400 S. Sunkist St. (2) TYPE OF PERMIT Repair . f~;:~f;~c;'9~~,S\ CITY '.": '~;'.'N~HEIM \"~:'~i.,...?-r/j . "-'.',,;';,-- BUILDING DIVISiON 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 -5153 INSPECTION REQUESTLINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 123 if"') BUILDING PERMIT NO_ BLD2005-00238 . DATE: 1/27/2005 JOB ADDRESS: 400 S SUNKIST ST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEC 12 T 4 R 10 POR SE114 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: RUTTMAN CONSTRUCTIONI/NTERiORSINC 36660 BANKSIDE DR liD: CATHEDRAL CITY, CA g2~34 0000 BUSINESS PHONE: 76032<..7929 JOB DESCRIPTION: Repair fire damage to'carports for units, 1~5 on the northl~[de af the complex same for same. Repair drywall patch for Unit 1 in dining . roolJ) REF lNV2005-00002 ! . VALUATiON:. i5,000.00 . .': . PROCESSED BY: SA'A' L '. '.' OWNER-BUILD~6EClARA110N . .' ::=J I hereby affirm. under penalty of perjury that ',am exempt from the Contractoj-'ll."lceo:;6 Law for.th~ following reason {See, 7rJ31..5.Bus~ness and Professions Code: any dty or'count~{V'lhich requires a permit ,to construct, a<ltqr; jmprov~~. demolish, or repair. any stnlcture, prIOr to i~ ,issuance. aiSo requires the applicant for such permit to, file a signed: statement that he is Ik:e~~~d. pur~uant to the provisions .of the Contr3c.tor.'s License Law ,\Chapter . 9)(commencing with Sectiqn 7000 cf Division 3 of the Business and ProfessiQ;lS Code) or th8t he is ex,.e'mi't therefri:>m and the basis for. the a:jeged exemption.' Any vio\atiol"i of Section 70:3'1.5 by any applicant for a permit subJ~cts the applicant to a dvi: penaltyof not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ". . 4'....' o ~,as cwner of pr(}p~rty, N my empl:)yees with wages as their sole comp~115atlon, will do !he work, and the structur~, iz not i:'l.tended or offered fer' sate {Sec._70M BUSIness C\nd Professions Code: The Contractor's Li,::~r.seLf;wJ d:)es not apply to an owner of pr.operty '"ho bUIlds or improves the,reon, and who does such work himseM.or herself or'through !1l~ or her qWrfE;:!mployees. provided that'such improvements are not intended or orrered for sale.. If, !1owever, the building c:r improvemerit is sold'with lln~- y~J,',' of completion. the owner-builder './'Jill have the burden of proving that he did nct buUd Of improve .for the purpose of sale}. .. f. . .. . o l,as the owne(of the property, am exdusively contracting with licensed "ontractors to const~uct the'prolect (See. 7044 Bus;n~s.s and Professicns Cod.e: The Contractor's License Law does not apply 10 anowncr of 'property.t~,ho bUIlds 'cr improves thereorl, and who cor tracts for such projects with f-lontractor{s) licensed pU,rsuarit to the Contractor's Ucense Law). . _I:': ' . , L1 I am exempt under SEC. '. ' . B & P.C, for thIS reason: ~~..:...-.:.L .D~te:. , _O....vner:. . .'. . ~ t . ! .' .' WORKER'S COMPENSMION DECLARATIO~ __=_J :! hereby affirm under penalty of p~rjury orle of thelcJlowing declaration!$: : . "'r o I have, and wHI,maintain a certificate ofoon~nt to self .insure fOT WOfker'~~o~,P?nsatjon, a$ provicfed for by Section 370q afthe.Labor Code, for the performance Qfth~Jw;Jr!~ fo; whic.\.o ~hiS rmitisissued.. .'. .~. h8ve a nd will maintain worker's campens.ation. insurance, as required t>~-Sectiur; 3700 of 1i.27/2005 Laber qode, for the performance of the work fO\' Whl,~h this permii ~ issut'~. Myworker's I Date: . Compensation insurance ca.rrierand.policy are: i Carrier: STATE COMPENSATION FUND . Policy Number. 508.169 il I This section n~ed not be completed if the peimit is for one hundred dollars l'$100)16r less. I o I certify tha~ in the_ perfC:.H111anceofthe work for which this permit ~"5 !sslJe~, I sh~;i not employ any J;'erson in any manner so as to become SUbject to the worker's cot'ilpensation laws of Callfomia. and agi"ee that if I should.become subject to the worker's CC'fTliJ€';{;sation provisions of Section 370Q,ofthe Lab ode. I shali orthwit ornply ~h tr.C;'~ proviso ,,\ Dale: 1/27/2005 Applicant: .. WARNING: FAILURE TO SECU EW 'S COMPENSATION COVER4GE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PEN,. triES AI>;D CIVIL FINES UPTOONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDitiON TO TtiE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION ~,706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY .____ .....J.hl'arFttu;.~)_lJ:nrlBr_J)A"_qlf"nffc>erlt\r.;th.:,. tl"\""r~ ~:;'! t:'01'st'"l'C'krr~ ll?r:rl:h"'~ 8r-4.r:.:-"'. f0r ~\.,~ perfomlance of the w~rk for'which thi~ permit is issued (Sec.3097 .eiv.C):. .' . Lender's.lnformation: APPLICANT: KEN WEDEKIND OWNER INFORMATION: The Corsican. PO Box 19528 . Irvine ,CA 9262:> UCENSED CONTRAC,ORS DECLARATION! I here~y affirrp Liidgr psnalty' of perjury tha.t i 8m licensed under pi"o'/is:Oh6 of chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7090) of fiivs!on 30 the B slnes-s .d ProfDssion~ Cod NUMBER 416304 TYPE r'l'PE EXPIRATION DArE 1213112005 B C39. Cpnstfucion Types: VN" . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to oomplywith all city ordinances and state laws relating to building co0:5truction,.and hereby authorize representives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspecti urposes. r . . Date: 1127/2005 Fees paid for Permit: Total: 562.87. gnatu e of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection $5 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION . DATE INSPECTOR I Temporary Power Pole . Plumbing (OrainlWaste Pipe) . Electrical. GrOund Electrode/Uter SelbecklFormsfTrenches (Footings) Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab Uhtil the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Water P1pe.Sprinkler Valves) . Mechanical (GroOncIWork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) . Pre-slab (coinpactiorvMembrane.Reinf. Underpinning (Roor Joist/Girders) . Do not cover or conceal the wom below unt" the following .applicable items have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear . . Aresprinkler (Rough) . . 2nd Floor Shear ~ Roof ISheathing/DiaphraamlFrame) ~.(j-Z'o<' Masomy (RelnfJBontI Beam/Pre-Grout) 1/(/ , Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mechanical . KOugn t:lectrlc:a1 {ury walll Rough Electrical . 'Framing. . (Only after PIll9.. Elec.. Mech.. and Fire) 2'/lZ."", F Insulatlon(SoundlEnergy)' ,",,,4.Aor' 'Lib Do not tape or plaster until the following applicab items have been sigl;1ed: - . . Drywall ~.,,'t.()( 'IJ. ,IL~ Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . . 1'(/ Penetrations (Fire Rated) MeChanical , P8IJetratlons (Fire Rated) Plumbing I . Interior Lath Exterior lath . . .....J1/t!!!. 1"""0<' L"" GENERAL ITEMS Exterior Plaster (BlOloVn Coat) T -Bar Electrical . T -Bar Mechanical T -~ar Structural . Sewer. Waler Engineering Backflow Water Service . . FINAL INSPECTIONS . PatE: Inspector I Electrical Final AI'la kc &'I ,_~ Plumbio:>g Final .1. I . . Mechanic,;1 Final' . . . Gas Test . . . EnglneeririglGrading Final.765-512f> Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 . . . Water Engineering 765.5268 . , Sub List/Business license 765-519 Zoning 765-5139 . . . Building Final !pst Inspection..Only tlfj~(J ~~ ~ . fte, Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildina Inspections . Mechanicallospections Plumbina Inspections' ElectricallnsDections