Management Control Center~ 114 South Claudine Street~ Ana.hcim~ California -
COUNCIL HINUTES - October,,~° 1975~ 7'0~. P.ii.
The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular
PRESL~;'f: COUi~CIL M~..[BERS: Kaywood, Se}~nour and Thom
ABSLi~T: COJNCIL ~IF2[BERS: Pebley and Sneegas
Endicott, Hughes and Fatterson
DEPUTY CITY CLEFd<: Linda D. Roberts
Mayor Thom called the meeting to order at /:0O P.M. and turned tile
floor over to the Golf Course Advisory Commission.
Commissioner Hughes, Vice Chairman, reported on ti~e two meetings held by
the Golf Course Advisory Commission since the last joint meeting with the City
Council on September 23, 1975, at which time the Arthur Young & Company recom-
mendations for the golf courses were discussed in depth. He advised that the
Commission also met and discussed the transfer of golf course operational
activities with ~'4r. Tom Liegler and was very much impressed with his
promotional ideas and approach to the assignment.
Commissioner Hughes indicated that the Commission feels taere is an
urgency to change the organizational structure and to proceed with as many
improvements as possible on the golf courses to off-set the deficit at the
Hills Course and also to put both courses on a more profitable basis. To
accomplish this, the Commission has recommended that the operational
responsibilities for the two courses be placed under the leadership of
Mr. Tom Liegler, Stadium-Convention Center Director. lle advised that they
concur with the Arthur Young & Company report that there is the need for basic
reorganization of structure and operation of the two courses until such time as
the Golf Course Advisory Commission and the City Council can review and
evaluate proposals for ~he operation of the two courses by a private entity.
Commissioner Hughes reported that it is the general feeling of the
Commission that they do not wish their recommendation to be construed as a
reflection on the Parks, Recreation and the Arts Department, whom they feel
have done an outstanding job in maintenance of the two courses.
Mr. Tom Liegler introduced his staff members, Ed Stotereau, Convention
Center Operations Manager; Dick Benson, Stadium Operations-Parking Lot Manager; and
John Roche, Stadium-Convention Center Maintenance Superintendent; and gave
capsule summaries of their golfing abilities. He explained that these three
gentlemen, together with many Section Chiefs, Leadmen and employees make up the
team approach with which they have been so successful at the Stadium and
Convention Center and which they would also apply at the golf courses.
Mr. Liegler pointed out that neither himself nor these gentlemen have
sought additional work since the two facilities they are currently charged with
operating requires each one of these members of his team and the Section Heads
to spend more than the normal 40 hours per work week. He reported that he does
feel that the Stadium and Convention Center staff have certain abilities,
equipment and ideas which might be of benefit to the golf course operations.
He f~ave a brief account of two promotional ideas - advertising% the tee-off
reservation number on the Stadium and Convention Center scoreboards and
readerboards; and utilizing Ticketron for advance sales of golf course
.tr. Liegler noted, however, that before he and his team can proceed with
the responsibility being charged them, they must first know from the City
Council and Golf Course Advisory Cormnission w~at it is they really want from
A~lal~eim California -
f.lana~ement Control Center~ 114 South Claudine Street! . . !
C()Ui~CIL ~.[INUTES - October 2~ 1975~ 7:00 P.M.
tilese courses, i.e., what their goals and objectives are. ~,e displayed a
q~estionnaire he had prepared w~ich lists 10 purposes a ~olf course might
serve, and which the correspondent is requested to number from 1st to 10th
priority. !{r. Liegler stated that he would like each of the Council l.'[embcrs
and Commissioners to take these home, complete and return them anonymously.
They additionally intend to circulate these among golfers, businessmen and
citizens of Anaheim. I.~hen the questionnaires are returned, a matrix of the
results will be prepared and presented to the City Council. he stressed that
it is very important that the organization charged with t~e responsibility of
operation and management of the courses have a clear direction as ~o wi,at is
expected from the courses since this will certainly color their attitude in t~e
management of same. l~e stated that the biggest reward to his staff would be to
realize the satisfaction of making these two public courses exactly w'~at ti~e
City Council determines they want them to be.
