2673 Sereno TYPE OF PERMIT CITY Reroof ElM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714) 765.- 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 20 8U1LDING PE:RMIT NO. BLD2003.04757' DATE:. 1211212003 . JOB ADDRESS: 2673 W SERENO PL LEGAL DESCRIPTtQN: N TR2938 LOT 9 \.1:'. . ., ',1 . CONTRAcTOR INFORMhTION: ANGEL CONSTRUCTIO~! CO INC 20700 VENTURA BLVD - Si:!: # 234 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 9fl:l64 BUSINESS PHONE: 8188k8717 JOB DESCRIPTiON,ear off shake and install 32 squares of 30year comp shi..,gle. .' j, . VALUATION: 3,300.00 1.' I OWNE:R.BUILDE:~DE:CLARATION J h~reby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractolt.f l,.icense Law for the following reason (Sec.. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any city or county which requires a permit to construct, al:.4'rj'improve; de,molish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, alSo requires the applicanHor such permit to file a signed statement that he i~,lic,~,;sed P!J.rsuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commencing with SectiOn 70aOof Division. 3 of the Business and Professf;ns Cooe) or that he is exempt therefrom ,and the-basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit su~i~ctsthe'applicantto a .dv'U penalty of not more than fly-e hundred dollars. ($500)., . . . 'Ii.'. ' . . ,.' o _;1, as own~r of property, or my employees with wages as their sole comr-,~!nsation, will do the work, and, the structure is not intended or offered for- o 'sale (See,' 7044 Bl1sinessand Professions C9de: The'Contractor's Udms'e tJW does not appfyto an owner of property, who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or hersei~or through his or her o\"::lemploy-e.es, provided that such implOvements are not intended ~r offered for sale. . If, however,' t~ buikHng or ir"1pro....em~nt is sold with one y~,~r of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not, build.or improvcfor the p:":fpO$eJ of ss.:~}. ,{ , , o J, as the Owner of the property, am exdusively contm.cting withiicensec1;ontradors, to construct the project (See. '7044 ,Business and Professions, COde: The Contractor's License law does not apply to.an owner ofpropertywl,o buUds-or i roves thereon, and who' contracts for such projects with ~ontracl:or{s) !ic~nsed pursuant to t~e Contractoris License law). . .~...~::". __ :;..,;- U I am exempt under Sec. . .' .B&.P.C.forthisreason: """,, Date: Owner: w':.. I WORKE:R'S COMPE:NSATION DECLARATION!.. I hereby affirm und~r penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ' T . 0 I haVe and will maintain a certificate of cOnsent to Self-jnsur~ for worke>-'~' r:;Jmp~nsation, . as prQVided for by S~ctlon 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of th{, work for which ~his permit is issued. . _. . ,_J ~. I.. ~e and Will,main,lain w~rk ar's t~,~pe nsation insurance, as requireo ti{ 'Sectiqn 3700 of t bor COd e, for the performance of the work for which this permit is is:...~',:;-:l. My'worker's o 'pensationinsurancecarrferandpolicyare: . . .:, Carrier: ~TATE AJND . . . Poli~ Number. 155857::: APPLICANT: HAL LADIN OWNER INFORMATION: Connaughey S Me 2673 W Sereno PI Anaheim, CA 92804 . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSEO BY:AEM ,"t L1CE:NSED CONTRACTORS OE:CLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under proviSIOns of chapter 9 (co~mencing with Se~tion 7.000) of ~ ofthe.ausines,-s an~ pl1)~es.slo~. ~.,,' 12/)2/200. cY. ',' Date:'. ,,".' ntractor This section need not be completed lithe pennit is for one hundred dollars 1.$1~Ci or less. o I certify that in' the perfonnanee of the work for whiGhthis permit isJssuc.~I, I sha II hot employ any person in any man,nersoas to-become subjecfto theworkel"s c~;npensation laws ,of CaJifomia. and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's cof':"liJi::'sation provisions of Section 3700 on~e labor Code I ~ha fa wit~ H/::'se provision~. Date: .12/1212003 . Applicant: - WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE ER'S <:;0 . ATIQN COVER-'.GE I~ UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENhLTlES ANDCIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUND RED THOUSAND DQ'!;ARS ($.11l0,OOO), IN ADJ)lnONTO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PA"OVIDE9fOR IN SECTIOO?,706 OF .THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST ANDAITORNEY'S FEES.. . 1 !CONSTRUCTION LE:NDING.AGE:NCY ;i;-_ l hereby affJrm under penalty of perjur-y:U'.a,t t1;ll;'rf'-,,_ii:';~(1{.:~ion:le;~illl'l~~~;",ric~lif6f1he perro'rma.nee ot the work for whidi: this permit is issued (See.:3097.eiv.C): ' Lender's Information: NUMBER 74Q615 .TYPE TYPE EXPIRATION DATE 9/30/2005 B HIC Construclon Types: VN, , ire Sprinkle red? NO I certify that J have read this a-pplication and' state that the above information ii; correct. I agree'to com-ply with all city ordinances and $tate laws relating to bu~ding con:'itruction, and hereby authorize represe tiv . ." e'nt~i'"upon the above mention'eel property for inspection pur ~ Ie: .2/12/2003 ignature lcant or Agent , . .. . The.permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: Total: 124.85 INSPECTOR I ,. INSPECTION' DATE Electrical Final I . TeriJporaryPower Pole . . Plumbing FiJlal I Plumbing (DrainiWaste Pipe) ! Mechanical Final I Electrical GrollJld Electrode/lifer '. I SetbacklFormslTrench"" (Footings) Gas Test . Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the .' Engineering/Grading Firal following applic?ble items have been'signed: I Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) .' Fire Dept. Final 765-4010 . Mechanical (Groundwork). . . . . . I Water Engineering 76SfS26 Electrical (Undelllround Conduit) . Sub List/Business LicJnse Pre-s/ab (CompactionfMembrane.Rei of. , Un~pinning (Floor Joist/Girders) . Zoning 765~5139 . I .. Do not cover or conceal the w~(l< below until the Building Final ~ast lnspedio following applicable items have been signed: . . f1erAbpve C I 1 st Floor Shear . .' FirespJinkler(Rougli) . .' '. . PAR11AL 2nd Floor Shear' . Buildina Inspections Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frane) ~S<l :~_. - r--- . . I Masonry (ReinfJBond BeanJPre-Grout) . v V ". i Rough Plumbing (ToP Ollt) .' I Rough Mechanical . . . Rough f1ectric I) . I Rough. Electrical . . I FrariJing (Only .aiter Plbg. Erec., r",tech. and Firej . Insulation (SoundiEoergy) . . . . .... I 00 not tape or plaster. until the fOllQwing applicable Mechanicallnspectio items have been.signed: ,,- - . . I Drywall . '. I Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical' '. . I Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechl\l1ical . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . . . . I Interior Lath.' . . Plumbina Inspe~tion Exterior Lath I .1 . GENERAL ITEMS . . I Exterior Plaster (Brown Coal) I T -Bar Electrical . . . . . . . . T -Bar Mechanical . I . T-Bar Structural I Sewer . , Water Engineering Backflow . . l' . . Electrical Inspection Water Service . . I . . . INSPECTION RECORD' . I FINAL INSPECTIONS Date . Inspector ~. 765.-5126 r 8 765-51 on,;,~I~) -Sh..,1",> INSPECTIONS &~<. ~"tl"---l ns s s I r ! " CONTRACTOR INFORMAnON: ANGEL CONSTRUCTION CO INC 20700 VENTURA BLVD. sr:: # 234 WOODLAND HiLLS, CA 91',64 . BUSINESS PHONE: B1B BB6'8717 JOB PESCRIPTIONOpen patio per city standard: 12'x16' (192 s.!.) VALUATION: 1,900.00 PROCESSED BY: JJJ . I OWNER:BUILDER ')ECLARATION I I hereby .affirm under.penatty-of perjury that I_am ex~mpt from the Contractor"; Uc~nse Law for the-following reason (Sec. 7031.5.Business and _ . Professior,s Ccde:anycity or coUritywhich requires a perm1t,to ccnstiucit, a~r. improve, deroolish or repair any structure, prior to its.issuance, als.o requires the applicant for such permit to fite: a signed statement that he.j.$llc4r\'~d pursuant to the pro,visions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(coh1mel)cir~g with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Pr6feS$~1's.code) or that he 'is exempt therefrom 'and the basis for the alleged . exemption. Any violation Of Section 7031.-5 by any applic!'\nt for a permit SU,Q_+cts the applicant to advil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ~O?)$ owner of property, or my employees with' ~agesas their SQle co~p)~ation, will do the work, and the structure ~ not inten~ ed 0 r offere~ for " sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code:' The Contractor's License L<.i'w does not apply toan owner of propertY who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or herself or through his or her'owll'ernployees", provided that such hnprovements are nonnte'nded or offered for ~le. If, however, the building or imprQvement is'sold with one yec,} of completion,the.owner-builderwi!1 have the burden o( provingthat,he did notbuDdorimprove for the purPose of sale). . . I:':, -' '.' " :". . o I~ as,the owner of the property" a'm exdusivety contracting with licen~ed ,~.'~tractors to construct the pr.oject (See. 7044,Business and ProfessiOns - , Code: The-Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property...;. he bu~ds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with ~~~>ntrador(sl /icensedpUrsu~nt to the Cantr.aetor's License law). . -" r ' - " " . "l;J I am exempt under Sec. '. '.. B & P .C. for this reason: ____ ~ - " Date: Owner: ' ; I . WORKER'S COMPENSATION. DECLARATION ~. I hereby affirm Linder penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: o ,I have and will maintain a'_certifICate of con8el1t to setf~i~utefo~wcrker'~:-~orYlpensation, as.provided fo~ by Sedion ~7bO of the ~abor Code, for the pelfon:nance nf_ th(~::woi'k for w!-;ich this- permit is issued. " ' '.':,' o I hav~ and will maintain worker's compenSation insurance, as reql;ired o)<Section '3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work far which this permit is iSS\lE;(i. Myworker's Compensation insurance. carrier and poliCj ar~: : Carrier: STATE FUND Policy Number- 1558577 ; Thlss on need not be completed jf thepeomit.ls fuI' one hundred dollars ($100) \,.. less. I certify that in the ,performanceofthe Work for which this permi.t is issuec: Ishalfnot employ any person in any manner so-as to become SUbject to the worke(s COflpe-risation laws of Califomla, and agree that if I should "become subject to_the worker's compe...sation . . provisions of Section 3700 of the labar Code, 'Shan " ith comply with thc}~e prov'isions. Dale: 113012004 Applican . . ~ ~ WARNING: FAILURE TOSECUR RKER'S PENSATION COVER/<3E IS ,. . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN E:MPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAl"IES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), INADDlloN TO THE , COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED .FOR IN SECTION :,706 QF'. THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction l~r;lding agr;.ng:y for th'e" performan.oo of the work forwhid1 th!soerm!t bi<;~I~H~ (~p.r: ~0C'.7,~l\, C). -..; ~ ' lenders Information: BUILDING PERMIT NO,' BLD2(l(l4-002B6 TYPE OF PERMIT C ITV Palio Cover DATE: 1130/2004 JOB ADDRESS:. 2673 W SERENO PL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N. TR 2938 LOT.9 ,-' APPLICANT: HAL LADIN OWNER INFORMATION: Connaughey S Me 2673 W Sereno PI Anaheim, CA 92804 I certify that I have read ,this application and state that the above 'information is correct. I agree to oomply with'all city ordinances andstate.laws relating to buildingoollf:tructlon, and hereby authorize rep, sentiv . city to enter upon the above mentiqned property for inspection pl.!r . - Dale: 113012004 Signatur pplicant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or wotk has not passed final inspection ;165 days from the date of perinil issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. ElM BUILDiNG DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153. INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: . (714) 765.4626 . CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 20 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of ch~pter 9 (commencing with S~tkm 70oo~~BU. slness and Pro~.esSI~'" '. ,-"' " ,,', 1130/200' €:; - ~ Date: . Contractoi ' NUMBER 740615 . TYPE TYPE EXPIRATION DATE 9130/2005 B HIC Construcion Types: VN, , Fire Sprinklered? Carport Area: NO 192 r '~.;.l:' -; Fees paid for Permit: TOlal; 135.08 , INSPECTION RECORD , ' ' , INSPECTION ' , , DATE ,INSPECTOR Temporary !'ower Pole I ' Plumbing IOrainlWaste Pipe) , " E~ctrical Ground Electrode/uter, ' /1 Selblick/Fornisrrntnches (Footings) .A. y< Do not install subfloor or pOUr floor slab untilth.. , Jollowingapplicable Items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) , Electrical (Underground Conduit) , pl'e-slab (CompactionlMemorane.Reinf. , Underpinning (Floor JoistIGiluers) , , ' , Donat cover,or CO'1ceal tne wOl1< below until tne ' following applicable Items have been signed: , 1st Floor Shear " , , Firesprinkler (Rough) , , , 2ndl'Ioor Shear ' , Roof (SheathlnglOlaohrallll>'Frame) , Masonry (ReinfJBorid BeamlPre-Grout) , , Rough Plumbing (Top Out) , ' Rough Mechanical ROugh Electrical (Dry wall) , Rough Electrical , , Framing "(Only afterP1bg, Elec, MeGh.a~d Fire! , , ' Insulation (SoundlEnergv) DO not tape or plaster until the following applicable items; have been s;igned: ' ., Drywall , , ; Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical , , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical , " Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbiilg Interior Lath ' Exterior Lath ' , ' ',' GENERAL ITEMS , " Exterior Plaster (Brown Coal) , T -Bar Electrical " T-Bar Mechanical T -Bar Structural , , Sewer, ' ,,' , Waier Engineering Backflow " " Waler Service , , FINAL INS,~ECTIONS Date Inspector, Electrical Final I ' , , . .. Plumbing Final I " , I, , Mechanical Final I , Gas Test i , " EngineeringlGrading Final 765-5126 . ' . J Fire Dap!. Final 765-4~40 " , Water Engineering 76~-5268 , ' , , " ' Sub ListlBusiness Lillense 765-519 " . 'I ., Zoning 765-5139 I , Building Final ~ast Jnspe~tipn. Only , ~11.4r>> '- ~,' , ' ,ner Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS' I ' Buildina Inspections I ~eeff<;<" ", c..-.-... { 4 Mechanical InsJectioRS , I I Plumbina Insp~ctjons I Electrical Insdections 1.1~ 0 ~fo ~ II .. I g. g' ot ~ Ii' ,. . ""'. .......... 0 , . 0 l 1 a 0 0 ~ ~ l C! " ~ !5 ., ~ .. .' ... .. ~ 0 ~ a l."l ~ l."'1 In' 0 ~ .: - e. ..' ~ '< . -. g."'" a t~ -..I ~ .:u. - ....00 ":'.., !. ~ 0 ~ IS .: Ii' (I) ""l 5 = o Ii' . 'N ~ !1 .. ~ I I ..'~~~~~t~~~ ' ~ .,-; ',Q$'Jti~~f' ~ ------- .' .... ; ::---,... .." "':';.7~:-~.\a:;1~~'~"'~f~"~;:'~~a.G'< ""-.<;;,;1~ '. '~'",. . :.;j,. ;;:: '>( ~ . t::l 0" go s: ft i 8 .'. ~ ~ l! tll e. ~ if Q .. - i >< g. Lff II 8' g. 0:> p~ !>>;-J?,!-,,~~~:- ~~iif.l~l~[l OOg'lll!1iiC"f5'll' 0-0 ijc:r-. tp.. i:li r: "'t 0""9.0'". >< l~ ~l~~ ~ II ,.., El. ~ [r e.: !' ~ 5 .... ~i ; .. ~ 0 .. o' n - .. !5 ;:; ~ c;1 '.' "".' . Q. .. '. . 'c, " '. . ... , . . ," I . " , .. , , . " . . ..... . . . .. , '~'. ~ ..... .. ,.... - 00 . .'0 \ . '\. Q . . '. " ... ." : . ...... t)' ,. ~ ~, I'.. .....' .., 'i' . \ : .~~:.' J w . :.'. .'. - :. ,I . . . . \. .Oo,' . .' . .. " . lj. ',0' . '. 10' ~ . ", " ..' '.::" :: ::f o > I ~ ! ~ tll (") ;:;=0\000.....0\\1\ ~ ~t.J:- ~=;.~:..,;..=;" ;.. "'r'~ ~.~ ~[1~~ ~o:"!~i.!-g. ,l'i!l6.&~l'ig.g><t!:rllOl I. ~ s.~ 0 ~. ~ : II ~~ ': ~ W .11 O'tO" !il' ~ II. "". E'~='~ g~"!l~ a :-' 0 l a: . l! !l.' ~ ll~~ ~ [: . l ~ 01 .. . ~ ~ ~ :, ? > .-4.r. ':! ~~~~. ?".>-'. :: ~ I ~ ~ n ... > City of Anaheim I 'BUILDING DIVISION I PATIO COVER I i I DEFINITION: Patio covers are one story strUctures not exceeding 12 feet in height. May be detached .or attached to . another building; ,Patio cOver shall be used oo1y for recreational, :outdoor living purposes and NOT as a carport, garage, storage room or habi~le room. Patio covers may be enclosed, provided the long wall and one additional wall is at least 65 % open to 6' -S" high. EXAMPLE: Wall 20' X 6.67 = 133.4 total area below 6'-8" 133.4 X 65% = 86.71 sq. ft. open area required on the 20 ft. wall. . +--,-- u__ -+ 15' r1 I I I i.. I ZOo 0'- M " . PATIO i:l COVER - BOUSE GARAGE r - - - - '. This open portion may be enclosed with inSect. " ...,. screening or plastic panels up to liS" thick which sball:.'. be readily removable (without tools.) .. .: ".' .' . Windows for light and ventilation of the house ,:,:;:'" - , --. may open into an enclosed patio, EXCEPT an egress'. . window from a bedroom which must open DIRECTLY into an open yard. '. -+ I I 1 1%34 Maia st. ~LE PLOT PLAN PLYWOOD (RATED: SHEATHING, EXPOSURE 1) OR SOLID WOOD - _ I , I \ I I I 1 " LEDGER - 11 , \ I \ , ... LEDGER SPAN ~ , .......RAFrER....-- T ... , ... .- " ,. .... HEADER' EXISTING BLDG. I .. EXISTING BLDG. \ '--"" - -- .. ".." Mia. 6..... Mia. .. - .. ~ ~ ,. - -POSr"" --SLAB---.... .. ... PITr.mm SOLID ROOF I. Minimum pitch: 1/4" per foot. 2. Roll roofing if less that 2:12 pitch. 3. Asphalt shingles, 2:12 to 4:12 pilCh: use 2 layers of felt. IS" lap, Type IS minimum. FLAT ROOF - OPEN LATTICE (2x on edge) 2 x 2 Lattice . maximum spacing of rafters is 4 ft. 2 x 3 Lattice - maximum spacing of rafters is 5 ft. 2 x 4 Lattice. maximum spacing of rafters is 6 ft. Diagonal lattice panels - Rafters 2' max, oltcenler. .c. " " ~< \ Patio depth _I ~ tJ" 12" II. Pitcll I/~ '- ~ ,.- \ ~ I I / " , ~ , , , ....:: -' .:: Rafter span /1, 00" ~. ". , , , .,; ~ ~ " i / Detail '.' D, ":' ,,". : ....... '.:'." ..,. .... .:...... .........,' ::.'.: ....: ;':..:. ........ ." "h, .~. <~;~~:'~;;-~l;;i1:f-":"c""~,-,,:;~,,,>~~'~~ " ~ ";J'~~~'} .:, siiiE:YIEW SECTION' ' .~~ ~;"::~~~;. ,"'8" -,-~;;:t. 12- --S:.- ~ inches square X 12 inches deep Footings: Posts: . Headers: Rafters: Solid Roof: Lattice Cover: "X " spaced RAFTER SPAN: ##2 Douglas Fir Lattice or solid roof. Rafter Rafter Spacing Size 12" 0.1:. 16"0.1:. 24"0.e. 32"0.1:. 2x4 13' -0" 11' - 6" 9' -6" S' - 0" 2x6 19' -0" 17' - 0". 13' --9" 12' - 0" 2x8 20' -0" 20' -0" 17' -6" IS' - 3" 2x 10 20' -0" 20' -0" 20' -0" IS' - 6" 2x12 20' -0" 20' -0" 20' - 0" 20' - 0" ---- " on center Max. span of rafter with a 2' overhang Up to 8 ft. Up to 14 ft. , r~ I Patio width - It. ~ .. ..' ........../" ., ,..- \ ((.$-7VO "2.1'0" \ I ..jo-.... /", ---- Solid roof covering ",-- . --- --- Detail$ Header span /,t.:3 .. -- If.: E-:.' ~ Approved T-Strap J or Post Cap ) ,f,. '\ Overall span- ",i .- ,,;- \ . . ~i. . ,'.." ',- . ....:~. "'~""" .. ~ .._......... r-. ..... .. ...............~......._..:.....~.~:'l'....-.').:... :.......~.~:. ~..;;~....::..... ;H/~:._.(~..;:.;..~..;/~ ~_~~~.~~. ~:::' ~.~~. ........~~,,~. . ..... o. .~~. - _. )'/""':';' .--.,.. 'N.'. o. - . ~ .... .1; .. - . ,> . .' , . ~ . I~ ''-'0.1 '. .~..'/ '\:. - FRONT vmw ELEVATION ., , ta,t1='l"4 44(:. " (or) two " X " " x " spaced :z. " on center OR Two _" x _" spaced "on center --1-':' Rated plywood sheathing with ext glue --L-" x ~ solid wood sheathing With~..4~ /!;ffl)At~vering Zoning DiviSion Approval PlANNtNG DEPARTMENT APPROVED DATE 1-30-0~ 8Y ;:;;:;AJf-AGT10N( b~ Unitla1\1)' FLOOD ZONE X HIS~C DISTRIC.T REVIEW: ~ See stamp thiS pa~e CirGle one nn ab.ove" line ! SEE BUILDING PERMIT FOR . IONS 6/ C- &...J..~so/ .f~ i7I MAXIMUM HEADER SPAN AND FOOTING SIZE Building Division Approval THE ISSUANOE 0 NOT AI''' '" "tHIS RiHllIiJ:j: QO THE BUJROVE VIOLATION OF ANY THf;: HoLfb~GRcg~E~~I~ THE tiT "~OCEEDS AT HIS owF>E~MI N ~IS JAN 3 0 2004 f1lUILOING OIVISION OF AN H~IM r~PF'FtO ~ BY 001.--0 . " os.zo .' "2I.i;a. W'$ .. ..te..oC" .... . 9~ rL.,.., ~ I I.. '5',," I to ,co Fi':...Pc.L 0"" ... ... .... , : ." i " , . ' r '".t ,- .. , " , 21'0,1 . '. " .,.. , " ,/ ~... ... : --:':L=I ~f ~ ~ -.__t=" . r 4SSk...n...,'1' ~ I,i+++-H-+++i+-i--i-i+++ 1--++11 . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . pj~t'pi;m:"i""sq"':';;;"5'"feet'''''''T''''''';''''''''i''''''''j''...:....).....;.......1.......;........[.......:...-;........;........;...... : : : : . : : : : : :.: : : . ' . .. . ... - . . ;i~g~~~z~~r: ~t~~,~K~~~1: K~~~~~!l~!~ f&~~~'~\~~, ~l:i~~J m~u:f.1~~ 1__'1: itlRB _"11 4x4 #2 4x6 #2 4x8 #2 4xl0 #2 6x8 #11 4%12 #12 ul0 #1 4x14 t#2 6x12 #1 :;K~~:;~i;j;:i1i{~~j%1lli~~:i%,ili ;;tJly~,\l~} \~~!l' ~t~::O~;l~l!~~ ~~;'1"~: ~~l't :jS~;:~~j) ;;j'~;~I;! *\~~!:1 !iti~~!:2~f 8~'l!' 1f;~~~I t",," ~"~;'~ fu~l!" '*"5'0"'''''' """7''-3'''''''''<9'''3'' ."'- "'Ul';:6l!! :'" "">I'"'.'''''"''' :$t3'~" '". %.'\~f~<<"'!iW' 'l"lSMI1!i"~ '1'''t*$.~l'Wii: :~~~:gf:Fr Rr~~:O~~W ~~lij1~~!W i~Llj~:ottk A\l;:6:SV ~:st~~11M ~,~lt~~J J;~~W~~' lliJitJ~1 PROPERTY OWNER: S MC&,~-..bA.V ADDRESS: Zl..-rt!!:> w., Sr;:PlI/iiN \0 I .. -6 ,.... Phone: sz..-t - fib70 Date: I 'V' SQUARE FOOT PATIO COVER Up to 20 ft. SIZE OF FOOTING: 12 inches square and 12 inches deep unless otherwise noted per footnotes: 1. May set on existing 3 112" slab. 2. IS" square. 12 inches deep. 3.21 inches square - 12 inches deep. ,'. " , ~.: , Patio depth - /,t. 0 " 12" // d Pitch I/~ :::s::> ", ...............- Detail B \ " , , ~ " ,; ~ ~ , '. , , ......: , , , i , Rafter span II, -0 ,. kit" I . Overhang ~ ~" ::::r ,,' ~ f I / ./ . . /' r '1--'.-/ / / -./ ;' / /' / ~ r 7r.'. . -:::..-.'./'../'"'//'._.________ ..7 // r~\~.:. /- Detail*- ,~. ~ '" Approved T-Strap/ \ . or Post Cap Header span ) 1-' B" /Z/~ ~ - #/ML 12- -1..- Footings: Posts: Headers: Rafters: . : '. . iE inches, sqUll1'C x 12 inches deep -4--."x~ " i ~ I , " D ~;>./: Detail----,-,,\ _ ~ . '.',"<.' . . y "\ ~ .'>". . . I A ''''0'' ...... :......... .:".;;,".. :.........' :':.': ....: ::.. :. .:. ',:'. .... .'::~ ". . '(.:,'J~::t./~~Y,.<{J~;~.'$...t/.~.::.y~:.;.,;~..'~..',~4.f':~ ........~~~'f./ ,...: ;:.--.-.... -..",-<~;;;;:;b~.-,_ .",'" ,r... ........: p.~" '... /.:-' - ~ '. ........~~:r:h....;-. . .....~I~~..J!;I .:, sro~'YIEW SECTION ' .' ~; ~ ~..~::1~:~: . ....;,..:.::... 4 "x ~ " (or) two ~ "x L-" spaced .24" on center OR - -.. Two "x _" spaced " on center -1_" Rated plywood sheathing with ext glue -1-" x ~ solid wood sheathin~ With/tld)~~ ~/roAl~ vering Solid Roof: Lattice Cover: _ux RAFl'ERSPAN: #2DouglasFir Lattice or solid roof. Rafter Size 2x4 2x6 2x8 2 X 10 ~o' - 0" 20' - 0" 20' - 0" 2 x 12 20' - 0" 20'.0" 20' - 0" Rafter Spacing 12" o.C. 16"0.c. 24"0.c. 13' -0" 11' -6" 9' -6" 19' -0" 17' - 0" 13'--9" 20'-0" 20' -0" 17' - 6" " spaced 32"0.c. 8' - 0" 12' -0" IS' -3" 18' - 6" 20' -0" "x " on center Max. span of rafter with a 2' overhang Up to 8 ft. Up to 14 ft. ~~ IF~ 2l=l'Tc> ' , z' 7~ ~ \ ,~ RI -:zJ.i:a. --S~ ~I/~ ! f" I Palio width - I" ~ .. Solid roof covering LaUi ... ~ .' . . \ "\ \ If: ~. Overall span- \:~; '>.;~1i.,i:f~..:~~~;/.{;;-~~~~Jl;;~ .;., :~r~.:~~~ 1.~:;;;~~~ .1-<!: ... . ~/ . ..., ... ~ ~ ~1ItS~:tf . .:~vf~ . FRONT VIEW ELEVATION . " Q,C; 1{) Zonin.. Division ADDroval PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVED DATE )- >()-OLf BY S~'tt-ACT'ON ( G:;([) JAN 3 n 2004 FLOOD ZONE I<: llnltl.", lJlbglN& OIViSION Of" A~IbJ-f'IM HIS):,qRIC DISTRICT REVIEW: AFt ~OV~ (~I -r (\J/A ~See stamo this na~e vWui;<FElY~ 'l:J, ". -; TIrele .ne on above lille ~7g./ SEE BUILDING PERMIT FOR oo1..--Bh . ANY COfJDITIONS t 5-7ZffO Building Division Approval HE ISSUANOE 01' 'l'HIS PERMI1' DC.S ~! APPROVE VIOLATION OF ANY OF 1E BUILOING COOES OF THE CITY HE HOLDER OF THIS F'ERMIT ROOEEDS AT HIS OWN RISK. . OIL-t-u- /fIe. c..~t...S~ "" MAXIMUM HEADER SPAN AND FOOTING SIZE 1~~J:Z~,~t. :j;~;~t~~~ lt~~mt~%~ t.t~Bl~!I'~ $\'i111~ iliJ!~~~L~~~~j li\tJ~l: It~.~i~ ~'1*%~fm: 4x4 #2 4x6 #2 4x8 #2 4x10 #2 6x8 #1 4x12 #2 6x10 #1 4x14 #2 6x12 #1 &1~;l~~!;iiii ":;1'if~~1 it~;;~:~~&iJjLi~!~;\t{ i~l:!l' ;~i~~il1 Th\~!~li\ ft' ~'~~i! l\t~l:~@N;@~t~~TIfu\!;!jt !%i~~iili ;j~~!~1'li~~~1!1ti .~,rm :t'tW.~1jt !t'~\\z:t' ::*:~:5:tO~:::M:: m::.,7:~..J~{~f.~ ;::f.9~~'3~::: :~Wl1~;;;61!~~l ;~~;:.%::~:::~F; :$':13~~;m$:~.::. ~\11%YftWt. ~~~:l~._*=,@i ~~~~J..~~~\~w ID:~e6~;~~n :~K:t~:O~'1~b &1~61:~~if ;M~~3~O~~t tTI;:6~i'{ ~t'S.::O,,~f) $~';:~~~t ~~*i~:o'711' ~~~~~i* Up to 20 ft. SIZE OF FOOTING: 12 inches square and 12 inches deep unless otherwise noted per footnotes: 1. May set on existing 3 112" slab. 2. IS" square - 12 inches deep. 3.21 inches square. 12 inches deep. , ,t I ~.... It/I _____ ~='r'4. ~ 4\c:. .- ~? W, '$~~ ~ 'Fl..., . "/ (e:::c:>' < C,.I OS'l,d r=esJla.. , , . . , - . . . . , ~ , : . . .- f ( . . . , , , . . - . , - . . ( , . . , , , , , - t r - ----.;:;-~;;-- .- $' \ \ , '. , . . . ( 2J It) II I I -. . , " . , .' . Z7~/1 v " . . . I \ .A I L\ "'I~ ~ ,k" ~,. ....I~?~ I -, -:. ~ - -,...b -=?t: -- --~ {J""f,. .~ M !;Ir-o~ II-i+i--+-H-+++-i-C"t+++-H 1+-11 .p'iod)ian:'T.sq..:.;;;..5"feet.......]".....~..".":.".]"..":"".)......;...T......]"......j.......r,......-r.......[".... . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . -, - .. - .' PROPERTY OWNER: S ~. I MC.~~u>t1-0....._, I ADDRESS: Z(..it!!:> -...J. Sc;;::p~\o K"'-6 ^.~ "-IJ\ , Phone: SZ7 - fib7o~ Date: /~ / /YV SQUARE FOOT PATIO COVER / f . . J t.I"~ . iff ~ I ~ ,g. g' "" .~ if , 0 I a 1 0 0 s ~ l ~ " t5 " .g .. " ~ . . l:l 0 tl:l o ~--, . 'N ,. a ~ ..J , I ."jF.t:~::~~~,)~ ~~.._" titi~;,*j' ..,:._:~~..~~~;~;KA~~;'~:~l_'~~;'~if~i.(. . ... i!: . .>< ~ . l:l "'If ~ Bt i . ..~ ~ if = . ~ ~ i' {:i co ( 6' oo 8' g. '!" .. ~. i ::"-C~ ;ro .' - e. ....~ '< . ~.rA _. . .." So Illl .-..1 ..;,-~."", 0" ........,;'. !. '0 5 ;~ ~ a ~ ~ t5 l'Il ~E 0\0 OO-...)C'\"'-oIIoWN_ .." ............... ","'ir-:>"''''''''''=''' ~ ~ ~1.e, ~g. & .8. [ i ~[~ il~lf#~;' lO Iii' -0'" ",l'l .... 0.... ...... e"i:""R~' .,.. "'':-'i~':: B ! [f. B~' ~. ~ s ... , ... ~I " . . o. ' .... .. '0". '. ." ,...... . . '" ..' .. .. " ~ .. .. .. ,t". . . .. .. . , .'Q .. "~'.. .. ...... ~ .. ".4*" '. .. '. " 0" " " " .. o :: .. .. , o . tloo /. .. ... · "."'. .. .. .. 0 " . ., , . . . .' . . . \.. .",' o c;1 ~ ~ '"l o l!J ~ "ll ~ o > I a i I ~ ... z ~ ~ 88 p=o~PO:-'?'~ ~ ~~:- ~ f t [I:!! ~ i ~ ~ ~!tt ij ~ ;;1"'6' .n,,~.o>< 1:1\ I;~" e.Cft~D,,^.S,g. I. <!'B''O'Sl ~ ~~ 6 ..:~~ II ~ '!;l;ll.!l . gli: SlR B~8l[ .'