209 N. Siesta St. -ct.._ ' BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD21105-00432 TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Remodel i;~if~; :,,~;~~;%\ . CITY. QtIiJj~Ni\H EI M , ' \: '~~~(;:>lt1rx~~;{ ,;' '\.~.~t$~:~?t~r~) i .'.:;,,' BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD (714)765- 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: ("114) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 32 DATE: 2/18/2005 JOB ADDRESS: 209 N SIESTA 5T .LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR2625 LOT 31 APPLICANT: SCOTT POLAND ..OWNER INFORMATION: Jean L Lurton 209N Siesla 51 Anaheim, CA 92801 CONTRACTOR INFORMATlm;: J R POLAND CONSTR,)STION INC 4195 CHINO HILLS "'KWY~138 CHINO HILLS, CA 91;'O~'OOOO BUSINESS PHONE: 909 '\:$1-8040 ARCHITECm,NGINEER INFORMATION: JOB DESCRIPTION: Remodel 2 bathrooms VALUATION: . 5,000.00" .' PROCESSED BY: JNJ " . L '. , OWNER:BUI~[)!j~ DECLARATiON . ---- _ . . I her~by afflrm under penalty of perjury that: am exempt from the Contra{;;:.~r'c. License Law for the follo....vir:g reason (Se<':.,7031.58L!siness and Professions Code: 'any city or' ccuntywhich requlres a perm;t to construct, p.:'iter. improve, demolish or repairaf"lY 5tructure, prior to its issuC:lnce, also requires the appiicant for such permit to ftie a signed statemer,t that he is !(:t~n:k"!d p;Jrsuant to the provisions of lhe Contractor's.Uceri;se Law(Ct'apter 9)(c~rT1menting with Section 7000 of Division 3 of tile 8us;!,".ess uiid Profes~:cns COde) or that he is exernpt thei-efrom and ~.hG'bas:s for the Iqlleged e~E.:mption. Any Vlolation of Section 7031.5 by any appiicant rer <> permit Sl::bjectstb<? applicant .to a civil penalty of not merE; than five hundred dollars ~~. . ~ , . o ~,us o'..~ner <;)f proJjerty, orrny employees with: wages as their sole C~):"Ft(;5-nSc?tion, \-viii do the work, and the stn'~~tlJre ic: OIl')t _intE::ild ed ol.offered for sale '(Soec. 7044 pusiness <'\nd Professione Cod",,: The Contractor's L!cens'ftaw doe"not'FlPply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon. and whp does surh work himse!fcr herself or through his or ,l€;:r f;,':'/r"t ernp!cyee::-, pmvided tr.at ~Lich_!mpro....~rnepts are.not intended or offered for &-~I~. If, however,' the building or !mpro'lE'ment is sold V'Ji~~ GilE:.i-';;:3:-:)f r.ompletion. the owner-bL';!de~ \-"li~l !lava tile burden of proving that he . dId notbui!d or imwov~for tl~e PI/!i.)("5e of sale). .,). . LJ .:, as ~he,ov.:ner c,Tthe prope~.ty, <:l,TI cxdusively COilticlctir:~ with :;:~sns?\~ OJ!1tr'JCl:(:rG ~c c~:1struct the projf:rct (Sec. i'C'44 Business :=In.!:! Profess'ji)'ns Code: The Contractor's License L;3wdoes flat ~pp!y to an Gw(\er of p"cj}i;:(;/...vr.:) bu!],:~~ or improve':> therecn, 3n1 who Q"Jnt~acts for sur;, projects_with oontractQi(S) Jb~nsed pursuant to 1he Cc Iltractur's l !cp.~:-;e U"lw). '~'i' l-arn ~xempt under Sec. "___ ,8 &. P.C., for this reasc.n: '-."0-- . Date: OINner: L:-=---=--WORKER'S CCMPENSllo.TlON DF_CLAR~TI(:~J~J--= , ~ -.J [~~~c6:,ri~c~?RS-;;ECLARATION~ I hereby qffirm under penalty of pe~ji.lry one of the iQHow:n~ deciarai.ion$:';{- "I I hereby aiU, '1'! L.:nder penalty of perjury i.h:Jt I fj;TI [J I have and wlil maintain 2 CG[tifi6at0 of oonsent to sel~-inSl;rE: fOi \j'!(.,;i~i.+'Z C0mpS:13ation. ' li~en::ed :~mier prr.:v;,&!cI~~Jf ha (c ~r'HneilGinu as. p.cvi"e. d.,for by Section 3700 CN,!l~,i.abor Cod?, for the petfl)(i'Pa:,Ge 0tl',il~ war}; fOi W, hld1 I'with ~,ectlo.)(l 7000) of [; .slne~s. and .D',O',AL''::;i.^'.'.< co,_~~~. %nrfi1!t ~s issued. .;' . -"'~ -... - , hove anci wm tnail1tclir: worker's c:pniPe~atian inSl..iranCe, a;; re(ju1~d hi 8GcIion3/OG af, 2i181200f~' the Labor Code, fN Hle perfor~arice of 'the work fer which thi') pem1i! !~. i3::_:,ed.' My.....orker.s I Date: CompenMtion ins.ura~;ce carrier cond policy are: ' ! C~rder~ Policy Numher. i::XEt\'lJ'.:;t I . Thi~ecticn need not be c.omplete'd if the permfUs for ope hlmdred dollar.s i$1(j.