1220 N. State College Blvd. ~". , ;.. ....CERTIFIC~TE . OF ,'OC.CUpANqY ..... . City' Of Anal1eim'. '~iS ~truct~re has b~en inspe~ted pursuant to to ~~ CBC-2001 Edition as adopted and' amended byTheCili of Anaheim, . ~~~""0'~~,&" (/~: , Any change in the Char~cter?f occupanc! K:bt$;:~Qf~"~hiS bJdln 'S1t~.. ;g.~laoe'the building,in a different division or group of occupancies requires a new "rtitia~r~of upancy.:\ ~\"'r;~ '1fl~' .',. Ii ~ ~l!t!l ' '\'. ' " DES~RIPTION OF OCCUPANCY: , I~ f'~ ., '~~~{~{r~~~ .~ . " OCCUPAN?Y CLASSIFicATION: A2.1 ~1 r.. . "~il~~)~~ ~IT:BLD2003~01217 " ,....NO.OF :8T<?BIES: 2/'... ". ...... \.i ,.?W{;tlq~ R ,EA: 8,,124 . CON~TRUCTIONTYPE:. VN.'FIHE.S'~~I~./ .... ", : BUILDI~GOWNER: INSTITUTSQ ~ .' 'r!' . BUILDING Am:iRESS: 1220 N STATE COL '~~~e~i1i D." .':- -,"..;.,.' '. ';'-:.". . .. ,',.' -', '. ",- . , . 01\;E OFI~$UANCE:1 012612005 :PROCESSED BY:. Jose,Jjimmez. .- ; JUUEA. SEAY, C..' BUILDING OFFICIA . . OFFICE COpy. . . fbldc<ifo . '" '.".. .', TYPE OF PERMIT Non Resic:ential .4ddition ~--~"-~ ....."~... BLD2003~1217 ., /t~:~:~~~~;, . J .. efT" ~\~~.t~HE.M 1220 N STATE COLLEGE BLVD .. .\~{.t~~~'~t/i . EUILDING DIVISION 200 S.ANAHEIM BLVD.. (714) 765.5153 INSPECTIClN REQUESTI.INE: (714) 765 - 4626 l?l.:1I.0ING PERMIT 'lO. DATE: 101812:J03 JOB ADDRESS: CENSUS CODE: 431 QUARTER SECTION: 111 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SOUTH PLACENTIA TR #2 LOT 4 POR OF ' CONTRACTOR 1~;Fom".^:T10N: F T R INTERN.'; TIONAL i::;C; 5 PARK PlAZA #1240 .'~ JRVINE, CA 92614 J000 . ~I _ __ BUSINESS PHCNE: ~-l9 2ft-c17D JOB DESCRIP110NAddltiori to the eXlstign.church ~t$iamic !i\~tit\J-j'i r;~ C'rc.n(t~:c.0t.;lty): Phas~ I! - refer to BLD200Q-03444 fur tile 1st Phas~.~ COR No. VALUATION: ~5il3S~oo.oc . . . 1 PROCESSEG 3Y: CD:' . fn. . ".' OWNEf~B;;jL:)i:;(J:'~ECL.ARATION' ~J heJ"eby ajf~qn w,aer ~enal[}' of p~nvrlthat.l <JiJ'! exerr.pt fiQr.11h~;'~,,:,!.r.~;c~~~~;f:~:_lq?~-:.se~aw ff'r: the f01~;)wing reason '{S<,:c. 70~1.e Busrness ~n~' Prc:c~&icns Cod?' any city or .county wh:Ch requires a p,:rm:: to c,:,...:;~r'F;t. jE;\:;,_:~i=.ro':~, <j~r'!'Vlic:;!-:. or./r:-:polrany s\n.:ctl:JrQ, prior to. its i~uCtnce. also rbC!t1:r.;:s the applicant rOf such per,,;;! to file a signed statem:?:\ ~h.;,t i.._~ .~... :;;.} :..;~pursu;;ntt~:J;j7l?1\~._0siCn$cf the Contractor's License law (Ch~pter 9!{co.r"!n:~i1C:'1~ V!:th.S'3ctlon 7000 of Dh.isior. 3 of tt-,e- 8:U$ir,t.~s '::r'!'i ?:':",;;"'"~:;~';\:: C~tln~ 0, t!-li,~h5!(_9Xem:li.tQe_rejicrr.-,and the basis fCI,:t0e alleged ~i.~iT.::!j..lI":, ~~1 .Jio~"')iio'l'of S~cl;;c..n 7031.5 by ;'l:r.y appiiol,.t fi.:( a :=O<':::"(l1;! ;:;..;::~t.-,; '.h~ opplicar:i to.a, ~Jvil,per,Cllty of p:-trr.o.,-a than fiv~ hundred -jo:!a;s ($5',)0). , ' . , _ .f'-~',':-,: ',..':.~ .., : CJ :" a,::: O\'o'nci:;f rd~E-rty. or. r.,y employees l1tifr. wages ~s th"~i~ c;...:~~ '~L:-t:~;i:~~E3.~io... 'NH~ '.jl)the ..vcr.k. ;;ill.....; ..!"'.a:;.tl:.i~~:..i;q is, not'in.tsr'i'j~ or d:er~Hl.;.:;r':_, :';;'113 (S3C. {:J44S.t:~;':~ss aftd Profcssior.~ Cede!; The Cor.t;act~;..':; :....;.~.,......,~~.':;P?h' .;ce.s l";1jt a;1yIY;'o <i3r1 J\"";;~i-pf ~i!':'P~rtl wh::, :':uHct;;_ox ;'!lr-rd\'e~ . ~ho:'!;son, ant ',~,:ho CC€l~ ~_uch ......,:.;-:-:. i1:1I13~jf.or he:sc.~f or trr~.u!;h Ii;:; (..i l;::,:- y '.;:,!'~~lr~~k.yoe:;, ;;n)Vjde~ t.f'I<;t~IJc.h U,:,:'''''''~r1'''ert..:r~..€; n(.t ;':::~:ldzd f)( tJ~::!re1 ~or sc:le. ..1f,hC'..,'Vz'!~i, the lJlil_ldln9 or irrprCVeil'l..:,;1t ;S $oi':;; .:/!h ':'.:. :'~i ~p~:l.J')rr.pl~iicrj. the O""I1?r.bl)ild~r :...,j,! :"~'/~ :h~ bUI-jen -.:tP"ovin;; ;ilat =_::.;' '(lid r'C~bujlti b":'::TIp(<;,j~.> f::r a",e f"UI":>o::>e or $l?!e). . ! f ~ j-j' I. ::;'3 theoWd~1 of a"A :';IC?~'.~. 8i":"l ''''hc)l'~l~/~(:I ~-:'ntl<'l~!I~~ ....x \ ';":: ..:.:_:;: ..t'::."-'.i:::~-:'::\~J'c.on~t,~'c~ tho'ptc;,:..;t iSei:. 7('L;' Busine3s eUl'::l.ProfsJs;')lIJ '?)(l3.. .Th~,e::J;i::...~Ci;.r'b!:..:~~$(. LaN d:';~~11Ut_C'PP':~: !-)-.:;:n ov.~r>,=r :! :-,':;i,.;;~.!',: '_~~ .)!..!'j;d.::::':.;::'rx:)\t~-$ '.:iI~:<3~n, c;"r~ ';...~,(l ccr,tr;1crs for SUdl.r;~?;Gct3 '..::~h , ?tt1~~.~~~~~~~~~~~CZ;:r(~;~~?l~:~ ~:~.~~'~. ~~,~~.~c~~~~ .~;:~:~~~~;:::~'. . _ __ .:~,l ~'_ ...~ .~_._ _'.. . _'~___"__' D3tC':_:'".._...;...._.... . . ;:"I';(I.:r: __ ______ _~...;...___~,_~_..._.~_..:.:.....~~.:: ~_".._.,~._,..~.__~._. __:~.__:'" l~'C~- ~~~=~,..~-=-~~/Ok:-s.~R.:-_~9l~.?EN.?ejjON .,i~Lti:i~~~::~~:if=.:.:=-_'=~,.~., r-. UCEffi~gi C?CNr;~CTORS OEC~A~.T!O,.!_.j Ul-eiai,y affilTIi lJ'j(;e:- pB.-;.::'i:y cf";J"~ri..;rf (Joe of the fOllCtMUg =Ct:3i~t::':;:.j... l, . ..:. !.' !he,'tloy .:ui'!:-m under ~n(l:lty ~:perj~:y ~'-7tl ~rn O. 'hav~ z.;-'C! .;;,11 :n.'3;;,:~::.j;! 3 'A:i"'jik;-'lti:; of ror:~ntio ~r.-irn.di"-e f',,:! ,...-:.-~\9.,.~),;c.:"p,s:'!.~~~ticri> ; l!G€r.s'.:'u IIr:dof',:;r.':wi!o';lc.m; ofchepter S(com,':1e;lc[r.~ ~~ prcvided fer by ~5e~~:o.' :5700 of if'oJ L3~r Scd~, jOr'the. pnr:_ci":r.r.:'o.:~'" r/ :;":I~l..~....(.;-k f(".~'!"'fd1 i .....i',ll 3cr.~i0'1" ,-C;jm ,:.fOi...."$km;) of the ,:'Ju'$ir.~ss an..; tl".is pe:mit ~c; issued. ' ',..: ..: ;:... . . I P(OfC%ll'nS C~Y1~" . ~/. . ~ .: have.'.C:l;,".... ".':';.!~ ~13.;11!:;11: v;o!t.er.'<; ..Cl):TI. (Jo.nsatio .'.i..n~L=(a 0 leg. "'. ..;'('<':C::'~:~d ;....~~... ,:....:.'.".....t~~;1 3700 Of', ;0/~/Z.'OO~" _~ _~~~ ~~~ _ tho. L:3:bor Co~e, for tl1$ ;J~rfc~mance af thP. V'/v;i\fo('.\,hi6:i t1,,~ ;.:~t~;:"":! k.' j,c: ",,!:.,,-__'i':iy,".)rkt->f.::- D:Jt'~: Con1.r<l..:tol" CompensaUc;"l ir'!Sti'r.aI~(;.l::: ~'<;I,;;eri:rid potio; ar~:. -.' -- . I C'errier:STATE FUND Policy NU:,l~"l!: :J.a~'~;Oj1;; I r:i.JMSER. EXPIRATION DATE -h' . 't. ed.."." .,c'ffh. . 't. for. h "d I . ....: .' ! 4:S50eS ~1!30i2~04 I :sseclOl'lne r:otf)~c:ompl~..z:.ul ep'3r:n1Is .000 u~'tJre..1 c:<=l:3~:"'i;;".'fl~!S:. i TYPE A . ~. I certify that In trlF! perfomlance ojth~ ....~;Jrk ror\vhich~his CCIrr::! is ;s.~Li~;:h.;::~~.1t t1t?t . I TY~= 8 ~rr-.,~_\'.:)y any per~cn in. anymanr:cr SO.as t9bE'come eubject to tr:e !:orke"::;~S'ij:t;;.i;.?Il~a[io:) :G:'fIsl T.'vPE C"iO cf.Califomi~, and ag!'"f:e that.if I should ;~secori:c subject tothewcrXl'.;f'S cf,r~;;;-; .'!~atkm. ~vP6-' --21 .....R'I>I ~"';'isicn3 of Secticn 3"100 cf the La:r!j~e, ~hWit~ :":::. I _Y~ .....,i!h .,.,-1; n:<i;iCO:;.',JO,..1. iS~~~....tr~ic:::>n Tvpe;:;'. Datt": 10/8/2003 AppIiQnt:.,_" ' '.d'~~.L-"S.\..;. Fir~,SprinkJerf!d? . WARi"ING: FAILURE TO SECIJREWORKER'S CO'~PENS~-riON CG'J,,:<pe IS . ~Iu;"ber.of S!0,i.s UNLAWFUL, AtJD S~IALL SUBJ=CT AN EMPLOYER TO Q1{;f\.HNAL PEN/\j,~~'FS I.r,lp r.!'.,/il. :,.J,e\y I.-:':ddjt:on~i Area: ;;INES UPTOC;lJE HUNDREO 11-\i)USANO DOLLARSJS100.0CC}, INI-::"';{'i(;S TQ:';'rit -. COST OF COMPENSATION. DAIV'AG'=S AS PROVIDE6 .FOR :N Sf.CTIU~t:.~;;~ .)F:.i,iE LABORCODE;INTEREST AND AHORNEY'SFEES. if" .. f CotiSTRllCTION :'!:NDING AGENCY--:~) : .. . A;:-,., I herp-by' affirm unqer penalty of pcrj~jrYthat tr.:;re is a cO.lstr~ctio~ le~~,-~.IC~(~~:~;:;'ior ti")e :",";,y;~':~ '..' ... ~~iI9.'J?Y'.J2@ ottb:Q.x:!.pr_!s,,-~'!.:-.:'!::(t'~.~1,.;t;.i$_;::_En::,iJ j~.; .;.j_t;:j~'.~.:.~;~D20;T,GJ.tfJ:"-' ~'J.....:.';' _~, -;, i : ____..__~~_~,~_,"^_._'"___ L~l')der'.:; :r.form.2;j('tl:' APPLICANT: TIM CABALLERO 6WNER.lNFORMATION: Institute 0 Islamic' PO Box 1236 are". CA ~2822 ARCHITECTIENGlt~EER INFORMATiON: STEVEN L PHILLIPS 5PARK PLAZA SUITE 124.0 IRVINE. CA ~2614 , .. YES 2 .&,124 .:-';'-. I certify that I have read this application and state-that the above information i-s correct." I ; agree to romply withal! Gity ordinances and _state laws relating to building carstruction, and herebY authorize representives of this city to enter upon tl:1e above mentioned property for II1;:A~,~rpo#~ Dato: 10/8/2003 . . -Signature of Appli or Agent The permit shall expire by Ii tion and become null and void if the building or work has not passed fina. Inspection 365 days from the date of perm:! issuance, A new' permit is required to commence or continue work.. ---Fees paid for Permit: Total: 8.943.14 INSPECTION RECORD , , INSPECTION . 'CC -~ . DATe: INSPECTOR] , . Temporary Power Pole . 