3133 W. Lindacita Ln. BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD20ll3-.!l31S'f TYPE OF pERMIT C T Residential Addition I Y DATE: 9/2/2003, .r~-. JOBADDRESS: 3133W ~jNDACITA LN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 2611 LOT 111 ~' ~~S~r:;l~~j~' ~ I ~l-''<i;;t~.J"".. . ;""~. _, ',J '~:\',-~~6~_ . ~'-' i":""~\';4'- .. ~ 'IJ' ':~"),i!liD" '<\H'EIM lv,' _ ~- !Y', '1 )'0 _u OJ. ~' ",.--,' 1" ~,~ ?~~<:~~I{~/ 9(/~~J:.~ ~:',~ 1,:./ ';-~-~~B-..?3-" . BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765- 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765- 4626 CENSUS60DE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 9 APPLICANT: JAMES NOLAN OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORr.1A'I'ION: Craig Zabodyn BELMONT BUILDERS INq 3133W Lindaeila Ln' 6616 SAN HAROLDO WAY,' Anaheim, CA 92804 BUENA PARK, CA' 90620 GiGO , ' , BUSINESS PHONE: 562 4a,~:7888 JOB DESCRIPTION; Add family room and bedroom i' . ~ VALUATION: 38,765,00 \' P,ROCESSED BV: ODe "I OWNER.BUILDER!~ECLARATlON ,--I I hereby affirm under pel1alty of perjury that I am exempt from tt1e Contra:cf.or'~ LicE:ll1se law for the following reason {Sec. 7031.5 Business and:' . Professions Code:ahy city;!)f county Which requires a permit to consti"uGt~ aa!/r, 1:T1proV~, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its' issuance, a"lso requires the.apPlica, nt for sUch, p,errnit to, JlI,e, a S,igned s,tatement t, hat he, is nc~, :,iCSed pur5,ua,n,t tathe PJOVl, ,'Sions of the Contractor's License ~aw (Chap,ter 9)(commencing'withSection 7000 of Division 3 of the'Business and Pr6fess\.'~IS Code) or.that heis exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleg~ exemption. .. Any violationo~ Section 7031,5. by any applicant for a per~lt SU1~!;~t;ts the a pplic:ant to a civil, pen'alty of not m~re th,a ,n five, hundred dO~,!ar~ ($500), ,,"'. ' D', I, as owner ~ property, or my employees with wages as their sore com(xi:'1Saticn,WHI'CJo" the work, and the stru~ture is noti~t6nde~ or 9f(e,et;j'for ' sale (See, 7044 Business and Professlo':ls Cod,e: The Cont~ctor's' Ucens~ Fr'# does not appl~ to an owner of property who ,buIlds ()r Improve~ " .thereon~ and who'does such work hi~elf or herself or through his or h~r oWr,;employees, provided that such improvements are-notintended or . offered for ~Ie,_ _If, however, toe building 'Of improvement is sold with one Yf)~'+- of completion, the owner-:-builder will have the Durden of proving that he didnof,buildo~improve'for.thepuJPos'e-.ofsale), , .. J . _. . " O. I,asthe owner of"the property, am exdusively contracting with Jicense<! ~!:>ntr<3ctors to construct the project (See. 7044 Business and Pmfe.ssions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of propei't'jhho builds: or improv&S thereon, and whooontracts for such projects with ~ontract:or(s) license? purs,uant 'to the Contractor's 'Ucense Law), ~ I am exempt onder Sec: ,B &P.C, for this reason: ----.J,: Date: ", Owner: " I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ~(. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ' ': o -. I have ~nd will n1airitai~ a certifICate 'of consent to self-insure for work'31~!ccmpi:msation, as provided for by'Section 3700 of the labor-Code, for the performance oft!.i~W-ork fo-r wilich this permit- is issued, . [J J have and will maintain worKer's compensation insurance.-as required bY:Section3700 of 91212003' the L~bor Coo'e, for the performance of the work for which this permit is'issue.i,' Myworker's Date: CompensatIon insurance carrier and policy are: ., '_ ", 'Carrier: ' .' PoUcy Number. EXEMF-TJ . ,"" Thi~ s tion need not be. cOmpleted if the 'permit is tor one hundred dollars ($1Jj(~~;C$~" ;:':':)' . I certify that in the perfonnance of the work for w,hich thi!?pe'rmit is 'i~:ll?~,.ij~~:3Ji _n~f" :.',- employ any person in a ny manner so as to become subject to the wor~er's c.?;~ps't.~!~ !aws of Califo mia, _and agree that if,l shou ld beqome su bject to the wo rker's cQmp~ ,1~t!O~rr :\:_',::';:';:; provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Cod , shall forthwith comply With th~.iitl?rQVisio.ns.:" , ' ,', ,) ff-;: ,.