~,J or1e:-s. ~. I certify that il1 the' perfu nTrance cftl-,e- _work'for wh1ch this perml' ~ i~~~,"Yd. -1 sha:1 not I . empl0y any pers<?n in any manner so as to bec0me subject to the worker's,:')mnE;n~ation laws of Califomfa._,and agree that if I should become su ject to 1. . s ~om:':pn:;:r.:tion . provisio.n~ -of- Section 3700 oftrle labor COde. I. lal ,it, C . iUn:',os;; p!'c'Jisilms, COlistrucicn Types: VN, ] Nur"iBER 6479j6 TYPE EXPiRATION DATE 6130/2006 8 Date:- 2/18/2005 Applicant:. WARNING: FAILURETO SECU E-WOR'- OMPENSA, iON COVEf{~GE is UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAl. PE~'Al.TIES AND CIVIL FiNES UP TO ONE HUNDRED 'iHOUSAND 001 LARS ($10Q,OOO).IN ADCnlON TO THE COST O. F ~OM PENSATION, DA, MAGES, AS PROVIDED PO,R IN .SF..CTIO~', 3706 OF THE,~', LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .: :.., I CO~'ST"UCTI"N . ".IDiN~ ,;;:'-~,CY---'~--- ; .._......::..-._~-=-~--~-~~--_..-.:_:..._-----_._....:..: I h~: ~by_ ?ffi;::":"l ~;'",'i"~,~ _~ ".,~-=".~-1~.~ r_'(:::~"~:llr;.'_:,;"-::~ -=~~,~? _ ~:o...:'~::;~::-":.:=.--~~.::~_:::-:!::~;;~~ ..~4~.' '-_-:::r:!;'~.';;~- . performance of the wO[k'for whicr-l this_ permit is issued (Sec.3()S7 .CiV:C):' .',.' Lender's. Information:. . . Fees paid for Permit: Total: ,108.74 Dale: 2/18/2005 S. a e 0 Iicant or Agent The permi s all expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed fi,nal inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A, new permit is' required to commence or continu~ work. . INSPECTION RECORD - INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole, . Plumbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/uter SetbacklFormsrrrenches (Footings) . - Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the following applicable items have been signed: . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) . . MElChanlcal (Groundwork) . . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compactlon/Membrane.Reinf. - .. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceailhe work belOW until the followingapplicabie items have been signed: - - 1 sl Floor Shear . . Firesprinkler _(Rough) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/DlaphragmlFr;me) Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical . . Rougn ElectrICal (DrY wall) _ Rough Electrical .' Framing (Only after Plbg.:Elec.. Mech.. and Fire) t:,-{r@ /7' insulation (SoundlEnergy) . Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have ~een signed: . - . Drywilll . - . -'l-tl)' A_ 7 , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing . . Interior Lath . . . Exterior Lath GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Piaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical . T -Bilr Mechanical - . T -Bar Structural . -- Sewer - Water Engineering Backflow , . Water Service FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765.5268 Sub List/Business Llcense'765-519 Zoning 765-5139 Building Final (Last Inspection. .only ~ I 1 After Abov_e Completel 1 f" do Date Inspector:.- ./ ~rl5 .),ti''';". ~V . . . - ,(1'/110-> ~USf&;(l- PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildinq Inspections (..~e. _ L-",-,\ l, Mechanical Inspections Plumbinq Inspections ElectricallnsDections t - 209 N Siesta Street, Anahiem CA 92801 BATHROOM REMODEL SCOPE CONTRACTOR: lR.POLAND CONSTRUCTION INe. 4195 Chino Hills Pkwy. #138 Chino Hills Ca, 91709 (909) 591-8040 Lic# B-1 647916 Replace vanity cabinets Replace sinks, faucets, related plumbing Install 2 lights Install 2 new flourcent exhaust fan light combos Relocate toilet and sinks Add 2 receptacles Install new whirlpool tub Extend vent thru roof Remove non bearing walls at closet Build new walls where walls are removed HOMEOWNER: Jim an Pat Maitland .209 N Siesta Anahiem,.CA 92801 (714)772-9344 ./-- existing door existing window 5'.0" bed room pocket door new shower with bench hall 11'-1" THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT APPROVE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING CODES OF THE CITY. "THE HOLOER OF THIS F'ERMI"T F'ROCEe:OS AT HIS OWN RISK. flourcent fan-light combo new whirl pool tub PROPOSED FEB 1 8 2005 BUILDING DIVISION OF ANAHEIM APPR 1\ \ ~(17~"'-OOlf?JBY }J~ i ~ , :~~' :.:~ ,"<. ill ~-$: j gr------- rT -----11:> I I I I I I I I UI: ::;> I I I I l-l----J l ...------ EXISTING remove existing non bearing walls