1967/11/28104 91 Anaheim~ California COUNCIL MINUTES - November 28~ 1967~ 1:30 P.M. The City Counczl of the City of Anaheim met in regular session~ PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Chandler and Pebley COUNCILMEN: Schutte CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: Robert Mickelson ZONING SUPERVISOR: Ronald Thompson PERSONNEL DIRECTOR: Roy Heissner Macocr Pebley called the meeting to order. iN-¥CCATi~',N: Reverend Jc,hn D. Robinson, of the East Anaheim Methodist Church, gawe the Invocation. FLAG SALUTE: C;uncilman Krein led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance tc the Flag, PROCLAI{ATI0. N: Mayor Peblcy proclaimed December 1 to i0, 1967, as °~©range County Automobile Week~" in the City of Anaheim. PRESENTATION ~. ANAHEIM HCST LI©NS CLUB: Mr~ Warren Schutz presented Mayor Pebley with a check from the Anaheim Host Lions Club, in the amount cf S1,0C0.00, tc be applied towards amortization of the cost of the La Palma Fark Recreation Building° ~i~n behalf ef the City Council, Mayor Pebley accept:ed the check~ and thanked Mr- Schutz and the organization. COMMENDATI©N .-- ANAHEIM HOST LIONS CLUB; Councilman Chandler moved that the May~r be authorized tc write a letter cf commendation t? the Anaheim Host Lions Club, on behalf of the City Council~ f~r the Cl[xb~s outstanding service in ccnnecti©n with the Recreati?n Building at la Palma Park° Councilman Dutton seconded the motion~ M{II ON C, ARRI. MINUTES~ Minutes c.f the Anaheim City Cc~uncil meetings of October 31 and November 7'~ 1967~ were approved, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Council~-- man Krein. MOTION 6ARRiED~ WAIVER OF READING - ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Krein moved to waive the reading in full cf all ordinances and resolutions, and that consent to the waiver of reading is hereby given by all Councilmen, unless after read-. ing the title, specific request is made by a Councilman for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. Councilman Dutton seconded the motion~ MOTI. ON 13-NANIM~?USLY CARRIED. REPORT - FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY: Demands against the City in the amount nf $319,545.~34, in accordance with the 1967-68 Budget, were approved° PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT: Application filed by Mr. Michael Tell, for public dance permit, to allow a dance te be held December ~2, 1967, from 2:00 P.M to ~tF'~ 12~00 P.M.~ at tb.e Anaheim Convention Center, 800 West Katella Avenue, Ana- heim~ was submitted and granted subject to provisions of Chapter 4.16 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, as recommended by the Chief of Police, on motion by Councilman Krein~ secomded by Councilman Duttono MOTION CARRIED° FINAL MAP= TRACT NO. 6~51: Developer, Saddleback South, Inco; tract: ]ocated east of Euclid Street, south of Broadway, and contains 19 proposed R-2 5,000 zoned lots~ The City Engineer's report dated November 21, 1967, stated that said Final Map conforms substantially with Tentative Map previously approved, that Bend bad been posted and forwarded tc the City Attorney for approval~ and required fees paid~ and be recommended approval thereef~ 10~92 .Cit~ H_Z__~= Anaheim~ California ~ CCiUNCIL MINUTES -. November 28 1967 i~30 P.M. On recommendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Dutton moved Final Map, Tract Nc~ 6a51 be approved. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED° CITY PLANNING COMMISSION iTEMS: Actions taken by the City Planning Commission at their meeting held November 6, 1967, pertaining to the following applications were submitted for City Ccancil information and consideration; VARIANCE NOo 1923; Submitted by Beverage Developers, Incorporated, request- ing permission tc operate cold storage operation, with waivers of minimum required building setback, minimum required off~street parking, and minimum required landscapingi M~I zoned property lccated at 800 East Broadway, Anaheim. The C~tf Planr~ipg C,_.mmission, pursuant t:" Resc~lutic~ No. PC~7-2~'7 granted said variance, subject tc cc~nditi©ns. CONDITI(iNAL ~TSE PERMIT NO. 974~ Submited by GoLoA. Development Company, re- qaesting permission to establish a self-service, c,2in-operated car wash, with waiver ~;f ~equired landscaping, C-1 zoned property, located to the north and east ¢'f the northeast corner of Knott Street and Orange Avenue. Denied by the City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. PC67~24~. CONDITIONAl USE PERMIT NO. 97'6: Snbmitted by Frank B. and Evelyn G~lemba, requesting permission to establish a day care nursery in an