-,:.:;" "~''''" Date: 912/2003,' Applicant: - ':'_? it:~"" ',., ' WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WO. KER'S COMPENSATION COIiE~:p,~:\E.)? <: UNLAWFUL,AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOVER TO CRIMINAL PE;NAdiE'SAND CIVIL ': ,FINES UP TO ONE H,UNDRED TI-iOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN AD, :pr~"9N,T"O,.T!;ff COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION: _" ,;:if'm!' LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, , ':> ,,4;}" ,'} ,. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY.":,l;,:,,,' JF . 'I hereby affirm underpenarty of perjury that there is a constructi(),n lend,in,gag-€{:.I\;y.,!,prthe' '?--"'tfl7~:,)~~~ o:.~~he~'..;:o:,~.--fc!'" ~...'h~:h ~'!$'p-::'!'-..:t:~ fsi.:cd{~~c-.;:.~C{)1'.-C;~'.-::'7; .-,----:./--::: ,~-"",;";- Lender's Information: . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: -:=J LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury fhaU,am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000 of D" 'ion 3 'of the Busihess and Professions C <..--........' CQ~dl 'NUMBER 607841 TYPE TYPE 'EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/2004 B HIC Construcion Types: VN, , Frre Spril,kiere'd? L\vin~ Area: NO 576 ,t'''' " I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information i~; correct. I agree to CQmplY with all city_ordinances ar:Ki state laws relating to building cOn.,;-truction, and hereby autho.(. e representives of this city to enter uPon the .above mentioned property for inspec:qo r ses, Fee~ paid for Permit: Total: 1,330.87 Date: 9/2/2003 Signature of Applicant or Agent. The permit shall expire by Iimitati()nand become null and void if the building or . work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is 'required to commence or continue work. 'If --,- ~ INSPECTION RECORD FINAL INSPECTIONS . Date . Inspector , . . Electrical Final 1/_U-o::1 . L'77;/it Ph" . INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power'Pole . Plumbing Final. '. . . . .' Plumbing (DrainlVVaste Pipe) . --,- I-;~!-~tj ~~IZ Mechanical FInal . . .?'/~ .. Electrical Ground Electl'l:ldelUfer , SetbacklFormsfTrenches (Footings) ~"""_.LN, Gas Test . . Do not install subflaor or pour floor slab until th., Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 following applicable itenis.have been signed:. Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) . Fire Depl Final T65-4040 . . . . . Mechanical (Grollndwork) . . Water Engineering 765-5268 I ". . Electrical (Underground Conduit) . Sub List/BusIness License 765-519 Iz~-Q~ .$5.e . P~-slib (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. A . Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) '. 19'7d~ I?T/ Zoning 765-5139 .. . -- . Do not cover or conceal the wOrK below' until tn. , . v/", .. . Building Final ltastlnspection.Only '2?~ /" following applicable items have been signed: ' 1st Floor Shear . . '.' ~t1..?~ _.::...--- ' . . fter Above Complete)'. . . . . . ." . '.PARTIALINSPECTIONS '. ,y . Fi.esprinkler (Rough) Ii' /' . 2nd Floor Shear . ,. ~. SUildi"; Ins=s . . .... '. ..' _. . Roof (Sheathing/Diaphrallm/Frame) i'~ 1\1 ~-.:-'.'-Cf. '.. ..~$ah c)R.~~ Masonry (ReinfJBond Beam/Pr.c;rout) n 'h Rough Plumbina (Top Out), . . . Rough Mechanical . . . I Rough 8ectrICaI (Drv Wall) . .: Rough Electrical ' .' . . '. , .' . " Framing /Only.atterPlbg.. Elee.. Mech.. anqFue) 'iJ-'/603 ~______ . . Insulation (soundlEnergy)'., . I/IIY"",,~ \ . K.... II, Mec:hanicallnspections po nQttape.or pla~ter until the follOiNing4Jp(/1icablel . .tems have been sIgned: . . . I. . . . . : Drywall 'tJ?fl-o;? ~ ---- . . . . Penetrations (Fi" Rated) Electrical v Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical .' . . '. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . -,- . Interior Lath . , . GENERAL ITE~'. .Plombinq.lnsDectlons - Exterior Lath . . ,r . . Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . . . . T -Bar EieclricaJ T .Bar Mechanical . . . . . . T-Bar Structural . . . Sewer . . . . Water Engineerlng.BackflOw . Electrical Inspections . Water Sel'vice . . . . --- --