1431 S. Sherrill St. APPLICANT: BEATRICE; BIRT OWNER INFORMATION: Beatrice V Sift 1431 S Sherrill St ANAHE;IM, CA 928040000 . . JOB DESCRIPTION:To final expired permit # 4133 lor Bedroom & Family R~c:n .additions. VALUATION: 4,000.00 I OWNER.BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that t am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following .reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any city.or county which requires a permit to construct; alt~r, improve, demolish or repair any.structure, prior to its issuance, .8150 requires the applicant for such permit to file .8 signed statement that he 1$ lict:';.1sed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commenqing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Bu'siness and Prof6$3:~lns Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the"basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fo"rapermit sub'ectsthe applicant to a 9iVii penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ~50~,>~ owner. of property, or my' employees with 'wages 'as t~eir saio ~~~plnsation, ~ili do the work, and the structUre is not intended or off~redfor sal,e (Sec. 7;044 Business and Prof~sior:sCode: TheContractor.is Licel1$t,JY,~w does not applytoan owner of prop~rty who builds or-improves . thereon, ,an~.,who does such work. himself or herself or through his or her 0'/:;1:_: employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or , offered for ~ie.lf, how ev.er, .tne building or improvement is sold with one y_e~r of completion, the oW/1er-bu ilder will have the bu.rden of provirigJhat he did not bu nd or improve for the pu rpose of ,sale). ,Jf~ _. o I, as the owner of the prapert'l, am exdusively contracting with licensed ,i:c,j:ract?rs t6 construct the project (Sec; 7044, Business and Professions Code: The:S~ontractor's.License.Law does not apply to' an owner of propertY::~ho builds or improves thereon~ and who contracts for ~uch projects wit,h ?4ontractof(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law).. ' . U I am e ~m t n Sec. . , ,B & P.C for this reas n: ate: P OWher: ..- WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION thereby atffl:m under penalty of perjury one of ,the following declarations: : o '1 have" ~nd will ;.na.intaina certificate of consent t6 self-insure for workef"!, compensati,on, , as provide9 for by Sedion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of tl-;1 work for whid1 this permitls iSsued. . - o I have ~nd will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as requ;red c~:, Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performanc,e of the work fOI which this Permit is issu~d. Myworker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy ~re: . . Carrier: Policy Numb~'H: . T~S section ~ed not be. completed if the pe-11l'Iit is for one hundied dollars ($1t1~'li or less. r1J J certifytllat in the performance of the work for which this permit is is~~;;j~ I shall not . employ uny person inany manner so as to become subject to the workei's'o:-mpensation laws of Califomia, and agr~ that if 1 should become. subject to theworker~s c-o:m~hsation prov.isionsof Section 3700 ofthe Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply\vitfj.tt',Sse provisions. Date: 7/29/2004 . APPlicant':/- v35"D r7 L~' WARNING: FAILURE TO SECUREWORKE;R'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE; IS. UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJE;CT AN E;MPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PE;NALTIES AND CIVIL FINE;SUPTO ONE HUNDRED lHOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN:goD!TlON TO THE; COST OF COMPE;NSATION, DAMAGE;S AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE; LABOR CODE, INTERE;ST AND ATTORNEY'S FE;ES. .^ CONSl:RUCTlON LENDING AGENCY I hereby.affirm under penallY of perjury that'there is a construction'leq9in9 afjencyfor the performance of the work for whid1 this permit is issued (See. 3097 .CIV .G):' I_~~~:.,~~:"l~::'~:"!::~-c:;' ~,-_:_- ' BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-00165. TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Addition . C ITV DATE: 7/29/2004 . JOB ADDRESS: 1431 S SHERRiLL ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 2715 LOT 42 ElM BUILDiNG DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765-5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 . CENSUS CODE:' 434 QUARTER SECTION: 22 CONTRACTOR INFORM,TION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATiON: PROCESSED BY: MSM' .