1817 E. Morava Ave. _.,~---;....,..,..- TYPE OF PERMIT,' CotTY Residential Remodel BUILDING DIVISION 209 S, ANAHEIM BLVD (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 104 ~U;L;;;ij~G PERMIT NO.BLD2003-o4196 DATE: 10/23/2003 JOB ADDRESS: 1817EMORAVAAVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION:N TR 2205 LOT 2g APPLICANT: DAVID MUNOZ OWNER INFORMATION: '[)AVID ,MUNOZ 1817 E Morava Ave Anaheim, CA 92805 JOB DESCRIPTION:Add stucco to front of hoine and rear. CONTRACTOR INFORM.l.TION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER,INFORMA TION: ~, .' VALUATION:, ' 1,,000.00, , ',J PROCESSED BY: ODC, , ' I ' , , ',OWNER-BlJILDE;SpECLARATlON ,", ' I heret?y affirm,u\lder penalty of perjury that I am exempt from .the.,C,Jn~acto:-.~Ucanse Law for the following reason (Sec., 7031.5 Business anp: Professions Code: any dty or county which ,equires z permit toccmstr.uct,'a~~r,';~:l)"lprove, demolishor repaIr an~'strtlctur.e,. priQr to its issuance. also . requires the app!icantfor sudl permit to file a signed statementthat he isi.I~~~~ pursuant to the proyisior.s of the Contractor's UcenseLaw (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business andPr'ofes~}~.:t\~ Code),or that he isexem"pt 1herefromand the basis forthe alleged exemption y, violation of Section 70.31.5 by anv.applicarit for a permit sUQ':1,9ts the a ppJicant to a civil penalty of not more tha n five hUndred dollars W~ " . .3{ . ' .. . I, a~ owner of property. or my employees with wape.s as their sole c(,.m,;;,l?~~iion, wrildo the work, and the $truc.tur~ is not in\enued or off~r.ed for sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Prqfessions Cod~~ The CC:1tractor"s:licenst'"O.:J:v does, net apply to an owner of propel"fy who bllilds.orirnprOves :thereon, and who does such work himself or helselt or thruuQh his or hC:VjW(fe:'n~loyee:::. provided that slIch improvememsare nut intended or . offered for sa . If, however,the: buHd-irlq or improvemt:lnt 15 sold with one lOi'Irof oompletiol"!.the owner-builder 'Niil have the burde.n c.f J:'rovin~ that he di or improve for' the purpose of safe). . . . ,'., ; _ . , as the ov\'ner of the propertY, sIn exdLsively con~!Bcting with 1icensc.c~,,}.~t1tractol"$,to construct the project (See. 7044 8usinE::!s~ anc Professions ode: The Contractor's License law dees '1,,)t apply to an owner of prcpei:Y':~' ho builds or tmpro'.,1es thereon, anti who'ron1.(act':; ior such projects: with ontiactor(s') Ilce.nsed pursuant to the Contractor's license Law). . ,: ,mexemptunderSec.~. ' P.C.forthi rea~Orl: ._~/;:.~___ D'lle'. i._')..lli, Owner: ~~,_ ' _____ WORKER'S C PENSATION DECLARA,.'OlL....:.ji__.--:..., J I h'3reby aff,rm under penalty of perjury one of the following declordtior:s:' j o I h-avu z,nd wili maintain a certificate of oonsant i) Sl9:1f-insure fer wel k€.T;;".;.:.moansatiofl, as provided for by Section 3700 of the lahor C'dde, for the ?6tforman~ cf ~;",_~' "vork forwhi'ch this permit is issued, . ,:.Li o I'have and will maintain worker's compensatic.n !r.Slirancc.as r€::'juir?J !}:/;s~t;.tit.ln 3700 of th~ Labor Code, for the peorformance 6f the work far whi.ch this perrnids !!2'~-..:;~)i: Mywnr~r's' Compensation insurance carrier and poliey are: . . Carrier' . P-Olic.y Nurnt.e:: J LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION J . I hereby at!irm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under :::lrovisions c)fchapter 9lcommencing with Section 7GOO) of Oh:slon 3 of the, 3usiness and, Piofessions COde. 10/23!200S Date: .,ContrClc:;tor NUMClEP. EXPIRATION DATE This section need nOt be, completed if the ~nnit is ~r,one h!)ndi(;d' dollars. ($1 OU} ~j,' !c<oos. 0, I certify that in the perfdrmance of the woridor which !his J'~rJ;lil is,~r>j;~:~?