1678 W. Palais Rd. BUiLD!NG PERMIT NO. BLD2004-02254 ..~{,~ <;:~>:~'';:~}l''':::'~'} :;. /; .~~f . '-"'>1c ,".\ " . '_/~~~{"""", Y-:~~i.~~:'.\" CITY' ~lic~~f~H ElM .. .'. \':~1ffi;1;~/. . BUILDING DI\lJSION 200. s, ANAHEIM, BLVD, (714) 755 -5153 , INSPECTION -REOUEST LINE: (714) 755' 4626 CENSUS CODE: ' 434 , ,QUARTER SECTiON: 56 TYPE QF PERIvUT Residential AdditiclO DATE: 6/1/2004 JOB ADDRESS: '1578 W PALAiS RD LEGAL DESCRIPTiON: N TR 3840 LOT 32 , " , , , , " 'APPLICANT: EUSTAQUIO 'AGOR OWNER iNFORMATION: . Eustaquio Agar 1 t;i78W Palais Rd Anaheim, CA 92802 ' ,. ,. , '!" ' JOB DESCRIPTIONi'54 s.f. residential rOQmadd'n. (2 bdrm, l' bath, 1 familY .bpm) H I.H, Program VALUATION: . 50,744.00 . " .. '-1-.-- _ PROCESSED,BY: CAL '. . L. .. ,. . ' . , OWNER-BUILD[~Pf"CLAR.i'\TION, " . ' '. ..' . .. ..~ J hereby affirm under penalty of ~rjury that! am exempt from the contraaor}: Lice:lse Law for the folloWiP:J ,eaSOI) (Sec. 7Q31.5,Busiriess and. Professions 9OOe:_ any dty'or county which r~ujres ~ perrnj~ ,to c,?ns~ruct, a;,: (,. improve, demolish. or repair.any struclllre, pr'ior t6it~.jssua..nce, also" "', . _reguires the'applicantforsuch;permit to file a signed statement that heisJiC'=J\.:::ed purs;uant to'the plP\!isions of :he:Co.nt;-actor'~~ic.e~,se LawJChapter g)~cornmencing~ith S~ction 70.0.0 of Divisicf')_ 3 of ~he 8usin~ss3nd?rof!=sS!(~h~ Code) or-tha't he is-,e>~e~pt therefr<?m_an'dthe.ba.~js.for,.th:~-alleg_ed .'. : ~;~~~~iO,~' 'A~~. ViO.l.atiO\l9f S~ctior.. 7031.5 by ~ny dPPfi~~nt f9: aW"Xf'!1i~_sut;:tw,;ts tre ~PPI;,cant to a._ciVil p:~n~._ItY~f'~~~~ rru:'re.t~an. five. hUrl~dr~.~ dQllar~, ,0 I, asowner9f property, or. my employees with wage,s as their s0ieco,~1!Jr:~..':;<::ti:.Jn, ...;;iIl do the work, -ar,d the s~ructure is notiptendoo oroffer(~d for s,afe'{Se'c. 7Qil4'_BlJs:'nessand Professions Cede: ,The Contraclor'sLice~~f-<.:.~.....-dtjd'S n.)! ap;:;!y to an Owrsr afpraperty who'lJuilds or,ill1praves" ,.-~ , thereon, an_d wh'.) d"Jp.s,sllc,h work ~lirns~lfor herself or t!1rough his_or h,er G'..JlemiJ:oyees"prcv!ded th~t StiC~1 ir.'lp[l'Jvementsare not 'intend~.or offered for.sal~.'lf, ]:cWGver, the build ing 0r implOvement.iS-sold. with ane y!?~r of-. :;o:npletiot.. the- c,^;ner-bu;ld~::- ....illlh~ve the burden of proving' th,a'{ he" ~_qot ~uildoUmp:--9vefor fr!e pUrPc~e of-sale).: _ '~'" . d~ll __ . " _' ' . , ,', _', . '.", . ." . ....1,. a.s. th. e .owr.erOf.tMe property, am exdqsively C~lltracting Withllc~ns.edl~_:..i:':t;a.,;;to.r$'to'.i::~.~~trucnt~e: project {Sec,_7044'Business r.:nd P~OfG56'iC.r,s: e: The Cor,tr2.ctor's, License ,Law does not apply to an owner of r,ropf-~;tv~f;~:'')bldds c~ !''Dprm!dS thereon, atl~ whO- oontracts fO(Slll.:h projec.ts'with t1ontractor{.~.)_~iC~nspd_purse~. e~ontractor's Ucen,se laW)..... '::.)('. .', '. , ", -'. .'- I.am exempt :.ii!dersec.,~:--. S &~'F.G.foithisreason:. __.~.~___.__ ~_ Date: .. " Owner:_ . _. ' . : _c!k:-""- .',. __ . c::== WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 'it ---, .: LICENSED CON..RACTORS DECLARATIONn-_:] ---~ I hereby affirm-under penaltY of perjury one ofthe followin9 .de~lar'dtiC:1s: '. ,,:i,; . _ " I herebyaffirn-LUnder penalty .of perjury tMa~ I am . D . 'have and will maintain' a certificate o(oonsenl to 5P.lf~insure for wof~t';d}~j:-::imp~nsation". iIcensed-underproyisiori,s of (;h?lP~er 9 (commencing as prcivided far by Sect [on 370.0' af the lc:-bor.Code; fot theperform8nce cJ tr1}-WOik.fur' wh!chw!th Sei'::tion 7COP) of- Diwion_~ of the Business and this permit is issued. ' .' -' !( _ _ Profes~'iOn$COd.e, '. D I have andyvill maintain worker's compensation insurance, as rGct;ir~~ tJ ~-:~ction 37o'O.of. 6/11200.4' the labor Cade,Jor the performance of the work for which t~is permit is-.is<::i..l~~. Myworker's ' . Date: CompenSc:ition irSL!rance carrier and policy-are: ';/' I Carrier: . . Policy Num~er.. _, NUMBER . . - . -I. 'his-.section need not be completediff!1e pennit is for one hundred dollars !$1::(~:or.Jess, '":::,,.