1324 S. Sanderson Ave. Nextel Ca.-821 BUILDING PERMIT NO. &j~~:J;~~;>~\.. . CITY QlS~':~" ,~HEIM ,\ V<"X;.'~"-~::--'""f~'~' t, : DATE' 11/23/2004 \'t ~'.b.~::.~:f-j.':~;~: /I . '.~_#6"z~~-,,"~~"~;' JOB ADDRESS: 1324 S SANDERSON AVE NEXTEL CA-821, ',~", ;~;, 'J:/ . ";'-. ~-;.~.;~..... LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL MAP 27.9-45 PAR 1 POR OF PAR - BLD2004.03306 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: 328 QUARTER SECTION: 126 TYPE OF PERMIT New Commercial Constr~ction CONTRACTOR INFORM\TION: NET COM SERVICES, INC 26007 HUNTINGTON LN #B. VALENCIA, CA 9135500C.} BUSINESS PHONE: 661 257-0888 'JOB DESCRIPT10NPrefabricated shelter for housing batteries in conjunctio..... :.:j/ 8L02Q04-03305 (telephone anten.n3s) VAWATION: . 30,000.00 .. . . 1, ... PROCESSED BY: KBT I -. OWNER-BUILDEFJOECLARATION I-hereby affirm 1lll(:3er penalty of perjury that i am exempt from the ContractoJ~ Ucenso Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Bus'ir.ess end PiC'fessrons 'Gode,: any dty or cQuntywhich requires a permit to C,jnstruct. <:l.j~r, (mprc'Je, demoiish OJ repaIr any $tructure, priu(to itsissuanc€, also' requires U1e app'licant for. such permit to. tile a signed statement that he js'H~~'sed pursuant to the 'provisions of the Contractor's license Law (Chapter 9)(commencing wi~h Sect~r. 7000 o~ Di\lision 3 of trle Business ~nd Pi-ofe;';~;:~tls Code) Qr that he is exempt thelefrom a.nd the basis for the aHeged exemption, Any violation.of Sectlcn 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit sU,t1(.ds the apptic_ant to a civil pE:lnalty ot not more lhan five h-unQled.doilurs ($500).. ,>, ',' ). . . o }, as owher of property, or my emptoyep.5 w!th wages as the1!- ,scl~ ~~~57>_{';S<:ltIOl), will do the WOrk, andl:hp::.huctur:e is riot :r.tended cfoff<3red for sale (Sec. 7944 Business and Professions Codo:... Tt:~ Contractor's U::;eiiS}~:',"(GiW does not applY to an owner oi property who builds or impro'le'S thereon, and whC". does such w?rl<. himself orhe:self oi"yhrOllpll hib" or har o'/Jl~mplo~/ee$, provided thClt &uch !mplD\'enj€alts are not in~tlhded or offered far sale. If, however, the building or improvement is so_id witi": c'r!8 ye'!r- of O'iftl~~etior., the_cwne:---oui\der 'NiH nave the CJrceil of- plc\.ing-thaf he dJdnoi:bui;~,9rimprcveforthepu;poseofsele).. ~ . ,... o ''l,~ as the owner, (,If tile pruperty, am exdusively contracting Vvith licerlse(f l~"1t:t....acto(s to C0i1strUGt the project (Sf!c. 7044 8u's1ness and" proiese:ons Cede: ThG Contract(.;r's License Law does not apply to:1O ow~~er of prop,1!!if;!~ builds or improves thereQr" ~w,d wh?"oor:tjact~ fer such prcjfx.1s with ;a-qontrac.tor(.s) licens~d .pI.;rsuont to the Contractor's License Lc:w). 1 'L-.J ! am exempt ur.der BB~~_ '__.__ ,8 & ~.C. fOi this rea5bn~ _._l.-_~_.______.____.____-_____ ____ Date: OWr1e.r: . ~J.l-:.- . i . WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECi.ARATIOl't:L~ ~ I LICENSED CONTRAGTORS DECLARATiON j I 'hereby ,affirm under pena.ltY,of.p~rjury onenf the foHowing declarat;ons: l i I hei'':'lb''j a:'firrn ufll.-1er penalty of e:-ju:y chat I am D' I h-ave and will ma)r~tain:ac3rt!tlcate of consent!o self-insl.:re for '.t.;6ry.1:i'~5:,);TI~)ensatjon, I lic,e~sed mider fJroVIsit:ns oJ c' (<;.~t)m:nen.;ing as provided for by Section :~700 of the LJ;1oor Cede, for the palfQnnance ofth'j\"'o~i< for whiC:-1 ,. with Sect10n 70nD) tJi the f3usiriess and' ~hi permit is issued, . : 1, Professions Cod ,- -' I have ~nrl wiH ;nf<. 