561 S. Paseo De Luna '>"'"{:1:" BUILDINC PERMIJ NO. BLD2004-02229 '. ~~~~~~;~,;., ' . ,{ ~'~i.^- .... '~'<Bij>:. . . . /,~'~ -~ ,:4:- ~.~..~ . <'~'~:'~".':-'~f\.?::!I\?\ .. . CITY tjf1J'~~~i\.aEIM ~ "h~i! 7J · . . \~c'~~ii..;;~9 .' . . .BUILDING DIVISION. 200 S. ANAHEiM BLVD. (714) 765- 5153 INSPECtiON REQUEST LINE; (714)765. 4626 CENSUS CODE; . 434 QUARTE'OR SECTION; 198 ,.' TYPE.OF PERMIT Residential Addition DA TE:6115/2004 .', . JO~ ADDRESS; 561 S PASEO DE LUNA LEGp.L DESCRIPTION;' N TR 8455 LOT 34 . " APPLICANT; CRAIG BEINI.ICK OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMJrION; '. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION; Ellis E Moo", C R BEINLlCH &'SONSC.ONSTRUCllQN co 561 S Paseo De Luna 5525 E 7THST . 't Anal:1eim. CA 92807 _ LONG BEACH. CA 90804ltQOo. . . JOB DESCRIPTIONRoof!l,Addition. Family room extension and spiral staircasf at 1st floor. Exercise room.at 2nd floor. (HIH) .0' " . VALUATION:' 67,000.00 :' PROCESSED BY: CAt OWNER-BUILDERiDECLARATION ,I hereby _affirm under penalty 0. perjUry t at I am exempt from the Contractor:',t License Law for the following' reasoh (Sec.7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any city or'cotmtywhich requll"f?s a permit to construct, ait~r. ,improve, demolish or repair anystruciure, prior to its issuance, alsO- requires the applicantfor sum permit to file a signed' statement tliathsdslic~hsed pursuant'to the provisions of theoContra<:tQr's License Law (Chapter' 9)(<;ommeflcing'with,Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Profess~ns Code) or that heis exempt therefrom andthe'basis for .th,e.alleged " 'exemption. Pony violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permitslllJfeds thG applicant to;) civa penaltyof not more than fiye nundred dollars . . ijO~)~s 9wnerof property,or my., employees. with wages as their SO.'le oom~nsatio.n, will do Ihe work, and'the structure is nOt.inten.d~ or offered for ,sale (Sec;,7044 Business and Professions Code: TheContractor's lic~n.se-4'-:lw doe~ r.ot'applyto an owneraf.property ~ho buj!d~ or improves'-' ': thereon. and who does sum work himself or herself or through his or her 0.....';:.. employees. provided that such impl'O\.'ement~'a.renot'intende(:i .or ., . off.ered for sale. If, hO.Never, the building or improvement is sold with one y4~r cf completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving tr.at he did-not build or improve.for the, pu lpose of sale). .. ' Jj _' " ....' .,' '.' '. . ' ,0 I, as the 9'Nner of the property, amex.ch.i~ivelycontractjng :with Ilcens~d;:qofitr3Jors :0 COI"!str...II-..t the project (See: 7044 Busirle~s alid Profe~ions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply toanowner of propet1~\~vho bulldf::> or improves thereon, and who oontra'c~ts fot'suCh projectsw~h '~ontractor(s) licens~ pursuan,t to the ?ontractor's.Uoonse Law). : f . , U I am.exemlJtunder Sec. . 8&P,C. for this reason: _II Date: ' Owner: :H_._-,-_ I. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION <; . '1 I.hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ',' '0 I have and will maint~in a certificate of consent to self-inSure for worker"i compensation, as provide:~ for by Section 3700 of the Labor CodE;!, f0r the performance ofu{,b wock for which this R it is iss,ued. . _' ',' I have and \ol(ifl maintain V)/. Oli<. er's.compensation Imwrance. as required bI~. Secticn:3iOO 0(1 e abor Code, for the peiformance of. the work for which this permit isi~.su.',d, My woyker'$ pensation insurance Garner and policy. ?Ire:. ' . . :'. Carrier: STATE FUN~ , . , _. POlicyN.~mber: 076355~!:02 . This section need not be completedifthepennit is for one hundred dollars ($1Pf'fotless. D r c"ei-tity th~~ in the perfolTl1ance of the WO~k for wh!chfhis permit is ~sslis~j:'Sh~ll not ' employ any person in-any manner: so as to become subject to theworker's':;)i;tJ7pen$lation laws - of Cal ifo mia, and agree that if l'should b~co:me sUbje,ctto the worker's comfj<JnscWon ' provisiqns,of Section 3700 6fthe Labor Code, I shall orthwith comply,wlth:W~e prpvisiomL , . .. ... .,- " I LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION J I hereQY affirmunder:penal~y of perjury that! am licensed under provisions.of chapter:9(cominencing with Section 70.00) of Ofvsion 30f the Business a'nd Pl'Ofes. $ions~. e. '. /L . . .' . 