!l !!!. ... o':-'~ i [: ~ ~ ~ ; . ir !!. ~ Co . !' . i ,; ~ s I a ~ n ~ I , ! i I ) l I I I City of Anaheim I BUILDING DIVISION I PATIO . COVER i I I +--,-- u--i- DEFINITION: Patio covers are one story structures not exceeding 12 feet in height. May be detached or attached to ariotherbuilding. Patio cover shall beused only for recreational, outdoor living purposes and NOT as a carport, garage, storage room or habi~le room. Patio covers may be enclosed, provided the long wall and one additional wall is at least 65 % open to 6'-8. high. ' 15' 20' riO' " . PATIO COVER . fl -4~J> "A:'I'" 1iii"'; , W~:>. . '~~:~'..., EXAMPLE: Wall 20' X 6.67 = 133.4 total area below 6'-8" 133.4 X 65% = 86.71 sq. ft. open area required on the 20 ft. wall. . HOUSE ......,... '.;., This open portion may be enclosed with inSect.""."".::; screening or plastic panels up to 118" thick which shaif .' . be readily removable (without tools.) ....:{", ..' . Windows for light and ventilation of the house' ::,:";;..' may open into an enclosed patio, EXCEPT an egress"" window from a bedroom which must open DIRECTLY , into an open yard. '" '. ---4- ."....,. .;~~;. :'~".' . GARAGE ?&:" ~"7.<" ~:::',:" ~. '.,; I I -+ - -- 1234 Maia st. . SAMPLE PLOT PLAN : ~. PLYWOOD (RATED: SHEATHING, EXPOSURE 1) OR SOLID WOOD - _ . r \ SPAN , ...,- , ... ~ " LEDGER " ~ - RAFl'ER - ' T " 1 ... ... '" EXISI'ING BLDG. ... ... I 'BEAD~' , - -~ , ,.... Mia. ".fl. , , Mia. --- , - - POS'I' ." , _ - -SLAB- - -.... ... '" LEDGER - EXISI'ING BLDG. \ ......_-..; PITCHF.Il SOLID ROOF 1. Minimum pitch: 1/4. per foot. 2. Roll roofing if less that 2: 12 pitch. 3. Asphalt shingles, 2:12 to 4:12 pitch: use 2 layers of felt - 18. lap, Type 15 minimum. FLAT ROOF. OPEN LA'ITlCE (2x on edge) 2 x 2 Lattice - maximum spacing of rafters is 4 ft. 2 x 3 Lattice - maximum spacing of rafters is 5 ft. 2 x 4 Lattice - maximum spacing of rafters is 6 ft. Diagonal lattice panels - Rafters 2' max. on center. TYPE OFPERMIT. Reroof BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD.' (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: . (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 20 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD2003-04757 DATE: ..3/24/2005 JOB ADDRESS: 2673 W SERENO PL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 2938 LOT 9 APPLICANT: HAL lADIN j. OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Connaughey S Me ANGEl CONSTRUCTIOI' CO I NC 2673 W Sereno PI 20700 VENTURA BLVD - SiF# 234 ANAHEIM, CA 928040000 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 913640000 . BUSINESS PHONE: 8188?'S-8717 JOB DESCRIPTION:rear off shake and in~tall32 squares of 30year compo s'~of~'e.Renew permit fO~ six months to expire 9/24/05 VALUATION: 3,300.00.!. PROCESSEDBY: JNJ I OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractc('J pcense Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031;5 Busin~ss and P'rofessions Code: any city or countywhich.requires a permit to. construct, -aIteY, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the appli.cantfor such permit to file a signed statement that he is lic~~sed pursuant to. the provisiot"!s of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professk.\~s Code) or that he ,is. exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicantfor a permit SiJ~j't:cl.sthe applicant to a dvil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).~'. . . . . . .. . 0 I, as owner"of property, or my employees with wages as their so!ecolT'~4{hsation,Will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for . sale ,(Sec. 7-044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License.!:..i:w'does not a ppty to an owner of property who ,builds or improves thereon, and who doessud'! workhimsetf or herself or through his or her o~.hemptoyees, provided that such irnplOvem!9nts are not intended or offered fol' sale. If, however, the building or !mprovement.is sold with oneyc<.r of. co mpletlon. 'the owner-builde" will have the burden of proving that he 'diq not build o~ improve fOi the purpose of~le). . _~ L _' . ..' . Oi, as.t~e owner orthe property, an, exdusively contrdcting with licer.ser; 0nlractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044 Bus:ness and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply' to an ownerbF prope~~ 'r/hl) builds or improves th.ereon. and who contracts for such projects with ~o(l~r~ctor(s) licensed pursuant, to the Contractor's License Law).' . LJ I am exempt under Sec. " B & P .C. for this reason: _~.:_. 03te; Owner:' , I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION' I [J:1CENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I her'.3by affirm under pena.lty of perjury one of the following deciarations: _ _ l I nereby a lrm under penalty' of psrjury that! am o I have and wi!1 ma intai.n a certificate or consent to self-insure'for worke,'~ c.;o,;,pensation'l licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing 8;S provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for tile performanceofth~; worK for which with Section 7000) of Divsiol"l3 of the Business and ~hiS. ermit is issued.' . profe$$iOn~.e~~. -~. . I have and will maintain worker's compensation insurance, as reqUi.f3d ~.'j Section 3700 of 3/24/2005 ~~ ~ . t .abor Code, for the performance of the work for which ~his permit 1s '&';~le:i. r\1y wurker's Date:' . Co~tractor .ompensation insurance carrier and poliOi are: . . .arrier: STATE FUND . .. Policy Number. 