646 S. Stony Pl. - - ~ f2-r; ~ L ~:..12--- ENT r PLAN~!Ii;G DEPARTM APP!"~OVED DA~~ l--/d1C~'JJLL~ 8y(0l V(;C1/1 p~ l " ". ' \/ 0 (\.'tOo'ol FLOOD ZONE ;:,.. DISTRICT N/A ~ See starn th;~ a. 6 If: e one on above line SEE BUILDING PERMIT FOR ANY CGt-lOlTIONS C) lc 0-'if 0 I 0 '21 h t, I OL-!<- {)JO-US Ot <; ~V1 THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT APPROVE VIOl.ATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING CODES OF THE OITY. THe: HOI..OER OF' THIS PERM I"!' PROCEEOS AT HIS OWN RISK. FEB 1 4 2005 BUILDING DIVISION OF ANAHEIM ~R~VED B1&lJtJvr; _ ~"f err (j~C.5 . .--.....",. - "'--~'-'-'~-,---,--- ., , ~ U.. in ' ill lfi II' .J. ~-~ N C ,0 T > .." r ""_ - 0 '" '- N~ ., , d) (, -.,_,.,.,__ u__ .._... -.....--....._...____._u_..__. _ _" '~__ _. --, ---._-_..._-_._--._--_._.-.-.._-._..._-.~ . SIDE YARD in 0 ::/ -+ U-" Sloe YARD " , \} '---.-..--..--- @) BACKYARD \ ~ _._.._-----_.~---_..-.._- -.-.-----...._- . i~ 5.) ~ in t:. " .' i~ 5} ., . , ~ \~ Z \ _I "i '\)' '" en ,I U' ,.., (0 (fl -!) J: 1Il rc 111 \) <( " n -l: , , " :.ll . 4- f'l'i:: ~ ~ , > '?'U ~"Ii l'i4.: ,- j " ", d) ,~ ,. BACK GPAce - ._-.._-..!?>...:-_-~- -.---'-.--.-,.-.--- --::} -. i;,.''''''\ "{9 '-} -'-':',---- .. ~ ....., -.. '" 6J' ;. , '" '-'-'~---"'--- SIDE YARD ,~ I' ~\ Q ~t: ,.- . , > '\I" :&'t. Nq: / ';/ (~) BACKYARD d) '. - 2' HeJ6HT GONe. BLOC-I<, ~ALL. ' Q , '1 -------..;;;:--- ~ ;. , d\ in ~. I1l I1l ,1\ .. , ~- ................... SIDE YARo 10 ~. t . eXl5ilNG b'-o~ H!GH C-ONC-F<eTe Bl.OCK Y'lALL fo .REMAIN NE~ 6'-0" HIGH CONCReTe: Bl.OC-1< I'IALl. TO HATCH eXIST'G DeTAIL see GAAD'6 PLAN. '. ,,,,,./ ,l'oi"- It''V ,~ ~ <:;;) e 4tP) {;'i'l f._.& /11, . I it/'"' 1 . \~,~ ~ , NeY'l b'-O' HIGH CONC~ , BLOC-I< I'IAl.l. TO HAT(H,H eXIGT.'G. 'b,TA IL Gee <Eif,~".. FLAN /' - , '~ (,' V~? Q.".. -c t'i? (:). , ~~:~.... ~..~ -,"''''.. -'r::; ..C:,J;~ ? 4... eXISTING "IGHT POLe . , . TYPE OF PERMIT C ResidentialAddilion . IT.Y DATE: 3/212004 JOB ADDRESS: 646 S STONY PL _.......--~~_.,. BUILDINGDIVISICN 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765- 5153 INSPECTiON REQUEST LINE: (714) 765- 4626 . CENSUS CODE: 434 QUARTER SECTION: 6 . =>UiLDiNG PeRMIT NO. BlD2004-00224 lEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 1646 LOT 14 "1 , APPLICANT: FRANCISCOSOTO i 'OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFoRMA'nmt ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: FRANCISCOSOTO I. YESHEN JCHEN 646S Stony PI. . . ~ . 623 CAROLlE LN .. . .. ANAHEIM,CA 928040000. I WALNUT,CA 91789 JOB DESCR.IPTIONi\dd 495sflo exist. SFD (bedroom;.bath,laundry, dinning/,oOm) also includes tear. off and reroof existg house and garage. VAlUATION: 37,063.00 ... . J . . PROCESSED BY:TCJ . I OWNER-BUllOERbecLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exerwt from the Conttacto(\;,Licc;ose Law for the following reason {Sec. 7031.5 Business and . Professions Code: 8!lY city: or'countywhich requires:'a,permit.to c'onstruCt. u;~~~;. improve, demolish or repair an"y,$tructure, priorta its issuanc~, also rp.quiresthe applicantforstich permi.t to file a signed stat~ment that he IS !iC~V.se., d pursuant to the pro"visions of the Contf.aaar's Licens.elaw(Chapteir 9)(commencing with Sectio:l7000 of Division 3 of the BusineSs and ?rofess'~fs Code) ar that he is exempt"therefram and the basi.s for the alle'ged , 7~~~:icn.. ~y v~lat~n",Of,sec1ian 7031.~, by a~y a,~Plicar.t for a jJel.~t $t;.f:r~:.Ct.O::,tf;e.?p~icant-to a d,~U pen~It~_of. nOt more than ~V? hun~reddollars . 0 ',1, .:as owner of property! ,or my employees with' ~'a~es'as their sole ccm~tnsation, wi.li do the work, and the structure is not in~ended 6'(, ~ffered for sale (Sec,7044 Business.and Professian3'Code: Ttle Contractor's Litens';- ~;;,wdne3 not applyta an Owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does's:uc::t"rworkhii:1::'elf or herselfodhrough hfsor her olf.4employees, provided tnat such improvements are nat intended or ',offered for sa..le. .If, l1o. wever,.the_OOildil1.9 or irnprc<;e [n.ent is. sold with one ye;..iL..'rOf oompletian, the owns. r-.bU lIder willh.a.ve the burden. ..of pro. Vin9.' that he did f1()tbuildor'il11prave.fo(the purpaseofsale).- ,.' : '. -', ' n I, as.-!he ow. ner of the prppert}t, a. meXdIJ.sivzlycontraF!ng -.\h;th IiceC';-;:;eJ :.' ntre.ctors to. ,construct the project.(see. 7044 BUSineSs. and Professior'l~ , ~?de: . IE: c.ontractor1s License, Law-does t--aR. _ ta ar".,owner of prcpe;:y,'~/~o builds or impro~c; thereon, and who oontracts for sud'lprojects with ~,~' ractcr(s) licensed pursuant to the Cant .cen' Law)...' : i . ' , , .' 'lamext:!mpt."underSec, . , ' ,,8 ~,this OQ.; _--';'.':!__ ' .' ,,'. . Dute: tJ3 -oz - ~<.f Owner: ~ '___ _ .. __,\ r: ..' . WORKER'S ci)MPENS~,tDEC~RATION . L__--.-J UC~i~SEl! CONTRACTORS DeCLARATIO~ I h~reby affirm underp~na[ty ofperiuryone of the followir.g declar~tior.;:,: ' J; I hereby affirm under. penalty .of perjurl tha( I am. . [J ' I'ha~e and Wili'maint~in' a certiflC~te ofronoont to ~IHnslJretor wor~~i-'f;ccmpensation, licensed under provisicinsof Chapter 9 (commencing as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor-Code, for the pertorrmmce 'Jf~;~::; wcrl< for which' with Section 7000) of. Divsion 3 of the Business and this Permit is issued., . :1. ' 'Professions COde. D - I have and will'maintain worker's 'compensation insurance, as l-equir.=d ot, Section 3700 of 3/212004 thE' Labor Code, for the performance of the work. for which this 'permit ;~ is."l:").. 'Mywo/ker's Date: Compensation 'insld.ance carrier and poliCy' are: ,. Carrier: ' . Poli~ Nt! moe.r. ' ; . . This ~tion need not be Completed lIthe pennit is for one hundred doll ($19f)> ~r loos. '(S?'I certify ,that in the perfonnance' of th~ work for w~ich this perm. is' issu~b, IshaU .not , employ any person inany .~nnerso as to be~~ subject to w r's'h~'mpensation laws ofCalifomia, and agree, that if I should become su~ ~., 'yO !p<~;lsation provisions of Section 3700 of the labor Code, I shall fo 0 t. f11hbse provisions, } Contractor NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE TYPE .Date: 3/2/2004 Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPE OVE!?\GE IS UNLAWFUL,AND StiALL SUBJECT AN EMpLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENA,:'nEs AND CiVil FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100;000), JNAD~T10N TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE lABOR COD E, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. L__ CONSTRUCTION lENDING AGENCY. .., J h~r~b,!,8ffirm unde'( _~natty af pe(hj!Yt.~~~ t~r~)!? a cbns,!Q.l.c~l9r_legO: !!1.~ ';ls~ncy far the . performa.-i::e of1he work for whim this permlt"is Issued (Sec.309r-Cly'~Cj-' ~'-:: Lender's Information: .' '... Construciort Types: VN, , Occupancy Group.s: R3. . . , Fire Sprlnklered? DweJlinQ Units: livinQ Area: NO. 1 495 ~ .....;~;ljiy. ii ii::ll. i ilcO"Ic;. !ei..i U;i.::i OV';:~UVI" Ol.J :)~;'l.c. li ,1", i.i-..-l.i ~uv.,;..:. ;ii:~': I-,...