2511 E. Lizbeth Ave. ~. ,"'_,'c__:._ .'.,'c-__' '-~". ' '_,~......;.;...;.. ,','" .....7 . BL02~04-01454 . . tSif(~*~~~;t~\ C ITY Q:ffi1'ht;-~~H ElM \\ \\~'l~~.;o"d.:;'rci~,~ '\\' .:r.,::y.... ,'t'!;.~~>1-:;~'i;.- /1 '~~~1F,:~;)f -_.,- BUI~QIMG P!iiRMlTNO, '. -~. t'. ....,,' -.,"L'..l"," . TYPE vFPERM1T Residential Addition. . . DATE: 4/29120(14 JOB ADDRESS: 2511 E L1ZBETH AVE BUILDING DIVIS:qN .~ ~oo-s. AN;.\HEIM B!-VD~ . (714) 765- 5153 !NSPECTION REQUEST LINE:. (714) 765 ".4625 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 124 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 4425 LOT 23 APPLICANT: BOB ASACHIKA OWNER INFORMATION: RabeitT Asachika. 2511 E Li<b.eth Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 . . . . JOB DESCRII?TIONEnc1ose existing over hang to create closet i? master bed'f"m. (HIH) VALUATION: '1,700.00 . .0. . I OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury,that.l am exempt from the Contractol~s L}.:::.E,mse Lawtor the fotlowing reason (Sec. 7031.5 Busines:;> and Professions Code: any ,dty or county which requtres a per81 it to construct, al~1r,' improv~, demolish or rep.3\r ~ny structure, prior to its issuar1Ce, also . requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licbllsed pursua,nt.to the, proVisions of the Contractor's.License Law (Chapter, 9)(commencing' with'Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Profes$i?t1::; Code) oxtl")gJt h;~'js E:l>;:empt therefrom and the basis ~orlhe alleged . exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a dvil,penalty of not more thar:l five' hundred dollars ($500). . ....;. . .... . . fll. !, as owner of property, or my empfoyeeswith w~ge~ as th,eir sole comr,~nsation, '!ViII do the wNk, anQ the structure is notinten~:ledbr offered for sal-e (Sec. 7044 Busi~ess and Professions' Code: The Contractor's License lbw does net appl-yto' an owner of property who build:sor.improves .' ~hereon, ,and who does such work himself or. helSslf or throug'h his or her oW~'employe~s, p'rovided that such improvementsarenot-intended Of.. " . off,eredfor sale. 'If,'however,. the building or improvement is sold with one ye;:r'of completion, theowner-bl,Jilder will have the burden of proving thafhe' did'not build or improve for the pUl'Pose of sale). ,:~; , " LJ I. asthe,,owner of the property, am exdusively contracting with licensed ,'corltra:ciors to construct the P{C~.ct (See. 7044 Business and Profe~ions Gode:, The'Contra.ctor's license Law'does not apply to an'owner of propelt/vhoiJuiids or ill1proves,lhereoJ"l.and who oontracts for sl;l,c!1 projects,with ~. . ontractor(~)lice. nsed pu. rsuant to the Contrac.tor's uce~se Law). . .1 ~m exempt under Sec. '. . & P.C. th reason: Date:' -~ -.9 'f . Owner: . CONTRACTOR INFORMf\.T!ON: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: ODC , " ~ I hereby affim\Under.perialty of perjury 'on's of the folt0wing declarations: , ~ . o I have 'and wiJlmaintain a certificate of consent to ~rf-insure for worke,~'~ ~l1mpell::>ation, as provided for by Sectiori.3700 of the Labor Code, for theperformanc;:e oftJ;)~ work for which this permit is issued: , o I have and will maintain worker's compellSation insurance, as re'quireci VI Section 370001 the Labor Cod,e, for the performance of the. work for which this permit is. issu;d. MY-',f,jorker's', > Compensation insurance carrier and policy-are: ' . Carrier: Policy Number: '--Llc~~isEU CONTRACTORS DECLARATION' F I her~by,'affirry1 unde~ penaJ.tY of perjury,that I am licensed under provisioo1S of chapter"9 (commencing with Secti9n ';0000) of Div.:;ion'3 of the' Business an<;l , P~fessions Code. .' , :\/29/2004 Oat€:: Contractor NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE This sectio,nneed not be.completed,if the pennit is for one hundred dollars (.