2247 E. Standish Ave. BUI1;.DING' PERMIT NO. BLD2004-0170 1 ~' .' ";'~}C'''!''..' .'~ . (.' , >;. " "".~, f~'1iI"-~'-- r,~,,>!~~. . f?~~~~~I'~~;:,!~\,__ . . ,ro/J;{< .",."". ~P\\ CITYI;t~>~~'lNiH ElM' \' '~"!f'';l/I' . \,\, :",.~F!::/fjpi/. . ,~'!" 0".', ~~Jt:'. '.....'~"f" "\,;- , '\;t~-h>-;'-;\;;-' BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 , INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: '(714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS COQE: 434 QUAR'TERSECTION: 113 TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Addition DATE: 614/2004 ' JOB ADDRESS: 2247 E STANDISH AVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N 1:R 1987 LOT 69' APPL!CANT:ROBERTO RODRIQUEZ 'OWNER INFORMATION: Roberto Rodriguez 2247 E Standish Ave ,Anaheim, CA 92806 JOB DESCRIPT!ONMd 118651 to 1st floor and 754s1 2nd floor (HIH) 'I VALUATION: 130,562,00 t, PROCESSEDSY: HRO I OWNER-BUILDERrOECLARATION , I hereby affirm u-nd~r penalty of perjury that lam exempt from the Contractor ,'License LawforthefoJlowing reason (Sec., 7031.5 Business and " Professions Code: any, city or county which requires a Perm"" to construct, C!11 .,r. improve" demolish or repair any structure, prior to-i'ts issuanc_e, ,alg-a requlr~ the,applicant for s~ch'permit tofile:a signed statement that he.is liC;'j1.s7d pursuanfto,the proV\~i6nsofthe C6ntracl.or'sLiGense l.aw (Ch~pter 9)(comme_ncing ~v.:tn Sectiol'J.?OOO of Oivision'3 of the Busine&s and Profee$:)n$COde) or that he ,is 'exempt_ therefrol)1 and the b,asis'for ti:'lealJeged 7$;;'o)~~on. AnYV.iolation ~f ~e~tion 7031.~ b: ~nY,~PP1ican.t fora per~f~ sLJje~ts t.he a ~PJicant to a. dvU p~neftyo.f not: ~o~e than five hundfed dOIl~:rs o '_,,:as ,owner of property, or my emr10yees with wages as their sole ccmr~!1sation, ,will do <!he work,a,nd: the-str':lcture ,is nO~,jntende9:C1rpftered.rQ~-, sale~~ec., 7,044 Busines:S and Professions C9de: The Contractor's License i:bO'-'" does not a pply to an owne,r:of pro~fJrty who buildsorjm'prove~ ' ther~n', and who ,does such work himself or herself or through,his orher Q\V;\"remployees, providp'c\ that such imp'rovel"j1ents ~re nor"lRtended'?r ~~er ot~~rM~~~'i':~:;'~:~~~;h~:ub~'~i:~;r,:~rovement Is sold with one ""f'OI completion, the owner-builder ";"1 h.aV:1 th.burdenOIPrOVin\ltnat he ,I: ,as' the_owner of the, property,. am exc!usively contracting W\lh_licensed':contra.ctors to. construct the proJeQt(Sec 7044 _ Bcisine$~ .<i~d Pfofe~iqil.S Cod~;. The 9oritractor's License Law d<:>esnot apply to an ownerofproperty:l.iho builds or improves thereon,-aOd,who,contr~c~{or sucn pr~jects~Jith' , ,a.s;onlrad:or(~) licensed pursuant. t<:> the ,Contractor's L.icense.~w).' t" . \. . ." U l,~m exempt under. Sec.. .. > . B & P.C. for-this reason: ....d'~" . Date;C,- t::!. '"7-ClO"-{Owner: ea.~16TO 1i2Q{)?1 C;;U5'~ '. ,I ... . . . ,WORKER'S COMPENsATION DECLARATION. i ~ I hereby affirm- under penalty of perjury one of t~e following declarations: . o .' have andwW maintakl a certificate 'of cOnsent to_ self-insure-.for w()rker~~ cbmpensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of th~work. for whidl this' permit is issued. . . ,,' ' -~ o J have a'n.d'will m-aintain worker's c~mliensation'insurance, as required~? Section 3700 of the Labor Code, forthe performance of the work for-which this permiLis ISSi.dd. Myworker's . . Compensation insura nee 'carrier and Po'Hey are: ~. C . Poli'cy Number; ....arrrer: Thj~tiOn need not be completed if the permit is for one h.uridred doll~rs ($10(} fJf less.~;-,. ^' I~ ,I.certify that in thEfperfonnance of.the work for which thispermi\is isSU~~d:J~hEl~t _.' emploY any person in aNY manner so as- to become subject to the worker's c.;lmpensatJon../aws of Califom,ia, and agree th.at if I shou!d become subject to the workerf~ com~~!,~s:ation:::"'.-:, ' 'provisionS'Of: Section 3700 of the ~aborCode,1 shall fo~hWit~ comply with t~?S~ provisions. Date: 6/4/2004 " Appll";'nt: -b ~~" b:,f]/Zf ~iflSj.. ,. ,,', . WARNING:, FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSATION CbVE,~~G'E IS':,:, UNLAWFUL,AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRiMINAL PENA'.TrESANbj:::IVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED lJ-IOUSAND DOLLARS ($1O'a,OOO),IN ADqT)ON TO T/;iE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES ASI'ROVIDED FOR IN SECTiC"1.'i.3!.06 OF T/;iE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, ' , . ' 'I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY . 'hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is aco":struc.t!?n'lending~:;:~~'i1CY for the, ~.J?~~!~~~--9fthe work for which this ~~~t,ish:;S\.led (Se{,'..39~F.~S:;iV.~): 1- i.....ml'J€r-s lr<onnd[lon~ CONTRACTOR INFORMr,TION: i ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: I LICENSED CONTRACTORSDEC,-!,-RATION r' I hereby affirm untJer petlalty of perjury that'_laT licensed under. provisions'of chapter 9 (commencing. with Section 79'00) of Dlvsion 30ftne &usines.s and Profession.~ Code. . 6/4/200'4 Date: Con~~tor NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE . TYPE Construcion Tvpes: VN, " Fire Sprinklered? Dw.mnQ Units: Livinj:! Area: NO 1 1,940 I certify that I have read thi~_appHcatjolJ and state that the above information is correct. I ag'reeto CQlTJply with.all city ordinances and state laws relatjng"to buDding cOllstruction, and hereby authorize representives of this dtyto enter upon the above-mentioned property for insp,ectiof) purposes. ' .- }- R06~e.'7a f!!(y)121 c;UCJ"? Oat,,: 6/4/2004 , Signature of Applicant or Agent . .' The. permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has, not passed final inspection 365 days frilm the date of pern~t issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. Fees paid for Permit: ,Total: 563.06 ' . INSpECTION RECORD '. IN5~ECTION" .QATE ". . , . . . INSPECTOR . '. Temporary Pow!>r Pol!> . . , . PII,ombill9 (DrainlWastl! 'Pip!>) .. . . .' Ellllltrical GrOulld ElilctrodelUfer . . ,. Selbaek/Formsrrr!>..ctulS (Footings) ..' ~ &OJ;. . 1\ A': . Do nolinstall $ubfloor or pour floor.slab uhli' thE V.' following applicable items have been'Signed,' . Plumbing (Water Plp!>.Sprinkler Valv!>s) '. ". . MtiChanical (GrounClwork) .. '.' .. . >. . .. Elllctric:al (Undergr.ound Conduit) '. '. '. Pre-slab (Compactlon/Membrane.Reint.. <[1;').01,:; '1..r . Underpinning (RoorJoistlGI~<<$l . ,. ". ..[j . '.. '. .Do!lilt coverQrconcealthe workbelowunlil the' . '/ollo,iVingapplieaple ilems have been signed:'. .... 1st Floor Shear . " 1~l4 '-C __' Flrespiink/<< (Rough) . . ,'.1 . 2nd FlOor ShUr' . .' ~ ...~. -. ROof (Sheathlng/Diaptuagm/Fr~!>) IP .. "'--- Masonry (ReinfJaondBeamlPre,GnlUt) c'-. . , R9ughPlumbillg (Top Out) . . '. RoughM!>chanical' ' . , .' " . I Rough Bl!Ctrlcal all). . , Rough Electrical. '. . '. .' . .. - . Framing (Gn~ aner Pfbg.. Elee.. Meen. and Fire" ." . I Inw/atlon(SoundlElllJrgy)' . " . . . . I po not lape or pla~ler untilt!)e following appliCable ..' .temshave beens.gned<. . _ . ". . . Drywall . ..... ." . ..' .' PenetralIQIlS(l'lreRat!>d)E1l!CtRc;a1 . P!>Retrallons (FireRaled).Mechanical. . .'. . PeIletratiOns (Fire Rated) Plumbing. " . . , Int!>rior.Lath . , . . Exterior Lath '. '.' ." '" . ." .. '.' ". GENERAL ITEMS. . "" . . Exterior PiaSter (Brown Coat) T -Bar 'EI!>ctrieal " '" . , T -Bar Mechani~t .' .. T-Bar .Structural '.... ,. , Sfiw!>r" . '.. ' .' Wat!>r EnginHringBackflow ..... . . ' Water Service ,- , , ...' " ,. - '. - . . " FINALINSPEC'OONS". ... .,' Dllte i'" . inspector EI!>Ctrical Final . . . '. .: ,'.,' .:. . . .' Plumbing Final. ..', .' '. .. ;"'!>ehanical Final . . .. Gas Test . .' . .- . . Ell9ineeriIl9'GradingFjnaI765-6126' . .' . . .........., . .' . '.' . '. .' . . Fjre Dept. Final 76.5-4040 . . . '" Water Engin!>ering 765-5268' . .' , " .' Sub ListlBuslness Lie!>hSe 765-5.19 . .' . ..... , Zoning 765-5139 .. .. . . : Building Final' ~asllnsi>ection.dnIY .' . . . .... . ~-. -c' .' fter Above Complete)... . .' '. PARTIAL INSPECTIONS. ,BUildinqln~ectiOI:'S _ ~;; -tJc(-- ~~L .. "~'" 4'Y t~.~... fi . . _ - .... . .' MechanicallnSDections PlumbinalnSDections . ElectricallnSDections