existing residen- rial ..s~ructure4. C-2 ached property located at 715 North Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim° Granted by the City Planning Commission~ s~bject to cc;nditiens, pars~ant to Reselutia. n No. PC67-246~ The ~oregcing actions were reviewed by the City Ccuncii and no fur- thor action taken ~-~n the conditional use permit and variance applications. CONDiTI©NAL ~SE PERMIT NO. 970~ Submitted by Walt Disney Productions, request- ing permissic:n t~. establish an. ll~stc::ry, 132 foot-high, hotel-motel, with con- venti¢-n, meeting and related facilities, having waivers of maximum building height and projection o~ sign above reef line~ R-A zoned property located at l~l "~tk West Street, Anaheim~ The City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution Nee PC67-243, granted said permit, subject to conditions. Discussion was held to Condition Nos. 6 and 8, contained in the Planning Commission's Resolution, as follows; Condition Nee 6: That a recorded document stipulating the location and reservation of property 3n the north side of Cerritos Avenue that is to be otilized as required parking for hotel and commercial recreation complex shall be filed with the Development Services Department prior to the issuance cf a Building Permit° Condition Ne~ 8: That the final parking plan be approved by Develop- ment Reo'iew, and any landscaped areas in the parking area shall be protected with 6-inch high concrete curbs, and concrete wheel stops shall be provided for ail parking spaces~ With the clarificatic, n that the intent of Condition No. 6 was to assure adequate parking spaces, and that alternate methods would be considered, and the intent of Condition No. 8 was te provide ~or the installation of curb stops onJv where necessary tc pr;~tect landscaping and not a general require- ment, no further action was taken by the City Council. 10493 C_!ity Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - November 28~ 1967~ 1:30 P.M. AWARD OF CONTRACT - WORK ORDERS NOS° 1051, 1057 AND 1056: In accordance with recommendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Krein offered Resolution Nos. 67R-652, 67R-653, and 67R-654 for adoption° Refer to Resolution Book° RESOLUTION NO.67R-652: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATER- IALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLINING POWER, FUEL AND WATER~ AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: CONSTRUCTION OF A PARK STRUCTURE AT PONDEROSA PARK, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ORANGEWOOD AND HASTER, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, WORK ORDER NO. 1051o (Nation Construction Company - $18,500.00) RESOLUTION N©o 67R-653: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATER- IALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION~ INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: CONSTRUCTION OF A PARK STRUCTURE AT PONDEROSA PARK, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ORANGEWOOD AND HASTER, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ WORK ORDER NOo 1057~ (Triad Builders, Inc~, - $21~977.00o) RESOLUTION NO. 67R-65&: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATER- IALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEl, AND WATER~ AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPR©VE74ENT: CONSTRUCTION OF A PARK STRUCTURE AT MODJESKA PARK, WOODWORTH ROAD AND NUTWOOD STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, WORK ORDER N~>~ 1056~ (Triad Builders, Inco, - $20,777°00.) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution Nos. 67R-652, 67R-653, and 67R-654 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 67R-~655 -. JOB NO. 1093: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 67R-655 for adoption. Refer te Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMIN- ING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLE- TION O~ A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF PONDEROSA PARK, AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ORANGEWOOD AVENUE AND HASTER STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ JOB NO. 1093~ APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETCo; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF° (Bids to be Opened December 21, 1967, 2:00 P.M.) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 67R-655 duly passed and adopted. ,1049a ~l_m_~A.n~_Oati_f ;rqia ~ C.2UNC_'[I~'.5 -, Nevembe_r 28, 1967, ];30 P.M. RIGHT OF WAY CERTiEiCAT!:N; On the raccmmendatiens of the City Engineer, it was moved bv C~-.uncilm.a.n Krein, sec,-nded by Councilman Dutton, that the Mayor and City (:lerk be authirized t:: sign Right cf Way Certification in connection with the right cf way f?r Or~geth~;rpe Avenue street improvement, from Dewling Ave- hue t:: i~00 fee[ w~:st~ AH}'? Nc 397~ M{TION CARRIED. DEEDS OF [.ASEMENI~ Coincilman Chandler offered Resolution Nos. 67R-.656 to 67R=666, both fncl~s~ve~ for adoption: Re[er to Res,,lati,m Book, RES2/2, T~7',N N). 6/R-f;::{; A Ri'5 i,UTii'N, [ THE; CITY C,aUNOI'L '_F THE CITY CF ANAHEiM ACC~'PIiN'_; AN EASE'~iNI: DEED C]NVEYi. NG TO THE CITY CE ANAHEIM CERTAIN REA} PR,,FE{R'I'~ b: R AN F.'.ASE~ENT ~: .;R WATER I,iNE PhRP,3SES, {Florence Claire Luhring) RES)LiiIii>N N2;, 6/R ~.~ 't A R}';5 L_':TILN PF THE CITY COUNCIL Ot:' THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM /4,CiitPI'iNi-: A. G~,NT DkED q; ~NVE?INC; ~7,; THE GIIT? OF ANAHEIM CE. RTAIN REAL PR; 'PFRT'f F',,sR AN F. ASF;MJ~NT 7F,R R: AD AND F'[Bi,iC UTILYTY Pf~POSESo (.James and .feima W. E~i) RES, i/'7IIi, N N©o 6'~'R-658; A RESO[?iTi~i'N ,.iF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHF[M ACS~PTiNG AN k;ASEMiENT DEF. D C,'N];EYING TO THE CITY ilF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL 'PRoPERTf F,;R EAS~M~NIS [~.R Rk~AD AND PUBLIC, UTII,I%Y PURPOSES° (Union Oil t:c:,mpan? -f Calif rr~a,) RES' iT?I:.,N N>o e~R ~:59g A RES.~[iJTi N 'F THE CiTY COONCIL CE THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM AC<:gPIi.N<' AN FASEME:NI DELED C;~N-~:'E'YING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAl: OR,/ 5~iRIY £: iR 3.~ ~;ASFNEN% },)R Ri'AD AND PUBLIC iJTILITY iPURPSSESo (Gulf ~ il C,:.rp,'rot~i.m, } RESiis:Ii.:N Ni . ~':R ~60: A RE;S)IiSTi'ON OF THE CITY CC:UNCIL OF THE C'[T¥' OF ANABE,]M A£:L~PF~NC AN E~SFNENI DkED ..:ONVg¥ING TO THE CITY O'F ANAHEI'M CERTAIN RIAl PR5 ~ERT5' F R B.N ~iASFMEiNT V',R R,-AD AND PUBLIC UTiI,ITY PURP.7, SES~ (The ,' .mC Metz's {:Nr~ist{~p Ass'<iat5 r'., ,[ Anaheim,) RE~_;:~.IiiN N, , 67R ~61i7 A RES. 1 Ii:(:N 3F THE CiTY CO'?NCiL OF THE CITY (F ANABF_.M A(:('.E:PI~;N(.~ J..b~ F. ASEMEN"[ D~;ED CONVEPfZNG TO THE{ CITY ©F ANAHEibl CERTAIN RE;A/: PROPERTY [-.,R aN FASF,MFNI ['R R,;AD AND PUBL','_C bT[LITY PURPOSES° (University Pi] ] [ urdeti n.'~ R~;SOi,ilTi,')N Ni o 67R, 662: A R[(SOL!7I'i ',N ;~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACf_EP'I:ING AN EASEMEN'I DEED ¢i;$NVEYINC TO THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAl PR'PERTY iF,iR EASEMF. NTS FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Frank Mu!ier, Trustee, and Moiler Enterprises, Inc~) RESOLUTION NO~ 67R=.663: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A (},RANT DEED CONVE~ING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY F,2R AN F. ASENENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Forest Lawn Cemet:er~ As~cia~ic,n,) RESOi:UIION N~;', 6"R: 66~: A RES,,:i.&!TI,.)N CE THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A (;RANT DEED (,,gNVE'¥INC TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAl PR3PERTY ESR AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER LiNE PS. POSES. (Forest. Lawn Cemetery gssoc i at ion, ) RESOLUTI,3N ND. 6'?'R..665,~ A RES~.L;LUTISN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHHM ACf;EPTI. NG A QbiT(;I:AIM DE,~JD Qt~ITfJ[,AIMING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REA1, PROPERTY' Hb]RFIN~FTER DESCRIBE]Do (Saddleback South, Inco) RES!)i.[ql!)N N(!~ 67R,-666~. A RESOLUTi)N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF.' THE C. ITY OF ANAHEfM ACCEPTING AN FA. SEMENT DEED tLiNVEYING ~i) THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PR3PERI¥ FOR AN EASEMgNI NoR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Anaheim Memo, rial Hespitall Asstciat'ion,} 10495 ~11, Anahei. m~ California · COUNCIL MI___NUTBS ~, November 28, 1967~ 1°~30 [.M~. AYES ~ CI UNCi. I,MEIq; NCE S ~ I ','~ UN CI LMEN; ABSENT; C ~ UNC I LMEN: Dutton, Krein~ (;handler and Pebley None Schutte The Mav, r declare:d Res,71utA:im Noso 67R=.656 to 67R~666~ both inclt~sive, duly passed and ad'proud. iRREVOCABLE 3F?ER "F DEDi~iAII',?N ,- PARCEL MAP N('o 70~ I,,?,T A; Irrevocable Offer o~ Dedication .f ?ne .f t L, t A~ as described therein~ executed by Forest Lawn ,7;emeterv As~.~ ciati n~ ~ c n jur, ct't:',~ wit:b Parcel Map Nc', 70, R~ght=of,Way Number 9-'e~ w~s .-;,.bm-itt~d a?,d appt-x-ed as t:, fc'rm <n moti'n by ~:.i.mcilman Chandler, ~, nd~d '~, ~ ;.:~,i]ma~ D;~t.t,n~ 'M:Ti'JN (:ARR1ED~ Staniev i,~ R -er). At t: '.rr~:v ~?r: R bert D. Sweet~ together with application [~:r lea'~',~'. ~ [re~'~~ ',~te claim E, r pets'eau] injuries sust:ained ,m. ~r about J,:,ne 20~ [9~.. p~rp rc:-dl? resedit:lng from cmdtt:i:,n of sidewalk~ was denied as :¢c mme::-d~d bv ::~,~. :ic~- Att,: :ne 2-. ,n mc.ti:eh by C~: mcilman Dutt:::,~, seconded CLAIMS AGAINST_' TH'E; C£TY~ 'I'be' f,:li ,wing claims against the City were denied, as rec~,mmended b.v t.h,- ~ it~' ~tt-rn~,y,, and .:;rdered re~erred to the insurance agent, <,n m,'ti, n by ¢ ~-~r,< ilms.a Ddt t,-,P; =cc nded by C~,~mcilman Chandl. er; A.~ .; a~m ;bm1 tted bl¢ 7r~nitlv Upiversal. insurance Company~ on half. [ Aladd~p Sw~mmir,g P:~.tl Sez',rzc~, f.:,r damages purportedly resulting Y'r:::m accid~:t u~itb ~ ~.t,. w.ned ~;ehicle~ ,.n or ab,tut October 17, 1967~ ~ ~ll~im f:iled by St~.pben F, Gallagher, on behalf f Rc~y A. and Helen F 8c'~-,zt~'~:~ f r aers.v~al injur.5 damages sustained ~n ~:r ab..ut the fourth day ~f A~g~,~t, i96-. -:od p~,rp.:rt~_di? result~ing fr:m conditi~',n ~f public pave- SET'IL~_~ENT (,F /,17.~,::A?i.N R?_$;;I, 5171:;N NO. 67R.-667; ~;n report and recommendation the Cit-~ Att.,r~,e:':, (mcilman Krein :~:k~ered Reseluti~'n Nc~ 67R=667 f:er ~d:,pt '~, ,.. Ret,er v Re~,~Itti o B~, k, ~. RFS~!!:Tq:' N ~ 7HE, (:7:_T'~ ,!?,".;N[ ~ [: t?t: THE g!T'¥ (,F ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- '[N6: I:HE SEI'TLk:'MENT .F ~.~F. RTAJlN ETa[.NENT DO~.'iN LITIGATION A~ DIRECTING THE PAY~NT ~.;F C, ERTA]N 5'5~MS ~ :;gNNk,',Iq' ~N THF, RFWITHo (Atchison, Topeka a Santa Fe Railway Acceptance :,[ Deed.) R~ll Call. Dut:ton, Krein.~ Chandler and Pebley I% ~rle S c b o t t e The Malv,t~ de~,lared Res~,lotic;n Nee 67R-667 duly passed and adopted° DiSM'ISSAL OEI, IT.[GAIi<~N: On rep~ott and rec©mmendations of the City Attorney, Ccunc:i]man (h~ndie~ m:,x.~ed that litigatic,n aut:hezized by the Anaheim City C:?,uncil, Jan,_~arv 2, 1966 t.:: c.>ntest the Local Agency FormatJon Co~ission decisi~.n r~-nda~ed irt the matter ,;.f the proposed Yorba Linda Annexation be dismissed~ C~tlncilmap Dutt::.n s~c~,nded the motiono MOTION CARRIED~ SALE OF SU'RPi. ES t-'R,3PER.TY: Mr. Murd,>ch reported on proposed sale of surplus, City- ,.wned pr:pert'y, purchased in conjunction with the Yorba Substation Site, lo= ca. ted the s:',.~h side: '.[ La Palma Avenue extended, adjacent to the extension , f Orchard DrSv'e, ar}d r,c~ mm~-.nded that the sale of 2~]64 acres be authorized at $27.500,00 ~ ,mci lma:-, Kr~_fp m~ red that p~eparati:m of necessary documents to ccnsummat.~ ~it-,e .-al~: .~ ._-_~id su~p].us pr,perry be authc~rized, as rec;:mmended by t~e Ci*v Msoa~.~'r~ (~..~'.o~lm~ D~_~ttoD seconded the motion~ MOTION GARRIED~ 10496 ~Anaheim Ca__lif~__';r~nia COUNCIL MINUTES - Nov_e:m_~be__r 28 1967 _1~ PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT: The City Manager reported on informal bids received for the purchase of various vehicles, as f:llows, and recommended the acceptance of the iow bids~ ONE 1/2 TON PICKUP: Mc Coy Ford ........ $2~099.90, Including tax International Harvester .... 2,263°46 NINE 3/4 ~3N PICKUPS; FIFTEEN POLICE UNITS: Mc Coy Ford ......... $21,164.92, Internati~nal Harvester .... 21,726.64 Cone Br~;s. . ........ NO BID 6uardian Che.~r~let ...... NO BID Wo~ds GoMoC~~ .......... NO BID Anaheim Dodge .............. NO BID La Habra Dodge ...... NC) BID Mc Peek Plymouth Mc Coy Ford .... La Habra Dodge - Saddleback Dodge Cone Bros.' Anaheim Dodge ........ ~) BID Guardian Chevrolet - ~ ~NO BID Including tax (Including tax, $27,175~63, (less trade in 29,319.39 30,153~75 -37~258.99 (no trade in) NO BID ONE STATION WAGON: Mc Peek Plvm~%uth ..... $2~672.04, Including tax Mc C',F Ford ............ 2,714.75 Saddleback Dodge ....... 2,875°96 La Habra D'~dge ...... 2,962.80 (;one Br::s.~ ........... NO BID Anaheim Dodge .......... NO BID Guardian Chevrolet ..... NO BID TWO STANDARD SIZE SEDANS~ M'. Peek Plymcath ...... ~'4,968 08, Including tax Mc C.~y ~';,.rd ........... 5,086~66 La Habra Dodge 6,22~o27 Saddleback Dodge ......... 5,501~87 (., ne Br-~s~. ............... NO BID Anaheim Dadge ............... NO BID Guardian Chevrolet .... NO BID THREE INTERMEDIATE SEDANS: La Habra Dodge ........... $5,848.42, Including tax Saddleback Dodge ....... 5,851.57 Mc Peek Plymouth .~ 6~000~75 Mc C,;,V Ford .......... 6~208,97 Cone Bros~ NO BID Anaheim Dodge ..... NO BID Guardian Chevrolet ..... NO BID TWO LINE TRUCKS; Mc Cov Ford .............. $22,397~98, Including tax Wcods (¢oM~Oo~.(lncomplete) 22,012.20 So~ Calif~ White Trucks-. ~0,422.70 La Habra Dodge .......... NO BID Cone Bros.- ......... NO BID Anaheim Dodge .......... NO BID International Harvester~ NO BID Guardian Chevrolet ...... NO BID TWO 22~000 G.V~Wo TRUCKS; Mc f;~y Ford ............ $6,008.71, Including tax International Harvester~ ~6,~20.79 Cone Bros.- ........ NO BID Anaheim Dodge ...... NO BID Guardian Chevr:,let ..... NO BID l,a Habra Dodge ....... NO BID Woods G,M~Co . ........... NO BID 10497 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - November 28, 1967~ 1~30 P.M. ONE 30~000 G.VoWo CAB AND CHASSIS: International Harvester - ~$8,219.93, plus tax Mc Coy Ford ........... 8~384001 Woods G~M.C. (cost per unit) .... 7,964.00 So, Calif~ White Trucks- ~ -NO BID La Habra Dodge ...... NO BID Cone Bros.- ....... NO BID Guardian Chevrolet ..... NO BID On the recommendations of the City Manager, Councilman Dutton moved that the foregoing low bids be accepted, and purchases authorized as quoted above. Councilman Krein seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° PROPOSED AMENDMENTS - CITY CHARTER: Communication dated October 31, 1967, from John F. Simpson was submitted requesting the following proposed amendments be placed on the ballot for the 1968 Municipal Election: 1. An amendment to the City Charter to provide for election of the Mayor by a majority vote of the ~ rather than by a majority vote of the Council~ 2. An amendment to the City Charter to provide for the election of Councilmen by areas (sometimes called wards) rather than "at large." Mr~ Simpson, 3309 West Deerwood Drive, addressed the Council, vising that his request was made only to offer the people a choice, and in his opinion~ many people were interested in these changes. He noted that the Citizens' Charter Committee, when conducting studies prior to the adop- tion of the Charter, pointed out that amendments to the Charter could be placed on the ballot by the initiation of the Council. He advised that he did not propose a specific plan, but rather requested the Council propose what they felt would be the proper amendment. Mayor Pebley and Councilman Dutton reported that they had not been contacted by' anyone regarding the suggested amendments. Councilman Chandler felt that the present system had been proven successful for the City of Anaheim~ that to change the system of electing the Mayor would be detrimental to the City's Council=Manager form of govern- ment. He noted the possible schism that could be created between the Council and City Manager and an elected Mayor by lack of control~ In his opinion, the best interest of the City is served by Council selection of the Mayor as presiding officer~ the Council being the policy-making body with the City Manager directed to carry out policies made. Mr. Simpson saw no reason for any change in the powers or duties of the City Manager, should the Mayor be elected by the prople. Mayor Pebley asked if anyone else wished to address the Council on this subject. Mr~ RoLo Rowen, 2057 Lido Lane, expressed the opinion that many people were unaware that there was an alternate to the present method of electing the City Council and Mayor~ that he felt if he had a Councilman elected directly from his own area of the City, he would have a stronger voice in lecal government. Mr. Philip Brauneis, 400 North Loara Street, stated that he had been interested in local government since coming to Anaheim from New York a few years ago, and he noted that any citizen could approach the Council, offering suggestions and criticisms, knowing that they would be considered. He called attention to the outstanding achievements of the present type of administration, in producing two outstanding income producing properties, the Anaheim Stadium and the Convention Center. In his opinion, the City was not ready for such changes in government as those proposed. 10498 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES No'vember 28, 1967, 1130 P.M. Mr. James Townsend, 808 North Pine Street, advised that he was en~ ti. rely opposed tc the proposed amendments, and to "ward government" particu- larly. He pointed ,~ut that under the present system, he was able to vote for or against a~.ycne of the five Councilmen, regardless cf district. Therefore, all Councilmen w~rk f~r the best interests of the entire City, rather than a specific area. He noted the possibility of a person being successfully elected by a district who, woold not necessarily be successful elected at large. This situation c~,uld bring with it the pc~ssibility of a district representative w~rking t¢ the detriment of the remainder of the City with very little rec,~urse for his remc~val. Mr. Townsend called attention to the right ~£ the pe,>ple by initia- tiv~ petition, and i~ c~:m¢.]usi.yn rec~mmended the s~ggested amendments not be placed ~n the bali, t~ Mro Alan Craas, zlO Emerald Street, student of Political Science at California State ii?liege, F~ll~rtoD, stated he