5731 E. Santa Ana Canyon... (2) TYPE OF PERMIT Tenant Improvement (Limited) CITY DATE: 7/1612004 JOB ADDRESS: 5731 E SANTA ANA CANYON RD B LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DOMINGUEZ ESTATE LOT 4 POR OF LOT ElM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 437 QUARTER SECTION: 185 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-01259 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: CLARK CONTRACTORS ,iNC 19651 DESCARTES " FOOTHILL RANCH, CA 926100000 BUSINESS PHONE: 9495S1 6577 . JOB DESCRIPTION:renant improvement, remodel of exist. 1444sf of retail sp~ce "into '~Jamba Juice" VALUATION: 70,000.00 '{ PROCESSED BY: HRO I. .' '. '. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION '., . . . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exemptfrom t.he ContractorTs ,License Law for the :following reason (Sec. 70.31.5 Business and Professions Code:"any dty or coun.tywllich requires a permit to construct, aJt~r,: improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance. .also requires the applicant for.such permit to file asigned,statement that lie is lid~~sed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License law (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of DiVision, 3 of the_ Bus.iness and Professic;ns Code) Of that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption; Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for 'a permit sL:-b}'-ects the applicant ,to a civil penalty of not more than five, hundred dollars ($500).; ..' . ' . ". o I, as owner of property, or my employees with wages a$ their sole comp.,?psation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044.Business and Professions Code: ,The Contractor's Ucense !(.&~w does not appryto an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who.doessuch work himself' or nelSelf or through his or her O'.'i!l_'employees, proVided that such improvements are not intendedor offered for sale. If, however, the bUilding or improvement is sold with one ye<kof co.mpletion, the owner-builder will have-the'burdl;:ln of proving that he . did not build or improve forthe,'purpose of sale). . [i:' ,:. > . o I, as the owner of the property, am ,exdusively ,contracting with licensed~bntractors to construct the' project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property'r1lhO builds or improves thereon, and who oo;::Jtracts for sudl projects with' FlQontractor(s) Ii~ensed pursuant to the .ContraCtor's Ucenre ~w). I" . . . U I am exempt under Sec. .; 8 &: P.C. for this reason; -J Date: Owner: I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ~.' I hereby affirm uhder penalty of perjury (:)Oe of the following declarations: . o i have and will maintain a certificate of consent.to self-insure for worker'~'. compensation, as provided for by Seclio'n 3700 of the labor Code, for the 'performance OfVll,~ work far whim this permit is issued., . i. 00 -'1 have and will maintain:worker's compensation ins~ranc~, as ~.q~i~d o};.section 3700 of ~Code, forthe.performance of the work fQrwhlCh thIS permit IS lsslJe.d. Myworker's Compensation insurance' carrier an,d policy are: r: . Carrie~:' Poticy Number. . !: . This secJjon need nOt be' completed if the pennitis for one hundred dollars ($1~of or leSs; o I certi.fy that-In the perfonnance of the work for which this permit is issqe)j, 1:.s~a'lI not ~mploy any person in any manner so as to become SUbject to the worker's'-~6:Tlperisation laws of Califomia, and agree that if I should become subjeGt to the' worker's comPri1satiorl'~" provisions of Section 3700 of the labor Code, I hall fort comply with th~lSe provisions. APPLICANT: TONY FORMICA , OWNER INFORMATION: Impenal Properties 2424 SE Bristol St #200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: SPENCOR JOHNSON 695 TOWN CENTER DRIVE COSTA MESA, CA 92626 LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that lam licensed under provisions qf chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7(00) of Oivsion3 of the Business and ' profesSion;<od~ ~.'. . 7/16/2004" . Dare: . Connacror , NUMBER 570943 TYPE '. TYPE EXPIRATION DATE 6/30/2005 B C36 Date: 7/16/2004 Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER' COMPENSATION CQvERI\GE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL'PENALTIES AND C)VIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000),lN 'ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION:3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . '~ , I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGE;NCY. .' j _..J.hert;'by..:affir!TI 'unr.!etpef!e!t~i"?T perjll!7' th.'"!t thero?'i$< s c~r.s;tt'U(J'I?~!i'~;.rl;~iC'~~~"Y for ih~ performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec:.3097 .Civ.C): . lender's Information: ' Construcion Types: III N, , Occupancy Groups: M" ,',' . Fire Sprinklered? NUl1Jber of Stories T.I.Area: .NO 1 1,444 I certifY that I have ,read this application and state, that the above information is correct.. I agree to'comply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize represe Ves of this dty to enter upon the above mentioned property for insp.ectiOn poses. Date: 7/16/2004 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 1.503.52 Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by Iimnation and become null and void if the'building or . work has nof passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit Issuance, A new permit is reCjuired to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION ' , DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole ' Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/Uter , SetbacklFormsfTrenches (F""tings) , , Do not install subfloor or pour flo,or slab until the following applicable ilems have been signed: , Plurribing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) , Mechanical (Groundwork) , Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) , Do not cover or conceal the war!< below until the , following applicable items have been signed: 1stFloorShear . , Firesprinkler (Rough) , 2nd Floor Shear ' ' Roof (Shealhing/Diaphragnv'Frame) Masonry (ReinfJBond Beam/Pre-Grout) Rough Plumbing' (Top Out) Rough Mechanical , Rough Electrical (Ory Wall) , Rough Electrical ' '" A Framing: (Only after Plbg.. E!ec.. t\flech.. and Fire)' D'j1.. -ot.r . IN prt-:f. Insulation (SoiIndlEnergy) / ) po nO,t tape or pla~ter until the following applicable, ,(.;.00""" ,tem~ have been signed: .' . I DryWall , 1{);fld~P! ffJA~ Penetrations (Fire.Raied) Electrical , , P,,"etrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical, , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath , " , Exterior Lath , , GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (BlO'Nn Coat) , T-Bar Electrical , T-Bar Mechanical ,,/7 _/ T-Bar Structural ' ' . Y~?'D.r/ Y{/ Sewer ' , Water Engineering Backflow Water Service . ' , FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final plumbing Final, Mechanical Finar' Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub List/B~siness License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 Building Final (Las! Inspection- Only , After Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections Mechanical Inspections Plumbina'lnspections Electrical Inspections ',I. . v , JG:mAa.?J....... "!',.., ~ ... " ", ',. I ' I I r:} , f:.1 /' /-, , . '\ o 1.1' 4)\.WRt..c "- 'J ~ ""_0l".1 , "- il !, I I .0. t t , n H iJ U . .' ~5 {/OJO, 0f(- X I ,,-4) (3~5Cdl " JOC[(.tf cD'r, r- ,I ,'~ ,IftL,I~' . ~~ ~ 0; , I-h~ , 'rioh i /I (j1YJ c' _ _ {JWIJjl}/y- .. ,~I/ X (jX~1 - .(jfj ~.- ... . '~~-~~~~-~~~~-'-;p(O~ Icca~on------'----~'----"-'_c,---~~--- .2.. '>. !-s<e+ ill Urn ChAt ~ttWibtlJuie'e- l.frs f lagv)~/j, '"'57:3'1 ~~' fJna{yn - .. - - ~/; '~r 11 Mh~Jrn ~ 11.5 ' rJJti-- ~IGN ~ ~\. &\~Ov---' , '. ~(}Y\L s\vV~ 4WN~ (no cutrekt~ f/~) , ~ ,~ &/&VPk{v-v\. , ' Southwest Elevation: Jamba Juice Logo Sign (Front Elev.) . A r0-O-.. !../ 0 5 iZ] ~"'~ ~ ~ Q~~-{. ,1-' 1''' 0' ,'< ~...~o~"'...~?-~~@ . ",,,,~,o't~... ~,,?- r\ o~ ovp.~"'.-(0-'o~ 0'" "'coo~ ,,;, p.""...", 0 0- "'~~~\"~?-i>.-( ~~~ ... i>~0'VyO,;, L; :J:f'" ~.~o 0 umuu:/iiii.uuu, ~o'" ~o~~~ o~ ~ r;J'< ~ ~ 'Y,' \Q~ ? \:;~\S0 QJ J !:WId.!-0- \)\~r:, <(' <(' ~-JJ.. ]"j ~.~ <o~~\~~ q~o: ~ ~~~~~~:~:::;r""""'" ~o"v 1 OF" 4 14732 Calvert St Van Nuys, CA 91411 818.787.0477 Fax: 818.787.0415 """""""""""" Sum TYPE Channel Letters ITE:M OPTION QUANTITY SCALE' As Scaled PRO.JECT Anaheim Hills DATE 3/8/04 DESIGN # This drawing is an original piece of art work and if> owned by Vi5{/:Tle Graphics, It was desianed for your personal use 85 partofa project l>eing dC51gnedfor you by Visible Graphics. This artwork is not to vt: duplicated in any way without the permission of Visible Graphics. """""""""""" DRAWl"'", HA.. R....... "''''''''''w,",n & ,... o APf>l'ICVIl!:D W,THDUT EXCEI>T,gN o Ap.....CVEI;I AS NCTEC o TO BIl: REVISI!:C & Ille:SUBMITTEO By< DATE: """""""""""" Mlldllt::1I11 nlJlS, L;A ~LI IU . CA"" Scale: 114" = 1'-0" { q' " ~ ic-r '1 ! , I , , I 1 '" , ' l ..~ ~ --... /-----. i l.--~-, r'_J l -- I' n I I " :, . . I :" , ~l' ~ . L L__' I ~ ----' 00--.1 L..._! l____ LJ L .-----.-, ~u_,J ( ii L- I" J '\. " ~., ---- Elevation: Jamba Juice Logo Sign 1( ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO JUNCTION (BY OTHER) INT. DISCONNECT SWITCH EXTERIOR WALL 3/4" TRIM CAP 3/16" THICK PLASTlC FACE VOLT ARC 6500 WHT NEON TUBE. _ 3/8" BQLTS WITH MASONRY/CONCRETE r-.3'1 1hlfl. 4 ~4J !-iY i /oqo GTO W/IN5ULATlNG SLEEVES (1'11") , U.L. APPR ELECTRODE BOOT (lYP) NEON STANDOFF (1-314") .40 UP TO 30" LEITER HT. .63 ABOVE ~30" .040/.063 ALUMINUM RETURNS ~ AND BACK PAINTED BLK. . LEITER EDGES PAINTED 3/16" BACKER J-BOX BY INSTALLERS 30 MA LPF NEON TRANSFORMER V.L. APPROVED TYP. LETTER SECTION Side View Details: Face-LIt Channel Letter COLOR KEY: SCOTCHCAL230 (TRANS.) SERIES VINYL SCOTCHCAL220 (OPAQUE) SERIES VINYL CHANNEllETfER FINIS COLOR 22 BLACK WHITE DROP 5HADON 118 MULBERRY 44 ORANGE 74 KUMQUAT 125 MANGO 115 lEMON YELLOW 22 BLACK 10 WHITE S8 DARK VIOLET 14 BRIGHT ORANGE 54 UGHT ORANGE 25 SUNFLOWER 135 PRIMROSE YELLOW 100 APPLE GREEN 1S6 APPLE GREEN J----.. lETTER FACES .