1 Plumbing (Draill/Waste Pipe) , -,- 1 Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer, . SetbacklFormsfTrenches (Footings) , IbtL'I'O q Do not install subfloororpourfloor slab until the following' applicable items have'been signed: . t . Plumbing (Water Plpe.sprini<lerValves) '. . Mechanical (Groundwork) ~ Electrical (Ul1derground Conduit) '1 Pre-sl3b(CorI1pactionlMembrane.Rei nt. Ib/3Dh>1 '. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) .. Do not cover or conceal the work below until the fOlI.owing applicable items have been signed: ".. 1 st Floor Shear . ~ -. Firesprink/er (Roughl '. . 2nd Floor Shear . . Roof (Sheatl1ing/OjaphragmfFranel ." . - -e- li Masonry .(ReinfJBond Bean/Pre-Grout) . -'I Rough PliJmbing (Top Out) . Rough Mechanical . " ': -1' Rough 8ectrical(Drv Wall) .. . . ' (~ -t Rough Electrical .' . ',' - " Framing' (Ol)ly after Plbg.._t:lec,: r..1ech.. and Fire) 1",11 UP! 'J; ..1. Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . -.' Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable .. (- items have been signed: . . .... .'. . .' I Drywa!l .- .' . . , . 1101,/oA 7. .. Penetratiol'l!l(Fire Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mech3l1ical , Penetratiol'l!l (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath ,c-- ExteriorLath . I"':>'''''' GENERAL ITEMS '. --7, Exterior Plaster (Brown Coal) [10 T-Bar Electrical' . . T -Bar Mechanical . , . .. T-BarStructural. , -,- Sewer -,-. . . I. . Water Engineering Backflow . . '. Water Service C-- r FINAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final r'-w ~ .Gas Test Engineering/Grading Final 765'5126 Fire Dept Final 765-4040. Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub ListlBusiness.License76S-519 Zoning 765-5139. Building FinaIILast.lnspection. Only' . . .. After Above Complete) l~ c I!::::' ~ I . -.", v .'_" ',,__,' , . p.'. mbin~Decti~.' ........, ( ...~. ...... . 'iJ~ . (1Y<' . '. '2~~. '. ~ ' r" .:...'- . Electrical hlsDections .. ,;",.",.,,:....,..._._-,,~........~........-----"'...'--"'"'"....-.... .:.;)ILilING i'ERMiT NO. i~~~<'~~!i~l~\. '. CITY ~.~~HEIM \~lJf:jf~f)/ . '. , LEGAL DESCRiPTION: SOUTH PLACENTIA TR # 2 LOT 4 POR OF 6LD2003-02768 I:3UiLD1NG C'IV:SiON 20'0 S.,ANAHEIM BL\/:J. .(714) 765,5153 INSPECTiON i<EQUEST liNt:: (714) 765.4626 CENSUS CODE: 649 QUARTERSECTION: 111 TYPE OF PERMIT Demolition DATE: 7/11/2003 'JOBADDRESS: 1220 N STATE COLLEGE BLVD ,j \ CONTRACTOR INFoRMttr;C>N: F T R INTERNATIONAL \;:,,; . 5 PARK PLAZA #1240 ~ IRVINE,CA.92614'OOOO I .' BUSINESSPHONE: 949201.3170 JOB DESCRIPTION:DemolWon of 6014 sq ft Building. . ' t '.' . . VALUATION:' 30,000.00 '.' <'.iL. . . PROCESSED BY: ODC.< . I .'. . '.' .'