6/15/2(104 .. . .. ~ '.' '-"- Date~ -.'. . ..,. Contractor NUMBER' EXP.IRATION DATE 3/31/2060 590761 TYPE TYPE B HIC Date: 6/1 5/2004 Applfc,i : WARNING: FAILURE TO SEC ",WOR' R'S COMPENSATION COVEF:\GE' IS' . . . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN MPLOYER TQCRIMINALPEW<..(!ES AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), INADDiTtOJ'i, r.OTHE COST OF COMPENSATION,DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECT!O~ ~.Tcf~OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . "'"":;',, I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY "-.' , I hereby affirm 'under penalty of perjurY-that. the~e is'a construction lendin9;~~:,:'.~fic.y',;for the ~r1;':;'i.--:-:ai'i'::'Z-d:!:\J'~'..c.r:'''-:'::i' 'i..bi~j:h;s-p.:;;;'~...;~';,~: i-.;>i;u""c;\O~~C~7;:::,;Y--:c-j."'+4;J-" '~-- - '" ~ Lender's Information:. , Oonstrucion Tvpes: VN, , fire Sprlnk"~red? DwellinQ Units: Livin!2J Area: NO. 1 608. I certify that "have read this-application and state that the above information iscorrect. I agree to ,cOmply with aU city 'ordinances and state laws relating to buijding construction, and hereby authorize repreS:entives of this' dty to enter uport the above mentioned property ~or insp ion pur $8S. Date: 6/15/2004 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 6,70 Signature of Applicant-or Agent The perrmt shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from th9 date or. penr.t issuance. A new permit is required to !lOII1mence or eontinue work. . : :'.' ..... . INSPECTION RECORD . . . fiNAL INSPECTIONS. Date .insp&ctor ;,-. , '. . INSPECTION. .... . DATE INSPECTOR' ,: J:. Ill.C.triClll F. inal~.. ..' f-;t/~st':/,^" . TemporaryPowerPole .' ..... '.. PIUmbingFinal~J( ii' "J'.:h' ~..." :' Plumbing (DrainiWa$te Pipe) . ..' I..... . . /, -I, 'N.L RIP .A.' ElecttiC'a1<>reund ElectrodefUfer .' .... .. .... . '.' M.llchanical Final . t I 1, . Setbll(;k1FormslTrenChes (Footings)' fi,:-Zi4~ tlli.. -..;-. .' GasTest (!);<r~VW .' n\vJcIlf ""--4-\'. .. ClO hot install sub floor or pour floor sl;ro IInlil. the . -/. . . Engineering/Grading 1';081'765-6126 . .' : . . . . : fOllowing applicable items have ~en signed' . . F.', . : plumbing (Water Pipe,Sprinklef Valves)' : . . . . Fire Dept. FinaI765-40411<.' '. . .. ' . Mechanical (GrOundwork) ". Water Eiigineerin~ 765-521/8 . '. :.'. . '.' . EleWical (Underground Conduit) '. '. '. .' .' Ple-slao (1;.( ompact.iOnlMembrane.Rei ,?..q~~ .--. Sub LisUB"sinllssLicense 765'519 ....,.. :.'. ..' .... .. Underpinning (Floor JoistlGirders) '. . 1"/ ..' Zoning 765.5139 '. .~ n~t cover,or conceal t.he ",ork below until the . . . . . following applicable Il~ms ha~e.been signed:,.. '. .... /'. BulldingFinal lLasuns".ection.OnIY ..\.hhIL~' "0' 0 . .' .' 1\fterAboY.eComplele) .~ I..t:IlAi.f . 1st Floor Shear "':' , C'. d', /u-- . '. '. '. PARTIAL INSPECTIONS · ;/,L Filesprinfd8f (Rough) '. .' . .' . B "Id' I" 1'1.... ~ _. 2n.dFloorShiuir '.' 7.... ......f:.:zL..' UI mQ ns;ectlon~ ' ROof{Sheathing/DiaphragIl'V'Frll!TlllI5 c. '~/,' Apr! tf.4J..~ if "';)~~-tf~ . Masqmy(RIiinfJBond BeamJPre-Grout), .... . ..... ~oughPlumbing (Top Out) . .... . . .. '. . Rough Mechanical '. . . . . . " '. l<Ougn l:leetric . __II) . .' . . .~. . .. . : .... ". . . ..' . ~ough Electrical '. '.' ." .' '. . Framing (Only aner Plbg.. EIee., Mec" . and Fire) =r4...1'ftA: . In$lilatiOn (SoundlEneravl . .., : d . PO not lape or'.pla~;ter until the followiAg applicable Item.s have been sIgned:.. . ':'. I . DrYwall . ?.;.IZ~:"I PelIetrlllions (Fire Rated) Electrical .' . .'. . Penetratiol1S IFlre Ratlld) Mechanical . . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing '. . . . . Interior. Lath .' ...... '. ". . '. ..~. Exterior Lath .. '. . : . 11\, . . GENERAllT!,MS . ../ Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . ~ oIr111/1 r.sarElectrical .:..... '. '. .' r.sar .Mechanical · T.ear Structural Sewer ... . . Water Engineering Backflow Water Service' . . . . , . .;' . . .' . " . '. , . .. ..... .' .' .... .... ". . ..' Plumbinq Inspections . . .... . . " . . . . . '. '. . . . '. . . ". . .' '. ,. ." .' . .... .' : . . Electrical Inspections '.