' WORKER'S MPENS ON DECLARATIOr'I'" '. t~--.l ' ,I hereby affirm ,under penalty of perjury one _of the following declarations: ~. . . . o I-have and will maintain a c_ertificate'of consenlto self.irisureforwor~\e~:scompensatic;::n,- as provided forbySection3iOO'of the Labor Coee, for the'performanre'oft:':.t:. V!t)rK for w:tich this permit is Issued. _.,' -' !. D I'have and wi.ll maintain wqrker's compensation insurance, as re_quirecf t:,'; Se&tio'rt370u-of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which.this permit is 1S5;J~d., Myworker's Compensation insUrance carn_er and pOlicy-are: - . ~ .Carrier~ .' ' P~Ucy ~umbe.r. _ j . Thjf:sectlonne~d not be ,compJete.difthe pennit is tOr one hundred,d91l~s ($10~f~,C!r'les$; ,.':; TYPE B 'I c.ertify that i~ the ~rfofT!1ance'ofthe_work f9r which this permit,is i~~i;:t,J Sh~lih-6j;.';. _' employ any person in any manner $0'215 to become subject to the vyorker's c:{:mp~n,satiorf laws of California" and agree thatifl shou.lc:t become subject to thewort<er.'sconw-':!1S~tion<\' provisiorysof Section 3ioq of the' La bot Code, Is' ith co~pl~'wj ~;~Is~provisi~~_s. CONTRACTOR INFORM.I,\TION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: UC.ENSED CONTRACTORSDECLAI~P'-90N ,', I I hereby aft'irm under penalty:lf perjUlY that I ar:n licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (comr.nencing . :~ith Se"ction70pO) of Divsiofl 3 ofth.e BUSiness and' Professions Code, 5/24/2004 Date: Contractor NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE . ~.~- Date:' 5/2412004 Applicant: ,~'?,. WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE W K R'S C PE, ATION (; VEf':,GEIS ~;" UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PEN;-LTIES AND"CIVIL .- -. ,-', ,'!,' FiNES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000); INAD['P10N 'TO-TftE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIC~' }!06 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, . :,:;-': ",", I CONSTRUCtiON LENDING AGENCY ,:." I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury tha~ there ~ a cqnstructidn lending ~:~eric;Y:forthp.> . pertor,mance of the work for which this permit-is issued (Sec:309.7.Cw.C): ; , -. ,_,~ ~..--ICr'~_I,..._4'~~~:,~:<:,!>:~~.__ . ______ __,_..;~ Construcion Tv~es: VN, , I certify that I have read this a ppiicatiori and s.tate that the above ,information is correct. I agreet9 comply'with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building cl.'nstruction, and hereby authorize rep sentiveS of.this . er upOn the above mentione(l property for in ection Dab: 5/24/2004 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 0.50 gn re of Applfcant or Agent , ,The perinit 5 all expire by limitation and become null and void if thO' building or , wo.:k' has 'not passed'final inspection 365 days from the date of perrilit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue ,work. . INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION . ... ~ATE . INSPECTOR : .'. .... ',. . . , . Tempotary Power Pole . . .'. .... Plumbing (DrainJWaste Pipe) . . . . .' Eleciriciill GroondElectrodefU(er . , . .' .' Selllack/FormsrrrenChes (Footings) .' ~ . . DO not installsUbflootor,pOl:Jrfloor slab until the. I '. fOllowing applicable items have been signed: " .' Plumbing (Wat"r l"ipe,Spril'lkler Valves) . . , . Mechanical (GrOundWorkl. "'-" .' . .... , !:lectrical (Underground Conduit) . .' . P",-slab (~ompactionlMembrane.Reinf. Underpil'lning (RoorJciistlGirder$) '" ,: . .lXll'lbt covet or concealthe work belOW until the .' , 'folloWing applicable items have been signed: .. . , 1 sf Floor Shellr . .' '. . : '. RlBllPrinkler (Rough) , . '. 2nd Floor Shear' . ',. .. . .ROof (SheathII1!llDiaphragm'Frame) . ,..' > . . Masonry (RelnfJBond BeamlPr&-Grout) 1(/"'" '/ R"ughPlumlling (Top'Out) . . ,,"1 .', Rougl!Mechanical . .' r. fl/)ugh 6ectrlC" (0f0I walll ,'. Rough Electrical ,.'. . --:-:',-. Framing (Only aft~rPlbg.,Elec.. MeG.h.. and Fire) . . InllQlaticm(StllindIEnergy) . : . . . Do not tape or.plaster until tile followlng'applicable " i.lems have been. signed::. , . .'. '. .'. DrYwall, .. .' , , '. Penetrations (Fire' Rated) ElectHcal :-c Penetratl'ons(Flre Rat~d)Mechanical. PenetratiOns (Fire RiIled) Plumbing InteriorL.ath , . ". . . . Exterior I,.ath . .'. .:". , , '.' . GENERAl,. ITEMS . . Exterior Plaster (Bl'lM!n Coat) . . '. T .Bat Electrical ,. . 'T.Bar Mechanical ". . ' '.' . . . . '.' .' T .Bar Structural " .' . '. S.wet'. .' : . . . . Water Engineeril'l!l BackfJoiN , .' Water Service .. . . FINAL INSPECTIONS.'. Electrical Final Plumbing .Final Mechanical Final Gas Test ,Engil'l88riilglGrading FinamS-5126 . . . .'. . Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Watet El'Igineeting 76.5-5268 Sub 1..i~tlBusine!,s I,.icense 765~519 . Date >/nspector ZOI'l,ing 765.5139 Building Fin~1 (Last inspection- Dilly . " . ,After Abav.. CampleteL \11;C<J<1.-- . PARTIAL INSPECTIO~S . BuiJdina..lnspections .;-' . Mechanical Inspections PlumbiriQ Inspections .' .... Electrical InsDections'