6092 E. Silverspur APPLICANT: MARK V ANDREWS OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORf..;ATION: ROdney H Shimasaki ANDREWS CONTRACT.NG, INC 6092 E Silverspur Trl 390010 MIRALoMA AVE #,\ A~aheim, CA 92807 ANAHEIM, CA 92806000) JOB DESCRIPTJONNew 300sf balconyldeckwilh stairs. VALUATION: 22,000.00 I .... . "_ . . OWNE~.BUltD.:i:]:DECLARATION . I h~rf'by affirm under pep.3~ of perjury that I am ("~X1;>;npt~jf).m tf1() CO!1t'-;;!r"t~(s License law for the fol owing reason ( ec. 7031.5 Business and Pro1e~sicn~ Cofje: ;Jny tity or cO'Jntywh:ch req1llros 9 perrliit'~O. r.onslri;:,;~.: c.;"j;~;, imp~ove, demotlS:h or repair any structure, prior to its i~uance. also . l'cql.::r~f {he 2l~'PliG:lnt 'io~ s!,Ir.!1 p'e:rna to ril~e $~;:ned Btatt.~I1~mt tr,~t he, i-: :ic'~'nsed pur$uan~ to the provisions of.theCo.ntraaor's license Law (Chapter 9)~-=~~'":);~:~nc;:ig,w:tt~S~ctkm !OO:Jof Dlvis!:" 3-~~fti1S a::l$!:lt..:$ ~:r,,~ P,~(c_s11sns Code) ,or~hat he is e?,_~mpt therefro,:" and the basis.for t~e,alleged , a~~;dj~'O(J.' t-.ny ....tc:llatt(,1'\ of S~-c1.ioo 703'.,I.:J,PY' c~y <-pplic?nt ror ri pc:rm:~-s!..:.t~C~S the a~p.llc;ant to' a avn penalty of not more,1han five hundred donars . o i, as ownerjjf propeny, (:ir myempJoyees'~ith wages as thew Sole COmh:ln~Dti6'1' wHl do the work, ,and th~ structure is not intended or offered for s~le (Sec. 7044 Busines,s and Professions-Code: The Contractor's Licer.s~9~aw does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improvee' thereon, and WhCd'oes sum work himsetfor herself or throug~ his or her 0V~:' employees, 'provided that such improvements are not intended or .. offereq. for sale. If:-however, the building or improvement is sold with one :';f~r of completion, the oWner~builder will have the burden of proving that he did notbuR.d or improve for the purpose.of Sale). " '~.' - _." o ,I, as th~ owner of the property. am exdusively' contracting with Iicens{:;\r..ontf<3-Ctors to construct the project (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Ucense Law does not apply to aq owner of ~ro?Qlt:+.f.Iho'builds or improves thereon,and whQ contracts for such projects with -~ontractor(s) licensed Ptlisl!.:::r~[,totheContractor's License law}. ..;.: .. ' U tall} exempt under Sec., . " B &. P.C. for this reason: !! Date: OWner: : ~ 'i: I" WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of pe~ury phS of the foilo'(<ing declarations: . o I haVe and will maintai':l a certificat'e 'of consentt6setf-insure for'work~if.comp.em~ation" a~ provi or by section 3700 of the Labor Code, f9r the performance (}f j--.p work for which t is , rmit.is issued. . ' ' ; I have and will maintain WO,rker's compensation insurance, as roquirac t;;, 3€ction 3700 of '. the'LaborCode. fot the performance of the work for which this permit js.-'issu\.d. My worker's. Compensation insurance carner and policy are: f Carrier: STATE COMPo FUND. . Policy Number. 17135~~i)'1 . This section need' not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dol/a..." ($"<: '" less. ,0' certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit iS1~~t.~'~~J~a" .net . employ any person in ~ny manner so as to. become subject.to the workE:!:'s~~mp'ensation laws of Califomia;,. and agree that if I should.be9ome subject to theworker's:~o;;';:-;:'f~.a.tiorl' provisions 6f Section 37000fth'e LabOrGod~II)>~""lhC.wnP#Withll'ro provIsions.. . Dale: 11211Z004 . Apphcanl: /' ~!iP/'a {/..