- I certify that I h,ave read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to.comply with all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for ;:ect~~7 ~~ Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shaJlexpire by limitation and become null and void if ttlEl building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days frllJll the date of permit issuance. A i'$w permit is required to commence or continue work. Date: 712912004 J LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) -of Divsion 3 of the Business and Professions Code. 7/29/2004 Date: NUMBE;R TYPE Construcion Types: VN, . Fire Sprinklered? Contractor E;XPIRATION DATE; NO Fees paid for Permit: Total: 91.90 INSPECTION RECORD . INSPECTION. DATE INSPECTOR , Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer SetbacklFOl"msfTrenches (Footings) . . ,Do not install subfloor Or pour f100rslabunlil the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) , . Mechanical (Groundwork) , Electrical, (Underground Conduit) . Pre-$Iab (Compaction/Membrane.Reinf. . . , Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girder$) Do not cover or conceal the work below unti,1 the following applicable items have been signed: ' , 1st Floo,. Shear, , Firesprinkler (Rough)' ',' 2nd Floor Shear . Roof (SheathinglDiaphraginlFrame) , Mzonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing ,(Top Out) . Rough Mechanic;!1 , . Rough Electrical (ury wall) , , Rough Electrical ' ' Framing . {Only aherPlbg.; Elee.: Mech. and Fire} . Insulation (SoundlEnergy) Do not tape or'plaster until the following applicable items have been signed: ' . Drywall ' , .' , ' Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical " Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical ' . Penetrations (File Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath . , . Exterior ,Lath , . GENERAL ITEMS ExteriOl" Plaster (BraNn Coat) T-Bar,Electrical T.Bar Mechanical T.Bar Structural , Sewer Water Engineering Backflow ' " Water Service . FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Fihal Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 , Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub List/Bu$ines$ 'Licen$e 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 Building Final. fLast InspeCtion. Only' , 'After Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS BuildinQ Inspections [Jate Inspector' Mechanical Inspections PlumbinQ Inspections Electrical Inspections < i::11 Y 0 FAN A H E I. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT WHITE COPY - WORK CO. GREEN COPY - APPl..lCA CANARY COpy - BUILOING PINK COPY . ENGINEERING ~ ,~ Dot. ree-el veG Date Issued Permit No. _ ~-:;-~s l(/ '3 I.. NEW 0 ADO l8:J ALTER 0 REPAIR 0 Size Sq. Ft. 2.-- Us. 01 Structure ~ DEMOLISH 0 No. of Fcm,II.. r. Zone Own.r },toiling Acltlr... :3 City Va/uatlon $ Legal Description 0c90 Lot '/2.- ~ Block T,act .:? I J ~ 0'..?J/- r: 1 Occupancy Group Type 01 Construction F.. S 8. Pt. F.. S Roollng Rooms TOTAL ZONING REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION RECORD Oat. Roc.lv.d Zone _ Main Use Checlc.cl By BUILDING SETBACK FROM PLANNED HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY Date Cloared Appl'Oval FOUNDATlO~L~ATI~ FORMS AND' J&E~S REINFORCED ~ MASONRY OR CONCRETE Oat. Inspectors Slgnatu... =10 Requ/r.d Right 0/ Way From Center Line ($J Lot AreQ MIn. DU Area Yards: Slae Lot Area Per DU Bldg. Ht. --- ) BOND BEAM UNDERPINNING Rear Front Coverage f'I/?r ROOF SHEATHING - /- s- w cU::t PARKING: ALL PARKING AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPPED, BORDER BARRICADES INSTALLED WITH ANY LIGHTS DEFLECTED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION ROOFING ~ 17-(,.S ,<It) Garoges/Carports/Spaces Required Fence/Wall Ft. High ReqlllrtuJ Along LANDSCAPING: TO BE APPROVED BY PARKWAY SUPT. AND COM- PLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION FRAMING ROUGH EL.ECTRIC Front_ Ft. ofP.L.. Zone Per Plot AHoched GROUND PLUMBIN<0'{CQ. Se> 'L I LOT SPLIT ORD. TO BE COMPLIED WITH PRIOR TO FINAL --- INSPECTION DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVAL TOP OUT LATH OR DRYWALL P/!jpT /0-1 -b S- INTERlOR I Reeloss PenJ. Pend. Pena. Elf. Dote Eft. Date E". Dote LATH EXTERIOR /0 -G. ~l " C.U.P. Variance _ Lighting F.. Due? Park Fe. Due? No N. o FINAL ELECTRIC v.. V.. PLASTER BROWN COAT ftems To B" Compl.ted And/Or Approved PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION --- Parking larulscoplng Develop. Review f)"dleotlon Fence/Wall Lot Spilt Bona To 8" Posted GAS 3'(0 COMMENTS HEAT ROUGH J 0 HEAT FINAL PI'IR T 3- .z'l-"~ SEWER 3 'I C> '7Pt;1'T 3- 3 J-t- r STRI;ET AND SEWER REQUIREMENTS: L-ANOSCAPING ),,'veway Req. WALLS .Ie/owalk_: FINAL :urbs: FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL, MUL TIPLE FAMIL Y, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTR/AL-ONL V, :Jovlng, ;.wer F.., IMP. PLANS: BOND: EASEMENTS: I h.reby acknowledge ,hot I hov8 read th's applicatIon and 6tat. that th. lnlormaflon I hove provided Is correct and ogr.. '0 comply with 01/ city orc/lnane.. and .tot. laws regulating bulldlnfl constructIon. I furth.r under.tond that 0 final Inspection wll, not b. mou. nor wU, 0 perm't for occupancy b. grant.d until 011 condltlon# Ind/cat.d on this form hove b. fulflll.J. ~ )..d/catlon R.q~ leq. lot Req. Posted Not Posted ~ ~.v. 10/62