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903 S. Magnolia
_:.- , 'TYPE OF PERMIT Re;'Qof , DATE: 5114/2004 , JOB ADDRESS: 903 S MAGNOLIA AVE , ~ , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 19;;1 LOT 131 CITY ,l~.~~~~J'i2:~,ti~ . j,"''"'' ..~"'" . c.--/J}: ",~,' . <"~~. ',c;., i",I/W' -', ~....,\;:,....,P,\ ~ilj,r~x~~EIM \. ~~~.~~-)--tT" ,'-" \3~\~~tJ\>~5,li, ~il'~J'j,9 "'"'+-'-'" " BUILDING. DIVIS:ON 200.5. ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECmON RI;QUESTLINE: (714) 765-4626, CENSUS CODE: 434 , QUARTER SECTION: 21 .""" BUILD!.::; PERMIT NO; BLD2004-01726 ;... CONTRACTOR INFORMAtiON: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATI.ON: PROCESSED BY:, PMK LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION t . ereby,affirm under pena,ltyo,f perjury that I am ,Iicens'ed under proVisibns'of chapfer9 (commencing with Sectfon7000) tlf DiV'SiOn 3ofth,e BUSiness 'and Professions,Cope.' . 5/14/2004 Date: '.Contractc?r' NUMBER . EXPIRATION DATE. TYPE C,onstrucion Types: VN, , 'Fire Sprinkl~re~?, NO .~g~~~~~f5r::~:~:):~:0:~;~~i~.'~~F~~/;d d..~~c:!' --'/1'( U LV'"PL- ( Date: 5114/2004 ' Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire byUmitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days, from the date of permit issuance. A "newperrilit is required to commence or' continue work. 0.50 INSPECTION RECORD , 'INSPECTION' , " ,DATE ' I,NSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole' Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) Ekldrical Ground Electrode(Ufer ' " 'S!ltbaeklFormslTr'enches (Footings) , " " Do not install subfloor or pour floor Slab until the', ' ' fpllowing applicable.items have been signed: ' " ,,' " Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) " Mechanical, (GrOundwork), , '" , Eledrical (Underground Conduit) ,Pre-slab (Comp'ICtiOf!/Membr~.Reinf. , Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders), , Do not cover or conceal the work below until the ',' fallowing applicableiterilshave. beensignect:." , 1 st Floor Shear , " Firesprinkllll' (Rough) , " ,,' 2nd FloOr Shear ' , '-.. Roof (SheathinQlDiaphraamlFramel .: iz.-/ R ,Masonry (ReinfJBond BEtamlPre-Grout) " , Rough Plumbing' (Top Oul) , Rough Mechanical, ' " ' , , ' , KOugh~ectrlCaI all) , Rough Electrical Framing . (Only after Plbg.,'Elec..li1ech. and Fire) , Insulall,on (S6undlEnergy) , " , po not tape or pla~ter ,unlil the followirtg apPlicable Items have been signed: ' ",' ' , Drywall' , " .. , " " PeOetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical PenetratiOns (Fire Rated) Mecbanlca! , Penetrations (Fi", Rated) Plumbing , Inlerior Lath' , Exterior Lath, ,', , , " ",," " GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) , T -Bar Eleclrical , , T -Bar Mechanicai, ' , , " T -Bar Structural, " " , , Sewer ' , , Water Englneel'ing ,Backflow , , " Water Service ' , FINAL INSPECTIONS ' Date ,Inspector ,Electrical' Final , , " ,Plumbing Final , , Mechanical Final ' " , Gas Test, , " , , ' ":,:' , Engineering/Grading Final 765-6126 . , . , Fire Depl. Final '76,5-4040 ' ,', " , ' , Water Engineering 765-5268 , ' , Sub List/Business License 765-519 , , Zon'ing 765-5139 , , " " Building Final' ~ast Inspection' Only' ~/",lps /,,><, If , fler Above Completel PARTIAL INSPECTIONS , Buildina Inspections' ' be<ol"'y<:- , L-:'^',\ ""'1 MechanicallnsDectiohs ' ' Plumbinalnspections , Electrical Inspections