228 N. Paseo Rio Blanco --~.-----' TYPE OF PERMIT C Residential Addition . ITY DATE: 5/13/2004 . JOB ADDRESS: 228 N PASEO RIO StANCO LEGAL DESCRIPTION:N TR 8080 LOT 30 _....c""'" /t;~b~1: ~(}\ 1,0/,,8<",. .., . ~,,~, !;~'flJr.fJ-'-{ -: "~0i"?\ . . ,~,~" "'N~HEIM \\~2~~~~~>" BUiLDINGDIVISiO'J 200 S.ANAHEIM.BLVD. (714) 765- 515$ ',\' INSPECTION' REQUEST L INf:: (714) 765" 4626 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-01697 - ,--",' CENSUS CqOE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 190 CONTRACTOR INfORMl'1'iON: FIRST CONSTRUCTION AND MAINT 1601 SANDALWOOD AVE ... . FULLERTON, CA 928350mO BI:JSINESS PHONE: 7~4 520692 JOB DESCRIPTION New 585 sf addition and expansion of bedrooms to SFD. iU1H) " VALUATION:. 39,371.00J PROCESSED BY: ODC I . ". OWNER.BUILDER"bECLARATION '. . I hereby affirm under penafty of perjury that I am exempt from the. Contrado?mcense LClw for the following reason (Se6.'7031.5 Business and. Professions Code: any dty or countywhicb requires a permit to construct, ?1:.~rJ ,improve, dernoli~h or repair any structure, prior to its issua-n.ce, also, 'requires the' appiicant for such permit to file a signed statement th(:lthe is liC{:..r\sed pwsuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Uc'ense ~.~w(Ch.apter '9)(commencing with Sectlor.7000 of Division 3 of the Business al).d Profe.c;s'ir.:';s Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basiS for thealJeged exemptiQI1. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit Sl!t-j;3'cts' the applicant to a dvU perialtyof not more than five hUndred dollars ($$00). . ". . .1 .' ... . . o I,'ns'owner of property, or my employees with wages as their sole comp'7i!1SaUOn, wll! do the work. and the ,structure is not intended or offe,redfor ~ale (Sec. 7044 Business a~d Professions Code:' Th.e Contrac.tor's licer.se L{!W does not apply to. an owner of property who buildsor improves', thereon. and who does sum work himself or herself or through his cr he; owr>employees, prov!ded that such ,improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If. however, the building or imprqvement is sold with Orie 'jG(.;of completi<:>n. the,owner-:builder will have the,burden of 'proving that he did not bulld or. improve.for. tha Pt!iPoseof sale). i\. . .0 . I. as the owner oftha property.- am exdusively contracting with licensed ".t:,ntractors to'cohstruCt the IJroject (See.: .7044 Busines.s and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of propertY\\'ho bUild,? or improves thereon, and who' oontracts for su'ch projects with. ~ontractor(s) licens~.d pUf?,uant'to the Contractor"s License Law). \ P- , U. I am exempt under Sec.' :; B & P .C. for this reason: " . "Date: .. Owner: :i' I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION'. J:.::' I hereby affirm under penalty of pe'rjury one of th.e following> decla'rations: : -0 I.have and will ma intain a certifICate of consent to seJf~insurefor worKe:-'4 :(;omnensation,-' . as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performanCe of th~ \\'on< for which this permit !" issued.' : D I ha.;:) al'ld.wiil maintain worker's compensation insurilllce, asreqUlred b~"Section 3700 of t~eLabor Code, for the pc::dormance of the 'No. rk for wrdch tllh> 1'8. ,.rmit 1s. iSSllli~.'MYWOrker's .:1 Compensation ;nsura carrier'and po.licy are: .' , :'j.' . Carrier: -... Policy Number. .