~10(i.) or.,I~~ " o I certify that in th~ perto rrnance' of the work for which this permit is j}sur~.~d.- I ~~.'JJ not:; employ ?ny person in any manner so as to.became subject to.tJle warke.f.s c-~rripei:1~'atiorrlaws, of Califomia, and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's cor.:-.;.~;,saff()n '. , provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,l shall f with compfy'wi!t' t~~SiP;:Ov.isions. " TYPE Dale: 4/2912004 . Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVE~:'\<3E;JS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PE&,.J. f1ES:ANDCI\fIL .' FINESUPTO ONE HUNDRED lHOUSAND DoLLARS ($100,000), INAElDlllON:::tO THE . COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIQroI370~'OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY's FEES." CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Construcion Types: VN" '., FIre Sprinklered? 'NO ~~~~e~,affi~~._~~~~."p:n;lty~f. ~e~j.l~ry Iha~ !~.~,.~ is a ~o~strlJ~~.!io~.1~n9~~fJr-t1~:~cy .f?r-tre ~",.....,"";'I;"":' v. uiC n>,),1'\. ;(u"W.a...11 u"::' ,",l;ilntll~ 1~s.u~U \~ec.61..r;;.( .\...IV.\...): " . Lender'S Infdrmation: I certify that 1 have read this application and state that the above infomia'tlon i~ correct. I agree tocomp!y with all city ordinances and state laws relating to buMingc:ons,truction, and hereby authorize rep~sen ives of this dty to enter upon the above mentloneJ prOperty for . inspectiOn rposes Fees' paid for Perr:nit: . Total: . 0,50 Dat.: 4/29/2004 Sighatureof Applicant or Agent The permit Shall expire by limit~tion and become null and void it thu building or wOrk has not passed final inspection 365 days trom the date ot permit issuance, A new permit is required to commence or c,o~inue work. . INSPECTION RECORD " INSPECTION" ' DATE INSPECTOR Tempor;lry Power Pole' Plumbing (OrainiWa$te Pipe) Electrical GrOUnd ElectrodelUfer SelbaeklFormsftrenches(Footings) -0 Do not install supflOor or pour f1oor,slab until the fo1\owing applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) M!ichanical (GrciUndwOrk) EIec.trical(Underground Conduit) 'Pre-s ab (Compaction/Membrane. ei 'Underpinning (Aoor"JoistlGil!lers) Do ,not cover or co,ncealthe, work beloW until the fo1\owing applicable items have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear Firespiinkler' (Rough) 2nd ,Floor Shear Roof (Sheathlng/tiiaphragmlFramll) , Masonry (R8lnfJBondBeamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing ,(Top Out)' Rough "Mechariical , ,Rough ElectrIC aU ' Rough Electrical Fi'lIrnilig '" (Only after PIbg:, Elec"," MeCh, and F; Insulation (SoundlEnergy) po noltape or pla~ter until the foil Items have bllenslgned:' '"' Drywall ~ (," PenetrationS (,",1'8 Rated) E!ectrical Penetralions,(FireRaled) Mechanical Penetratiol1$(Fire Rated) Plumbing interior Lath exterior Lath ' , -I GENERAL ITEMS, Exterior Plaster (Bra;vn Coal) T-Bar Electrical T-Ba,r Mechanical' " "T-Bar Stnictur;ll Sewer ' , Water engineering ,Backflow Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS "- Date ' ,~.nei 0" r . ~,.;J:r~. Electrical Final, . '11-:1: ..., , )__.";<,, /" I Plumbing Final , (d '" Mechanical Final' ", Gas Test Engineering/Grading F,iilaI765-5126 ' ' , ~" '. ' 4' , Flte Dept. Fmal 765-40 0 , Wate,r Engineering 765'5268 " , , SubListlBu~iness License 765-519 I'~'" ex,e Zoning 765'51,~9 , , Building 'Final *ast Ins~ection. Only: ' i.(/!J"odf' a ~'VA' ' fter Above Coinp/e~l PARTIAL INSPECTIO~S . . . .,.' Bulldma Inspections // Mechanical Inspections . ---~ . . ,-' '. lumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections