807 E. Sycamore St. TYPE OF PERMIT Miscellaneous CITY DATE: 61712005 ' JOB ADDRESS: ,807 E SYCAMORE ST SPRINT CELL SITE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ' VINEYARD LOTS LOT B-1 WL Y 100 FT ElM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S, ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765, - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 437 QUARTER SECTION: 82 BUILDING PERMIT NO, BLD2004-04031 CONTRACTOR ,INFORMATION: KS OVERLAND CONTRACTING INC 11401 LAMAR , , OVERLAND PARK, KS 662110000 BUSINESS PHONE: 849753-0500 JOB DESCRIPTIONAdd flag pole antenna, bts cabinets, 621f of 6"0' CMU wall (qriginallY issued under 805 E, Sycamore St) , VALUATION: 50,000,00 PROCESSED BY: JNJ APPLICANT: CLARENCE PEARCE OWNER INFORMATION: Post # Anaheim 805 E SycaTTjore St Anaheim, CA 928050000 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: ALBERT R TENG ' ' 2601 MAIN STREET IRVINE, CA 92614 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's qcense Law for the fbllow n9 reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: any city or county which requires a permit to c!=>nstruct, aiter,'<improve,- demolish or repair aoy structure, prior to i~ i~uance. also. requires the appllcant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is ricensed pursuant to the provisions of the' Contractor's' License Law (Chapter 9)(commencing with Section 7QOO of Division 3 of the Business and ProfesSion~Code) orth~t he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjec~s the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five- hundred dollars ~OO), \" , U I, as owner of property, or my employees with wages as their so.IErcompen~ation, will dothe work, and the structure is notiritend.ed or off.ered for sate (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: ih~Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property whob~i1ds or improves thereon, and who does such work hims.elf or,herself or through his or her own employees, 'provide<fthi;l.t such improvements are not intended or offen3d for sale. If, however, the buHding or,improvemeint is sold with one year 9fcompletion, the owner-builder wiil have the burden of proving that he ~ not bu!ld or improve for the purpose of sale). .' i. ".' '. . 0'1" as tlie owner of the'property,-am exclusively contracting with licensed CQI1tractors to construct the project (Se6. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). t G I am exempt under Sec. .' ,-S & P.~C, for'this reason: Date: Owner: I ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby ~ffirm un'deq:>enalty of perjury on~ of the following declarations: 01 have and will maintain a Gertificate of consent to self-insure for,worker's c,ompensation, as provided for. by Section 3700 of-the Labor Code, for"the performance ofthe work for which this permit is issued.. . . :, ~ave and .will main.tain worker's compensation insurance, as. required by Section 3700 of ,th~ Labor Code, for the performance of the ,work. for which this permit is issued.- My worker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy.are: Carrier: ZURICH AMERICAN iNSURANCE Policy Number. WC46413S,300 Thissection need not be completed lithe penni! is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. o I certify that in the perfonnance of the work for which this permit is issued,'1 shan not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of CaJifomia, 'and agree that-if I should become blect to the work .s c mpensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor C I an fort with c 'th those provisions. Daie:617i200S' Applican~ ' U ZBA e.R- " WARNiNG: FAILURE TO,SECU~EWORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS , UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EM PLOYER TO CRIM INAL PENALTIES AND Ci ViL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF'COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE ,LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm' under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending.qgec.-'Jyfor the performance ofthe work for which this,permit is issued (Sec..3097.Civ.C): Lender's Information: LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION, I hereby affirm under penalty'of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (c encing with Sectiofl 7000 0 ivsion .3'of the si ss and Professions C 6f7f200S Date: U-' Contractor NUMBER 738367 TYPE ,TYPE EXPIRATION DATE 713112005 A C10 Construcion Types: V.N, , Fire Sprinklered? NO I certify that I have read this application and state thatthe above infqrmation is correct. I agree to comp"y with all city ordjZ'na , ,s nd statelaw~ r,elating to building construction, and hereby au .. representives of is 'yto enter upon the above mentioned property for nspecti R r' sas., '.. '. . , u. U--- , , Date: 61712005, ' Signature of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire by limitation and beco,me null and void if the building or work 'has not passed final inspection 365 dayS from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to Commence or continue work. Fees paid lor Permit: Total: 1,394.00 -- INSPECTION RECORD , FINAL INSPECTIONS Date' IrWlector INSPECTION DATE , INSPECTOR Electrical Final 17.'U. ,6\ Temporary Power Pole " " , Plumbing Final ' . ' " Plumbing (DlllinlWaste Pipe), A ., ") Mechanical Fi'nal , Electrical Ground Electrode/Uferl-ill9\ " I\. '"R' 10<"' '"I' ~, -- ' ' SetbacklFormsrrrenches (FootingS) . \;.....' ........ Gas Test , , ' D<l not install sub floor, or pour floor slab u tiTthe Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 , following applicable items have been signed: " , .plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) , , , Fire Dept. Firia\7654040 Mechal)ical (Groundwork) Water Engineering :765-5268 Electrical {Underground Conduit) , ~, , Sub List/Business License 765,-519' Pre-slab {Compaction/Membrane.Rei m., ~rl--&< Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders), , I" ' ~ Zoning 765-5139 " ~ D<l not cover ,or conceal the work belOW ,until the Building' Final ~ast Inspection. Only !f411J.IlYV~ fOllowing applicable items have been signed: ' , , fler Above Complete) 1st Floor Shear " , , ' '. " PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Firesprh,k1er (Rough) " 2nd Floor Shear , ,Buildina Inspections Roof (Sheathing/Diaphlllgm'Frame) , Masonry (ReinfJBondBeamlPre-Grout) , " ' , " . RClugh Plumbing (Top Out) , , Rough Mechanical , ", , , . Rough ElectrICal (DrY wall) , ' , RClugh Electrical ' , ' Framing {Only after Plbg., Elee.', Meqh.. aruj F;re) , , ,,' , Insulation (SoundlEnergy)' " , I ' , " DCl not tape Clr plaster ,until the fClIIClwing applicable MechanicallnSDections items hav," been sign,"d: ' ','" , , , Drywall " " . . " '" , Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical .' '" Penetrations (Fin! Rated) Mechanical , Penetrations (FIn! Rated) Plumbing " , , , , InteriClr Lath ' ' Exterior Lath' " Plumbina Inspections , GENERAL ITEMS , . Exterior Plaster (BrownCClai) . " T .Bar Electrical , ' , , T-Bar Mechanical', , , " ' T .Bar Structural I , Sewer , " " . ' " ' ~Q{~_/ Water Engineering, Backflow ' ElectricallnsDections . .', , WliterService ' ' ..I e,,,^- o..~~ U, c: - ,~ +-0 1"+,' h'w ,.' ~ Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. liiiiiI Geotechnical, Structural & Environmental Engineering CAISSON DRILLING OBSERVATION FIELD MEMO Date: ~ I~t I /)5" Project Number: 5 P - 30 z 8 - 0 '2- Project Name: A-NA-ff1n10 p()::,r 3/7 3 ( .sf'~/(l/T) Project Address: eoS" E. SYc..Apto!<e ST. A-tJlf-t+67M. C4J q2.- [?o~ , This is to serve notice that /t..~ ~ ~~ }rv ft.e ...4"Jj,e- Irnf't"J..f- 1...-0 b~ .p~~; ~ #IA'}" r~ C/../d.AMI'V 31 ~ ~JfAA"o/' .Lff*t l?' r'".,.-b Sau,,,-<( t-IY\'kr~ ~ >>I~;,..&- tu r~11'''-' f1/dA<.< (p/~~~ ~*,3/DI{/Orl 5i....:l53). 7J..~ CdISs-ov. ,{LJ (.. ,'l e-k-.- A._ ",f N D,.f..,.j., ~.J(t'" /. ... f&.( I ~ ~ -i- ~ ~ !;A~/~ d--rJ~/,~' A written report and certification of this inspection will be submitted upon completion of the project. Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. Remarks: Signature: 6P~ By: t) SmM fG1::./N, n 1>, f'E. (; e { . , Title: 'f~{ I./~"A-L (;f:;"OT&..dwJuk bAl6t. Copies to: 'Phti1'le: (949) 453-0406 27 Mauchly, Suite 210, Irvine, CA 92618 Fax: (949) 453-0409 .......UUgll.. .ua. 1"'-1 39621 Diego Dr Temecula Ca 92591 PA.g 619979710:2 Fax 909 694 6094 Col 619 379 0735 Bobby MotsinQer Inspection services fYPEOF WOflK ~~MUl SPECro,q C o TECHNICAN AVA!LABLE"; SOIL REPORT {V) IN} AP?I\OI/EO ~ M N) fOA WEEK ENDING ENGINW~ R vce... CDNT'\ACTOR (:,.oc REPORT NO. PO SUB.CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS . REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTJON MANUAUMTGL SOIL,. MANUAL REvIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY. OR MISSING MTRS, AND RAS. ETC" ALL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REP0RT WHEN A DEFTCIE""CY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE OR1OJNAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COpy W!TH YOUR WEE.K'S REPORTS, MATERIALS USfQ BY CO(;Ji P ERlAl TESTRE?OflTS)' fM'L CONTRACTORS EOUIPMENT I MANPOWER USED; AREA. GRlO LINES, PIECES OflSERYEC AI> ~o;..) fZ-rM. (2d~ 5-3 STRUCTURAl NOTES, DtTAIL, OR RflS USEO: 5-~ . REWO~NT OF All WORK TODAY' WEA"f}-\E TEMPERATWlE: 70 PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION' SAMPLESTAKEN;~ TESTS REOUlRED~ ThiS is 10 certify that th Department of General SITE TIME FINISH: SlTE TIME START: LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERlflEO BY: reported inspections were made In accordance with the approved plans and specifications and the rules and regulations of the !y 01 perjury that I know the contents of lhese reports and that all of the above statements are 1rue, (IZ)IOS- Oa{e of Report ::i()d'3c( tr ICaO CertifICation Numhef .s , j) ~ 72. ~ Ciry I County Certification Number R..v' 7107