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1636 S. Songish St.
(r)<:':' i.. ({ ..... ",' ",-;-.--."",,:,,,- CITY ~';~EIM . "", \!!-"," '\~.1 ;' , ~, "-.. 'o:.~'" "~~.::o -.". . }?- ';, APPLICANT: TRACY GAMBOA . . , OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORM;::r10N: James ('.,amboa j 163i,s Songi5h St , Anaheim;:CA92804 - . f JOB DE$CRIPTIONl\dd 47551. ';'ast.rbedreom/ bath ar,d dinning room (fii,,:i .. VALUATION: . 31,968.00 . .' . i ' ,. PROCESSED BY: ODC' ' , [' .. . ' . . . -, . OWNER-BUil ;)~E:OE('LARATIQ:"i.-~_ . . , . '. __ --~ . ! hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that -I am exempt from the Contra~!'w.;,h_U(;en'5e law far the fOllowing reason (Sec. .'031.5,Busines8 and :.. Profession,s Code: any city or countYl1ihi,chrec:~ire~ a'pe~rnit 19 CO!1sln.:ct. a:l!'lr, ;mpiOVej d,emoliSh"or repai.r any stn':,Gture, pr:.:..rt() its ;ssuanC'~, als~ requires the:}pplicant for such permit to file "3 siGned statement that r.:;., 15 ::;:;~l~,:ed. pursuant"to the_provisions oftheColltr3~o."sLicer.se Law (Chapter .'g)(comrr(m-::ingwith Section 7COO_ofDiv19ion3 of the 'BlJ5inl~<::s C4liJ ~~t.cfGS.C;iit.'[,cc~e) or ~hat_ he is. exempt thercfrorll' ?r~~ the t>as!~ for':he.R.~l(...g:"'~d ~xemptjvn, Any ,v!olatkmof Section 70.31;5 by anY,aPr:~:G::1fit fer a psr;'r;a ::H~~P'::;1s the P.PfJ-iiC2~t to a dVli penalty of no'- :nore th~n,fiva h,Jnd(~'d do!!ars ($500). ' '. , , , .' . ' "., "..1 . .).. " " , ..' ,,' , [J I, ::1s:owner of property, or my employees with W4~'~:-~ as ~ho:r 5010 c,r.m:i;h$O~lCr., VI!lI do the work, and the structure IS notlntended or offel~'d for , sal~ (Se:-:.:;,,1044-Bi:::iiness_and Profes,si:JJlli Code~ Tt,e Gcntractor'3 1J'':0(jS€I ;,'~1.''''' does not 8pply'toan owner ct 'prcperty who builds or Jr.1prcives . ,trier80n, and wflo d~)e~ sLich worK hims'qif'or h~!Sejf'oi. thrGL~~~h hi,s ::x t;ci,' ;n';~ '3r,1(Jicyees, prO::vldedthat iuch improvernc,r::ts are not iilte~ed or off~re9 f ,....le. iL however,Jhe-buiiding or'improv":.l1lent b sold ,......ith onp. YE'f:'1;' of o::.mpletioll, the'ov.;r,er-:-builder wi!lhavf-:: :h,-: burden oj" proving th;::!,t he did. ,uild.otimprov.::forthepurJ:.oseofsalC'), ',_ ,-' "J. .,' ',',,' ,.. . . .}" as the owner::>f the property, am exdlJsfve~f ccntn,c.1;ng with Ik::GI1S("_:\pnf,ra(..tol~ :oGGI1~tn:ct thf'; project (;5ec. ~044 BtJsirless-ar.d Prc-iessiom,: Code:, The ~or:kactor's.-~ic:;.rise Law does not apPly ban O'NncrQi propC',:~_:;Y"'~;r. ~JUi!d:;: \:l~ i;uproves therhon: ~i~~ '.v~o cont"acts for :such ,plc'jects .w1th fUT()~.lt(al-t'Jr(~) nC,e~~ed p,urs.,'uant tothecon.tra. ctor'~,,! iCAr)~e Law). .' _-.':"!1 ' . . ' ~" arne)tCr.l64. d..er.sec. '-'.Z"~~~f;:J ~.~I'l:-_' __ . .-\'.:-~'_. '_._'- __ '- at 'S.:-Zz- ' , "Owner: . . _ __1l~..._: ' - ,~~ ,'WORKER:scOMPENS~t~ D~~~.!.-:.;!~,,'-,t~~~~~=:__~=:J LlCENSE;D C~'.N;~C':'ORS Da=ClAR';:'rJON' I' I her~by?tfirm unrlerpenalty of perjury <:Jne of the fol:owing decla~aUci":'.,>:' _::~.", t hereby, affirm ~r.de.rpenalty of perjury Ulai. I em '0, I havo and w:iI1 rni:iintairl a cp,rtfflcate _qf consent to Se!f-inslld3 br ',;'J()((,~";F cor.,o~;'I~ation; licen.sed IInder'l?rov;sior.~ ofchapt~r9(cornm.encing as, provkie~.:Hor by St;~ic:>n 3700'of the Labor Code.- for the performail:':':l ctt~h" "iOrk. for whi.:f1 with Section 70CO) ;)f Cii'v'Bibn 3 of-tr.o BusiriesSAnd this permit IS Issued.. . . 'J professions Code., _ 0" I'have and will maintaiq Worker's compensatio'1 ir'isuJance, as idqC::OG rf:1 ,3o~~;on 3700 of 5/27/2004 the Labor Code, for the'performance of'the work for which this periTlit :s i9Sl.-t'J. Mvworker's Date: COl1'>pensation insurance carner and policy arc: '. ,', ;~. '. 'Carrier: . P.ohcy N~lTlbe.r:. _' I:' '.This seCtion need not be comple~difthe permit is for':me hulidre:d dollars i$j~.t:;.;r less. . o I ceitify that in the perfo_JTl')anceof.the v;ork-for,which thi.!;;, p'ermit ~;S,,;d~t !:;;ha'U_not . employ any 'person in any manner so as to,becOr.1e subject to 'the wnrker's c-l'~p,?nsation laws ,?f Califomia, and, agree that if ,I shoul.d become ~L< bject .to the worker's C:0r.-i;:{fnssitlon p~ovisions of.Section 370.0 of the LabC?r Code, I shall forthwith complY wiih t~b::.~ provisio.ns. . .1~ - , ,Dat~: 5/2712004 . .' Applicant: .~.' , . .~,L ' . [WARN ING:, FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S OMPENSATION CO'''E!':AGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO 'CRiMINAL PENf'(lIES AND CIVIL , FINES UPTO-ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,OOO}..IN AD:lll'iCN TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SJ;CT!O'; 37C"3 OF THEo ' LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ': ,!: " r CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY :, "~ . I h'3r~by 3ffirm under p~nalty of perjury that ther.e is a construction tendinfi'>',;,;;l:lCY for .the performance efthe'work for which this p.~~mit is issued (Sec.309?Civ.C): . I.o"u:i:,~::-:!~~-----,--____._____.:..,--,-,_-->.- ~~"_ _:...;_ BU'LDING PERMIT NO. BLD2004-01849 . IYPE OF PERMIT, Re$identlal Addition D/\ TE: 5/27/2004. . JO!3 ADDRESS: 1636 S SONGISHST LE.GAL DESCRIPTION: N TR'1781LOT 29 ; II certify that I have read. this 'application and state that the above information is correct. I ag'ree to. comply with a~1 City.ordinances and state'laws relatin. 9 to building ccnstruction,and her,eby authorize representives of this ,city to enter upon the above mentiol1E'd property for insp~ion ~poseS" ", ' ',,'.' , Date 5/27/2004 nature of AppliCant or Agen The permit sha expire by limitation and become null and void if th" building or work.has not pa$sed finl.ll inspection 365 days from the date ofpen,lit issuance. A new permit is required to'commence or continue work. , ' >, BUILDING OiV1SlON' 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD (714)}65- 51~3 . "i INSPECTION REQUEST LINE:: (714)765-4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 43 . ARCHITECTIENGINEER INi'ORMAII0N: SCOTT BELAIR ' , 505 S OHIO 5T ANAHEIM, CA 92805 'Contractol NUMBER EXPIRATION DA. TE TYPE .construCion Types: VN,' , o.ccuP,ancv.Grolips: R3.., , , ' Fire Sprinklered?' 'Dwellin'Q Uni,ts:' L1vinQ A.re'a: NO 1 475 - ----'-~-,,".; Fees paid for Permit: Total: 553.20 -'," " . , '. . ..' ". INSPECTION RECORD .:' '. . FINAL INSPEC1iO~S '. '.' .... Date Inspector . , ,', ,'INllPEC:TION: ,,' '.DATE; . INSPECTOR Electric;aIFinal'. ".. ~. ,';";l-PJ/"~ " Temporary P.C)wer Pole : . ..' .' . . plumbing .Final' 'f? It z//)~6 &. '. , '. ' . : ~u,mbing(DrainMlaste Pipe) : .. . . ,reI / f' . ". Mecl1anical Final 7/tY'...... K, ,'_ ' .... . Electrical GrciundElectrodefUfer . . . . ' . r: > 7' Selback/for;ms/Tre,nChes (Footin{JS) ~'ZZd ...........' '~asTe'st ......... .'