?~r. Liegler emphasized that the Council and Golf Course Advisory
Commission must recognize that he, as a Department tiead of the City, is
responsible to the City ~{anager who is, in turn, responsible to the City
Council according to the City Charter. These are the routes of authority which
must prevail in this particular program as it is in all other such programs of
nhe City. Obviously, Mr. Liegler stated, tl-~ey will want to listen to input
from the Golf Course Advisory Commission, golfers and anyone else who has an
i~'dea, ile advised that his team will work closely with Parks, Recreation and
the Arts Department as well.
From his brief review of the golf course situation, Mr. Liegler stated
that he did no~ think a true profit and loss picture of these two courses
existed since there are many services provided to t]~e courses by other City
Departments and not incorporated into the Golf Course Budget. he stated that
the Stadium and Convention Center management intends to charge tl,e courses for
whatever time any member of that Department puts into management and operation
just as they do for each tenant and every aspect of the Convention Center and Stadium.
In conclusion, Mr. Liegler stressed that he feels the Council needs to come to
grips with the fact that the City needs a pure cost accounting system for both
golf courses, as well as for tile Stadium and Convention Center.
Councilwoman l~aywood questioned whether ~.~r. Liegier anticipates absorbi~lg
all of ~he additional work wi~h his presen~ staff or would l~e hire a golf
course ~aanager.
i[r. Liegler explaine,-] that ~e would prefer waiting to hire a manager for a
w~ile until his Oepartment can at least take some beginning steps toward
improvement at the courses, tle advised that he would like to be given the
credit in the Golf Course Budget for hiring of a manager, but would delay this
expense and instead spend this money on perhaps paint, grass seed and other
improvements which he feels are more important at this time.
~ir. Liegler also pointed out that the term "Golf Course z%anager" can
semantically be challenge<l and s~ould be more clearly defined. He advised that
he would like to know what tile Council, Commission and Arthur Youn[~ & Company
feel a Golf Course ~{anager should be, i.e., is he the man who arranges and is
i~ charge of banquets and social affairs at the Clubhouse; is he tt~e man who
has complete charge at both ~%olf courses and makes all of the decisions under
the directorship of a Department Head; etc. The parameters of his
responsibility and authority would need to be determined, l.~r. Liegler stated
that he is certain at some point in the future they will llave to employ a
manager for the courses on a division head level, but for the present he feels
there is sufficient manpower between Parks, Recreation and the Arts and tile
Stadium-Convention Center to make tile necessary operational decisions.
In response to Councilman Seymour, ~'~r. IIughes described the relationship
between the golf course management and Parks, Recreation and t~'~e Arts Depart-
ment as t~,e Commission envisions it. Specifically, Commissioner tlughes replied
affirmatively that the Commission views Mr. Liegler as ultimately responsible
for the golf courses with the same authority over maintenance and operations.
~'.~r. Liegler introduced one additional point, that in any business
maintenance costs are the highest individual costs because tais is a function
wi]ici~ requires personnel. He requested that Council and the Commission
Mana~e~,~ent Control Center~ 114 South Claudina Street
COU~{CIL :~IiCdTES - October 2~ 1975, 7:00 P.~1.
consider this fact, together with the information that both ~e and his
maintenance manager have very hish standards for maintenance levels expected
from both employees and tenants at the Stadium and Convention Center. If these
same standards are to be maintained at the golf courses, he assured
present that the current Golf Course Budget is not sufficient. Therefore, some
additional determinations re~;arding the levels of maintenance to be considered
the standard for the golf courses will also t~ave to be made.
i~lOTIO:.i: Councilman Seymour moved that effectively i~'~mediately, t~e management
responsibility of the two golf courses be transferred to the Stadium-Convention
Center Department. Councilwoman Kaywood seconded ti~e motion. Council ~.lembers
Pebley and Sneegas absent. MOTION CARRI~O.
i"IOTIo~4: Councilman Seymour moved that a meetini~ be set up as soon as possible
between the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Golf Course Advisory Commission
and City Council and City ,'~ianager to meet with l'Ir. Liegler for tile purposes of
defining more specifically the lines of responsibility and authority to be
employed by Mr. Liegler in the operation of tl~e golf courses. Councilwoman
liaywood seconded the motion. Council :.'[cmbers Pebley and Snee~as absent.
