420 S. Sleepy Meadow Ln. APPLICANT: OWNER INFORMATION: o T O'Brien 420 S Sleepy Meadow -Ln 'Anaheim, CA 92807 JOB DESCRIPTION: Retaining wall for pool equipment; SW12005-00017 VALUATION: . 950_00 I .OWNER-BUILDEfl r.;IECLARATION I hereby atffrm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor:S!:i(ler.se Lawfor the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and professions Code: any, city or county which requires a permit to construct, 3tt~!if.:.np'rbve, demolish or repair'any structure, piiOr to its iSsuance. also requiies the appHcant fo~ such permit to file a signed statement that he is t-'cs'n$j~d;p':.Jrsliant to th~ provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Ch~pb9r 9)(~o.mmencing .with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Businp,ss a nd Profe.ssicr.:; Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit sub;e~ts.tl1e a pplicanJ to a dvil pen"!lty-of riot more tha-n five hUndred dollars ($500)_ . '.c'" _ ---- , . D. \, as owner of property, or my employees with wages as their ~fe coml:>eI':5EtiOl1. wi:! do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered fer sale (Sac. 7044 Business andProfe>..ssions Code: The Contractor's License l:."1\\':pces not apply~o an owner of property who builds or tn1prcves t11ereon, ,End who does such work himself or _here.elf or through his or her ov/" ("iiJployees,.p'rovided that such improvements are not int~nded or, .. _ ' offered for sale, ,If, however, the building or improvement is s"Old with .one yearbf completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). .' '_, , ' . o I, as the owner of the property: .am exdusively contractil.iq with iic~nsed ~; ';",.tr2:':-,(O;-S tc construct the project (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The ContraCtor's License law does not appfy to an owr.e~ of propertv....,.j,q builds or improves thereon, and who contrac~s for such proje-.::ts witt! FlJ1ontractor{s) licens.ed pursuant to the Contractor's U~nse_l3W). ' U r am exempt under Sec. . ,.8 & P.C. for_this reason: " Date: Owner: ,.,' f. I WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATiON ~y= 1 I hereby affirm under' penalty of perjury olie of the foliowing deciarations: I o I have and witlmaintain a certificate. of roil sent to self-iilsure for worker';;'~Oi1i~"'msatiCI1: as provided for by Section .3700.-of the Labor Coc.:e, for the performance.cjLh(,~,ioJKfor which this permit is issued, " .-t",' ~ave @ndwillmaintainworker's compehsatioi'l insurance, as required ty Hection 3700 of the? labor Code, forthe performanc~ oHhe work for which this permit i-, i$ue:l Myworker's Compensation inSLTance carrier' and polley <:tre: " ' Carrier: Polley Number: . BUILDING PERMIT NO, BLD2005-00668 TYPE OF PERMIT Blockwall/ Columns. C I TV DATE: 3/10/2005 . JOB ADDRESS: 420 S SLEEPY MEADOW LN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 8418 LOT 42 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S_ ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765-5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CPDE: 565 QUARTER SECTION: 169 s.2 CONTRACTOR "INFORMATION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER-INFORMATION; PROCESSED BY: JNJ ] LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penaity of perjUry' thvt 18!!l licensed under plQvisionsof cha.pter 9 (commencing wfth Section 7000) of ivsion3ofthe Sus:ness 3nd Professions' ... 3/10/2005 D NUMBER This section need not be completed if the pennit is for or.e ,hundred dOllcfrs ($1 OIJ} or I~S;: [J i certify-that in the'perforrrlance of the work for which this permit is ir..s.uett I ~~Jpot employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the worken's ~M~:1~,at!on taws of California, and agree tha_t if Ishould qeco":le subject to the.worker's ,com~;isat~ci!).;', provisions of Section 3700 of the labor l;(od shall forthwith comply with tro('~e pr9yjsions. TYPE Construcion Tvpes: VN, , Date: 3/10/2005 Applica WARNING: FAILURE TO SE REWORKER'S COMPENSATION COVER'."E IS UNLAWF.UL, AND SHALL SU JECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALT;ES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITiON-T(l THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 370~'OF THE . LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY;S FEES_' .' - ~ j . '. : CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY. , - __ I h9reby affirm 'under penattyof perjury that there is a construction .lendingbge~GY fer the '. performance of the work for wt-aich\t'"!is permit is .issuec! (Sec..3097.,Civ._Qt:.~.,__ __ ___!_____ :...:::~~..:f;;"!;.fi..::ii";:it;.j;'"i: ... '.. ~-"",.,..".",.,.-.. .-' I certify that I have read this application and state that tlie above information:::; correct~ I agree to' oomply with 'all city ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representives of this city to enter upon'the above mentioned oropertyfor. i(sped~-on rr:eses, . /J. .. . Z _L ,J A'\ ~O J Qate: 3/10/2005 " Signat1iYe of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by Iimitation- and become null and void if the building or work has not p;lSsed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. ;1j P--- Contractor EXPIRATION DATE Fee~ paid for Permit:. Total: 249.94 .' . INSPECTION RECORD . . FINAL INSPECTIONS Dille Inspector . . INSPECTION . DATE INSPECTOR .Electrical F.inal " . . . . Temporary Power POle . , Ptllmbi~g Final Plllmbing (DrainlWaste Pipe) . . . . . Mechanical Final . . Electrical Ground ElectrodQlUfer Gas Test . . SetbacklFormsrrrenches (Footings' . Do. not install sllbflqor or pour floor slab untH the Engineedng/Grading Final 165-S126 . . following applicable items hcwe-been signed:. . . . Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) . Fire Oep!. Final 1654040 Mechanical (Groundwork) . . Water E.ngineering 165-5268 .. .' , '. . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Sub List/BUsiness Licerise:765-519' Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Rei.nf. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) .' . Zoning 765-5139 . Do not cover or conceal the wor1< below lint" the .' . Bllilding Final !tast Inspection. Only . .11A/( r--1~ following _apP'li.cqpl~ items have been signed: '. . .. . . . fter Above Completel 1 st Floor Shear . ., PARTIAL INSPECTIONS ih L .'~ FireSprinkler (Rough) . . , '" . 2nd Floor Shear . 'Buildinq Inspections Roof(Sheatl1ing/Oiaph~ ~ . . . :. Masonry (ReinfJBond Be ) , ~:\ ' IeUJ /I . . RoughPlllInbing(Top Out) " . .I . Rough Mechaoical . . ./ . . .' IRo~he~tt~a(OryWall) . . . .' , Rough Eleciricill , . . , . Framing (Only after Plbg', Elec.. Mech and Firel .' . . Insulation (Sound'Energy) . .' . . Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable Mechanicalll1spections items have been signed:. " . . '-. , . DryWall ' . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) EI~trical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical . , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbil1ll . '. Interior Lath . . . Exterior Lath. .. '.' ..... Plumbina InsDections GENERAL ITEMS'. . .. . . .,: . Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . . , T -Bar Elec:trical . T -Bar Mechanical ,. . . , . . , . . T -Bar Structural . Sewer Water Engineering Backflow . ElectricallnsDllctions Water Service .. . . " .. . .