7850 E. Samantha Cir. TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Addition C ITV DATE: 11/8/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 7850 E SAMANTHA CIR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 8831 LOT 98 ~y<;;:';;_;._-t,'c, "".~,c".",1~ }~'~.~- '-~'{A'-';-' /0/ r"o _'__ y~~"~ . :. "",,"""',,\lI'~_. .c.~'~.'ctNW~)MEIM "...~<? '~~Z~~~h~~/ BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 200 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-04076 CONTRACTOR INFORMt,'nON: LOPEZ BETTER LJViNG eUILDERS 1059 S. SUNDANCE ANAHEIM, CA92808 : BUSINESS PHONE: 714261-3883 JOB DESCRIPTION:Build 280 square feet of second story patio deck (REF: B!;P2004-01680). VALUATION: 8,000.00 . .. ) I OWNER-BUILDEPpECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractcr\:;_ License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Bus!ness and Professions Code: any city' or cO,\mtywhich requires a permit to construct, 8:::~~~,improve, demolish or repair any structure. prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to _ file a signed statement that he is lic~:,lsed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 70DO,of Divisiori.3 of the Business and Professi;:rns Code) or.that he is exempt therefrom and thebasis'for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any 'applican~ for a permit si.!hb~ts the 'applicant to a' dvil penalty of not more than five hu'ndred dollars ~~ . . ~ .. D I, .asowner of property, or my employees with wages as their sele comr~~rlsation, wili do the 'Nork, and the structure is not intended.or offered for sale (~13C, 7044 Business ar"!d Professions Code: The Contractor's License W3W noes not applyto;an owner of property wr"l builds or:improves thereon, and who does suu-', work himself or herself or through his or her ow;~ employees, provided that such improvemenu;are net intended or offered for sale, If, howevef, the building or improvement is soJei with one ye~::r of completion,the owner-builder wil(have the I)urdenof preving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale), _ .'. . "." . o I, .as the owner of the property, am exdusively ccntractin~ with licensed !:cntl.actors to construct the project (See. .7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Lawctoes' not apply to an olimer of prope;ty~no builds or improves thereon, and whi') oontracts for sum projects with p...!(piltractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). . .) , , -'. U lamexemptunderSec. ,B&P.C.fortnisreason: ~ ' , ' . .' Dat~: Owner: ~ I APPLlCANT:JOHN LOPEz OWNER INFORMATION: Robert M UndelWood . 7850 E Samantha Cir Anaheim, CA 92807 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: MSM -l I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following deciaratiol1s: ~ 0, I have and will mairitai~ a. certificate of consent to self-iij'slJre tor works.-<! compensation, as provided for-by Section, 3700 of the Labor Code, .foT the perforitlance ofti"=;~ work for whid1 ~hi permit is issued.j - !,1 have and will maintain WO-rker's. compensation insur~;'j(;e, as reqUired b:'( Section 3700 of . he Labor Code, for the performance of the work for-which this permit is issue::i. ~,."'vworker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy are: ! . Carrier: STATE FUND Policy Number. 1786525p' This ,section need not be compJeted if the pennit is for one hundred dollars ($10Qr..er I~s. o " certify that in the perfolmance of the work for which this permit is issl!~~:I~ J shan' not employ any person in any manner so as ecom subje to the worker's CCYllpensation laws of Califomia, and agree that if I shoul become s je the worker's compe'nsation provisions of Section 3700 of the La 0 -Code, rthwith comply w,ith these provisions. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION. 11/8/2004 Date: /..../~ ~ NUMBER 783521 TYPE .B Date: 11/8/2004 Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECUR ORK R'S CO UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOY TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND D ARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS P OVIDED FOR IN SECTION:3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ' I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY. I hereby affirm under penattY of perjury that there is a constrllction lending a~rmcy for the "---iJ-eifO(rricii~';:e'ffilli-CwoI'KiOi-q.t1idf:t.ilS oormii !5 ~s&re-d _(S,~.::: :~.ot.i .Go-.C); - '- Lender'S Information: . NSATION COVER;,GE IS Construcion Types: VN, , Fire Sprinklered? NO Fees paid for Permit: Total: 470,50 Date: 11/812004 Signa r. of Appli t or Agent The permit shall ex re by Ii ation and b""omenull and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection.365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is'required to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD .. . DATE. ',. . . INSPECTION . INSPECTO~ Temporary Power Pole . , Plumbing (DrainIWaste Pipe) . EIe'ctrical Ground Electrode/Ufer ~ SetbacklFormsfTrenches(Footings) , . , . Do not install subflqor or p<?ur floor slab until t~e 'following applicable items hav~ been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler .Valves) . Mechanical (Groundwork) , I .. Electrical (Underground Condu~) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. . . Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) . . Do not cover or conceal the work below until the followjngapP'li.t~:ble items h"ave been sigoed: " . . 1 st Floor Shear ' . , Firespri nkJer ..(Roug h) , .. . 2nd Fioor Shear . Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) . . Masonry (RPinfJBond Beam/Pre-GIO\II) .. Rough Plumbing, (Top Out) Rough Mechanical . , . Rough Electrical (Dry Wall) . . ' ,Rough Electrical . . Framing (Only after Plbg.. Elec.. r.-lech and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have been signed: . " . ' '. Drywall " .. , . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical PenetrationS (Fire Rated) Plwnbil19 . Interior Lath ,~ ExteriorLath . " GENERAL. ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T .Bar Electrical . T.Bar Mechanical .: . ; T .BarStructuraJ Sewer ' . Water Engineering Backflow .. Water Service . FINAllNSPECTIQNS Electrical Final,' Plumbing Fihal Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765,s126 Fire Dept. Final '7654040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 Building Final (Las! Inspection. Only, , , '. , After Above Complete) Date Inspector ~ ,Build in Mechanical Inspections ,Plumbinq Inspections, ElectricallnspectioilS --..n;'-,.....- "'~"""""...,.,.....- -:'-.. BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-01680 . BUILDING DIVISION 200 S,ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765- 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE:' (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE' 434 QUARTER SECTION; 200 DATE: 5/2612004 JOB ADDRESS: 78:)0 E SAMANTHA CIR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 8831 LOT 98 :<F~jf~:'~<~t-_.~:,,~\ . :~., i; '~~~HEIM <\(j'~;i;~!~i{,l ' . ; TYPE OF PERMIT C ' , Residential Addition . lTY i' APPLICANT: JOHN LOPEZ 1 OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORW.trON: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: Robert M Underwood LOPEZ BETTER LIVING fi:I;LDERS MOHAMMAD MAHPAR 7850 E Samantha Cir .3300 W LINCOLN AVE # 20e{- 702 W, LINCOLN AVE: Anaheim, CA 92807 : ANAHEiM, CA 928010000: ANAHEIM, CA 92805 .- ' . l. '. _ . " " BUSINESS'PHONE: 71420T,1>883 " " . , " ' . ' JOB DESCRIPTION Room Addition~2nd story rcom additicn'~nd 1$t floor remo_!i'e!. Enlarge bedroom, add master bathroom alJd conv€;:rt.existing bath room VALUATION: 'to 1"5W,5S'or88m. ',' , .1' PROCESSEDBY: CA~ ,. I ' ' . .' . '. OWNER-BUILDER,bEGLARATION ", '," , ' ,~ I hereby affirm ~nder penalty of perjury that I arr: exempt from the Contractc.-'fI..icens-e Law for"the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and" . P rolessions Cod e:, a ny d ty_or county wl1:ch req uijes a perrn;t to construct. a ttlr, . im prove. -d emo lish or r~pa:( any str'ucture, prio r t6 its issuance.' also reqUire. s the a,PP!iCZ. ~t f,)r ElIch ::>er,,,,.a to file Cl siH'ned 3t.8te'Tie-Pt that.he is !i'C<~,' "..ed pu.r:8uant',tb~he, provi.sions Of, the contr,'a, Ctor'S'L.ice. n.se Law (el'Ja pter 9)(comr:1sncing witi; S'3dion ::"000 of Oivisron 3 of ti~e E:usiness and Profe.ssir 's Co~e) or t~at.he is exempt therefrom a'nd thebasi~ for the alreged '-,{;;;J~i~n. A.nY,V~latjOn of Section,7031.S by.ar.ly-~pp[jcant for ~ permitSUL~"" ds the ap~ic~ilft~ a-~vil pe~alty ~f n~t m0.ie th~n five hun<1red d.ollar~. : D' I. a_s owner of pr9perty, or my employee:; wi~h wages as their sol.,:, comp' ~lsalicn. wi!l dC!; the w.Qrk, and the structure' is .not ill tc..nded or off~(ed for'. sale (Sec; 7044 8usiness and Professions Code;: , The.Gontractorjs.Uc~""!~e I .wc.ioes not <lpplyto an qwner of prbpertY-whObl!i1dsQr improves '- thereon. ,and wI'J0 d oessud1 work hi mself. or he !'Self orthroug_h hi's or :-,er'\-..w:-em9loyees, provided that such imp rove 'me'r.ts a re not 'in tend ed _.or . offered f.or sale. If. hoWever, .the bUilding or impfovement.issold With one y~, r of ccmpletion,.the o'N.