1282 E. Santa Ana St. II? ..."'- ......'- ~!.IILO~:? i'ERMIT NO. BLD2004-00524 j~1~:g;~."" . ~~~:~~i~~~:~n c ITY :;;:;{~'.::~:ifA)-i ElM DATE: 3/2/2004 \.. ~FIJ1) JOB ADDRESS: 1282 E SANTA ANA ST ~~.) ~t,~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ANAHEIM EXT LOT 12 W 75 FT E185 FT 5UILDiNG DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765, 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLlNIO:' (714) 765,4626 . CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 103 APPLICANT: ENREQUE VALERA OWNER INFORMATION: Enrique Valera, 1282 E Santa Ana St Anaheim, CA 92805 . ,.',f,"., JOB DESCRIPTION Bedroom and office addition to SFD. 499:5 sq. ft, (HIH) VALUATION: 33.616,00 . J I '" OWNER-BUILDEi~DECLARATION I hereby affirm' u.nder penalty of perjury that I am exempt from .the Contn:l.ctGi:.sLicense Law for the following' reason (Sec. 7031.5 ~usiness and Professions Code: any,city,or county which requires a perniit to constructl at~r, improve,'demolish or repair any structure, prior'to its isSuance. also requires the applicant for sudl permit to file a s.igned statement.that he, is,Iic.-G~~ pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Lice'1se la~ (Chapter 9)(commencin'g with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professi:m~sCode) or that he is e?C,empt therefrom and the basis for the alleged. exemption. Any violation of Seetion7031.5by any applicant for a permit.s\J~\'ects the appficant to a dvil penaltyof rlc.>tmore than five hundred dollars -f$10?)~s owner of pr6~~rty, orrT!Y'employe~s with wages as their sole ccmF~hsation!~i11 do the ~ork, ~Od thest~'~~t~, ,~notirlt~nr;ied 0; ~ffered f~r ~e (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's LiCp.n~2"",.3W does not apply to an owner of property Who .builds,,?rimproves the~eon,.and wryo does spch work himself or herself or through hi::; cr he:r o~.t~l}1ployees, 'provided that such improvement's are not interided OJ: offered for sale. If, hovvever, the buUdirig or improvement is sold.with one ye;)(of completion, the_owner-builderwHI havethe burden of proving that he .didnotbuildori~prove-'forthepurpci'se.ofsale). ' '.' r'.. . -' ..'.... .", . o I, as the owner of th.e property, am '~x:dusively contracting with iice.nseiJl~ntrddor::; to constructthe project (See. 7044 BU!~iness and Professions . Code:, The Contract<?r's licel~se-law does net apply to an owner of propert~....t.o builds or improves there,?n. and who contra:::~ for such 'projects'VJ~h ~ntract. or(~)licensed pursllantto~he.Contractor'sLicense law). I: '. f ' lam e~empt und~r Sec: , ,B & P.C. for ;~ r~son: ~ :' Date: _...... <0 OWner: ....~~ _'~ ORKER'S COM PEN TION DECLARATION ,(to ,.. I hereby affirm under-penalty of p~fjUry one of the following declarat!cns: . 1; o I have and will- maintain a certificate' of oonsenito ,self-insur.e -for workertcompensation, as provided for by Se_dion 3700 of the labor Code, f~.r the performance o'f ~r:)\vork tor which thi,s permit is issued.. ' . '. . '~(.:. . ' , ' , \ . . 0 I have and.will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as required Of Section 3700 of the LaJ:lorCode,Jor the performance9fthe work for which this ~rmit is 1~L!Jd.. Myworker~s Compensation !nsural1_oo carrier and'Policy ar.e: .' . ~'\ . Carrier: ", . . . Polrcy ~umber.',: .!: " ' , ' .' l -- ,., . This section need not be.completed if th~ pennit is for.one hundred dollars ($10"1 or less. D I certify that in the'perfonnance of the work for which this permi(iS issue~,l shaH not employ any. person in any manner 'so as to become subject to the worke.r's ~~;n;>ensa.tion laws. .of Califomia, and agree that if I should become 'subject to the worker's compl:rsation _, ' . provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor- Code, 'I shall forthwith co ply with th#e provisions. Date: 3/;/2004 APPlicanv>.( . . .' . . .,!\ ".,' WARNING: FAILURE TO. SECURE WORKER'S OM ENSATIONCOVEfl\:GE IS ' UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPL ER Te.-C;RIMINAL PEN,,"':'TiES AND CIVIL FINES URTC CNE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100.000), .IN.AOO']lONTO TtiE COST OF COMPENSATION; DAMAGES AS PROVIDED .FCR IN SEt;tIQlJ,~706 CF THE' LABOR CODE,INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ". . I.'. ,. " .,,' I CONSTRUCTION LENOING AGENCY "'}t:j:}'iJ ! hl?reh~, f.ffirm' !uvler ~~l'"I;;ljh: nf r''"'~;!~:'J-t-fh~t th~I'O ~:: cohst!"lJc;t;r.n 'e~::-:7..~':"'~~~cYi.9!tJ:l,i~-'{ performance of the work for which this permit-is issued (Sec.3Q97.Clv.C):'j ,~.."'-~ _:.;~ lender's Information: . f" . .. CONTRACTORINFORMiITION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEERINFQRMATION: PROCESSED BY: PMK LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION '-herebyaffirrn under penalty of'perjury that I am licclIse<funder pro\'isk.::-:.<; of ch~pter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divsion 3 uffhe'Business and . Professions Code. 3/212004 Date: Contractor NUMB..R EXPIRATION DATE TYPE Construcion Types: VN, . Fire $prh'klered? NO -'~""- . - . . " ',," ,~,. ": c6rJfy thdi. ~"iIQVt: iec.J- iN:; c;jpp.~.C&:uolr-ar~ $tata-ii~t til-tt~a!iu;;6~;I'i~~f~lJ7#i5r;:'~~~ 1': agree to rom ply- with all city ordinances and ,state laws relating to bunding cOllstructioli, and her~by authorize representives of thiS: city'to'enter upon the above mentioned property for i~specl:ion rposes. I I J ,~, ----c~._~. "'~:"r"-i0.:,~"""'''-'''"~-'''>- Fees paid for Permit: -Total: 0.00 Date: 312/2004 Sign e o.f Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed fillal insp,ection 365 dayS from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue Work. ) .' . . . .,,",SPECTOR I Electrical Final "lJ~~/lrf ).?;V?\.'~ . .,,",SPECTIO,,", , DATE Temporary Power Pole . . . Pl~rnbing Final ( . ", Pl~mbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) . , !/ZJI'Je~'" /. ':)^ Jd" . Mechanical Final EledrlcalGround, Electrpde/Ufer . p~ . , / ( 1 SetbacklForinslTrenches(Footings) . .; ,..;;.""...,,1 ~ Gas Test (, . . u Do not install subflooror, pour floor slab until the Engineering/Grading Final'765'0126 . following applicable items have been signed:. . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) . Fire Dept. Final 765~O40 , Mecll3nical (Groundwork) , Water Engineering 765-5268 . Eledrical (Underground COr;1duit) . S~b LisllB~siness License 765-519 Pre-slab (C!)mpactionlMembrane.Reinf. . '. Underpinning (Floor JoisllGirders) . Zoning 765-5139 . '. . . I DO not cover or concealthework below unlll the Building Final ~ast Inspection. Only rz,pr/~ PZtt ~.'.' '. following applicable. items have been signed: fter Above Complete) 1 st Floor Shear ' . PARTIAL IN,SPECTlbNS Firesprir;1k1er(Rough): , . . '., Suildina Insoectioris 2nd Floor Shear . . . . , Ro.o[(Sheathing/Di;l/*.ragm'Erame) . , . Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) . . . '. . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . . . . Rough Mechanical '. . . .' '. KOugh t:IectriclII\lJrY wall) . . . Rough Eledrical . J/. . , Framing (Only after Plbg.. Elee,. Mech.. and Firb- --tJY-' ...---, '. , Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . . ~"fv1 ,,--., Do not tape or plaster ~nlillhe follcfwin applica61e . Mechanicallnsoections items have been si'gned: . ',/. .' . . Drvwall <=-Z;;'-fj f-.4I./IJU . , . . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . I. . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanica' . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing , .' , . Interior Lath . ' .... . ~ Exterior Lath. . - 4 Plumbina Insoections . . GENERAL ITEMS ." ~ . Exterior Plaster (Brown CQal) . r..:T:..co '. T -Bar Electrical . . T -Bar Mechanical' . . T .Bar Structural '. . . . , . . ..... Sewer . Wat!!r Engine!!ring Backflow . " . . . . .' . Electricallnsoections Waler S!!rvice . INSPECTION RECORD . FINAL INSPECTIONS Date ~... Inspecloi" !