ARA1994-07RESOLUTION NO. ARA94-7 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING APPLICATION FOR AB 1220 FUNDS FOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN THE RECYCLING MARKET DEVELOPMENT ZONE WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1220, enacted by the California Legislature as Chapter 656 of the 1993 Statutes, authorized provision of funds for recycling market development outreach; and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board ("Board") has been delegated the authority to determine the use of those funds for market development enhancement; and, WHEREAS, the Agency submitted an application to the State of California in November 1993 for designation of a Recycling Market Development Zone, and the State has granted such designation; and WHEREAS, the Board, on March 30, 1994, approved allocation of up to $25,000 per Recycling Market Development Zone for direct assistance; and WHEREAS, the Agency intends to apply for funding for a program to accomplish the recycling market development objectives included in the application submitted by the Agency for zone designation, and to enter into an agreement with the State of California for project development; and WHEREAS, the attached copy of the Agency's proposal, including the scope of work and the budget for the project, is designated "Exhibit A" to this Resolution and is incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the procedures established by the Board require the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, as an applicant for funds, to certify by resolution the approval of the scope of work and budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency that the Agency hereby approves the proposal, the scope of work, and the budget and authorizes the Executive Director of the Agency to file an application for the funds available under AB 1220 for recycling market development outreach for the project specified above and to submit to the California Waste Management Board on behalf of the Agency all documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments and management requests which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency this 28th day of ,~n~ , 1994. ATTEST:~ ~ SECRETARY T495.1\EEGAN\June 21, 1994 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, Secretary of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. ARA94-7 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency held on the 28th day of June, 1994, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Feldhaus, Simpson, Pickler, Hunter, Daly NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency signed said Resolution No. ARAg4-7 on the 2gth day of June, lgg4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 28th day of June, 1994. SECRETARY OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEAL) EXHIBIT A CITY OF ANAHEIM RECYCLING MARKET DEVELOPMENT ZONE PROPOSAL FOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT USING AB 1220 FUNDS SUBMITTED TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD April 1994 THIS PAPER CONTAINS AT LEAST $0% WASTE PAPER AND 25% POST CONSUMER WASTE F:~}(X~S~ EVSVCEOTH£EKE PLM~/O642 i A. DOC TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Summary ............................................................................................................ 1 Method, Time frame, Staffing, Project Report ............................ ; .................................... 2 Proposed Task Summary ................................................................................................ 3 Budget ........................................................................................................................... 5 Sample Resolution .................................................................................................... -. .... 6 Approved Detailed Program and Market Strategy for Business Attraction and Retention within Anaheim's Recycling Market Development Zone .................. Included F:~CX~S~£V$ VCS~,CYl'H ERR.~ P~,4W~21A.~ Proiect Summary The Anaheim Recycling Market Development Zone was approved by the Integrated Waste Management Board in March 1994. The Zone represents a 2400 acre area known as the Anaheim Canyon Business Center. The area includes over 1500 businesses, 40,000 employees, and over 20 million square feet of exiting development, including manufacturing, research and development, and related office and commercial uses. Over the next 10-15 years the projected growth in the Zone is anticipated to add over 7 million square feet of new development and another 20,000 employees. The area is an integral part of the City's economic development program and represents the largest contiguous industrial area in north Orange County, and is part of an adopted redevelopment project. The zone also includes the largest waste disposal and recycling facility in the State of California, operated by CVT for Taormina Industries. The Recycling Market Development Zone will supplement the existing comprehensive economic development program in coniunction with the "Powerful Partnership" with the Anaheim-owned public utilities. As described in the zone application, proposed implementation of Zone programs and activities will be incorporated into existing economic development strategies, and administered through the City's Community Development Department. Other required technical assistance by the City will come from support staff.from utilities, maintenance, and other professional and administrative staffas needed in partnership with the private sector. During the pre-designation stage of the application process, preliminary information was gathered using SIC and city business licensee data to identify all businesses in the zone. Based upon this, initial contact with several recycling and manufacturing firms was made and several letters of support and interest were received. Since Zone designation by the Board, and following the distribution of a regional press release, several additional inquiries and business contacts have been made. The proposed market development project intends to continue this vigorous effort and focus on the initial year of the program to: 1) identify potential users of the zone; 2) educate the businesses on the benefits of the zone; and, 3) understand how the City/Agency in partnership with these businesses can create a conducive environment to accommodate zone activities. A summary of proposed tasks to implement market development includes creation of a comprehensive mail-out sur~'ey to all existing and related manufacturers and businesses in the zone; development of a color slide presentation; preparation of informati0nal materials including a fact sheet flyer and zone newsletter; production of an illustrative brochure; development of program informational training sessions, business development meetings and roundtable discussion sessions; and development of a target advertising piece. Ir:~3Cg~D EV ~VC g~3T~ E RRE P~OOa21A. DOC Initial efforts will focus on existing businesses located within the Zone, with businesses within Anaheim, and then those outside the City. This information is illustrated and described in the matrix on page three. Method~ Time Frame~ Staffine The overall goal of market development is to establish a comprehensive business network with post consumer manufacturers, related research and development businesses, and potential new businesses. The project objective is to complete the proposed tasks on schedule based upon the identified criteria. The proposed schedule identifies a continuous implementation of this project through June 1995. The proposed market strategy for implementation has begun, and will continue beyond both the scope and time frame of the project funded by AB 1220. The work will be completed by existing community development, public utility, and other City department staff supplemented by interns and professionals in the public relations, advertising, and economic development fields. These firms include Aimes Communications, Thayer Keener, and Buchanan Associates. The Community Development department staff members are comprised of a group of professional and highly skilled program and project managers, management assistants, and technical coordinators. There are many resources available to staff to accomplish this project. Professional staff utilize all resources in a highly efficient manner to successfully accomplish all program and project assignments. The Community Development and Public Utilities departments, already implementing the City's "Powerful Partnership" program, will continue to provide the necessary professional and technical resources for this project. The design, production, printing, and distribution of proposed work products would utilize the services of consultants or vendors already under contract. These funds are not proposed to be used for any normally budgeted wages, salaries, and overhead. Based upon the success rate of completed program implementation, including elements Of the economic development, redevelopment, and the "Powerful Partnership" program, the expected outcome of the project is anticipated to be highly successful. The feasibility is sound and will be closely coordinated by senior staff members. .Project Report A report will be prepared and submitted to the Board describing the program methodology, the progress, results of the market development project, and an evaluation of the program. This will be completed and submitted at the end of FY 94/95. 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