1765 W. Penhall Way BUilDING PERMIT NO. BlD2003-03579 ElM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. ' (714)765- 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: . (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 437 QUARTER SECTION: 46 , TYPE OF PERMIT ' Tenant Improvement (limited) CITY DATE: 1f712004' JOB ADDRESS: 1765 W PENHAll WAY lEGAL QESCRIPTION: P BK 90 PG;37 PAR 1 APPLICANT: MICHAEL, BATES 'OWNER INFORMATION: Estate C Carro n 18710 S Wilmington Ave #200 Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 CONTRACTOR INFORM,\TION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: SPRAY ENCLOSURE TgCHNOLOGIES INCRICH HERMAN SE325,5 100 S MAIN ST #A 4854 MAIN ST 714-777-3765 ONTARIO, CA 91761 OOOt ' YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 BUSINESS PHONE: 909 381-2981 . " JO~ DESCRJPTION3"enant Improvement AutomatedCoating Line (spray boo}:,~. ovens, staging rooms. conveyor, emission control system, .etc.) . VALUATION: ' 500,000.00 I ' , OWNER:BUllDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under pena'ltY0f perjury that I am exempt fro,m.the Contractor's License Law forthe-following reason (Sec.. 7031:.5 Business and . Professions Code: ,a,ny city ,or cotlntywhich requires a permit to construct. a~er, .improve; demolish or repair any struCture, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file -a signed statement that he i's l.ict;nsed pursuant to the proVisions of the Contractor's Licens'e Law (Chapter 9)(commEmcing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and ProfesJ~~ns Code) or thathe is exempt therefrom and the ,basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permits~tjec,t$ the applicant to a -evil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ,',,' , " .' -',:' , " ' , . D I, as owner ofproperty,_ 'or my employees with wage~ as their sol~ compms~tio_n, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offereq' for s~le (Sec. 7044, _Business andPrqfessions Code: 'The Contractor's Licens~ L.3W does not apply'to an owner of property who ,bulldsor improves ther~n, and who does such work himself or:hersel~ or through his or her 6~"'.\1 o;"f'p1oyees, provided that" such improvements are not intended or . " offer,ed for sale. If,: however~ the-building or improvement is sold with one ytdr( of cqmpletion, the owner-builderwHI have the burden of proving tha,~ he did not build or ifl'lprove for the purpose of sale). . _ '_ ,. : -',' . _ _ . , .: . D, I; as'the owner of the property,_amexduSively contracting with Iidensed:o...mtraCtors to construct the project (See. ,7044 Business and Professions: Code: TheContracto'r's LIcense Law does not apply to an o'wnerof p~operty'v/:'o builds or improves thereon! and who contracts for such projects with '~ontr'actor(s) licensed pursuant~o the Contractor's, License Law). . ., . U .lamexemptunderSec. . - .B&P.C.forthi~reason: ___ Date: Owner: ,I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one, ofthe follOWing declarations:' o fhave, 'and ~i11 maintain a certific~te of conSent to self-insure for.wprke:-"; compensation: 'as provided for_ by Section 3700 of the LaborCocIe,_ for the performance oftte work fOfWhich his . is_issuect., . '. '. .'. . ,I have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as required t.i Section 3700 of he Labor Code, for-the performanc.e of the work for whIch this permit ~ i$:;i;.:.;'.d. Myworker's rnpensatidn inSurance ~rrier and policy are:, Carrier: STATE FUND' POlicyNurnber: ,1744?5Z; ~.