. ". OWNER-BUILDERPJ,g:LAR,\TI0N .' . .'. '. . ....."'.) ~ I hereby aff.irm ur,der penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the C?!1trac;tcr .~dc::!nsc .LdIN for the folloVJ_[l'}g reClso;:l'(Sec~!p~~';.5<I;JU&Ir!eesand Professions Code: ~ny ciW{l( coulltywhich require~ a per~it.to cor.s~rucf;"'i~-l:r, impf()\:e,-deinoli~h, or repal~,any str~clure;pt!S~::~9)~~:i,~um;:;e, alc;o. requires:the appl:cantfor such permit to file, a sign~ $ta_t~r,'ent that he i:.; ii..-;;('€:.'C' plJi~uant to the'provisions of the G(mt'a~i?r's_ ~i9f.l.lse:_Law.{Ch3pt~r _ 9)(c.omm.:til::..bg 'J:.'itl, Sc::.t:on 10C09f ub.i$lcn 30T l.ne BU:;'~!1ess:and F-rof~~~;n', Code) or that he.Is exerr.pt th_:;,~jromar.d.,th~,b."3,sjs:fortl1eaJ.lE:fj~r1 exen.!=.'l!on. !~r,~i 1j;(\:3ti,)r. ~; Sec::!ir,r: 70:1'! 5 l;y :Jr.y. applicai'"ltfor ape~m!t ?:&bt;!.:~ ~he applicar:.tJoa civil pena:ty of ncJ rn()'rethanfl'lehu:1dred ~_:::1I3rs ($500). . "', .. .' 'c;,J. . c'. . '. c">>">" .. [J I, as.owner_of property,~r r:"~ ~f":lrJloye~ wit:, W2'~~~ ~~s tl1~:I:,,5()le.c~\:r.):;:'~.::;:l.'?~,':";J -,;o,thc.wor,<~. a:1d the strlichJrek;'l!qf,in~_~_nded OrOffi:.>ied icr sal.a (S~c. 7044 Business ~nd Pr()f,cssiuns Cede: .'"1"",,; C.c.ntre:(':to;'s'Ucenl;~~\~W dO-,,::.,:;ot apply to anCWt~sr-qt proper~t\~/~f),~!?Ui.I~~:.Clr_imprO'J~z, therec:.." :and who does such work:hifnself, orl':erse!f or through hh.. cr,hd,t~f~~_~r''''lp_:,,"'l:!(.:}:'';0rvvided thateuch i...i'ro'Jam€wt3~'i6;'r:tot h,tar:\ded or. off'olred for sale. .If..however; t"e bililding -or improvement is sold \Vith.vl')~,~,~"k ,...r::.,c'-rr:pl.etion. :;.:", ~'!mer.build~r V'/H_I hci.\ie:.~':'-,el:luic~n of proving thal!1e didricitbUil.dorimproveforthepulposeofsale).': . ." :- . ',. -. .'- .' ,. ,- . -". . . o I, as the ownsr of the property, am ~xdusivel'Icontracting wtth:licel~,'::~, .;.....,.r3:!.Oi"S to c(\~:.;tn..:"t the rroject (Sec._'O.'l..~'~:";";;;'._Ie.~~ and Pr'(jfess:on:-: Code: 'The Contractor's ,License Law does not app-ly.to an owner\:;f PiCj:.';,.,':~t :.:~:..; ;.",;irls I)r impro\le.<; 'tho;:,reon, 'ar.d wh('l~'"tr.~6t<) fur su~n projp.cts \,itll ~ohtmctor(s) licensed pursuant to the'<?ontractor's Ucen~ Law); . ,,' . ' ">:,> U lom'exernptunderScc. .8&P.C.forthisreason:.' _.>'[ .... .. . :. _ ..' . '. .~-'-_~ Date: Owner: ,- . __'~:~~__. . . ..:.' ,." . .. ,. . WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATiON -~l-..:.-=-~! FC:CENSEU C~BAC-~I)~!>-DECL~.Ri',ii(,~;.~~ I hereby affirm und.er pe~al~.of perj~ry one of the following de~laratio~~: . t;",~,,"~ ;. __ .. . ~ ~ i ~ere~y Catfirrn'I:J~rle: Pl?ll?I.~ ':'If pl'lrjury..2t .,I;/m . o I have and WIll mcllntafn a certiflCa~e ofo:",sent tose/f~I,nsurer?rworkl)l:l~<)!:"pt.';;su!lon,. . IIC~rls....ounderproV.$_:on...o.f chaptet.-~ (COflJ.-_nl..O.:_l!) as provided fo~"Sedion 3700 of the Labor COde, for the perforrr.ance of t.~ ?_......::: i:'" for, which. _ ~\-"'l~~ ~~~tion(000) CfDi.wic)n j of the- EU,5ine~s al"ld ' .~s per,~sl!~d. . . . _, .' . . r. '. . prc'leSS;~i1~O~, '. ~veand wUl maintain worKer's compensation insurance,: 3:3.req":.ra,..j b';~Sec:::jn 3T00 ilf i 1f)1712o.~ the Laber Cod e, for t~e performance ofthe.~ork for which this perm,tis ;~u'~l My'w.)..(.er'~' I DatA: .... - ... ; Compellsation insurance carner and policy-are: '. 'f ,. .Carri,e~: STATE FU'ND ,.'. poricyNumb<;}r: 149COC'\::'-; , 'j This section need not be completed if the pennit is for one hundred dol:ars ($10\1,:;: k::;j; _, I O. I c~rtify that in the performance ofthe work for ~hich this pen-pit ~}~'~:;..;.~~:{::.h:ll/'hcit employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worke(s;'-'~~?:_p'iii?Citi_of! .!aws of CaBfomia, and agree that ifrshould become subject totheworker's-com~..~d:,~::3:,~Q:1 ' .previsions of Section 3700 of~he Lab<f~ shall fo_rt ith,~O. mP1Y~r;.-.'.. i;,'~:r?,A4iy:i3.." . Daie: 10/7/2003 . Applicant: L. ~/'ZJ' ., . . . .. -\ WARN ING: FAILURE TO S~CURE WO~KER'S C9MPENSATI C9v~;'k:;;t.' .'3 .... " UNlAWFU~, AND SHAll SUBJECT AN EMPL9YER T9 C INAL PE"K'i',f,SAND CIVil. FINES UP T9. .oNE HUNDRED "TH9USAND DOLLARS ($100,0005; IN AD['jj")N T9 THE COST .oF C9MPENSATIClN, DAMAGES .AS PR9VIDED F9R .INS~CTI9~;!2;)6:0'F THE LAB9R CODE, INTEREST AND ATT9RNEY'~ ~EES. ~., ">_ r.c""':,',~ "c. j I . . CONSTRUCTI9N _<::NOINu AGENCY '" ~..< ....".,,,,K,.."~',~..' I hereby a,ffirm underpenatty of perjury th::it there is 3 construction lendin~ ;:o~::trldY:fbnr,9.;rji~:;;,1 :o-~nm:.~nr.p-!'{~.!-H:,~'~;"k_fcrv/i;i('h .thic:: .;.-::.rm:t i"':. i~-:.'o.d ::S~:~':~n~:: ('::"i..:-,.~.:~,.,,:- _";A~;~::21'_-c.:-'-iO.(~-;'-::,">:'~ LenCfer's Infdrmation: :.. I . APPlicANT: NizAR M9URADI OWNER INFORMATION: 'Institute 0 Islarnic P9 Box 1236 Brea, CA 92822 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER.INFORMATlON: NU~BE,~ 465086 riPE A TYPE B rtPE C;C -VPE::" ~21 (p.\I\1 C.cnitrucion Tvpes: ~!N~. ' . Flr~ Spri~i<!ered? ;,., , NO (. _.~.:..;"... ,~._-.._~~~-'-..~"-~ ,j)' '-r,~;i;,' -,,1.<: .. . I certifytl.1at I have read this applk.ation and state that the above informatio~:g correct I agree to comply~ith all city ordinances and state la~s relating to. buBding co,str:uction, and \ .~~py .author" . repreSentives of this dty to e~ter u~. ttle above mentione!. property for "\ IOSp 10 rposes. . . Dat.. 10/7/2003 Signature of pplicant or Age The permitshall expire by' limitation beco~ null and void if the building or work has not passed tinal inspect" 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to com nce or continue work. .',. Fees paid for Permit: Total: 273.88 INSPECTION RECORD . . INSPECnON DATE INSPECTOR 1 Temporary Power Pole. . Plul11bing (OrainlWaste Pipe) . 'Electrical Ground Electrode/uter . SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) Do not ins.tall subfloor or pour floor. slab until the following applicable items I)ave been signed: .. Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanic,al (Groundwork)' . , . . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pte-slab (COl11PactionlM"",brane.Reirif. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) . . Do not cover'or conceal the work below. unt.lthe following applicable items have been signed:, 151 Floor Sheaf .. Fitesp""lder(Rough) , . . 2nd Floor Shear . , , . Roof ISheathing/DiaphragrnlFrame) . Masonry (ReinfJBond BelKlllPreoGrout) Rough Plumbing' (Top Out) Rough Mechani,cal .: '. , '. , .. Rough Electrical (DryWall) . .. , Rough Electrical ~,. Framing (Only after Plbg.. Elec.: Mech..and Fire) . ..' -------~.:~ Instllation(SoundlEnergy) '~ . 1 Do hot tape or plaster' until the following applicable items have been signed: '. Drywall, .' .' . .' Penetrations (Fite Rated) Electrical, . Penetrations (Fite Rated) Mechanical I ' ' l Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing, ' I Interior Lath . . Exterior Lath . ' I GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . T -Bar Electrical '< T~Bar Mechanical . T-BarStructllral Sewer Water Engineering Backflow . ., Water Service . FINAL INSPECTIONS' Electrical Final Plumbing Final . Mechanical Final, Gas Test Engi!19l!ringlGrading Final765-5126 Fire Dep!: Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765.5268 ' Sub List/Business License 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 , Building Final' (Last Inspection. Only \ ' After Abov.e Complete) , PARTIAL INSPECTIONS , , BuildinQ'lnspections Mechanicallnsoections Plumbina Inspections Electrical Inspections /.;..1'..:....' " "I -'. , i I,' ~ 1, \ , .';; ....... I."'''',.. .\""..""t,; .""."'" I J...,. ,. l'"'\ . f,. \'J",. !".;' ,., .(. ',.,., .,.d' SOUTHWEST GROUP -- ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. . . . ~- October 12, 2003 :::ity oJ Anaheim i[,uilding Department Sl~.iI>jei:t: ISLAMIC INSTITUTE OF ORANGE COUNTy 1220 N. STATE COLLEGE BLVD. ANAHEIM, CA 92806 '1'0 whom it may concern: rhe following deviations from the plurnbing plans are acceptable per 2000 UPC and where approved by the local authorities. 