-:-, TYPE. ce I 'that in th~ performance ofthe work for which ttlis permit is.!Ss:l:=:9,:,:,shaf[ n:oit~>",--:. ploy .any. person in 'any manner so as to become subject to the wprker's ci"~np,ensati<?n,la~,s. of Califomia, and agree that if I should become subject to tlie wo~eJ's, c:arri~~'!\G~tion ,_:,>~;'-:-< .provisions ofSect[on 370.00ft~e Labor Cope, I shall fC?rthwi,th comply with t:-i\~-3'~.provJ~d~s~' Date: 611/2004.Applicant:' . . --K-c~----'--., ,:, WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S. MPENSATIOr' COVEf)\(j:~l>..:"':": UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN. EMPLOYER TO CRIM.IN ,PENA:,'nES Ai'JDGiVIL FiNESUPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000 .IN A!lL:,"!QN TOTHEO COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAG.ES AS ,PROVIDEOFOR INfECTIC!\'J.050FT:"~ LABORCODE,INTERESTANDATTORNEYSFEES. ,'" .. ...' I .. ,CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY __.'~ --.:--~ .: I hereby'afflrm under p. en..a.lty. of perjury that t.here ;s a constr..uc~.ion !~:m(ji~1f! 1i~n.c;i ror th~-> _nerrNl'r-;;n.:ni='-:'.)r fh("\'\~nrtcfn-rvmich.tt:is..f).f'xmiLL<; ~,o:;Sl.1~...!;s.~,~":>r~';::h'?-,~>:':.... _i;;~ .:;, lenders !nfcrmation: CONTRACTOR INFOR!II1A,rION, ARCHiTECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Contractor. EXPiRATION DATE' Construcion Types: VN" .' Fire.Sprtnklered? ~JO I certify th~t I have read this.applicatio:n and state that the above.information is correct.. I agree to comply-with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building C01struction. and hereby authorize representive~ of this city to enter upon the above.mention€('j propertY for inspedionpurposes. ... - . . . Dat,: 6/112004 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 585.07 Signature af AppUca or ,Agent Thepermitshallexpi~e by Iimita Ion and become null and void if the building or .. work has not passed fimil. inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to, commence or continuework. 1.': INSPECTION RECORD. :::', INSPECTICIN' . . .' ,':DATE' . .INSPECTOR I Temporary Power Pole'. .' . . . Plurnbing(DrainlWaste Pipe) . .. . " , Electrical Grciund Electrodelurer '. : . ". , .' . SelbacklFormsfTrenChes (Footings) 11l/U't' 1'(..(.(1( :. . DO not imtallsubfloor or pour floor slab until the e follQwing applicable items',.have been signed.:' -.. . Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) '. . . '. ...,echil!lical (Groundwork) " " : " '. .... ',' " EIec:trical(Underground Conduit) .' " PIll,slab (Compaction/Membrane.ReinT. '/IW'V " Underpinning (Floor JoistlGl rdilrs) .' , . '. .!J'? nbt CovElr br conceal the1iVork below until the .' . fc>~~g,appJicable items have been Signe~ 1 stFloor S.,,,ar. ,. . . , . , I~ .,,: F1lllsprinkler. (Rough)' . . . . 2nd Flllor Shear: .' .' '. . ~. ", / . Ri:)ot.IShealhinalDiliDhragnrFrantt) "1'diJ.f1, _onry (ReinfJBond Bean/Pre,Grout) ROl1ghPlumblng(Tqp Out) '" . ,. " '. " / '. Rough Mechanical , "It~64" .SJlI9 . ROugh t:Iectr'CallUFY ..all) ". " . 'f . .. Rough Electrical. . . :,. . '., , . '. : . ."". Framin9fOn1yafterPItg',Elec...MechandFi,ei ~ '~ . .'. Insulation (SoundlEnergy). .'. '11t1w--r . ". . . po not tape' orplllster' Until the foll(lwiAg appli,cable . Itelns have beens.gned: ..,. ""'. . DrYWall . . .... " .. . -to! 110. t" , Penetratio/lS (Filll Rated) Electrical' ,'., : i penetratio/lS (Filll Rated) Medlal)ical : " Penetrati<ins(FiIllRated) Plul1'lbing .' . .' .' . . .lnteriorLalh , ," . , -- .' ". i ElCterl<l.r Lath . . '. W/I/vt". " '. . '.' , GENERAL ITEMS. . ..' EJoterlor Piaster (Bl'O\!IInCoaI) 1<>11 . T -Bar Electrical . .' '. . ." :T-Bar Mechanical " .'. T-Bar Structural , Sewer' , , , Water Engineering Backflow . , .' , .' , Water Service' .. FINAL INSPECTIONS' Electrical Final' PlumbingFinal ' , . Mec"anical Final 'Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 76S-6126 Fir~ Oept. Fina.1 765-4040 . Water Eiiglneeriri" 765-5268 SuI! 'List/Business License 765-5,19 Zoning 765-5,139 BuildirigFinal (Last InspeCtion- Only ;,; ~)""". .. .' ,Mer AboV,e Complete). "-V . '. .. PARTIAlINSP~CTIONS Buildina InSllections . Date ' 'Inspector .' MechanicallnsDections ?Iuinbina Inspections . . . . Electricaf Inspections .