1rltatn wcr'Ker's c:omp~i1$at!0n in~llrance, as requil~"d I~){-S€'~ibn ~H00 of I' 11/23f200~ , . t ,EO'. Labor Coeta, for the performance of the work for wt'!i.:;r, ::;[S r~~rmit is, fs."L.::;.,::. rvlj'w(Jd.;er":; l Date: Cont:Plclcr Compensation insurance earlier and pciliC',,' are: ;~.. I .Carrier: STATE FUND, ~ Policy Number: 1690375:\ ' I' This section need not be completed if the pemlit is tor one hundrea do:lar& {$100~ ~. i~s. I o I cerMy thaI In the performance of the w!xk fer whIch; this pelT('llt IS 1S3:,:E:-l.; sl,ell not I employ any person in any manner so as to becQme subject to the workers c-..:.....psi15atiofl laws of Czlifo01ia, and agree that If I should become 'Subject to thO"! .er's cumpr.-'~2tion prOVISions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I 'I fa ompiy WIth th:'l-=e pm\';8!OnS ConstnJclvn Types. / / __ V N, , Date: 11/23/2004 . Applicant: /[(~.,. . !._"":._L4;.,-l'r OcctJDanC'{ Grol!Ps: WARNING; FAILURE TO SECURE MPENSATION COVERo.C;; IS S1, , , , UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPL ER TO CRIMINA\. PENALnES AND CIVIL Fire Spnnkiere~? . FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED 11-I0USAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADD; nON TO THE New/Additional Area' COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION :<(06 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. I. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY . lil~rebY affirm,under p~m?t~ of. ~erj~ry that ~~~rel<; a ~o~struc.t~'~n Jenning ag'::i.:Y fO;:~!_l~' p":;~::'''i.'''':'t~C". .~;~_;.~-::\.... ''.Ji'N~'';':l,'l;ll~';'-:::f:iki.-i$ !~5lJE:\.. (;""Ivc.''':;l,~r.t''\f.G): Lender:s; Information: . .APPLlCANT: BEN PREACH . OWNER INFORMATION: EI Bekal Temple Assn. 1320 S Sanderson Ave Anaheim,CA 92806 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: WALLACE FU C26061 357 VAN NESS 'Ny ~10-78:H422 TORRANCE, CA90501 1 NUMBER 771322 TYPE TYPE EXPIRA T!ON DATE ~1;30/20C15 9 C7 NO 230 ...." -. .., , ,~,,~ I certify that r have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to oomply with dinances and state laws relating to building comitruction, and herebyautho" Ives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned oroperty for inspectio ur: Fees paid for Pe~mft: Total; -. ,.v', Signature of AppliCant or Agent shall expire by limitation and become nuJl and void if the building or not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A mit is required to commence or continue work. I';/t:", Date: 11/23/2004 1,329,30 . INSPECTION. RECORD . INSPECTION . DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pale . Plumbi 00 (DrainlWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/lifer II SelbacklFormslTrenChes (Footings) .. . ..L 1M?! ~ Do not install subflooror pourfloor slab until the . following applicable items have been signed: .. Plumbioo (Water Pipe.Sprinkler valves) MeChanical (Groundwork) Electrical (Underground Condu it) Pre-slab (CompactionlMembrane.Reim. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal the work below until the following applicable itl'>ms have been signed: . 1 st Floor Shear . Firesprinkfer . (RQlighl . 2nd Floor Shear . Roof (ShealhinglDiaphragnVFramel. . Masonry (ReinfJBond BeamlPre-Grout) .. Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Mecl1anical . . .. Rough ElectrICal (Dry waPI . Rough Electrical . . Framing"(Only.afterPlbg., Elec.. Mech. and'Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) .. DQ not tape or plaster until the folfowingapplicable items have been signed: Drywall . . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior Lath . . Exterior Lath . .. GENERAL. ITEMS exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T -Bar Electrical T'Bar Mechanical T -Bar Structural . .. . Sewer .. Wat",r Engineering Backflow Water Service . FINAL INSPECTIONS . Date Inspector Electrical Final . . Plumbing Final Mechanical Final . Gas Test . . Engineering/Grading Final 76505126 Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 Water Engineering 765-S268 ... . Sub L.ist/Business L.icense 765.519 . . Zoning 765.5139 . . Building Final Itast Inspection. Onli "I./'. ,~ ~Jf1... 7J --. . fter Above Complete) ~ PARTIAL. INSPECTIONS BuildinQ Inspections Meehanicallnspections Plumbina Inspections ~'E"~'~'12#"~ BUI\..DINGPERMIT NO. .- ,~ ...,>- A(~~~J?"":~~.r~i{:~:{:: a~~~^J~~~siH ElM CITY Y'",~~~t~~ DATE' 11/23/2004 ' ,~~';):'''fi'jJ:.f" 1 . . '\~,:o;.~t:.-~~~<;,,) JOB ADDRESS: 1324 S SANDERSON AVE NEXTEL CA-821. '<:{:,.~r;,_~); LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL MAP 279-45 PAR 1 POR OF PAR BL02004'-03305 fJuiLDING DIVISION 200,S. ANAHEIM BLVD, (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUESTL1NE: (714) 765.4626 CENSUS CODE: 437 QUARTER SECTION: 126 , TYPE OF PERMIT , Light / Flag Pole APPLICANT: BEN PREACH . i OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORM/iTION: Ei Bekal Temple Assn NET COMSERVICES.IN't " 1320 S Sanderson Ave 26007 HUNTINGTON LN #9 ~ Anaheim. CA 92806 VALENCIA, CA 91355 OOCQ , BUSiNESS PHONE: ,66j 2s:ipS88 ' , JOB DESCRIPTIONlristallatlon oftelephone company antennas (12 w/3 ~ect(:}5) on existing pole. VALUATION: 30,000.00 ~. PROCESSED BY: JNJ. I ,OWNER.BUILliERiVECLARATION . ~ I hereby,affirm under penalty of perjury thatl am exempt from-the Contractor':?:Ucense Law ro:- the follo~iVin9 rMason (Sec. '1031.5 Business <'\nd _' Professions Code: any City o~ county_which reauires a permit to ~onstruct, ;jl.~r~ improve, der.{olish 'orrepeir Cln'vstruc:tllrl~, j.lriOr to its !scuRnce~ also requires the applicantfor such permitto file a 6irlned statement that he is I!c:';?:sed purs'usnt f.o the prOviSi?r)S nfthe Contractor's license Law"(Chapter . 9)(commenc;il)g'witl-t Section 700e of Divisio!13 of ihe 81:sk,es$-?nd.Prof~s.;~;}~ Code) n( th:Jt he is exempt_ therefr.)m and the basis tort:le afleged exempiion. Any V~"I;5t1on of Section 7031.5 by any i30pHcant !.;Ji a perMit :';l)t{"ct:;-the apoll<;anr to a c1v!i ~"1t3r\a!tvvf l)O~ more than-frye-hundred doliars ($500) , ..1', , . ,',' II I, ~s o"vller.of property, or my emptoy'~<::s 'filth v:agt::S (;If. their 801s cor0lJ~l;satio!\ wHI doth~ wod(; -~nd.th~ structure is r'Qt:ntcnded.or off~red for sale '(Sec. 7044 Business ane! Pt-eft>ssJons Gode:' Tr..e .Co'1ira~tr.;r'$ U,::ensG .J:~w aQes riot apply to c:rr owner of (:ropcrty who b\..:ilds-or improves . ther~on, and wt'-.o does.sud1 work ilimSl3lf ,orhtorsel-f or U"';r\)\~gh'l1isor b~r o~~Al'<;>tr1p~Qyee"', provided 1hat~:;...;ch ;mpio\'e~T1311ts are not interr.ied or 'offered forsala. i,~', however, the bujkHn~l or improv~:-r'ent 1$ S0ld _with C>?1~ Y0i,~! ofcomplE'ticn.the own.3;-":;):;i:de::rwi,lhave the burden \)f pr'.Jv:ng that he did 110t build or improve ,for the pU~P'O:.~9 of sale). . -' Y,: '.'" _ " :_";,' " '__ D.. " as theownerof the property, am e),elusively G0ntrBcting wlth licen;:;e.d:z.:mtrc::ctors to con3truct the pr?j~t ($ec. 7044:. .HU:;::;1~SS .3nd PfO:f~$oior.s. Cede: fhe Contractor's Licenr:>e Law coesnot apply to an. owner ~f proper;y .~"Ijh? bu;!ds \~r improves thp.(66n,';'3ndwhO'~(i;r~"icts .for Bud1 proj~cts'_with ~jOi~~;o~~~;::C;:;dS~~?Udnt (0 the c~rXic:~ l~~~:~e::;:: ___',~,~___---, .i....~iiL___.__~"'-_..:__~ Dat'J: Owner: .... ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: WALLACf FU C26061 357 VAN NESS WY 310-783-7422 TORRANCE. CA 90501 I Ut:l'NSEDC<:'I.lTHi\CT0f!!:,OECLARAT!ON J '., . ! hen:;:~yc:frirmu{lde,-;::38a;ly of jJerjury that 'j B.m licens\3':Ju,;d~r provif:,:i<..n~ c~,\.her.'ter 9 {COmlflenciilG <i,'W, S~cb)!l i'COO; ofDiv s:ne$s and P:-ofosc:ons Code. 111'23/200.1 ;,>C: Date: WORKER'S <;9MPENSATION OECLAit'moN ~' ~'i!:!Di2Q05 B C7 NO -i '-;-'~';i "r_ , certify thoU I have read this a a.gree to comply wit i hereby'author' t' ins e n p , Ie . n and state that the above information'Ir-;,correct.'..1 . nces and state iaws relating to building construction, and sof this city to enter tJpo0 the above mentioned property for Fees paid for Permit: Total: 772.95 Date: 11/23/2004 Signature of Applicant or Agent all expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or w()I'k has n passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work. INSPECTION RECORD INSPEcnON DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole . ,. Plumbing (OralnlWaste Pipe) . . .. Electrical Ground ElecttodelUfer SetbacklFormslTrenches (Footings) Do nolinstall subfloor or pour floor slab until the following applicable items have been signed: .. Plumbing (Water Pipe.Sprinkler Valves) Mechanical (GrOUndwork) . Electrical (Underground Conduit) . . Pre-slab (CompactiorilMembrane.Reinf.) .. . Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) Do not cover or conceal the. work below until the following applicable items have been signed: 1 st Floor Shear. . . Firesprinkler (Rough) . . 2nd Floor Shear . . .. RoOf (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) Masonry (RelnfJBOnd BeamlPre-GJ'OIJt) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) . Rough Mechanical . . . I Rough 8ectrlC... '''' T .' all> . Rough Electrical .... . FraminG', (Only affer P!bg.. Elec,;'Mech:.and Fire) Insulation (SoundlEnergy) .... . 00 not tape or plaster until the following applicable . items have peen signed:. . . . . Drywall . 'Penetrations (Fire Rated) Electrical . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbing Interior I.aIh . . . . . . Exterior Lath . .. . . GENERAL ITEMS . . . Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) .. . T -Bar Electrical' T -Bar Mechanical T -Bar Structural . Sewer Water Engineering Backflow ' Water Service . FINAL INSPECTIONS Date, ,Inwector Electrical Final . ~ Plumbing Final I Mechanical Final . .. , Gas Test . . Engineering/Grading Final 765-5126 . . Fire Dept. Final 765-4040 . . , Water Engineering 765-5268 , ' Sub ListiBusiness License 765-519 . Zoning 765-5139 BuildingFinal jl;ast Inspection-. Only. l !jt.f-65 .~'" 1/.' , fter Above Completel PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Buildinq Inspections , Mechanical Inspections .~ !Il'I' '. . . PlumbinQ Inspections Electrical Inspections