- ~ . . . WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSArlONCOVEfj~GE IS'. . . UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN .EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAl,A'EN,01.TIE$ AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED TIiOUSANDDOLLARS ($100,000), iN Ac'i'T10N TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIC:'; 3706 OF THE LABORCODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. .' I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY. ,I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that ther~ is a construction__l.en.dlnc:?:-i~#;1pYfor ihe. performance of the'work for which this' permit is issued (Sec.3097.Cf.J:.C):, \ _"...l.e.n,_ior'!:.J('f('_i_Tj-1:::>~~..; . . . '- BLD2004.00022 ',~ '. CITY OATE: 1/21/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 6092 E SILVERSPUR TRL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NTR 10800 LQT 31 BUILDING DNISION 200 S. ANAf-!::'!M BLVD. (714) 765 '~:53 . . INSPECTION 'REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECT-ION: 192' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: DONALD K MUNENO 18951 FLAGSTAFF LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 PROCESSED BY: JJJ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION J hereby a irm under pena ty of perjury that i am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencin'o with SectiOn 7000) of Divslo 0 hi!.e~i.n.e. S '. Professions C e. . . _ 112112004 Date: NUMBER 665400 TYPE ...TYPE Contractor EXPIRATION DATE 313112005 B . HIC Construcion Tvpes: VN, " Fire Sprinklered? . Balcony / Deck Area: :.-. --... , , " ' I certify that I have read this applicatipn and state that the abov~ informatiol1 is cmrect. I agree to comply with aU city ordin;ances and state,laws relating'to buUding construction, and hereby.authorizerepUlresentiv 'UOf hZs ci . ta nter.u.pon the above mentian~:. property.(or insp~ ..' .... ' . . ". -. . . Date: 1/21IZ004 Signature of Applicant or Agent " . The permit shall expire by limitation and "become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue Work. NO 300 fees paid for Permit: Total: : 742.96 . INSPEGTION RECORD .' . . INSPECTION . ; . DATE INSPECTOR T\lmporary Power Pole' Plumbing (DrainIWaste Pipe) . . Electrical Ground Electrode/uter '. . , SelbackfFormslTrenches (Footings) ,. 77.& riA . Do not install subfloor Or pour floor.slab until the following applicable items have been signed: . Plumbing (Water Plpe.Sprinkler Valves) . M~hanical (GroundWork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) . pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reinf. .' Underpinning(FloorJoistlGirders) .' [)() not cover .or conceal the wort< below until the following applicable items have been signed:. .' 1st.Floor Shear . Firesprinkler(Rough) .' . 2nd Floor Shear . . . . . . Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frane) . " Masonry (Relnf~ond BeanlPr&-GJ'()\Jt) . . Rough Plumbing (Top Out) '. . Rough Mechanical . . , Rl)l\9h Electrical (Dry Wall) . . Rough Electrical . .' 1t Framing (Only after Plbg.. Elec.. Mech.. and File) 'd(,..()c Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . . .' po not tape or pla~ter until the following applicable . ,tems have been sIgned: Dryw/JU' . . . . '. Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical. . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical . ." . Penetrations (File Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath . . . '. Exterior Lath . .' . . GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . . T -Bar Electrical. . . '. . T -Bar Mechanical T -Bar Structural .. Sewer. . WaterE:ngineering. Backflow Wat"r Service FINAL INSPECTIONS ..'" .P"tte Inspector Electrical Final.' . . . Plu'mbing Final . . . Mechanical Final . . . .' ..' .' 'Gas Test. . Engineering/Gr3ding Final 765-6126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-5263 . ". '. Sub I.IstlBusiness License 765-519 . Zoning 765;51.39 '. . . '. . . . '.' BUilding Final~astlnspection. Only, ~.6-tlS; ~/". '^ .;; . C' . fter Above Complete) . PARTIAl. INSPECTIONS . BuildinCl Inspections Mechanical Inspections PlumbinCllnspections Electrical Inspections