~er-builder wUI hav.~..the burden of pro'/jng.~hat'~e ._did:nQtbuild?rimprove'forthe purpose of saJe). . ..... ';'1 . ,._, " ........c;. -,' [J. I. as the.owr.er bfthe'pr.op,erty, am e~dusive'Y co~tracting with 10ensed,~~I!tr.:lctQr$ to construc~t the project (Sec. 7044; 8usiness :::llld.Prof':l~jons Code:' Th~ Contractor's Licer1~e Law does not aprly to an ownercf pr-:)pel:y :t'iilJ builds,or improves thereon, and ,wl:lo contracts for sU,ctf projects wit.h '~-qontra~or(~) licen~ed p~r~ua~t to the.C.ontractor's License Law). .a , ..' .' . ~ ..' -. .' L~.J, .!. am exempt under S~C. '. e 1$ P.C. for ~his reason:. '.-~H-. ". Date: Owner:. ._____'. 'L ..' .' '. W.ORKER'S COMPENSATIONDECLARATio1i~-, :==J I hereby affir.m under 'pe:naltY of pe~ury 'one .of the following ~eclarations: .' . If - D I have' and will ~intain ~ cert.ifi<?ate of oonsent to se!f-i~ure for wC;ke/~ '~;o!T:pensatio(.J, as pr.ovid~_for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code. f.or the pl?:1ormance oftri;r wo:i< for v/hk:h this permit is issued.. ' . '. . ~:!. . .0 I have and will maintain worlser's ,c.ompensation insurance, as reauired r;~ S.::etion 3700 9f the Labor Code. forlhe periormance of'the work for which this permit is is::u~~j, Myworker's ComPensation insoraneecarrierand policy are:., 'i Carrier: NO EMPLOYEES. Policy Number. EXEMP'r Date: 5/26/2004' Applicant: .. ,WARNING: FAILURE. TO SECU KER'S PSATIQNCOVEi"~\i,e IS>.,' UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUBJ, EMPL E, Q CRIMINAL PENAl';'IE$ AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000); IN ADCij]ON TO THE' COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIP!" ~706 OF.THE . LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. Ti> I:. " , 'CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY',": L;"',' . ~: -~~':,:;:::<-=:J;;;.;:::_L~~:'" 'i=~~~ ~/ ;;:1"--~?:j ~:'t,:h;;;U;:~.~;_;s:-~-'::;~~1~~t:~t;":~6;~~~~'E.~:;L:;~ -.:-~':S~ .' :.c.-f ~,,-~~,L -_.~ -:"'~'- perforrr.ar:ce .of the work 'for whid1 this permit is issued (See. 3097 .Civ .C): Lender'.s Information: ' Construcion Types: - VN, , ' Occupancy Groups: R3, . ", ' Fire Sprinklereci?' LivinQ Ar~a: Balcony I Deck Area: NO 196 50 '~:';-'~~'~':""""'---,-"-- I certify that I have-re~' this applicati.on and state that the above information'is correct. I agree to,co ith al i i;>rdinances and State Jaws relating to bu'ifding cO'1struction, and here.b horize re se ives 0 his 'City to enter upon the above mentione~} property for insp ion pur ff- Datl' 5/2612004 Applicant or Agent , The permit shail e by limitation aildbecome null and void if th.! building or. work has. not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to ~mmence.or continue work. Fees 'paid for Permit: Total: 5.00 'INSPECTiON RECORD " " ' , ',: ' INSI'ECTION' :' '"DATE ,INSI'ECTOR TemporarY Power Pole" , , :', ,', Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe)', " " ' , '" Electrical Giciuhc\ ElectrodetUfer , " ' , Selbll(:k1FormslTrenCheS (Footings) : QQ, no1.mstall. s!Jbfloor or pour floor slab untIl the follOwing 'appl~cable items ,have beensigned(. . plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) MechaniCal (Grciundwork) ~ctrical (Undergr,ound Conduit) Pre-s~b, (CompliCtioni brane.Reinf. ,Underpinning (AoorJoistlGinlers) hot CQver or concelll the work below untIl the foUo~ingapplicable items have been signed: , 1 stFloor Shear, Firesprinkler (Rough) 2nd Floor Shear ,ROof (Sheathing/Di hragmlFrame) Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) ~oughMechanlcal Rough ectrlCaI all Rough Electrical F:raming",.. JOnly afteTPlbg., Etec., Mech" and'Fire). "-d InS!Jlati6h(SoUndlEnergy) Do nottape or plaster' unlil,thefollowlAg applicabe item,S have been signed:, '. " "', >:. Drywall Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electri Penetrallons(Fire Rated) Mechanical , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing" InteriilrLath' Exterior Lath GENERALlT MS Exterior Plaster (Bl'O\Nn Coat) ,T -Bar Electrical T-Bar Mechanical, ' ' ',T-Bar Structural Sewer Water Engineering Backflow Water Service \ " ", FINAL ,INSPECTIONS' Electrical F,inal .Date Inspector 'v v Plumbing Final Mecha~ic~IFinal' Gas Test , " Engineering/Grading Final 765-S126 Fire Dept.FinaI765-4040 Water E~gineering .765,-5268 Sub List/BusinesS License 765-5,19 Zoning 765-5,139 Buildlng Final' (Last InspectiOn. Only " ~ , ,'After !\bov,e Complete), 1.(;( , PARTIAL INSPECTIONS BUildina,lnspections 6'-/,.:.,- '6-'7/-0 b.t!!~'/ e Mechanical Inspections ',' PlumbinQlnspections ' ' Electrical inspections