had been attending Council meetings for several weeks; that the Cc~uncil~Manager fc. rm ,~f c~ty government was the most prevalent and desirable system within the State of Cali£ornia, and many cities are changing to this type c,f government. Mr. Wayne Reedstrum~ 51~ S<~uth Falcon Street, addressed the Council stating that no one had saggested doing away with the office of ~ty Manager, which he felt had nc: connectic~n with the suggested Charter amendments. He ad~ised that pri~ t~ the 19~. I,~ne Primary Election~ when the issue of the adcpt]..,~yn c~f the: [~i[~? ~b. arter was placed on the ballot, sample ballots were mailed t~gether with a copy ~ f the pr ~p,,sed Charter and an argument for the pr¢~p~%sed Charter signed by Council members~ the prime argument being the area c~f local c~i,ntr:~]. He felt that local c~.~ntrc. 1 meant determinati~n by the people, not by the Ci~.u.~cil. He saw n,3 legitimate reason for withbc~lding these issues ircm the ballot, al~?wimg self determinati~n by the people. f~ncilman Chandler stated his definition o£ local control differed fr.:~m that of Mr~ Reedstrum; that l~cal c,~ntrol meant to him control contained within the pcliti~al subdivisi<ns~ He p¢,inted cut se~eral examples of the "ward" type ~f g~>v~rnment ¢~rrently existing in the [iinited States, being of the opinion that ncn~ c.~ them had been tc~, successful~ He agreed with Mr. Townsend in that a ward system c<~uld result in favoritism of one part of the City :~ver an,~:ther, and reported m~st cities under a district representation system were much largez than the City cf' Anaheim~ both by area and population. Cc~ncilman Chandler advised that each Councilman elected by the en- tire City represents the entire City and the people have the legislative safe- guards of initiative and referendum Mayor Pebley p~>inted out that many newcomers contact a Mayor believ- ing he can graot some special ~av¢,r~ and he, as Mayor, appreciated being able to advise that he bad only one vote as a Councilman. He felt that under the existing Counci]~Manager form ,,f go~ernment, election of a Mayor by' the people for four years w~ld not be w~rkable~ The Mayer p(~inted out that whetber a Council decision was made unani- mously ~r not, the entire population is considered, not one specific area° He stated that he was opposed t~3 the "ward system," and to the election of the Ma?~r at large as there never has been any problem with the current system. Councilman Krein noted that When this matter was brought to the atten- tion of the Council two weeks ago, he had stated his opposition to district rep- resentation, and his preference tc give further consideration to the proposed election of the Mayor by the people, because it had been his experience that Mayors elected for less than four years were not afforded appointments to National and State 6ommittees. Relative to district representation, Councilman Krein pointed out that each Councilman was as interested in the problems of citizens in cue portion of the City as in another, 10499 City Hall, Anaheim, California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - November 28, 1967~ 1:30 P.M. Councilman Duttcn stated that problems were not usually limited to any one area, but were common to all; that he had worked with four dif- ferent Mayors since being elected to the City Council; and did not believe in special powers fcr any one representative. In conclusion, Mr~ Simpson pointed out that when the Charter was first considered, he was opposed to a district representative system; however, he believed that the people should have the opportunity to make this choice. It was the consensus of the City Ccuncil that the proposed amend- ments net be placed on the ballot by Ccuncil initiation~ thereupon, Council- man Dutt~n moved that the c;mmunication from Mr. Simpson be ordered received and filed0 Councilman Chandler seconded the moticn. MOTION CARRIED~ RESOLUTION NO. 67R-668~ C,~uncilman Dutton offered Resolution No~ 67R-668 for adoption~ Refer to Res~i~,lution Book° A RESOLi]TI©N CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE E×E~UTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, WITH REFERENCE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAY IMPROVE= MENTS ON ORANGETHC~RPE~ (Fr~pm Linda Vista Street to Imperial Highway°) R,~I1 rlal] AYE S ~ C~f:UNC I LMEN ~ NOES ~ £:)UNC I LMEN~ ABSENT~ CO UNC [ LMEN:; Dutten, Krein, Chandler and Pebley. None Sch~tte The Mayor declared Resolution Nc0 67R-668 duly passed and adopted. CORRESPONDENCE: The fcllc~wing correspondence was ordered received and filed, on motion b~ Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Chandler: A. Anaheim Board of Realtors ~. commending the City Development Services Department on their Study of the Problem of Residential Homes Fronting on Arterial Streets~ B~ State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways ~-. Cities to file report regarding Streets and Road Systems on or before May 1, 1968, pursuant to Section 2156 Streets and Highways Code. C. Before the Public Utilities Commission Application No~ 49603, The Gray Line Tours Cempany~ M{',T'ION CARRI ED ~ ORDINANC!E NC.. 2448~ £e~ncilman Krein offered Ordinance Nee 2448 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3~44, SECTION .3~44~030 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE° (Room Occupancy Tax - 1% Increase.) Roll Call Vote~ AYES: 6OUNC ILMEN ~ NOES g COUNC ILMEN~ ABSENT~ CO [rNCI LMEN: Dutton, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 2448 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO° 2449~ Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance Nee 2449 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ()F ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING° (61~62~69 (25) M-l) 10500 ~ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California = COUNCIL MINUTES -~ November 28~ 1967~ 1~30 P.M. Roll Call Vote: AYES~ CCUNC.iLMEN~ NOES~ COU'NCILMEN~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Mayor declared Ordinance Nos 2449 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NCo 2450: Councilman Duttcn offered Ordinance No, 2450 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Bcck~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE £iTY Ll~~ ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING T~ ZONING, (hS~66,~2& (5) M-l) Roil Call ¥cte~ AYES .', C ~' UNO IlLMEN: NOES~ C<~UNCtLMEN; AB SENT: C '~ '!'N~ ~ ~ LME~N: D~tten, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The May r declared :?rdinance No, 2450 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE N£~ 24>] Coonc:ilman Krein ~.ffered Ordinance No: 2451 f©r first reading° AN t~RDINANCE (,~ TH6 ~ [TY ~ ANAH~;IM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14.32 OF THE ANA.H~[M MUNICIPAl, £ DE iBY AMENDING PARAGRAPH 9 OF SECTION 1.4,32o190, EY REPEAL,- lNG PA.P~.GRAPH 11 ')~ SSL, T1)N 13 a~J190, AND BY REPEALING SECTION 14~32~154. (Parking Prc.hibited P.:~rti.:ns cf East Straet~) ORD]NANCF N,..,, 2q~,,Z~ C,;onc. ilman Dutt,:n c:[fered Ordinance No. 24.52 f~;r first reading° AN .RDINAN(~i < F THE; ClIY ,;F ANAHEIM AlVlENDING TITLE 18 ~'~F THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL C'OD~ RRLATING T,~ 2~N[NGo ((:~, {37 -61 (7) GRDINANCE N(,. Z~3J~ ('..oncilman Duttcn :~ffered Ordinance N?: 2453 f,'r first reading. AN .RDINAN£E F THE (.;iIY , f' ANAHEIM AMFNDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14~37, SECTION la ~]90 ~ THE ANAHEIM MLN[CiPAL C:iDE~, RELATING TO PARKING° (No Parking *. Stat~ College: B,yule~ard at La Palma Avenue.) ORDINANCE NC~ 2~.54~: Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No~ 2454 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF TttE, Ci'rS" CF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE REi:AT[NG T," ZONING. (65 66-2,~ (6) M-1)~ ALCOHOl, If BEVERAUE LICENSE APPL[CATION~ Application s~bmitted by Thomas E. and Irene E:~ Tucker, f~...r Pers¢.;n ~o Person Transfer of Off-Sale Beer and Wine License at Lynn's Prime Beef, 2169 West Lincol. n Avenue~ Anaheim, (C-1 zone), was presented by the City Manager t. the City Council for their information. Nc C,;~nc.i 1 action was taken cn said application. CAPITAL 1MP~!UEMENTS P~3GRAMz Mr. Murdcch reported that ;further consideration of tbe prcp,~snd Citizens Committee for updating the City Capital Improvement Program should be deferred for further study and for submission of additional names t~7 serve ',n the various subccmmitteeso Councilman Chandler requested that Mr. Bruce Cook's name be added to [he Public Utilities subc~.,mmittee- Councilman Duttc, n requested that the following names be added to the list Harry Kni~ely~ Public Utilities Don Roth~ Public Buildings Mary .L.nes, Public Buildings Sarah Peax~cm, Public Buildings Rotb Sale,ts, Public B,.~ildings 10501 tit Hail~ Anaheim, California -COUNCIL MINUTES 28~_~1967, 1 30 P.M. ~~__ _- .......... _ November On the recc, mmendaticns cf the City Manager, the issue was contin.- ued to the next meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 67R-669~ On report and recommendations of the City Manager, Councilman Dutton offered Resclution Nco 67R-669 for adoption. Refer tc Res~,l~tion Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 67R-~04 AND ESTABLISHING RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR NEW JOB CLASSES° (Public Informati~-n Officer)~ Roll Call AYE S; C i iN'C I [,MEN N(J:,ES: C;> ;NC i LMEN'~ ABSENT C0 UNC .