- .' ", ."_:~:"::: This section need not be completed if the pennit is for one hundred dollars <,$"lOC) "(,less: o I certify that int-he "perform'anc::e of the work for which. this perl1)it '~):~~e'j,'{shal'l not employ any person in any-manner so as to become subject to th~ \\for~~:(s_ ctlmpensatio~ laws of.California, and,agree that if I should become subject to ,the worke(~_,CbrnP'1nsation:. : . ,prov"isi,ons of seetiO, n.3?00, of the Labor Code, ,I shall forthwith eo~, t'iWitl-os~ prov, isi,ons., Date: 1/7/2004 . , Applicant: ~g---~< " "" WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSATIOJ\I;CQV,SRb,GE IS ',', UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TQ CRIMINfit'$!El'I'Y.T/ESAND'CIVIL Fire Sprinklered? FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED 1HOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,0001;:1~ft\6r:1110N TO THE COST. OF.COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN S'Eo,TJO!- 37060FTHE LABOR CODE, INT.EREST AND ATTORNEY'S. FEES. '" '>(;,'1';;; , ' " C.ONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, ;;,,j _I' I he'reby affirm, under penalty of perjuiy'that ther~ is a:-construction l'~n~1J~.91J{:..1~s:tfo_rth~ _ -:,;:'C;i~f:'-.cnlW ~iu"~ yvp;-"- iur wmm tnlS perr!"\lt is Is::-uea (::See.::S09T.CiV.Cj: " Lender's Information: . PROCESSED BY: KBT LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penafiy of perjury that am licensed under proVisions o,f chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divsion 3 of the Busihes's and professi~ns~ 1/7/2004 ' , ' Date: Contractor NUMBER , 738536 TYPE TYPE '012 021 EXPIRATION DATE 7/31/2005 ' Construcion Types: III N, , Occupancy Groups: F1, , . . YES I certify t~at I have. read ,this application and state th~t the above information :5 correct. I agre~ to comply with all. city ordinances and, state laws: relating to bu ~ding CO,1struction, and hereby' authorize representiv~ of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspect:ion 'pt.irposes. - . -. , ___\:1. , ~~-:-- Dat(.:117/2oo4 Signature of Applicant or Agen"!' The permitshal! expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new perinit is required to commence or continue work.' ' Fees paid for Permit: Total: 5,549.69 INSPECTION RECORD .. INSPECTION . DATE .INSPECTOR . . Temporal)' Power Pole plumb/ng (Dm/nlWaste Pipe) , Eledrical Ground Electrode/Uter SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) . Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the following appiicable items have been signed: Plumbi ng (Water Pi pe.Sprinkler Valves) .. Mechanical (Groundwork) Eledrical (Unclerground Conduit) . Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. . Underpinning (Floor Joist/GirderS) . Do not cover or conceal the work below until the following applicable items have been signed: 15t Floor Shear . . F/resprlnlder (Rough) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) . Masonl)' (ReinfJBoncl BeamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical . ... . . ROugh t:lectrlCallLlrY ..all) .. Rough Electrical . Framing (Only after Plbg.. Elec'.. Mech... and Fire) Insulation(SoundlEnergy) . . Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable . items have been signed:: ., . DJ'YWall .. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath . Exterior Lath . . GENERAL ITEMS . Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Sar Electrical T -Bar Mechanical . ,.. T -Bar Structural Sewer 'Water Engineering Backflow Water Service. FINAL INSPECTIONS Date InspE;lctor Electrical Final .. . f'lumbing Final . . . Mechanical Final . . . Gas Test /ff.zcll..,. Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 . ... .. Fire Dept. Final 765-41140 Water Engineering 765'5268 Sub List/Business License 765-519 . 2;6ning 765-5139 . Building Final ~ast Inspection- Only . f2/,flff f ~- fter Above .Complete}. PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections MechanicallnSDectioils Plumbina Inspections ElectricallnsDections . , DEe ~s ~oo~ 3:~OPM DEC. 29.20El4 SPRAY TECH 9094197020 2:26PM CALHAC,INC 714 817 047" . p. 2 cnyol Jo\.Ul1.Ut:UU :0;11 avplic:abie ItelnS bOlow mU$I I'. ~;Ii,NO. 672~ l'IHtP. 101\ be r&I"a;e~ 'FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Flna! .. . DATE INSPECTOR '~. .. BUILDING DIVISION , , .. .0 INSPECTION RECORD ,'./ . . '~ . 0 Post in!! ConspiclloU$ ;Place On the Job;' Wf4~7~~tiQn control, 4. l-tP <I ml N/;. ... ~~_"'N""'-."~w_'~".~'C~. ."_,_: A4J~ ~~:~::., ~~~3~~~~W~YDATeISSUED; ;,... MaChanlcelFlnal iit1l!l1il-7'"1I' OWNER; " : E&T,>.TE C'CARSON ,0' . GIIs'Telt /,'" .. e>eSCRIPTION; T..n~ Im,,",~mlnl. ~edo Co_jOg l.N (Ipray, En9In.Il'IIlliIGr.C1lng Final .' bOot!\S, oven.. .teRlnQ 1"0011'5. corwe~. Iml;s1on control (71~) T6~126 ' ", ' .-..: '~~6~1~\i1~~~tb~rs':~\'1>~IHee~~21A1'~~~~crJ~~8~ ,"'" fl'" pept. PI~ll;t4)7~5 .w q 1 I... .~. ' ~ : INSPECTION RECQRD ' . ' ' . Wat., ~R.I!I..rln.lI ., .. ;)1) ... ""'" .,iJ :IrA- INSPECTION' I PAnd INSI'ECTOR i714)1~91...,'."7J, -(', ~\~~-' DD nol pour. ........Ie untlllhl r.II~..ing N'P\.IC~B\.E 111m. ~"~,Ult/Buslnll' \Jc&nla ., . . ',' . haVllIItI.~ ,Iallld:" , ;... . 1714,7&505114 T.",pcnryp_Pole ' . ,.' , Zonlnll (Tt4)7G5.5U9 l"Iumbing [DrainlWalte Pipel, ., ~ ~lIdinll Fln.IILia" I,,"~""'- O~y fl'....~JeIfo I "'OI.I\d Eleelnldli/lftr; ,Aft.. libOV' Comoi'll\ ...1Il $etbacIclFormlITI'&fId>es.(Footlnas) . I'\NAI.IN5P~CTIOM must b. epproved'by tho 91llldlng Dlvkion: Do not. ~~\I.ub"lIor or pOUr, floor ;>)~b untlr.... .' following,Bootie.ble Items hBve b~", sioned:. " PARTIAL INSP, ECTIQNS PII'mblng.lWel.. 1'i!"-ISprlnkll' Valve. . , < Mech'n1oll,lG.ou~l<) . . '"'-.c~~...~ ).' l'.....l.b~on/M.mb"'n.IR.,nl UncIlq:dmlnll.(f100r .IOlstIGllllers) . . Do not CO"'" 0. conceal the Work b.low until.lhe lollowing appllcalll. Items have be"" Ilgned; . 1.. Floo. &11ft. fllellPrinldlll' [RoUllh) 2ftd FllIor Sl\ea. ..Roof (Shettltt~lIIlrn'fr.ine) . MIBClnfY (~~amIP"'Grvut) " Rouah Pllimblng ('I'oDOul). . tRou':Maciha",cal . ..... l~. Bctric:1I1Drv QIC , t:Ullh Electrical ' ~ m,ngO"", ,fiC' Plm. EI>!<l. M.ch. .... Fire In...,lIIIon ISauncrenat'W) , '" . Do not tap. or pl'l\1~ \l.!ltll th~olloWi~ ap"licabl' ltams h.ve b..n ..rlinea: ., ,. ~a1', . p",elr~_ (Fi Ie RIIIe~ EI"",,,cal ....lIInIIi_IF1..~)'M.cllanical '. oM(FI",~)PluntIlng". 1"ltrior Lath ' . . Ea.rior LIIth ' .' . ~., ., .", GENERAL...::4"'S Txtit,Ior.Plllllter IBrown c..) T ...er ElectriC". T;a.,r Mech.nlcel, ~ T-IIa. structural S_ei" ,~Englnl.rli!ll BackllOW ~Se " 'V /I~-/OI ,J)'Zu. l.G BUildinG 'nsD.cUons ' . Mechanlcalln.l>8Gtlolls . . Plumblna lnsae.:lionl . , " . - " " . Electrlcsllns-IOn,.. $"'~ 'Al~ . ,Call: (714) 765-46~6 for Inspection ... ReqlJests made ,before6iOO P.M. will be me~e on t,t,e lollowin\l . ;work day. In most.Cl\ses. . ., ..