1783 N. Sabel Ct. MAY 23 '05 11:20AM LBMMC BUSINESS OFFICE P.2/3 " " . ,"lip 1 of 2 I IDate: December 30. 2003 ICase No.: 04-0s-0073A J LoMA , : .>; , I. Federal Emergen.cy [Management Agency : ~~ .. Washiugtou. ~c. 20472 D~ - LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT , DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMQVAL) '. , I COMMUN/Tl' AND MAP PANEL,INfORMATION ' ~ PROPat1Y DESCRIPtION l?'IY OF ANAHEIM. oRAAGE COUNTY. Lot 17, Tract 13129, asdescnbed in the Gr$IIl Deed nK:Ofded as DoCument COM"'UNlTY CAI.IFORHIA No. 20000051079. in Book &12. Pages 32 end 3:1. In the 0fIi0& of the R8CXIIller. OraO,gll County. CaIifomla , CQUMIIIlIlY MO.: 4160213 i . J NUII8~: 06058CC10GlF r:;FECTEO HAMEl ORANGE COUNTY. c.oU'ORNIA , AP PANS- AlID IHCORPORATSl ARl!AS D.toTE: O1Al3118l17 FU:\ODlfllG sOURCE: AT'NOOO CHANNa APPROXIMATE JWRES 7.81. $OURCE OF UI ASSOCIATES ~ l1JM: NAD sa : DETERMIN . OI/1'CO 1'1<6?JS~~ LOWEST tI~ T LOT i.or BLOCKf SUBDIVISION STREeT ELEVA1l0N SECT\OI'l N .. F~ti lNGV0291 SFHA , Tracr13129 1783 NDl111 SaOGI SIrveM . ;17 - COurt - == FloOd Hazard Area ($FAA) . The SFHA Is an '"'" lhalwoukl be ~ng equaled or . , in an)' ~\en )ell' (base ftlod). www.AyresAssociates.com ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to 1I1e llP"",priat<l sec60n "" A- . . ) ppRTIONS ReMAIN IN THE SFtfA stuov UNDERWAY . ~en1 pIO'IidllS II1e FecIetsI Eme'9lll'CY Manag......ntJlg.m;y'S dew.mInaUon "'!larding 8 request fbra t.ellGr.of Map Amendmentfor tne P-'l' d aboVe. UG/rlg II1e lnfamlallan $~bmJlIeCl and the etfec:INe Nallonal F\OQd InsUlllm:e progranj (NFlP) map, "" have detarmlned lIlat 111. s/iucNle{s) OIIlhe pIOpeII)'(IllS) isIare not located In fhe SFHA. an area inundated i!Y lite flood having a 11>~ chance ofbelng eqtl8/ed or exceeded lR ariy \)f1Ien yeBr (lla"" lIoocl). 'OIls dDl:\Jlllent amend. \tie eIIeeIl... NFIP map \0 retilo'/e the subject pRlpertv, ~ tile SFHA located on "'" effGcllw NFlP mjlp: therefore, IIle FedeIlIl mandalOJY IIcod inswanea requirement dollS not apply. However. th. fllllder lias me oPItoII to conllnua lh8 flood Il\SU/'iInce =81\1 to "",led lis finandalliSk oIi the loan. A Preferre<l Risk Polley (PRP~1s avallable for bulldingsaocated outside IIle SFHA. l/lfCnnation 8bou1 PAP and haw one can apply I. encIO$Gd.' ,. This de...rminalion Is based ""the flood dale pr....nUy awl/;lble. Tl'I8 enclosed d,!""",enlS pJOvtde addItiol)3/ InfomlaliM regarding IIIIs delenninalfO/l. B ~ have any qll8S1lons llllOIIt 1111. 4ocument. please CDnlact file FEMA Map AssI$fllnee Oenter toU rrve 81,(877) 336-2627 (877-FEIM tMP) or by 1_ essed 10 the Fe<lenlf !;mllfl/ancy Ma....gement Agency. 3eOl E"1Sl3ft_ Avenue.Sulle 600. .AlBlCSIlClria. VA~. .' . . , , ~ : I , .... Doug BalIomo. P.!.. eFM, ~ ChiDf , Ha2lllllldenllflcelfon Se;ti"". Mlllgadon Dlvlslon emergency preparedn_ and ReSpclnslO Dl(ecUlr.ole VersIOn 1.3.3 102061CASL TOCTil3DllS32DITI MAY 23 ,ns 11 2 AM ~ : 0 LBMMC BUSINESS OFFICE P.3/3 " . . pj.ge:2 of2 I lOate: Dec:embllr 30. 2003 ICase No.: 04.o9.o073A T LOMA . . Ll....~ ~ :. 'i~~, Federal Emergency Management Agency \~ Wa~";ngton. D.C. 20472 ~"U5~Y" : - LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT DETERMINATION DOCU~ENT CREMO.VAL) A.1TACHMENT 1 (AODITIONAU CO"'SIOERATIONS) PPRTIONS OF ntE PROPERTY REMAIN IN THE SFHA (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 1 flt"operty.) Portions of this property, but not the subject of the Determlnatlon/COmmenl document, may remain in the Special Flood tfazard Area. Therefore, atlY future construction or substantia/Improvement on the property remains subject to Federal. SUrteJCommonweelth. and local regUlations for floodplain managem~nt S!rUDY UNDERWAY (This li..ldItional consideration aplllies to atl properties In the LOMA DETERMINATION DiOCUMENT (REMOVA1.)) , . . Tf11s delermination Is based on the flood data presentlY available. H,owevSf, the Federal :Emergency Management Agency Is currently revising the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) mal? for the community. : New flood dala could be generated that may affect this property. When the new NFIP map is Issued it Will supersede thIs determination. The Federal requirement for the purchase of flood insurance will then be based ~n the newly revised NFIf.> map. , .. ". . . I' niIs allaclvnenl plOIIidllG addllional Info<malion _rding lhis reques~ If you hav8 any questions about this allachment, pleeGe c:onlllct the FEMA Ma~ Allsislan<:8 Center loll ~ a1(877) 33&-2621 (877-FEMA MAP) or by leller addresSed 10 the Feddl Emergency Management AQ8I1CY, 3601 E~ , AVenue. Sulle 600, Alellandria, VA ~04-6439. ' I --. - ToJ.t:- DOUg Bellomo, p,E., CFM. AclIng Ctii....: Hazard IdenUftcallon 5eC1fon. MllIgaIion: DIVIsIon Em~ PMl'):ilIrftCfnftAA and ResDQrISiA Dlrac:sorate V.-clnn 1 'll't 1n",R:1r".A,!::;1 Tnrrrn.~"l~M"