=XEMrYI\~ . I This seetio eed not be comPle~d it-the pennit is for on.e '~undred doUars ~$1(-~~ t".It.3~. . ' ertify that in the perfonnance of the work forx0. h thl;> permit IS iSS1li:::li: shall not I employ any pelson in any manner so as to becom, s ject to the orker'~ ,^~-0peD~sation laws of Califomia, and agree that IT I should become ~bje to the wo er's COl7l~1s3.tlon I .. . provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, shall 0 . c m Iy With th0,e prt;lviSIOns, Construclon Types: \/r-J, Fire Sprinklered?: Livi(lg Ar'ea: APPLICANT: lOAN CREANGA OWNER INFORMATION: Alaa M N q,srat .228 N Paseo .Rio Blanco Anahelm,CA 92801' '<'>., ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: -1 NUMBE 598245 TYPE TYPE B HIC D"te:' 5/13/2004 . Applicant:. WARNING: FAILURE TO.SECUREWO ER'S COMPENS", UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT EMPLOYER TO C I INAL PEN'" rlES AND CIVIL FINES UP-TO ONE HUNDRED THOU NO DOLLARS ($ ,OOOl,lN ADO:U.ONTO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED' R IN SECTION {Y060FTHE LABOR CODE, INTERESt AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . .' . I'" I . CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ,. _ " :. ,h~reby.affirm und~,r pena~y of .~~rju,?, th~t there .~a ,cl?nstruction: I.endinf] }~;~1.'.~,\cy,.fdr the -'pl';nCr,i1aii~'of trle wcffif"for--o'wilicil.-tilis p~mli[ is i5::KJcJ \Sid~.'::05j".(,;i....~(;)":-.:,..""... '~.~',.. Lender's Information: i-" NO 585 I certify that I have read his applica on and state that the above information is correct. I , . ,.1 . . agree to comply witt-vall city ordina ces and ,state laws relating to bu Uding corstruction, and hereby authorize r~t>re ntives, . City to enter upon the above mentionee property for inspe '. ri pur . ~$. . Fees paid for Permit: Total: 3.94 Dale' 5/13/2004 Signature of App cant or Agent The per . shall expire by r ationand become null and void if the building or work not passed final i pection 365 days from the date of pemlit issuance. A new permit is required to cOmmence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final. Gas Test Engi,neeringlGrading Final 76505126 Fire Dept. Final 76~-4040 . Wate.Engineering 765.5268 Sub List/&usiness License 765'~19 Zoning 765.5139 INSPECTION . DATE INSPECTOR . . TemporatyPower Pole. . . . Plumbing (DrainNVaste Pipe) "'lectricll! Ground Eleclrodlill.Jfer. . . : Setback/FormslTrenches (Footings) , <;.tlf~ . L<" C/' Do nOI installSubflooror pourflQorslab until the' . . following applicable items have been signed: '. Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprh,l<ler \/;lives) . , Mechanical (Groundwork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) , Pre-slab (CoinpactionlMernbrane.Reinf. 1> -t'J-ll rf Un~pinning (Floor,Joist/Gird~s) Do not cover or cOnceal the work below until the following applicable items have'been signed:. . 1st'Floor Shear' . . ,... AIt(~.;....... . Firesprinkler(Rotigh) . 2nd Floor Shear " . . . .Roof (SheattlinglDiaphralU!vFrarnel. r) . Masonry (Reinf./Bond B!larnlPre-Gl'OlIt) . . . Rough Plumbing IT op Out) . . . . Rough Mechanical . .' . '. . Rougn l:IectrlCaI\Dry Wahl . Rough Electrical . V-ff<7~~ - / Framing , (Only a~er PI . jnd F"e) . Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . " i'?"-1. po not tape or pla!'ter. until the follow,lng applicable/'"" Items have been. sIgned:' , . . Drywall " " 'il-/f-tl ,Penetralions(Fire Rated) Electrical . . .' . .r - Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical . Penelrallons(Fire Rated) Pluinbing . Interior Lath ." . . ' .' ExteriorLath . . . . P . .... '. . GENERAL ITEMS . . . Exterior Piaster (Brown Coal) T .Bar Electrical.. . .' T.Bar Mechanical T.Bar Structural . . '. . . . Sewer. Water .Engineering. Backflow .' '. . .E . Water Service. . '. . . . . Building Final (La,tln'pectio,,'. Only '. '. After Above Complete) --/ 'd;~ PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections Mechanical Inspections . lumbina Inspections lectricallnsl)ections