~~ 106 APPlE GREEN 196 APPLE GREEN .,.... ... BLACK DROP SHADOW PMS 58X BRIGHT GREEN FACES RETURNs PAINTED BLACK '7' ~~" 5v ZONI G DIVISION S GN APPROVAL BY ~ f:b~'~"\' r ..,.... L4;.:';......, ',-.<", "',<) \<~G<>>.,...-:\._:,:~ ATE CJ? ~{ ~~j . ~G. ~? p.<- ~d~ Scale: 1/2" _ 1'-0" . ~:.~.~.. .... ~....--...<~ TYPE OF PERMIT Tenant Improvement (Limited) ~~.. 0 /''::: . .~,. i ;... ::::~~~<::,',j~~~ CITY ~\~~~rn~HEIM . ,.'.' . ~\\~;J~~L;~~~f~,:./:' 5731 ESANTA ANA CANYON RD SUITES P '4;,;,,', ,ie",/ . . ".......,..". Bli!LDiil;G PERM:TNO, BLD2004-01308 SlJlL.DiJG ~)i\')-?1(;N ~oo S. ANAHEIM BLVD. '(7.14) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 437,' ' QUARTER SECTION: 185 DATE: 4/21/2004 , JOB ADDRESS: ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DOMINGUEZ ESTATE LOT 4 POR OF LOT " " APPLICANT: SANDRA DICKINSON OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: I.'mperial Properties . VISIBLE GRA.PHICS 2424 SE Bristol SI#200 14732 CALVERT ST I Newport Beach, CA 92660 VAt" NUYS, CA 91411 OOC~ , ,BUSINESS PHONE: 81i178,cC477 , JOBDESCRIPTION:lnstall one 26 x 2 fabric awning foi,unit C, Ref # SGN2DC{00049 VAU,JATION: 4,000,00 I ' OWNER-BUILDERpeClARATION J hereby affirm und~r penalty of Pl?rjury that !"amexempt fromOthe Contractol'1.LicAnseLaw for the foilo~ing reason (SeC~7.0~1.5 Business and. . Professions Code: 9ny dty or, GO, untyw,hiCh requires a permit to construct, a tti,jm,',pfO,V,e, demolish or rep',ir any s, tr.ucture.; prio. tto it... issuance, aIS.O requ.1res the app/iq3nt f01 such permit to file a signed statement that he I:::. !ic~sedpuisua:nt to the provisions of the Contractor's"License Law(Chapter 9)(commencing with'Section?OOO of Division' 3 of the Buslness.and Professil- .5 Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and thel:asis for the alheged 7;;~~~ion. Any viofiatio~, of Secti'o~ 703.1.5 by any applicant for a permit'SlJbirCl<S the applica.nt to" a dvil ~naltY Of.not mOre thi?! n five h,:,~dreddoUars . 0 I, as.owner of property, or my emp,?yees with wages as the!r sole GOfTlP1"saU0n,~!w dO'.tlle: work, and the.st~uc!ur& is nut intend-ed or offered for sale (Sec. 7044 BUS:iness and Professions Code: The Contractor's Ucense~.~....! does not ~pply fo,an owner of property w1)o builds or improves . thereon, and, who doe$:such :work himself or hemelf or t~rough hiS or her o......,~Gmpfoyees. provided' that such improvements are not intended OJ offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold with oney'e;} of completion, the ow.ner-buil~er vyill have the burden of proving thathe did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). ,.......! . ~ . o I, as the' owner of the property, am exdusively contraCting'with license~,.tntra!;tors.to con;::;truct theprojp.ct(Sec. 7044;.Business andPI;6fessions C9d.e: Th~Contractor's License La~ does ~ot apply to all owner of propert~Y:t~ho builds or improves t~ereon. and who contra~ts for sl,IC'h projeCts with . p.J:;.ontractor{s) Iicen~,ed' pursuant to ~he Contractor's License Law). l ., U l.am exefnptunderSec:. , ,B & P.C. for this reason: ~_.Jl.P_~ . Date:' Owner. )J. L.WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATlorl -it I herebY afryrm under pena'tyf/f perjurY on'e of the following'declarations: 'if D.' 