OISCUSSIOi'~ OF RELATED TOPICS: The following items were discussed by the Golf
Course Advisory Commission and Council >.~embers:
noted that it appears the Golf Course Advisory Commission cannot get by certain
levels of bureaucracy in the City. He outlined the reco~mmendations made since
the inception of the Commission, incl~ding the carpeting and City audit of the
concessionaires and pro shops. The audit was reported to be on-going.
Mr. Trapp indicated that the carpeting contract i~as been let; t~ carpet
delivered, and the contractor will install same beginning 5:00 P.M. on i.londay,
October 6, 1975. The contractor estimates it will require no more than four
days to install the carpeting in both areas. Several Commissioners were
concerned over the time which has lapsed between recommendations and
implementation of same.
2. SURPLUS ACREAGE AT AI~AHEIM HILLS: Commissioner Patterson noted that he was
disappointed with the Arthur Young & Company I"[anagement Audit as it touched
only lightly on wherever or not the surplus property at the Hills Course should
be sold.
l{ayor Thom pointed out that the Arti~ur Young & Company Audits are
performed in accordance with work engagement plans which must first be approved
by the City Council. He noted that the City Council has to remain within ti~e
funds budgeted for the audit and consequently, since there r~ay be some legal
problems in regard to the note w~ich the City signed for purchase of that
acreage which would deter its sale,the Council did not request a detailed
investigation of this aspect of golf course management.
3. FE~qCING Ai~D STORAGE OF GOLF CARTS AT ~'~J~;ICIPAL: Commissioner i~artin
reported that the protective fence for the golf carts at the Municipal Course
has been installed, as well as sliding gates for the existing cart si~ed. A
problem had arisen, however, in that the additional storage space has no
electrical outlet for recharging the carts. There are outlets to recharge 20
carts, whereas 30 should be provided. Commissioner Martin reported that he was
informed these additional outlets are in the process of being added. The
concessionaire's obligation to provide 30 carts was discussed, as well as~the
City Attorney's reminder to him of this contractual obligation. He reported
that the concessionaire is negotiating for additional carts on a lease basis,
but ti~at the firm is unwilling to lease unless a secure storage area is
Commissioner Macedo, Councilman Seymour clarified tl~at ~is motion to transfer
thc operation and responsibility of the i~olf courses to ti~c Stadium-Convention
Center was for an indeterminate period of time. He noted tl~at the Commission
has indicated they are still interested in consideration and negotiation with
Golf of California, Ltd., for lease arrangements, and he concurs witl~ this
~,lanagement Control Center~ 114 South Claudine Street~ Anal~eim~ California-
COUNCIL :IIi,~UTIiS - October 2~ 1~75~
Anaheim Hills Golf Course Clubhouse concessionaire's utility bill was dis-
cussed, and Mayor Thom advised that meters are currently being installed. Once
these have been running for a few months, the Utilities Department will be able
to compare the usage of the restaurant and a determination will be made as to
what proportion of the bill the concessionaire should pay. In the interim
period, the concessionaire is paying $40'i) per montn on his utility account.
6. StiCi~ETARY TO THE GOLF COUKS£ ADVISORY CO?~4ISSION: Commissioner Patterson
requested that the current Con~nission Secretary, Orrie Olson of the Parks,
Recreation and the Arts Department be permitted to continue as the Golf Course
Advisory Commission Secretary, and Mayor Thom indicated that this is an
internal problem which should be resolved administratively.
Prior to adjournment, Mr. Liegler requested that the City Council Members
~ive him assurance ~hat they will each' spend two hours witl~ him and i~is staff
members touring or playing nine holes at each golf course, some time within the
next three weeks. He felt ~his is necessary so that the Council can be made
fully aware of the conditions at the courses.
t,iayor Thom thanked the members of the Golf Course Advisory Commission for
all the time ghat they have put into this recommendation.
Councilman Seymour concurred and advised that he is very encouraged by the
Co~mnission's attitude of trying to run these courses as a business.
ADJOURNI. iENT: Councilwoman Kaywood moved to adjourn. Councilman Seymour seconded
the motion. Council t,iembers Pebley and Sneegas absent. MOTION CARRIED.
Adjourned: 3:05 P.M.
By: ' ,'~k~~, ~ Deputy