. . . .... Ifll~t~ . DOnot install subfloororpourfloorslabuntiHhe Y '1'" Engineering/GradingFinaI76S-5126. . .' . . . .folrowing applicable items. have beensignedi . . , / ..... ... '.' . " Plumbing (Water Plpil.Sprinkler Valves) . . Fire Dept, Final 7654040 '::..' .. . Mechailical(Gt'Oundwork) " "WatetEngineering765.5268 ......... ... . , electric;aJ (Underground Conduit) ':..' .. , _ . ~/';' .~ . "', lab (C t'on/M b ' ....nf . Sub ListlBusinessLicense 765.5,19 IE" .,. ..v/. ., .' ,.18-5 ompac I . em rane...et . ,. ...' I -, Underpinning (RoorJoistlGinlers) . . ..' . . I . Zoning 765-5139 " . . .. ." ! IJ() not cover or conceal the work below untlithe .' .... .... tk I' . 0 I Ir}ij" /#" 'following a.p'plicable ite.m.s have been sign. ed,: ..' ...... .... Building Fin~1 . . ast nspecitcin.n'yl. ''';:/V'., .. ..: .' .' . fter Abov,e Complete).. '/7'V\.n . . lstFlcior Shear'. ...... Iltl,'d.lI1'" '1.:.(M .. . PA~TIAL INSPECTIONS' Firesprlnkler (Rough) . . . ..' . ':::;::::~~':;'Diapl1ragniFram!l) ~!i1di,;~~n\~s \ .IlL"{~ Masonry (ReinfJBoJ'ld BeamIPre,GfOIIt) ,n~Ji.,".Ie .' '::!II ~ e , lLf~ --o>>-"fi#tJW p<1-! R.l)U9l1PIUmbing (Top Out) -:::dr;: ., , ".L .....I- '/" Rough. Mechanical ~ .~.o~ ~ ~ ~v.. i. I~' J""," ,., 0(. .' I ROugl1 t:lectrical all). . . ..:.." , ' ' ROUQI1 Electrical.' ..... .' . .... .. . . ' .. , .. . '. '. Framing . (QnlyafierPlbg.,EJec..MecO.aMFire) 6\WW' ~.n_ .' . In$Ulatlon(SQundlEnergy) , ~/i3' )/ ":. .' ....... ......: .', .f '.. po not tape or pla~ter until the followiAg appliCable '. .J...Mechamcal.lnSDect!ons;,. . '. .-#: ,'. . . '.J. .tems have been.s.gned: .' . .~' . "ir.l~?=r '/b,'///e.. .. .---~ DryNall .... ..,.. '2/81o~ '. ' '/M-etJ',,;in/ALU#( ~-'L.' ,~"~AG.,,; Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . ".... . , '. .. " .. '. '... ./: ' Penetrations IFireRaled),Mecl1anii::a1 . . .,.' . /' . : f'enetrations(ForeRated) P.lumblng . . .' . .'. , . '... ." . . ....... . Interior Lath ' ,... ''''+'; . . . : Exterior Lath ,...... .... . ~ PlumbinQ h,spections '.. :'. .> ... ..GENERALITEMS .. '.. .' . ... .Exterlor Plaster (B. rownCoat) " . " .1'-Bar Electrical' ' 'T.Bar Mecl1anic;a1 'T .Bar Structural Sewer',' . WaterEngineerillgBackflow Wate'r Service . ,- . .' '. " . . , . , ". '. Electrical Inspections , ",," - '-. . f ~ FL ( 56.02' t 1 I ! .-,- I ',' - , ( . - Cl ',' SONGISIi . ~ , ~~ "':-- '- to .~' - r , , ~,. .. " , <. . , ~ . ( -: " ,. "- " "- '" ....,., "'",~;' .;{, \"e~ '~ A<{ C Le-<:e-+-.c ~ ~ 'bfS/tJ1- .' ~ .,f 0\ ~~ r " . t&/">L \' tf" '0 '? <) --~, .... l0U ~fCJ ~,.';~~;~ ,,"~_:'. /tv'-f>V~ "'EXISTING RESIDENCE \ Ct4~ ".f, t '~ 15'-0" SB "., l -' ,~ ~, ."'" l" N/ A See ~t.Ol..::.r:~p this [)a,~~e Circle one on &.bove line SEE BUILDING PERMIT FOR I, ANY CONDITIONS l L t Ii ,. ~~ .., \ l 22'-0" 27'-0" - ---- , t . . '. " . '.- \ , I t ~ ;' J 6. lj) -S . .. r r- '- . 8.['0 ~ SJ t . 1 ~.: . v):% <0 . ~ ~ a E w .3 . . . . . i'.. ",\<1