1558577 .. NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE ihiS section need not be completed if the pennitis for one hundred dollars {$10C-i~ It;!Ss. ~~~5 9/30/2005 o "certify that in the performance pfihe work for which this permit is issJ_~C:~J shall not B. employ any personinany manner so as' to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of Califomia,'and -agree that if I should become subject to the worker's cOIT:Per:JS3tion . . provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor ~~ I 811 to with c ~X with these provisions. ~. :...--:::' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: --! Date: 3/24/2005 Applicant: WARNING: FAilURE TO SECURE RKER'S COlli, NSATlONCOVEP"SE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAl PENAlT,ES AND CIVIL . FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100.000), IN ADD;T10N TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR ,N SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. I '. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby J3ffirm IJnder penalty of ~'E"rl~!ry tt~~t.th~re i.c: a ':'-0'l~tn'ctlO!1 !.c>nding ~~~n.;yfoi tho;;. performance of the work for which this permit is is.sued (Se:c. 3097 .Clv .C): Lender's Information: -... , Construcion Types: I VN" . 1 Fire Sorinklered? NO Fees paid for-Permit:. Total: 279.63 INSPECTION RECORD , INSPECTION , , DATE INSPECTOR ' Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (Drain/Waste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/uter SelbacklFormsrrrenches (Footings) Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the fOllowing applicable items have been signed:' ' Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler ValveS) Mechanical (GroundWork) Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane.Rei nf. , Underpinninll (Floor Joist/Girders) , , Do not cover or conceal the work below until the , following applicable items have been signed: 1st Floor Shear, Firesprinkler (Rough) 2nd,Floor Shear 0 , Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) \t~?'o'" .--(/S I ~ 1"-' Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) , Rough Mechanical Rougn l::Iectncal ill) Rough Electrical , , Framing (Only' after Plbg.. Elec.. Mech. and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) po not tape or pla('ter 'until the following applicable Items have been signed: . - , Drywall Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical ' , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing lriterlor Lath , , Exterior Lath " ' , , GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (BraNn Coat) T .Bar Electrical T -Bar MeChanical T -Bar Structural Sewer Water Engineering Backflow Water Service , , FINAL INSPECTIONS Date Inspector Electrical Final , " " Plumbing Final , , Mechanicai Final Gas Test , Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 , , " Water Engineering 765-5268 , ' , Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 , Building Final ~ast hispeetion. Only 31.tk:c; ~ ftor Above Complete) , PARTIAL INSPECTIONS be Buildinalnspections q~ Mechanical Inspections Plumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections APPLICANT: HAL LADIN OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Connaughey S Me. . ANGEL CONSTRUCTION CO INC 2673 W Sereno PI 20700 VENTURA BLVD - STE 1"234 ANAHEIM, CA 928040000 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 9P64 0000 " BUSINESS PHONE: 818 aFA3-8717 ' JOB OESCRIPTIONOpen patio per city standard: 12'x16' (192 s.l.) (Renew permit for six months to expire 9/24/05) VALUATION: 1,900;00 \ PROCESSED BY: JNJ I, OWNER-BUlLDEtt'DECLARATION I hereby 8ffirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contracto,j~ License. Law for the,folloWil19 reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any city or countywh!ch requires a permit to construct, slier. Improve; demolish or repairahY structure, prior,to its issuance. also requires the applicantfor SUch permit.to file a s,gned statement that he is I:c~;n:,.ed pursuant to the provisions oftha-Contractor's Lic:ense Law (Chapter 9)(commenting with 5ection7000 of-Division 3 of the Business and Profesdpns,Code)o"r that he is-exempt therefrom and the basis for. the alleged exemption.. Any violation of Section 7031:.5 by any applicant for a permit SU~jr'PCts ~he applicant toa civil penalty of not '!lore thail five hundred" ~ollClrs ~o?)~s o~ner of pro~, or my emp\o'Jeeswith.wage~ as their,sole com~'~~nsati~n, win dp the work, a~d the structure is not iiltended or 'offered for sale (Sec. 70M'Business and Professions'Code: The Contractor's License':;JJW does riot ap'ply to an owner of property who builds or improves; tbereon, and who does sllch work himself or herself or through his or hero\!)