1. T~\e \lse of the no hub cast iron pipes with stainless steel couplings in lieu of "Clamp" AU" or "Orange Shield" coupling is acceptable. ,i. The !lse ofthe 2"x 20 mil. pipe wrap tape by Christy's and Wonder, in lieu of the polyethylene plastic tape is also acceptable. l'kase call if you have any questions. Have a great day! ~;incer~ J""'~~fR-\ " ~ .~.~ .:: t,~'~ I toy . ee, P.B. Principal I?.' 'lrtmstJ'IItlspa\OO662-4(no Imb-ptpnvT'apj.dac; ': ", .'1 15707 Rockfield BlVd.' Suit.e 235 . Irvine' California 92618 Tel (949) 588.6869' Fall (949) 588.6861 . E-mail: swgeng@aol.com SOUTHWEST GROUP ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. August 21, 2001 City of Anaheim Building Department Subject: ISLAMIC INSTITUTE OF ORANGE COUNTY 1220 N. STATE COLLEGE BLVD. ANAHEIM, CA 92806 To whom it may concern: The use of the 2"x 20 mil. pipewrap tape by Christy's and Wonder, in lieu of the polyethylene plastic tape indicated in the plumbing plan, is acceptable where approved by the local authorities. Please call if you have any questions. Have a great day! . ee,P.E. Principal g: \transmitlspaI00662-3 (pipewrap).doc 15707 Rockfield Blvd. . Suite 235 . Irvine' California 92618 Tel (949) 588-6869' Fax (949) 588-6861 . E-mail: swqenq@aol.com SOUTHWEST GROUP ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. October 22, 2003 City of Anaheim Building Department Subject: ISLAMIC INSTITUTE OF ORANGE COUNTY 1220 N. STATE COLLEGE BLVD. ANAHEIM, CA 92806 To whom it may concern: The following deviations from the plumbing plans are acceptable per 2000 UPC and where approved by the local authorities. 1. The use of the no hub cast iron pipes with stainless steel couplings in lieu of "Clamp- All" or "Orange Shield" coupling is acceptable. 2. The use ofthe 2"x 20 mil. pipe wrap tape by Christy's and Wonder, in lieu of the polyethylene plastic tape is also acceptable. Please call if you have any questions. Have a great day! g: Itransmit\spaIO0662w4(no hub.pipewrap).doc 15707 Rockfield BlVd.- Suite 235 - Irvine - California 92618 Tel (949) 588-6869 - Fax (949) 588'6861 - E-mail: swgeng@aol.com _.~.~.__._..- .-.-.-= .. , ------ .--,.--..----- -~-- - -;j,oh,(? .-.- -L. --------.------.. / ~_.__.._. ---_.-- ~ '.-~---' --------------- -- 7'- __.c~_.____..c_____.'_.____ .--' .. /;; " ( .. /~2. .. - ) _.--- / ._._~,---._.- / ~------ ~ --~---_..._.. ~ -.. .. ./ --- '/ ./ , -".- .....-_.. I, ./) T (-- ..,;;3, .... ..._~ , "7 -- r: 1-' ~ / 1 I , - / I h I, J/'" -/ I ~-' __yo -- I / , / zz -~----~_. / // ///// .//./ / /' ./ ,/ ./ I Iq/I I " I I . /?-_..I...---,,<o:' '2; .~ -\.<- I /,//,"'A /' / .. /'.( --_..--- ..J -z. ~\) / ." . .. t:esiL}J)pJ l I I y. )/1-" { , / \"d--1>> lJ ~\-e. c'0.-\tr' ~ l1jc\ . _._--_._-_._-_.-._..~----_.,_..._-----".._---_._-~..__.._.,---_._----~