1128 S. Pointe Premier BUILDING PE~MIT Nb. BLi>:2004~02523 ~'if;; ~ ~p....-o , ',.~ f'...v- "'{~z.~\. I ~ '..-'~'Q~ :; "j,ljHEIM " ,'f,}";;?: J" \\~,_-,~..>;'_.l.;.">tl .~ '\{ci _~~~\P' . "~~,&_.i~ :.~ ~-;t:./ BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM 6LVD: (714) 765 - 51.53 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765, 4626 CENSUS CODE,: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 287 , ' APPLICANT: DARRYL GENTRY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMocTiON: Premier, Pointe AMERICAN PACIFIC HO"_1F.S, INC 1128 S Paint Premier 4959 PALO VERDE ST#BV, ANAHEIM, CA 92807000,0 , MONTCLAIR, CA 917630GOO JOB DESCRIPTION:Build 40 sf of 51t 6":high'retainingwall per approved pia,,; VALUATION: 400,00 ! I OWNER-BUILDEFJOECLARATION I hereby affirm under p~naltyof perjury that 1 am exempt from :the. ContractC?,:.;G License lawfor t,he following reason (Sec. ~031 :5Business and Professions, COde:, ariy city or county yvhich req uires a permit to construct, a~(~r, improve, demolish or repa ir any ~tructure, prior:~o it> issuance, also" . requires the appli~,nt for suc,h permit to file asig!1ed stateme:nt th.~t he is Iic~tnsed pursllant'tQ~he,provisions oftheCo!ltraCtor's I.jcens,e La..y(Chapter 9)(com~encing with Sectiol);7QQO o.f Oivision;3 of "the Business and Prcfess!pns Code)or Jhat he,is exempt therefrom and the basi's for the alleged exemption.' Any violation of Section.70~1.5'by any applicantJor,a per!"'lit sutje:::ts the a:pplicant to a dvil ,penalty of not more than five hundred dOllars ($500). '. . . . ...' . .' .' J' .' " . . 01,. as owner o(property~ or my employees with wages ,as. their sole corn;;~nsation, will do the worK, and the structure is notintenc{eri orofferedfor sale (Sec. 7044 Busiri_ess and.Professions Cod~; The ~ontractor's licElnse!,t<3w_does not apply to an owner of property- who builds Cir improves - . there9r1, and who does' s.udl.work himself or herself or through his or h'ero...J:lem ployees, pt:ovid(:Kj that such improvemel'""!ts are.not inten<:t_ed or 'o.ffered for'sc:.le.-:,'If, however, the building or improvement is sold with one yi~r of compl~tion, the owner-,builderwill have the burden of proving that he didnotbuildor'!mpr.oveforthepu.rPos.eofsale).", " "', ',:, ,', ,"" ..:' ' o .1, ;as the owner of the property;, am exdusively contracting wittllicens~d:':ontractors to construct the project (SeG-. 7044. Business and Professions . Code: The Contractor's Licimse Law does no't apply to an owner of propert./w ho builds or improves thereon,. and who oontracts Jor such projects w~h a contract.or(s) licensed pUFsuant to the Contractor's License Law),'l . D.J am exemptunder Sec. . _ . ,B & P.C. forthis reason: J ,'Date: ,.' . 9wner:' - TYPE OF PERMIT RetainingWalls CITY DATE: 6/21/2004 JOSADDRESS: 1128 S POINTI;PREMIER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT 13760 LOT,10 POR OF LOT, ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: DALE L FORBES 1800 EO- 16TH STREET "SANTA ANA, CA 92701. PROCESSED BY: ODC RKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm. u r penalty of' pe~uryone of. the following declaratIons: '. I o I ~av: . nd wi!1 maintain a certi~cate of consent to self-insure-forworke~:s compensation.' as pro' ed for bY.Section 3700 of the LabOr Code, for the pelformance oftii9_WC'rk forwhidl thf rmit is issued. , I havliand wili"maintain worker's compensation in~uran,ce,- as required-t~1 Section'37006f the Labor Code, for-the performance of the work for whiCh this permit is iS$i.!'1d. Myw"orker's' Compe_nsatiOn insurance carrier.' andpblicy are: '" ' Carrier: ,STATE FUND Policy Number. 164350;'-2003 ;,. . This section need not be comp.leted if the permit is ior one hundr~ dollars ($1-~~'j ~r-les_5. : 0 I certify that in the. performance, of the w~k for .which tl]is permit is _iSS~_~d~_,I~hall'nOt . employ any person,in any manner: so ~sto become subject-to the worker'~:.,:..:jnipensation laws of Califoniia, and agree that if fshould. ecome bject to the worker' co;p.:~nsat;on provisions' of Section 3700 ofth~ Lab r Cod . I sh II forthwith o~p' with~'h'!;$e' . 'isions. . ~ ' " Date: 6/21/2004 Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECUREWOR 'S COMPE SAT UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJEcT AN EMPLOYER TO IMINAL PHil'.,):/ES AND CIVIL 'FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDiJlON TO THE. COST OF CO~PENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIQ'~37060F THE' LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby"affirm under penalty_of perjury that there isa construction lendin.q;r~~:1cyfor the', performano;u:ifthe work forw-hich this permit is issued (Sec.3097.Civ.C):' . , I 0.'....'='1"." Infr,........;~~':';"". . ~--~_._~ .-- i I certify that I have rEtad this application and state'that the above information is correct.. I agree to comply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and herebyauth representiv.es of.this ci 0 enter upon the abpve mentioned property for inspe n s. Date: 6/21/2004 , Signature 0 Appli t or Agent The permit shall expire limitation and ,become nllll and void if. tht bllilding or wOrk has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of pllrmit issUance. A new permit is reqllired to commence or continlle work. ~, . LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I . I hereby affirm under penalty_of perjury. that I am Iic"ensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing withSection7000)qfm ' 30.fthe Business nd . Professions Co e. 6/21/200 Date: 7 NUMBER 785551 TYPE B, EXPIRATION DATE . fO/31/2004 Construcion Types: ' VN, . Fire Sprinklered? NO Fees paid-for Pe.rmit: . Total: 84.87 INSPECTION RECORD : , . . , '. . INl;~ECT10N " .DATE . INSPECTOR '. Temporary Power Pole. . .: . Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) ..... . EIeCitical Grciund ElitctrodelUfer . .' &ltbackl!'OI'I1l$rrrenChes (Footings). . .' . : . ClOnot install subfloor.or.pour floor slab until the . . following applicable items hilYe been signed; , . Piumbing(Water l'ipll;$prinklervalves) . Mechanical (GrOUndvvOrk) '. .' ,1::1ec:tric:a1 (UndergrlH'nd Condu it) .' Pre,slab (Compac:tionlM!ll1lbrane.Reim.j Underpinning(F1cxir JOist/Gi rders) . " . . . Do'nO! cover or co.ncaal the \iIIork below until the :fcjllowing applicilble item.s have been signed: .' . . '. '. 1stFloor Shear..' . . . . Firesprillkll!r (Rough) . . '" . . 2nd Floor Shear'. .... . . . :' . ~of (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) I. .' . Masonry (RelnfJBond BeamlPre,Grout) . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . .. . Rough, Mechanical ..' ..,.. .' . . . ROllgh Electric ,wall) '. . . Rough Electrical .- . . '. . Framing .', {Only after PIb'J.. Eleo.. Meoh.. aDd Fire! . . In.sulation (SoundlEnergy) . .... . .' po not tape '''plaster' unti.1 the lollowi"'g applicable I.tems have been Signed: . . '. '. .' '. . . Drywall '. . .' ..' . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical. . . . Penetrations (F.re Rated) Mechanical . '. . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath . . . . Exterior Lath .' '.. " GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) .-T -Bar ElectriCal . . . . . . T-Bar MeChanical . . T -Bar Structural . . . . . . . . Sewer. . .' '.' '. :. Water Engineering Back.f1ow '. . . . Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS' . , Dale .' '.Inspector.' Electrical Final .' . . . .... " .. Pllnnbing'Final . , . Mechanical Final '. . . . Gas Test .. . . . .: ' . Engineering/Grading Final 765-6126 .-- . Fin! Dept. Final i~5-4040 . [' . " . . Water Engineering 765-5268 .' Sub ListlBusinessL.icense 765.5.19 .' ..... .' . . Zoning '765-5.139 . I '. - '., Building Final. ~ast Inspection. On!~1 6~.cir k~~~ . . .' fter Abov.. Complete). r-"f '~"'- .. Mechanical Inspections Plumbina Inspections' . Electrical Inspections