1168 S. Pointe Premier _:_-- ~_..........._- TYPE OF PERMIT Retaining Walls CITY. '- ..,,~'-~ :. ~__ ,".f ;':. " ;'ti...~\ . . f',;~~C~~ 'f~;e~_i! ElM t-1M . """"#Ii' ., ....-,: / J \\. .,,;.- Y A \\f.!'> "".",,,__ ,......C. r'..J;;,~),,,. _.....~.:'J~.E.?L>/ BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765- 5153 I',SPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714) 765.4626 (;!O~:SUS CODE: 565 QUARTER SECTION: 287 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BL02004-00470 . DATE: 2/2612004 JOB ADDRESS: 1.168 S POINTE PREMIER. lEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT 13760~OT 8!OR OF LOT APPliCANT: SCOTT DOUCETTE OWNER INFORMATION: Cheng-Che Chou 3291 E Miraloma Ave . Anaheim. CA 92806 CONTRACTOR INFORMAilON: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: DALE L FORBES 1800 E.16TH S1 REET SANTA ANA, CA 92701 JOB D!OSCRIPTloNRetaining walis: 558 s.f. VALUATION: . 6.696.00 .;. PROCESSED BY: CDL I. .......... . OWNER.BUILOEi15?CLARATION . . . ...... . I hereb.y affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contrar~or'tll;:e'ise Law for the .following reason (Sec. 7031:5 Business and Professions Code: any city or ~untywhich require.$ a permit to construct, .~~.::)t,:'jmprove, deroolish or repair any etr~cture, pr~r to its ;~ua!1ce, al~Q' reauires theapplicanffor such permit to file a _signed statement that he is \i~:~'ri~ed pursuant to. the plOvisions of the COli tractor's License Law (ChapJer 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 30f the Business ar.d Proft>.s5!?~,S Cod*;l) or that he is exempt thp.refrc.m nnd the basis fer the.aJleged ~ exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant tor a perm't e!.'bH....~ the 'appliea'lt to a dvi! penalty cf r.ot more than five, hundred dollars ($500). ' . o I, as qwner of pro~rtY, or my employees with wages as their soiE:: cc'r"p;:~.5_.,:;~i.:;n, wiil do th~ WOII{, and the 5tructure is ~not intended or offered'for sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The c.ontrc:ctor's License- }~.I;tI ~'1oesnot.apply fO an owner ofpr:operty who bIJik.i3.:>r improves . thereon, and who does such'work ,",imself or herself or through hisor her oW'"'i!..,.:.j;p1oyee.C::j provided that such impro.vement3 ar~not- intended or offered fer saie. If, however;the building or improvemant.is sold with cn~vc.';} of completion, the owner-builder wi!! have the burden of ;::>roving th2~he did not buifd or improve fer the purpose,of sale). . " 1.. .'. o .1, as the own~r of the. property, am "exdusively contracting with nc.ens.~'::tJl1~ra~or::: toconstructthe pl'ojec.t ($ec.7C44 3'J$ineSSo and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does riot apply to ao owr:p.r of properlj ~{~;v bl.lild~.or improves t:'er~cr'l. :3nd 'lhhd :ontractsf0;such proJects with Mcntractor(s) lice~ed pursuant to the Contractor's License_law)..; . . U lamexemptunderSec. --...,;,.~ ,E;l&P.C.forthisreason: ___('_ Dat~: Owner: . L. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION _,:,':~ I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the 'follo.wing declaratio,ns: I o I have and wiil'maintaina certificate of oonsen.t to seff-'irlSure (or wod"--:;.-",l:;0nl:Jensaticn. as provided for. by Sedion 3700 of ~he Labor Code, for the perform~nce"of :!1-{".'o,~< for which this' perm~ is issued.. -,:-. . . , .0.1 have andwill rnaintidn WOrker's, compensation inslJrr:.ncp, as ~qLiirec b/:,ecti9n 3700 ~t I the Labor Code, for the pe~ormance of the. work for which this permit is iSs:.;.<,;:, r-..~y v:orker's Compensation insurance carrie'r and policy are: . ~ . .1 ;::arrier: STATE FUND Policy Number. 