'h.aye ,and WiI.' main. ta.. in a certificat. e of rons~nt to s.e~.~insu. re .For worke;"f~":r...om.o.,e'n .a.. tion, as proVided TOr by Sect~on 3700 6ftheLabor Code, for-theperformance cf th 'werK for whiCh this. permit ;s issued. . : '. o I have arid will maintain worker's compensation insuraoce, as reqL,ired i:: .Sectio:13700"of the labor Cede) fortf1e performance of-tOO'work for which this permit is is..<:;u(~(j.,. My.worker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy are: '/ . Carrier: STATE COMPENSATION FUND Policy Number. 15139371, , . This s~tion. need not 'be completed if the perm~t is' for ,one nundred, dolla/s ($101 or !~~~: . 0, I certify that in the performance of the work forw~ich this permitisi~uel:t I $l1aU not :. emp/o~ any person in any. manner so as to become subject to the worker's ~inp~t)s,a{ion lallJS 9f C.al it'o mia, and a.9(ee that if J-shouJd become Subjec:t to the vjoiker'~' corn9~nsa~io~" . provisions of Secti.on3700 of the labor COde,1 shaJUorthwith comply-wilh tt.rse pro~tsio:1s. Construcion Types: Date: 4/21/2004 ADolicant'x~ 'Z)~,>--!t:;,,,- {);"b/.. VN, , ' WARNING; FAILURE TOSECUREWORKEH'S COMPENSATION COVER>',,,,;,: 1iC,6>w-r'j,1 UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PEN. A'-.I.JJ9.. A.,.NO CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED 1HOUSAND DOLLARS (~100,OOO), IN ~m,\tioN TO THE COST OF COMPENSATlOf\(, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION ~~p6 OF THE LAIlORCODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, !. ' I . t,ONS\:RUCTION LENDING AGENCY _...:.-.\.. I hereby affirm under penalty i:lf perjury that there is acon.5!truction,lendipgat-':1hcy fqfJhe't: ~:;,;.!'-z:":,:,,~ .'.~ ::;:-: -:'><,:,;., ~,Jt..-ijjJI ~.;~ ,....<,..;.i~ ;"'I~.,j,.iC';; \~..;.;.';::;S7-.~:':,. ~i.; J.~_: . Lender's Information: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION, PROCESSED BY: PMK J liCENSED CONTAACTOflSD!=C~ARATI6Nl I hereby atfirm.uI1df.:r :,enalty'of pe~"jury. that,; am licensed u~der p.qvisl('\ns oi chapter 9 (l,.9rnmencing with Section,7000)"of OJ%ion3 of the Bt.:.sin.os,:> and' professiO,\.SS.)L; C~OdF" '. .. / .... (," ,", :. .... 4;~1/20~r:L),j>..ffi~~ . Date: . ' ,Contractor U/tl hie. (Z,;., (j),,<>/, NUMBER 745555 ,TYPE EXPIRi>,TION DATE 2/2812006 C45 . . . , . . , . . .::.::r~:e,,.{;f.t~ih~t .1, !.; -b'i7i>t3',:;;;;'-~:-,I:.. a Pj:;~ j.;:fc.;tiorr-o(iV';;r:zte<fj'i,i t -i~re'a.b-o..:e . in i:::;~ ,,...a: i;..; ?gree to ootnply with 'all city ordinances and state laws .relating 'to' building Ct~,l!)truction. arid h~r'ebY,authoriz-e r~presentives qf this city to enter upon the above mentionarJ property for lnj~J9npurP.o5eh' '/1' ..;..' . : ~')Zh~~"-,,c;:,~ Us,kG. . Date:4121/2004 , ., Signature of Applicant or Agent 6-K-c.rI1;('( . The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or ,work :has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of perniit issuance_ A new permit is required to commence or continue work. F~es paid for Permit: Total: 189,77 INSPECTION RECORD. . . . INSPECTION . DAlE . INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole . . . . P\un1!>ing (Drail'llWaste Pipe) . Electrical Ground ElectroclelUfer . SelbacklFormslTrenches (Footings I . I.. : Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab unlillhe . following applicable items nave beeh signed:. . Pluml;ling IWaterl:lipe.8prinkler Valves) . . ., Ml!chanlcal (Groundwork) . . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre:slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. ... Underpinning'(F1(101" Jdi$tJGirders) . Do n,ot cover'or conceallhework below" unllllhe . fOllowing applicable items have been sighed: 1 st Floor Shear , . . Firesprinkler (Rough) . ' . 2nd Floor Shear ," , Roof (ShealhinalOiaohtagmtFramel " , MasOnry (ReinfJBQI1d BeamlPre-GlO!lt) . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) .. Rough Mechanical . '. . ." Rough l:lectflCal (Dry walll Rough Electrical . Framing (On!y after,PJbg.: Elec.: r,Aech..and Fire) Insulation. (SoundlEnerav) P<> noUape or pla!,ler unti,/ the follo",lng applicable ,Items have been sIgned:,' . Drywall ' .. ., . Penetrations (FlJ& Rated) EI'i'Ctrical ' . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . Interior Lath .. " " ' .., ' , , Exterior Lath . . , GENERAL ITEMS Exterior,Plaster IBrown Coal) T .B'I( Electrical. " . ,. , 'r .Bar Mechanical . , T.Bar StruCtural . " sewer .. Wa.ter Engineering BackfJow , . Water Service . '.. FINAL INSPECTIONS Date . Inspector Electrical Final . . PiumbinilFinal . ',' , , . Mechanical Final . Gas Test ", . . , , Engl neering/Grading Final 765-5126 .. ., Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 . Water Engineering 765.5268 , ' ,. ,Sub ListiBusiness License 765-519 . ce- " loning 165.5139 ce- Building Final ~asl.lnspedion; Only fJ;:ff / /7// _ "</ , fter Ab.ove Complelel PARTIAL INSPECTIONS , Buildina InsDections , , 'MechanicallnsDedions PlumbihQlnsDections, Electrjcalln~Dections 14732 Calvert St Van Nuys, CA 91411 818,787.0477 Fax: 818.787.0415 "",""",,,,,",",,, SIGN TYPE Awnin"l Detail ITEM OPTION QUANTITY SCALE As Scaled PROJECT Anaheim H1IIs DATE 3/8/04 OESIGN # Thie; d.rawing ie; an original piece of art work and Ie. own.::d. by Vi!:>illl.:: Graphic!>. ftwtl5de5igfledforyourper50tlalU5I: as partofa project being tle5lgl1edfor you /:ly Yi6ib-lc:- Graphic!;. fhh, artwork i5 not to be duplicated in any way without tile permi55ion of Visible Grapbic5. """""""""""" OAAW'NA "AS BEF.N AII!:V...w.." & lB' D. .P",..OVII:O WITHDUT I!;Xl'EPTIDN o A,PPRtlVED AS NOT,"O o TO BE REVIseD & Rl!:SUBMITTl!:O BY< DATI:l """""""""""" @ ~ --' ~ J d.!!U1..~ JII'1 r'.:" ~~~~~~~~:::~""""'" "2- ~ OF 4 """""""""""" 26'-0 " AWNING FABRIC, 5UNBRELLA #8602 "SUNBURST YELLOW' GRAPHIC5 51LKSCREEN ( COPY & LOGO) 1" SQUARE TUBE STEEL WELDeD AWNING FRAME. POWDER COAtED BI.ACK. NOTE, WRAP AWNING MATERIAL AROUND FRAME, ATTACH FABRIC CONCEALED ON INSIDE OF FRAME. 2'-0" t 1" Square Aluminum Tubing Sunbrella Exterior Fabric Canopy ~ 10" Valance And _______~' 1" Tubing With Jamba Juice Logo 5'-411 & NO 01hN A:PPfweD NltJ b oN~ Not 10 Details View: Jamba Juice Logo Awning p ... _ .\~ f'>..(>~l',"" ~~c.:S f:OT 1"t \~~I"J~e<: e,~, ':"cr '/,tj'( OF iHE APPRoVt VioLA. '1~; 1'(\, 111'. HOlO~ 9UI\.OING COD."I'f~~\~)t"~;'~ I,': IE; q':'tl F.!SK Q' lH!S Pt:\,!" I" ,"'" .. ' , APfl '2 1 ZO\J4 ION of' ,,1>1 HE BUILDiNG ~~ROVED . 6L.J> )..oO~ r-013o eY (g~ 2'-0" = 9 - - - - - -. - -- - --- -..--- - - - -.-.. Side View Details: l:;;l~!ce Logo Awning PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVED .'/' ~ o ING A ION BY HIST R C ISTRICT REVIEW': / See st,?.:"'!10 tl:i~__~~.~,~ cle (lne on abl)ve line BUfLDING PERMIT Fl))1R ANY CONOITIC,i:~:; s ~/ ~~ W! 4t1f . ,/ 1V^-'~1"