HA1988/01/12217 Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY January 12, 1988, 1:25 P.M. PRESENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Ehrle, Hunter, Kaywood, Pickler and Bay ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Bob Simpson CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority was posted at 3:00 p.m. on January 8, 1988 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Bay called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 1:43 p.m. MINUTES: Authority Member Kaywood moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held December i5, 1987. Authority Member Hunter seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY in the amount of $1,280.76 and $21,489.73 in Public Housing Authority Bonds, in accordance with the 1987-88 Budget, were approved. ITEM FOR CLOSED SESSION: a. To confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), to wit Chevy Chase Partners Condemnation Cases, Orange County Superior Court Cases Nos. 53-79-85 through 53-79-99. City Attorney, Jack White, recommended that no action be taken regarding Closed Session at this time. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. ADJOURNMENT: Authority Member Bay moved to adjourn. Authority Member Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (1:44 p.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY 88-3