2049 Sierra Pl. TYPE OF PERMIT Blockwall/ Columns CITY DATE: 31161Z005 JOB ADDRESS: 2049 W SIERRA PL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 2197 LOT 101 BUILDING DIVISION ZOO S. ANAHEIM BLVD. . (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: .434 QUARTER SECTION: 37 BUILDING PERMIT NO. BLD200S-00730 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: my KIND CONSTRUCTiON 1201 N MOUNTAIN VIEW SANTA mA. CA 92704 OOuO . BUSINESS PHONE: 714554.432"- JOB DESCRIPTION: Build 61/ineal feet of 6 foot high block wall per citY stand~"d'. VALUATION: 2.700.00 I . L OWNER-BUILDE~~tmC:lARATlON I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractct\~ License law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Pr'Jfessions Code: any City or county whiCh requiresa permit to construct, a~(-r,irnpl'ove, derTlOlish or repair any stmcture, prior to its issuance. also requ ires ~he applIcant for- such permit to file a signedstate~nt that h~js !ictil~<;.e~1 pUfsuant 10 the provisions of the C.l~!1tractor'$ License Law ,(Chapter 9)(commendngwith Section 7000 of DiVision 3 of the Business and PrQfessich& Code) or tl':at he'is e,xempt ~herefrom and the basis for the c!tleg6d . exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any appllca'nt for a permit SIJi;i~ct~ the aoplic?nt to a dvil pehaltyof I'ot ffiOi:7thanfive hunored dollars ($500). . .,.. . . .. o I; as owner of property, or my employees with wag~s a.s their sc.le comp~ifl$,ation, will do the work., and the structure Is not intended oroffere:d for sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contracto(s Ucens:e L:~w does not applyfo an owner of propertyw~o bt.:ikis or improves . thereon, and who does such work himself or herself or through his or 'h~r owy'"employees, provided that such improvcrN~r:ts <.'!re not intencieq Of, . offered for.sale~ If,however,.the building or!mprovement is sold with one; ve~;r Of ccmplst!c:!, .the owner-builder will have the burden of Droving. that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). "j _, . . , 01, as the' owner of the property,' am excfusively contracting with iicenscd ~br.tht::~or3 to co'nstruct thE'< p~oject {See 7044 Bu&ln~ss [lnd F-:-ofessions. Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply.to .an owner uf property ~1;h6 bU':T'ds or improves thereon, and who contract:;. i'or such proje0\s with ~tfontractor(s} licensed pursu~nt to the COl"tracto!",s ~.ice~se Law). t LJ I am exempt under Sec. ' , B & P.c.. for thiS rec:lson:, __.~L_,_._-..:...._._._ Date: , Owner: . -"" . _ -.:..1--~- " WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARAT10~~_r=.~_----.i I hereby affirm und,er penaltY of perjury one of the, following declal'ati(Jit$:' . o I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure fo; worker'-s\';OlTlpei:satiGn, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor CQde, for the j)erformahce ofthe\vDr'r<: for whkh ~'S permit is issued.' . " . . ~ . I /laye and will maintain wort<e.rrs compensation,insurance, as requlreJ b/SCCtiC.rl'3700 of I . tr. I .bor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is iss;.:s.:f Mywork?r's Compensation insurance carrier and policy are: . 'I ' Carrier: : . Policy Number. EXEMP r~; . NUMBE . . This section need not be completed if the pennit,is for OM hundred doli~rs ($10C) vr I(:$s. I ~~~5 o I certify that In the perfonnanceofthe work. for which this permIt IS i$t.eJ.! sha!, not ~ employ any person in a ny manner so as to become subject to the worker's cO(~..1r-ensat\on laws of Caiifomia, and agree that if I should be me subJe the rker's c0mt:'p.j";<;a~ion provisions of Section 3700 of the labor; 0 eo, J sh~U 0 hwit mply' wHh ir.~~~ pfOvisiol"s. 1'Col1Strucion rypp-:~. VN, , Date: 3/1612005 Applicant: '"'- WARNING: FAILURE TO SE U KER'S _OMPENSATION COYEPAG~ is. UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUBJECT m EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENAl.TlcS AND CIVil FIN ESUPTOONE HUNDRE. D tHOUSAND DOLLARS ($.100.000). iN ADDj,;ON TO Ti'IE I COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION ,\706 OF THE LABOR CODE. tNTEREST mD ATTORNEY'S FEES. . .1 . . CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY -"---'--1 I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is ?