122-128 W. Santa Ana St. ': J 5...~" Anaheim Union High .001 District ~. 501 Crescent Way, P,O. Box _ , Anaheim, CA 92803-3520 iiSii (714) 999-2188 'III (714) 520-5741 FAX . CERTIFICATE of COMPLIANCE PAYMENT of SCHOOL FACILITY FEES NOTICE: The gO-day period in which you may protest the fee described herein will begin on the date this fee is paid. However, if the fee was imposed by the ,:ity or County as a condition of approvai for your project, and you have received the requisite notice, the gO-day protest period began at the time your project was approved. Receipt No: Elementary fJ(t's b High School District: d3~~ Anaheim Union High School District Owner Information: ~~:{P".1~::;i:::~~;J;;~l'~;:;;"> Name: Address: ''".'':~- '2"i-"'ZZ:R""'~"'(J.,}'i' ..........':::fz:'{1.... ...... I """-"\"7'.:;:;:; .'......,.___,..' ........ "',,..,. - ',.' .. '. -..< .' .'.' ,', ,-, ,.' .",....'.".,."" ~It-J'~',; Phone Number: L ) Ir{\:~~(': \~::~\. - ~-::r'-<tl-- I Applicant Information: Name: Phone Number: ( ~~~ Property Information: Address of Project: Development Type: Project Name: Type: 0~ ~ ~ rjo Residential - New ] Residential - Room Addition ] Commercial ] Single Family Multi-Family Condos/Apartments - # of units: Equals Total Fee: $ =$ =$ -$ Residentia'~ r ] Levell r ] Level 2" ACSD Ooly r ] Levei 3- ACSD Only Total Square Footage: ,.;( '7, ';<;;;'<-0 Muitiplied by cur\-ent Rate: Eiem. $ /. f 2.- @/;t;oJ H.5. $ 1/ ;;L-> - ~" '7k;, Equals Total Fee: $ .:<,.;;? Y - $6SjQo, commercial: Total Square Footage: Multiplied by Current Rate: Elem. $ H.5. $ Fee Waiver: Fees Waived: Yes No If yes, reason: Acknowledgement: The 'above representations 'as to square footage are true. Developer/Applicant agrees that ~f .it is later, determined that ,such. representations are not true, Certificat hall auto leal y. erminate and the appropriate City/County shall be notified. veloperjApplicant has paid school facility fees in compliance with Government Code Developer/Applicant Signature: Certification: This certifies that the above nam Sections 53080 and 65995. / :;;-!1ft/ Date I /3o~~ ~~ Representative - Anahel Union HIgh School Dlstnct Actu~~Sb Anaheim Union H.5. District $ $ 3.;;( ,760. To 3,;( ?;;oJV I Check No. Check No. <I :J.- c/ '-/2':;::;. "":_h:h..>;"n. r;t"lr,.,,,nh, _ n",vp]"npr _ Arrnllntina - Elementarv District