~~employees. provided that such imp'rovements are not intended or . offered for sale. If,'however, the building or"improvement is sold with oney~~r of'completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of-proving that he .did not ~u Ud or improve for t~e pu rpose of sale). ,";~i. '.' "" '. " . o I; as,the owner of the property, am exdusively c6ntracting with'ljcense~.bontractors to construct the project (See. 7044 Business ,and ,Professions Code:' . The,' CC?ntractor's License Law does r.ot apply to an owner of proP€'rt)!l~'1hO buKds or'improves thereon, and who ctJntracts for sudl,projects with ~ontrad')r(s) licensed pursu~nfto.theCcntractor's License law), .:1' U I am exempt under Sec. '. ,.B & P.C. forth!s reason: . Date: Owner: I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION S__---.J I hereby. affirm under penalty of perjury one ofthe following. declarations: f: . o I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self~insOre for worke::'~s compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the pertormance of t~l' woiK for which ~permit is issued: .' .~. \:: ,. Jha v.e and will majntaln.V'f~rker's compensatio, n,insurance,as required !;Y,:section 3700 of 3/24/2005 he 'abor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permtt is issu:-O, My worker's Date: Compensation insurance carrier and poliCt are:' ..' ; '. Carrier: STATE FUND .. ,. ' ' PoliCy Number. 15~8577' . ' This section need not be COIl1pleledif the pennino for one hundred doll'![S ($1 Om oi'l""s. , o I certifY that. in the pe'!ormance of the work for which "th~ permit'is issti€."~, I shall not.' employ any person in any manner so"a.s to become subject to the worker's.cotnpensatio~ laws of-California, and agree that if I shou1d become suQieci to the worker's compahsati'on ' provisions of Section 3700' of the labor Code, I s all fQJ1bw'. ~Wjth ttt6se provisions. , r.' - ._~!j Date: ~24/2005 ' Applicant: WA~NING: FAILURE TO SECUR ER'S CO ATION COVERAGE IS ,UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENI'.lTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND,DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADD:1l0N TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FORIN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTERESTAND ATTORNEY.'S FEES. I, CONSTRUCTION lENDING AGENCY _~ ,,;..l hereby.-aff.irm !lnder pcn2Jtf c! ps:.JVqit-.a:t :~~re.is a c'.:ln::>tructic:l19nd:r'i~-c(:.~I';::::y-icr-~hC"' - "performance of the work for whidl this permit is'issue'd (Sec. 3097 .Civ.C): Lender's Information: BUilDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-00286 TYPEOF PERMIT CITY Patio Covet , DATE: 3/24/2005 JOB ADDRESS: 2673 W SERENO PL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 2938 LOT 9 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765- 4626 CENSUS.CODE: 434 , QUARTER SECtiON: 20 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: liCENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under oenalty of perjury that 'I zm . licensed i,lnder provisions of chapter 9 (c.ommencing with Section~7000) of Oi .. ))..3- Business and Professions gde / NUMBER 740615 TYPE Construcion Types: VN, , Fire Spnnklered? Carport ~rea.: I certify that I have read thiS ,application and state that the above information i~ correct. I agree to oomp/y with all city. ord,inances ,and state Jaws relating. to bu ilding construction, and hereby authoriZe rep . sentives.-of-tff " to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspedion...pI;J se. . /':, Date: 3/24/2005 Signatu pplicant or Agent permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or k has riot passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permi.t is required to. commence or continue work. EXPiRATION DATE '9/3012005 B NO .192 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 170.68 INSPECTION RECORD .. I INSPECTION DATE. INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) Eledrical Ground .ElectrodelUfer SelbacklFormsfTrenctles (Footings) 17N1911--. '-~fr,1"l-- Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the ... following applicable items h~ve been signed: Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Groundwork) , . . Electrical (UndergrQUnd Conduit) Pnl-SIaD (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. Underpinning (Floor JoistlGlrders) . , '00 not cover or conceal the work.below until the , following applicable items have been signed: . 1 st Flooi'Shear . Firesprinklet (Rough) . 2nd Floor Shear ., Roof ISheathing/Dlaphragm'Fr:;me) Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamJPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing' (Top Out) , . Rough Mechanicaf . . Rougn t:IectrlCaI {ury walll Rough Electrical . Framing (Only after Plbg" EJec.. Mech.. and Fire) . Insulation (SoundlEnergy) Do not tape or plaster .until the following applicable . items have been signed: .. ' Drywall . penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . . . Interior Lath ' . Exterior Lath . , . GENERAL ITEMS I Exterior Plaster (Brown Coal) , T -Bar Electrical T-Bar Mechanical . . . . . T -Bar Structural Sewer I Water Engineering Backflow . Water Service . FINAL INSPECTIONS .. " Date Inspector ' Electrical Final . .... ' . Plumbing Final . Mechanical Final . Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4,040 Water Engineering 765-5268 ' . . Sub List/Business License 765-519 ' , Zoning 765-5139 , Building Fina,*ast Inspection. Only -,J~ XA7 , . fter Above Completel PARTIAL INSPECTIONS.' Buildina Inspections 0~<- L--'1 l-g Mechanical Inspections PlumbinQ Inspections ElectricallnsDections