- constr,;ction ler"'(jinQ ::!;I~t..n;YL~l_!f'~. _ 1 .~ f.€::ri6'-11IdnC'~ ofine work Torwnicn tnis permIt, is i~suea (Sec.:-s097.Civ.C): Lender's Information: . APPliCANT: JAVIER NOLASCO OWNER INFORMATION: . EDNA SALAZAR 2049 W Sierra PI Anaheim. CA 92801 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: PROCESSED BY: SM1 -, __LICENSED C9NTRIl.CTORS DE:CLARA TION _J I hereby affirm und~r penalty of perjury that tam licensed undir pro"'~r-tS \.if cl1~r 9 ~ornmenning \.-.ith Se~tion TOOO 0 .OiVSic.fn fOJfle IJ~ine:ss and . ProfeSSlon~ C(),' , 3/16/2005 _ ! . -.:;.- Date: Contractor EXPIPJ!..ION DATe 5(~112\106 B Fees paid for Permit: Totat: 125.79 Date: 3/16/2005 . i Sign ure 0 ppli ot or Agent The peJ\mit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work ha\;lriot passed final inspeCtion 36S days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is re.quired to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD , ,INSPECTION ' O,ATE' INSPECTOR' Temporary power Pole , , Plumbing (Draih,waste Pipe) " , Electrical Ground ElectrodefUfer r SetbacklFormsfTrenches (Footings), Do not installsubflQor or pour 110 or slab until the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (Grou ndwork) , ' , Electrical (Underground Conduit) P",-.slab (CompactionlMenlbrane.Rei nt. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) , , Do not cover or conceal the work below until the , fOllo;.ying app1i,cq!:>le items have-been ~igned:" , 1st Floor Shear ' , , Firesprinkler (Rough)' , 2nd Floor Shear ' " , ' Re>of (SheathhiglDiaphragnvFrame) Masonry (ReinfJBOnd Beam/Pre-G~t) <l<1",~ Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical ,Rough E1ectrreall Dry Wall} , ' " Rough Electrical ' , Framing, (Only after Plbg._ Efec.. Mech and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) , , Do not tape or plaster until the fOllowitlg applicable items, havebeen signed: ." . . Drywall , , , PenetrationS (Fire Rated) Electrical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical , penetrations (Fiie Rated) Plumbil19 Interior Lath , Exterio,. Lath " , , GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical ' ,,' T -Bar Mechanical, ' , T .BatStruclural , Sewer ,Water Engineering Backflow , Water Service , " " FINAL INSPECTIONS Date: Inspector ' Electrical F,inal I, , , Plumbing Final I , , , ' Mechanica" 'Finai, I , , ' Gas Test ! , :Engineering/Gradlng Final 765-5126 , , " ' . . I . , Fire Dept. Final 7654040 , , Water E,ngineerin~ 765-5268 " Sub LiStlBUSjneS~License 765-519- , , Zoning765-5139) " .- " 1p;f-1*( ~Oi':~ Building Final ~ast Inspection- Only " lte, Above Completel , ,~ , PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspbctions ' I I I I I ,I' , , ' Mechanical Inspections I I 1 I ! , ; Plumbina Inspections, I I ) I Electricalln~Dections , I' , , " '" ," l~ ~. r-\( ~ - ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ -.....: ~ --i ~ ~ ~ ~l ~; -: ~ .1;\' r', (\1:' . .,>~:~: ~= 'U . "~'~I=< f:~ >..' t\ 8 ~: "H . $:)'~ z _..:. "'.~ '::?.", 0\. -"', I' I.. -, ,.' '-~' '~.~.o"~~ I'~ .~.~ ~." 11 ~,' ~ - 'p Ir I. . i . i ,r , I. "'\: ::.', .... ~- !;!'i<fi{f. (~ot)kr'\' _'_~ ____u__._-; ! Q """'1 }> t" I :~, )> ; \. ~~ ::..::! I ' r" _/,'1 ~. '1\'" i .~. ."fl, :~',,: ,_ - ~ - I '"; . ~ i"'":: i '" 1, .., r" -:: ') I 0 I Ii), i X f '-,-,. --, ~ '. i . i ,,~ i .' '\)1 \~ I .U",. . ,r; :z . ~ "2 CPi G( k -' . 11- ze./ UJIb00;e'/~ ' . I \ ,:~~ . A A:> .' ~0\ ~' (l' p~ ~ .""'" ~ _. . ~ "~. - .;;: . - , ,~. <::1"-< ,-,- ___0 ..t-J ,,--=> C p C' 0 ..::> ~ 'l\ ~ """ ~ . '" ~. ~ 0 '9". ($l '\:)/ .".. ..,.a't~' /.. <S> . :t: T ~~ \\.~ ~ ~o "'..\ f "". I . I \~ 'f- I,..... .~ k-- \ " i , \ . (\1' .~ _'n 1ft -r ~. ~ (.:<>. '(7:> -- o (' 1\ .~ J' --- ,-- &, 't(/, hY\.. n '... .'. ' ."'" .,' ...... . 1f)+L(f=c-,~I.2(L~-~-_.,~~t:LU-L~__~_';''i'~_~ . . . . .' .