~ \st];311 no: emp!oy any person i,n,any mannerso as 10 be~ome sut~ecnothe \oVof,:ke"~ ~~");*;)c(lsation laws of.California, and agree,that if I should beco,me suoject to the \'vorker's corr:~il~~'alfon provisions of Section 3700 of the labor mb.all fort~:"ilh comply w;!h \:ttP'.~VisiOns Dale: '0/2312003 Applicant: , , /1 r ~ vvr~ WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSf,T;ON CO:J"'fl/'~I::; " UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMiNAL PEN,it''LES AND CIV!L F!NES UPTO ONE HUNDRED 1HOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN AD.1:Ii,lMJ 'fo THE' COSl' OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTI(M,',~1Ss'OF THE U\BOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEOY'S FEES. ' ,;c 'tV" , ; , I, . " CONSTRUCTIoN LENDING AGENCY ,f:ni. I her~by affirm under pen.ahY of perjury that there is a cOQstruction},enq ing 1f:.lri~y for t~e performance of the work for which this pi-.-rmitis,issued (SE:c.3097:Ciy.C): ,;"',,: ,;; L~9.der'slnforrnation: ' . , . l,,~:~ J TYPE Construcion Types; VN, , Fire Splinklered? NC r . ,~.",~,,~-,.. - ~' ~,---,,--_..', I certif\j that I have read thisapplication.af1dsta~e that the aboveinformat~)r; :s':;orrect. I agre~et~ <?O,'mQ! ,with all city ordinances a od st,ate, la wsrel,a,ting to bunding C')Il::Hiuction, and hereb~ a rize representives of this dty to enter upon the above mentioneJ property for insp ~rposes. . t::l/1~~ ~ " , Date: 10/23/2003 . " 19nature of Applicant or Agen . Thli permit shall expire by lirllitation and become null and void if the building or Work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit Issuance_ A new permit is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Pennit: Total: 72.45 . INSPECTION RECORD INSI'ECTI9N . DATE INSI'ECTOR Temporary,Power Pole . . . . . . Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) . .' . Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer' . . SetbacklFormsrrrenches (Footings) . Do not ifll;lall subfloor or pour floor slab until the . following applicable items have been signed:. Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (GrouOdwork) Electrical.(Underground Conduit) Pre-slab(Compacti9nlMembrane.Reinr.: Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) . . Do not cover or conceal the wor:\< below until the . following applicable items have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear . . . . . Firesprinkler (Rough) , 2nd Floor Shear .' '. Roof (SheathingfDiaphragm'Frame) '. , Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-GlOUt) . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical . . . I KOugh t:lectrical (ury wall) . . Rough Electrical . . . Framing: (Orfly after Plbg., Elee.. Mech..-and Fire) Insulation (SQUndlEnergy) . . . . . po not tape Qr.pla;;ter_ until. the following'applicable Items have been,slgned: . . . DryWall " . '. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electri<:al . Penetrations (Fire. Rated) Mechani<:al . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . Interior Lath ,'. . .' Exterior Lath . . . . GENERAL ITEMS . Exterior'Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical.. . T -Bar MeChanical . . . T -Bar Structural . Sewer Water .Engineering Backflow . . Water Service . . . FINAL INSPECTIONS Date . Inspector Electrical Final. . .'. Plumbing Final '. I Mechanical Final . . . Gas Test '. '. . . Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 , . '. Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 '. . '. Water Engineering 765-5268 . . . . Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139' Building Final ~ast Inspection. Only . . fte, Above Complete) . PA~TIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections Mechanical Inspections . PlumbinQ Inspections Electrical Inspections PERMIT. EXPIRED .INSPECTION.... NOT COMPLETE~ DA TE: