2004-111RESOLUTION NO. 2004R- ]. t ].
WHEREAS, the Human Resources Director has recommended in a staff report
dated June 15, 2004, that Resolution No. 92R-17 be amended in the manner hereinafter set
forth, and
WHEREAS, as a result thereof, the need exists to amend Resolution No. 92R-17
which established Personnel Rules for Management, Confidential and Non-Represented Part-
Time Classifications.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Anaheim as follows:
1. That Section 5.026 of Personnel Rule 5, Hours of Work and Pay Day, be amended to
read as follows:
"5.026 Non-Exempt Confidential employees who do not work on the holiday or day
observed in lieu of the holiday as set forth in Personnel rule 15 shall be required to
submit a vacation request for each hour beyond eight (8) hours of the defined
alternate work schedule. Or, with pre-approval of management, may make up hours
beyond eight (8) hours on another work day within the same work period. Such
additional hours worked shall not be considered overtime and the employee shall be
paid at his or her regular hourly rate of pay. This make-up of hours shall only apply
to holidays."
2. That Section 5.027 of Personnel Rule 5, Hours of Work and Pay Day, be deleted.
3. That Sections 6.03, 6.04, 6.1, 6.2, 6.241, 6.26, 6.35, and 6.41 be amended to read
as follows:
"6.03 Job classes in the classified service with an "X" before schedule or salary
range numbers shall be exempt from the above overtime provisions."
"6.04 Notwithstanding the above overtime provisions, there shall be no
compensation (overtime pay) for the time spent outside normal work hours in
attending meetings of any kind which are for the purpose of education or training.
Police Lieutenants shall be compensated at their regular hourly rate of pay for
required court appearances during off-duty hours. Police Lieutenants and Police
Captains shall be compensated at their regular hourly rate of pay for those selected
supervisory work functions performed while engaged in internal security for Anaheim
Stadium Rock Concert events."
"6.1 A full-time Non-Exempt Confidential employee assigned to stand by duty for
purposes of being on call to handle emergency situations arising at times other than
during normal working hours shall be guaranteed two (2) hours of pay at his/her
regular hourly rate of pay for each calendar day of such standby duty."
"6.2 Call out compensation for full-time Non-Exempt Confidential employees shall
be in accordance with the following provisions:"
6.241 Non-Exempt Confidential employees subpoenaed to appear during off-duty
hours as a prosecution witness for court matters within the scope of their
employment and who receive such subpoena before 5:00 p.m. the calendar day prior
to the date of court appearance shall receive overtime compensation according to
the planned overtime provisions."
"6.26 Management and Exempt Confidential employees shall be exempt from the
provisions of Section 6.2."
"6.35 Management, Exempt Confidential and part-time employees shall be exempt
from the provisions of Section 6.3."
"6.41 Exempt and Non-Exempt Confidential employees temporarily upgraded to
certain job classes shall be compensated at the lowest step in the higher salary
schedule that will provide a premium of not less than 4.0% of the employee's regular
hourly rate of pay for each hour worked in the higher job class during normal working
hours if they are assigned to work in the higher job class for a minimum of two (2)
hours of each. Day. Employees temporarily upgraded to job classes during other
than normal working hours shall be compensated at the lowest step on the higher
salary schedule that will provide an upgrade premium of not less than 4.0% of the
employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all time worked in the higher job class. The
"E" Step in the higher salary schedule shall be the maximum upgrade premium when
the "E" step of the higher salary schedule provides an upgrade in the Resolution
establishing rat3es for job classes by a "U2" before the schedule number."
4. That Section 15.2 of Personnel Rule 15, Holidays, be amended to read as follows:
"15.2 Certain designated employees may be required to work on any of the above
holidays or days observed in lieu of those holidays. A Non-Exempt Confidential
employee required to work on any of the above holidays or days observed in lieu of
those holidays shall receive additional compensation equivalent to one and one-half
times his/her regular rate of pay. Fire Battalion chiefs assigned to Suppression and
job classes exempt from overtime provisions of Rule 6, Premium Pay, shall be
exempt from the provisions of this Section."
5. That Sections 16.5 of Personnel Rule 16, Vacation, be amended to read as follows:
"16.5 Each Non-Exempt Confidential employee shall have one-half (1/2) hour
deducted from his/her accrued vacation time for each one-half (1/2) hour of vacation
taken. Non-Exempt Confidential employees shall have the number of hours of
his/her regular work day deducted from his accrued vacation time for each day of
vacation taken."
6. That Section 16.10.4 be added to Personnel Rule 16, Vacation, to read as follows:
"16.10.4 Effective June 30, 2006, the annual vacation cash-out shall be limited to
eighty *80) hours in a twelve (12) month period."
7. That Section 17.1 of Personnel Rule 17, Sick Leave, be amended to read as follows:
"17.1 Management and Exempt Confidential employees shall take sick leave in full
day increments only except in cases where Family Leave or Short Term Disability
situations exist. Non-Exempt Confidential employees shall have one-half (1/2) hour
deducted from his/her accrued sick leave time for teach one-half (1/2) hour of sick
leave taken. The number of hours of an employee's regular work day shall be
deducted from his/her accrued sick leave time for each regularly scheduled working
day that his/she is on paid sick leave."
8. That Section 19.03 of Personnel Rule 19, Bereavement Leave, be amended to read
as follows:
"For Non-Exempt Confidential employees the City will guarantee, that in addition to
the above, employees may use all available vacation on the books up to forty (40)
hours. If no vacation is on the books, the City guarantees the employee the ability to
use leave without pay for up to forty (40) hours."
9. That Section 19.03.01 be added to Personnel Rule 19, Bereavement Leave, to read
as follows:
"19.03.01 Exempt Management and Exempt Confidential employees may use
available vacation on the books up to five (5) days."
10. That Sections 23.13.1 and 23.13.2 of Personnel Rule 23, Insurance, Pensions and
Perquisites, be amended to read as follows:
"23.13.1 The City shall pay a monthly premium not to exceed 88% of monthly
premium, to maintain coverage in the single party Kaiser Plan for eligible employees
enrolled in the plan prior to November 24, 2000. All additional premiums shall be the
responsibility of the eligible employee.
23.13.2 For employees who enroll in the Kaiser Plan on or after November 24,
2000, the City's maximum contribution towards an employee's purchase of the
Kaiser Plan shall be:
First 2 years of coverage
More than 2 years of coverage
50% of the single party rate
75% of the single party rate
All additional premiums shall be the responsibility of the eligible employee."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of this Resolution shall be
June 18, 2004.
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that except as amended herein, Resolution
No. 92R-17 shall remain in full force and effect.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council
of the City of Anaheim this tSt~. day of .~une ,2004, by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Mayor Pringle, Council Members Tamt, McCracken, Chavez, Hernandez
NOES: none
ABSENT: none