=a~""-'~'~il:~';'i., ""~ -, Oak 3/2/2004 Fees paid for Pennit: . Total: 754.82 Signature of. ,~pplicant 0 Agent The permit shall expire Iiniilaf. and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date Of permit Issuance. A new permit Is req!lired to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD , I " " INSPECTION ' " Templlrary Pllwer Pllle Plumbi ng(DrainlWaste ,Pipe) Electrical ,Grllund Electl'Cld9/Ufer' ~' " \ ,"-_t Sl!lbackll'ormsfTrenches (Footings) , Dl> not installsubfloor llr pour flollr slab nti~the following applicable items have been signed:" , Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (GrllUndwork) , " Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (CornpactionlMembrane.Refnf. ' UnderPinning (Floor Joist/Girders) " Dl> not <;over or <;oncealthe work belOW unt"the following applicable items have been signed: ' 1st Flllor Shear' '11)": ./ Firesprinkler (Rough) " I I, 2nd ,F\oor Shear ' ' RoofTSheathlng/Diaphragrn'Frallle) h Ilf. '011, "\ Masonry (ReinfJBond BeallJlPrlH3rout) , , " ' Rough Plumbing (Top Out) cc- Rough Mechanical "ROught:rectrical IDrv wallr RllUiihElectrical - Framing, (Only aftefPlbg...Elec.. r..r1ech. and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy)* lIP Do not tape Or plaster until the follllwing itemshave beer:'l signed:' _ " Drywall ' " ' , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical, Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanl,cal Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath , ' ~ ExterlorLath ,',' Ilnl ~~. ", ' , GENERAL ITEMS " " Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical' , T .Bar Mechanical, T .Bar Structural " Sewer - Water Engineering Backflow Water Setvice , ,,- DATE JNSPECTO~ .T, 'J~ ..1 , , '. r- , I ~ 'I 5~ till:"1' . I PP1i~able I r cc- , FINAL INSPECTIONS' Date Insp r Electrical Final 2.clf-t)5, Plumbing Final U<;;-()r Mechanical Final 1q-6~ Gas'T est Engineering/Grading Fiool.765-5126 Fire D"pt. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765~5268 . Zoning 765-5139 Building Final ~astlnsp.ction' Only ~lzIo!, ~ fte, Above Complete) PARTIAL INSPECTIONS ., Buildina Inspections , ,'hd-~C; /.~ Pit ,7-;H;{('::zf"'~ " . t-;/Ic;?(O't' f20t>PSJ1'erA-N~ O,~.' ~ ~. &;Jk!t:~ :~~f</~ U.v71C \ lh6c ~ ',f.J, -0 . 0/( o~ ~' MechanicallnsDections Plumbina Inspections, I Electrical Inspections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b4#VD\]#DG6#\[!YY# D!G"D!G#\[F^N'#EF &G'D"!FG#!G'5DGEP#D'#_5!6#W%#:E"!FG#T@//#FX#"V#)DWF#-F6P#XF#"V#&XF DGE#FX#"V#\[F^#XF#\[V!EV#"V!'# & !"#!'#!''56U#+%#\[F^N'#-F &G'D"!FG#!G'5DGE#ED!#DG6#&FY!E%#D7 -D!7:$J$,#-;+,9:J$4;9#49:><J9-,#L>9*FY!E%#9F7`0TT33T,a&!D"!FG#*D"7/18/08./01 9D #FX#J\\G"7VFG#9F7 4#E"!X%#"VD"#!G#"V#&XF DGE#FX#"V#\[F^#XF#\[V!EV#"V!'#& !"#!'#!''56P#4#'VDYY#GF"# &YF%#DG%#&'FG#!G#DG%# DGG#'F#D'#"F#WEF #'5WZE"#"F#"V# \[F^N'#EF &G'D"!FG#YD\['#FX#-DY!XFG!DP#DG6#D\\#"VD"P#!X#4#'VF5Y6#WEF #'5WZE"#"F#"V#\[F^N'#EF &G'D"!FG#&F\]!'!FG'#FX#:E"!FG#T@//#FX#"V# )DWF#-F6P#4#'VDYY#XF"V\[!"V#EF &Y%#\[!"V#"VF'#&F\]!'!FG'U $>H,9#9K>H,9.8038./01 ,YE"FG!E#:!\\GD"5#FX#J&&Y!EDG"*D" 8-"&-!$8'"9O+89'O&$!-8 +O+9'"D 4#VW%#DXX! #5G6#"V#&GDY"%#FX#&Z5%#"VD"#4#D #Y!EG'6#5G6#&F\]!'!FG'#FX#EVD&"#`#?EF GE!G\\#\[!"V#:E"!FG#@///B#FX#*!\]!'!FG#T#FX#"V# (5'!G''#DG6#FX''!FG'#-F6P#DG6# %#Y!EG'#!'#!G#X5YY#XFE#DG6#XXE"U :;>$Q#I,:$#:>9#:;)J<#49-.8038./01 ,YE"FG!E#:!\\GD"5#FX#-FG"DE"F*D" 9>+(,<,b4<J$4;9#*J$,)4-,9:,#$H,?:B  &!!%!"# "$ % 9R=$J=>?@A$HRFGG$=SJ@>=$CT$G@?@AFA@KL$FLM$C=IK?=$LBGG$FLM$UK@M$@V$AR=$CB@GM@LE$K>$WK>X$RFH$LKA$JFHH=M$V@LFG$@LHJ=IA@KL$745$MFTH$V>K?$AR=$MFA=$KV$ J=>?@A$@HHBFLI=*$$+$L=W$J=>?@A$@H$>=YB@>=M$AK$IK??=LI=$K>$IKLA@LB=$WK>X*