1643507-:,~r]{!3 Thiss~tion need not,be completed if the pennit Is for one hundred dollars ($10~; ~'lless. o I certify thatin the perform::ince of the work for whiCh thiS permit is i$Sue:.'_' shall not employ any person'in any manllcr so as to become to the workets c~".~pl:."":lsation laws ofCalifomia,-and ~greethat if I should become su ect t tn wf r'~ compf.:~'!1.9ri provisions of Section 37QO,ofthe labor n~ fort 'ith ih;:}:~8-ro:visions. Date: 2/26/2004 ' APP~: . .'.~f':~' WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE ER'S COMPENSATION COVERi.\li, I~L UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECTAN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL f'ENf\f;:;~SI)ND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED TH.OUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN AD!::' :ii:9~j TO THE 'COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIOl\! ;;~2~~flF THE LABOR CODE. INTEREST ANO.ATTORNEY'S FEES. . .' .'i;~:;>', I '. '. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY . ~_. ~:.o{M'\ I hereby affirm under penalty.Qf-perjury that there is a construction lendin9, -af!: ,~~"J9r the performance of the WOrk for whictl this permit is issued (Sec. 3097.Civ.C): "', ~.' ;. L-e!"ldp.r's !t.~formatlcr'l: _'_,'L.L",:.-.::~,.'",,_._--,-----c AMERICAN PACIFIC Horv':cS, INC 4959 PALO VERDE $T #B10' . MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 0(\') -J " ContraCtor NUMBER 785551 TYPE TYPE EXPIRATION DATE 10/31/2004 B Hie Cdnstrucion Types: VN, , Fire Sprinklered? NO Fees paid for Permi~: Total: 277.79 Date: 2/26/2:004 u . I'1t or Agent The. It s I exp re by limitatiOn arKfbecome null and void if thelluilding or work has not pasS\ld final inspection 365 days from the date of permll issuance. A .new permit is required to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD " . ,~ DATE INSPECTOR 1 ,INSPECTION - , Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (DrainJWaste Pipe) , ' E~ctrical Ground Electrode/uter ' . SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) '~ .IL ~ (I Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab Until the following applicable items have been signed: ' , Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) - , Eklctrical(Undel9round Conduit) , Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rei nt. , , Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders)' , - Do not Cover,or,co~ceal the wort< below until the' , '. following applicable Items, have been Signed: , ' , 1st Floor Shear ' , ' Flresprinkler (Rough) , , 2nd ,Floor Shear ' Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) j Masonry (Relnf JBond BeamlPre-Groutl: 23A I~ ' ' Rough Plumbing '(ToP ,Out) .. Rough Mechanical " Rough Electrical (DrY wall) , Rough Electrical " , , Framing . (Oilly after Plbg.. Elec.." Mech.. and Fire) , , , Insulation (SoundiEnergy) , , ' , 00 not tape or plaster unlil the following applicable ' items ,have been'signed: _ Drywall ' Penetrations (Fire Rated) Elecirical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations(Flre Rated) Plumbing , Interior Lath " , ' " " Exterior Lath , " ' , , ,I " " GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) , T -Bar Electrical T -Bar Mechanical , T ,Bar !ltructural " , Sewer Water Engineering Backflow Water Service ' FINAL INSPECTIONS Date Inspector Electrical Final " ~ . - , PlumbingFina' ' ," , ' , Mechanical Final I Gas Test ' " " Engineering/,Grading Final 765:5126, ' ' Fire ,Dep!. Final 7654040 , , Water Engineering 7,65-5268 , " Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765.5139 ' " H Building Final ~ast 'Inspection- Only I~t~.... . -r7 ,\, Iter Above Complete) ~-v4- , PARTIAL INSPECTIONS / " ~dinQlnSpectio~s.. " .\rJ,~ eMU ~k; Mechanical "ns,D&ctions Plumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections