23 (6)Jennifer L. Hall
From: Nicholas J. Taylor
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2021 12:19 PM
To: Public Comment
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Conditional Use Permit No. 2021-06106 (DEV2021-00122)
Attachments: Letter to Anaheim City Council.pdf
Importance: High
From: Danielle Guerrero <dguerrero@ferruzzo.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 202110:08 AM
To: Nicholas J. Taylor <NJTaylor@anaheim. net>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Conditional Use Permit No. 2021-06106 (DEV2021-00122)
Importance: High
Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open
attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message.
Dear Mr. Taylor:
Please find attached to this email a letter of support regarding Conditional Use Permit No. 2021-
06106 (DEV2021-00122) which is set for hearing before the City Council meeting on October 26,
2021. 1 respectfully request that you direct this letter to the appropriate parties for consideration.
Thank you,
Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo, LLP
3737 Birch Street, Suite 400
Newport Beach, California 92660
T 949-608-6900
F 949-608-6994
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TELEPHONE: 949-608-6900
October 21, 2021
To the Anaheim City Council:
I am writing this letter in support of Grandma's House of Hope ("GHH") and the proposed
Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") (DEV2021-06016) located at 626 N. West St., Anaheim, CA
I understand a vocal minority opposed approving the CUP for a property in their neighborhood
that, if approved, would help GHH continue to serve a population that is frequently ignored
and discriminated against. You are already informed about the support shown to GHH by
county and state -level agencies. These agencies have already put their money where their
mouths are by continuing to fund the incredible work done by GHH. Instead of listing these
"monetary" votes of support again, I would like to address the impact of GHH on the local
GHH has a developed a reputation as an organization that places a premium on serving those
living on our streets. In addition to the financial hardships that lead to a loss of housing, this
population often faces additional challenges, including undiagnosed mental health illness,
addiction, and unique family dynamics. These challenges often serve as barriers to breaking
the cycle of homelessness by compounding its effect on the individuals.
Some people see these challenges and fear this population. They fear that homeless + mental
illness/addiction/family dynamics will automatically endanger them, their families, and their
financial security. The irony is that undiagnosed mental health illness, addiction, and unique
family dynamics are not exclusive to the homeless population. We know that the
neighborhoods with the prettiest lawns and best holiday decorations are home to community
members with the same challenges. The fact of homelessness does not automatically make a
person dangerous or justify excluding a population from the opportunity to join this
community. An absence of community, however, can and sometimes does make a person
living on the street afraid and desperate in a way that the vocal minority may never understand.
GHH is here to provide that community and change lives, one house at a time.
GHH offers safety and support in a program that not only addresses the immediate (and
sometimes emergent) needs of the participants but further aids them in establishing stability
and independence once they "graduate" from GHH. By doing so, GHH actually enhances the
local community by transitioning many of the participants from a desperate and dangerous
living situation to one of love, support, and, most of all, structure. Without GHH, these
participants lose what might be their only avenue to recovery, freedom, and the opportunity
to give back to the community. What more could the Anaheim residents want than to see that
woman you always see on the comer or that man who sleeps behind the dumpster get clean,
obtain housing, and find employment?
Anaheim City Council
October 21, 2021
Page 2
If you are interested in my opinion, the proper community response to an organization like
GHH is to get behind the cause, not act as one more barrier. GHH takes it upon itself to
"rescue and restore" homeless individuals who are ignored by society. We should all rally
behind Je'net Kreitner and her staff who are truly doing the Lord's work. All they ask is to
not get shut down by the vocal minority who do nothing on their own to help this population
and offer no solution other than "not in my backyard."
I "rally" by serving on the GHH Board of Directors. My parents and siblings "rally" by
donating monthly and for fundraising campaigns. My friends "rally" by donating Secret Santa
gifts for program participants during the holidays and volunteering on site with their families.
On Tuesday, I ask that the Anaheim City Council "rally" by looking beyond the vocal minority
and joining with GHH in its cause by approving the CUP.
Thank you,
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