~ IMEN~ Dutten, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Maw~r declared Resclation No. 67R-669 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NC,. 6~R-670~ ~}n the recommendations of the City Manager, Councilman Chandler offered Res~ltition No. 67R.-670 for adoption. Refer tt~. Resc lutic, n Book. A RESOLUT!,?N Cf' THE (:7TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION ~O 67R-a0~ AND ESTABLISH~N6 RATES OF COMPENSATION FOR NEW JOB CLASSES., (Police Records Bureau). Call '7,~te.~ AYES: COUNCiLMEN~ N,f~ES; COUNCILMEN~ ABSENT~ CGFNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Mayar declared Resolution No. 67R-670 duly passed and adopted. PROP(,SED PISBLiC LTIL!TiES CONSC/TANT~ The City Manager reported on invitation sent t:~ electrical engineering people, relative to proposed consultant for possible electrical expansion and improvements for the City of Anaheim, and invited the City £ .~ncil tc be present at oral interviews of applicant firms. RES©LUTiON NC,~ 67R-671~ C,~uncilman Chandler offered Resolution No.. 67R-671 for adopti,Tno Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF A MASTER CHARGE ACCOUNT AND DESIGNATING THE MAYOR AND THE FINANCE DIRECTOR OF THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM TO SIGN ALL AUTHORIZED WARRANTS, DRAFTS AND CHECKS TC BB DRAWN AGAINST THIS ACCOUNT° (Anaheim Convention Center). Roll Call Vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: N(~ES~ C©UNCILMEN~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 67R-671 duly passed and adopted. ANAHEIM STADI. b~ At the suggestion el Councilman Dutton, the City Council author.- 50 ized the Parkway Maintenance Superintendent to plant approximately elgh~/palm trees, from the City nursery, at the rear of the outfield section at Anaheim Stadium~ subject tc said trees being placed in accordance witb the development plan :for th~ Stadium~ ANAHEIM STADIUM ,- MO\;ABLf B];EACHERS: Councilman (:handler requested the status of: the movable bleachers proposed fc.r future installation in the outfield at Anahe~ m Stadium~ 10502 C~ity Hall, Anaheim~ California COUNCIL MINUTES - November 28~ 1967~ 1~30 PoM. ANAHEIM STADIUM - ALTERNATE GENERATOR: At the suggestion of Councilman Chandler, the City Manager was requested to investigate the feasibility of installing a standby generator at Anaheim Stadium. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT COMMITTEE REAPPOINTMENT: By unanimous approval of the City Council, Councilman Fred Krein was reappointed to the Orange County Mosquito Abatement Com- mittee, representing the City of Anaheim, for the ensuing two-year term° NON-PROFIT CORPORATION - PROPOSED COMMENDATION~ The City Manager was instructed to draft a commendaticn for Mr. Kenneth Gedney, Owners' Representative for the Non~Prefit Corporaticn at Anaheim Stadium, and Mr. Leonard Smith, together with the members cf the Non-Prcfit Corporation. ADJOURNMENT~ Councilman Krein moved to adjourn~ Ccuncilman Chandler seconded the moti~no Mi~TI~N ~ARRIEDo ADJODRNED~ 3~30 P.M. City Clerk Cit~~__Anaheim= California COUNCIL MINUTES ~ December 5~ 1967~ 1:30 P~M~ The City Council of t.he City of Anaheim met in regular sessicn~ PRESENTz ABSENI'; PRESENT C©UNCILMEN~ Dutt~>n~ Krein~ Schutte (entered the meeting 1~40 P.Mo)~ Chandler ~nd Pebley COUNC£LMEN~ N~ne CITY MANAGER~ Keith a Murdsch ASSISTANT CiTY MANAGER: Robert Davis CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler DEPUIT CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts CITY CLERk2 Dene M. Williams PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: Thornton E. Piersall CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox DEVELOPMENT' SERVICES DIRECTOR: Alan G. Orsborn ASSISTANT DEVELOiPMENT SE~?'ICES DIRECTOR: Robert Mickelson ZONING SUPERVISOR: Ronald Thompson PERSONNEL DIRECTOR: Roy Heissner STADIUM AND CONVENTION CENTER DIRECTOR: Tom Liegler Mayor Pebley called the meeting to order. INVOCATION: Reverend Dorman N. Buttram, The Town Church, gave the Invocationo FLAG SALUTE: Councilman Dutton led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INTRODUCTION: Mr, Tom Tyre, of the Personnel Department, introduced several new City employees attending the City Council meeting as part of the orientation program. On behalf of the City Council, the Mayor welcomed the group to the City family~ PROCLAMATION: Mayor Pebley prsclaimed December 7, 1967, "Righteous Brothers Day" in Anaheim.