1967/11/0710458 City Hall~ Anaheim~ Californi__a - ~D____~NCIL MINUTES - November 7_~_1967 1~30 PoM. The City Council ef the City of Anaheim met in regular session° PRESENT~ ABSENT: PR~SENT~ COUNCILMEN: D~tton, Kreim, $chotte, Chandler (entered the meeting at 2~35 P,M~), and Febley COUNCILMEN~ N¢~ne CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murd3ch CITY AT~)RNEY~ Joseph Geisler CITY CLERK~ Dene M. Williams ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER2 Ralph Pease ASSISTANT DEVEiL>PM~NT SER~z~CES DIRECTOR: Robert Mickelscn ZONING SUPERV~SOR~ Ro~ald Thc;mpson Mayor Peb]ey called the meeting to crder. INVOCATiON~ Reverend Rober~ L. Wheatley, ~.Tf the Seventh Day Adventist Ch'urch~ gave the Inv~ cati~n~ Fi&G SALUTE: Councilman Sch~ttt: led the Assembly' in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag~ PROCLAMATIONS~ Mavc. r Pebley declared Ncvember 9~ 10 and 11 as "California Yeterans ct W.?rld W~r Ii Buttc,n Days~" The a. bc,,v,'e Proc]amati~..n was read in full by the City Clerk~ RI'SDI,UTiON ~. VESEY WA.LEERi C,~=pcilm~n Pebley offered a resolution for adcptic_n, entitl~.d as f~ ll_~ws~ A RESG'I:IYI?N ?'i?' TH~] CITY COUi~['.iI, OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECALLING THE 9ilrTSTANDiNG ACHIEVEMENTS )~ GOLCNEL VESEY WALKER BANDMASTER OF THE: D!SNEYiAND BAND~, The f~,reg,~;i, ng Res ~iution was ?manimo~sly adopted by the City Council. MINUTES Minutes ~;f the Anaheim C, ity Ccun. cil meeting held October 24, 1967, were appr.~i, ved .,p mc:titan ky C..~;;ncilman Duttzm, seconded by' Councilman Krein~ M,'~ ~I'J N CARR!ED ~ WAIVER OF READING - ORDINANCES AND RESO!,LIS'iONS; C~uncilman Krein moved to waive the reading in futl ~..f all c>rdi~an, ces and resolutions, and that consent to the waiver c,f reading is hereby gi~;en by all Councilmen, unless after reading of the title~ specific req~.est is made by a Councilman for the reading of such ordinance cr resol~stic~n. Cc~sncilman Dutton seconded the mctiono MOTION 'ffNANiMOUSLY CARRI ED~ REPORT - FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST IHE CITY: Financial Demands against the City in the am~:unt of~5~9,0a5.95~ in accordance with the 1967-68 Budget, were approved. INTRODUCTION: Safety and Training Supervisor,Tom Tyre, introduced a group of new employees attending the C:ooncil meeting as part of the City's orientation program, On behalf cf the City Council, May~r Pebley welcomed the new employees to the City family. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING .~. VARZANC~ NO. 1910; Public hearing to consider request of Humble Oil Company fcr permissien tc; erect a free-standing sign with certain waivers on C-2 zoned property at 519 West Ball. Road, was continued from the meeting of October 3, 196'7, and further continued to January 9, 1968, at the request of the applicant~ c~n motion by Councilman Krein., seconded by Councilman Schutteo MOTICN CARRIED. 10459 ~ity Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES November Z~_196~ 1:30 P.~M~ PUBLIC HEARING -. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 67=.68-7: initiated by the City Planning, Commission., requesting changes of zones as followsg From Roi on Portion Nose 1 and 2, and from R-A on Portion No. 3 to R-H, 10,000 Residential Hillside, Low Density, Single-Family Zone; property generally located south of Santa Aha Canyon Road and east of the Newport Freeway on the north and south sides of Lincoln Avenue° The Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. PC67~232, recommended approval of said reclassification, subject to the following conditions: 1o That a preliminary title report shall be furnished to the City of Anaheim, prior to the adoption of an ordinance rezoning the property showing legal vesting cf title, legal description, and containing a map of the property. 2. That ordinance reclassifying subject property shall be adopted as and when each parcel is ready to comply with conditions pertaining to such parcell provided, however, that the word "parcel" shall mean presently exist~ ing parcels of record and any parcel or parcels approved by the City Council for a lot split. 3. That a Final Tract Map o£ subject property be approved by the City Council and recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. Zoning Supervisor, Ronald Thompson, noted the location of the pro~ perty in question, advising that the reclassification was initiated to carry out the Hill and Canyon General Plan for this area. He pointed out Portion Noo 2, consisting of an approved subdivision which was recommended to be finalized by ordinance, with a resolution of intent on the balance of subject area for future development. He further noted that one small parcel at the southwest corner of Villareal Drive was to be excluded from subject reclassi- fication, said parcel to be considered as the next item on today's agenda. Mayor Pebley asked if anyone wished to address the City Council, for or against subject reclassification° Mr, Bill Lusk, of iLusk Corporation, was of the opinion that the R-H, 10,000 zone met good planning criteria, however, they would prefer to have the flexibility of presenting new ideas without the specific zoning since it w~s difficult t~ fi~resee changes in tbe future~ He was of the opinion that density ~,f development should be based on the following criteria~ Ext~ensive land pla. nni. ng~ Studies illustrating the availability and capacity of under~ ground utilitieso Studies of road system capacities. It was noted that the Resolution of Intent for R-H zoning would not preclude future applications for zone changes, and that due to the topo- graphy some ~]exibili. tv would be necessary. Mro Louis Nobl, owner of the original Nohl Ranch, stated that it was his opinion to cut and fill the hills and gulleys in the area under consideration would be impossible; that these slopes and deep gulleys should be reserved for recreational purposes, with other areas being developed for rather dense residential use. He felt. that the language in the proposed Resolution of Intent shculd be broad enough to allow feasible development of the area in the ~ture, without the necessity of numerous additional public hearings, Mayor Pebley asked if anyone else wished to address the City Council, there being no response, declared the hearing cl. osedo RESOLUTION NO~ 67R~.617; At the conclusion of Council discussion~ Councilman Krein offered Resolution No., 67R-617 for adoption, authorizing preparation of necessary ,prdinance changing the zone as requested, subject to inclusion of the recomme~dations ~f the City Planning Commission., and further subject to the following finding~ lOa60 C~it~a_~l~_~_~_Anaheim~ Calif,ornia ~- C6UNC[i M!N'i.7fES Nox, ember ,:'~ 1967~ 1~30 iP'.Mo "That it be the finding ,Tf the City Council that properties in the Hill and Canyon Area are susceptible: and usable for R--H, ]0,000 development; however, it is recognized that, because of the topography, many of the areas may support more, intensified housing and the finding does not indicate that R~H~ 10,000 is the only use to which these properties may be, put; and it is hereby specified that certain areas may be capable ,:.f highe~ density zoning~ upon meeting condi~ tiens of zonings" Refer to Res~:l~t fr:;~ Bc;ok~ A R6SOI..UT!ON OF THE (;i?T t,~UN(iL .4 THE: [.iTY 'iF ANAHfiM f:tNDING AND DETERMINING THAI' TITLE 18 C;~' THE ANAHE~,M M~NI(~PAI fi:3D~_ REI;AT'IN~ TO 2'L~N!.NG SHC:IILD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE B,r~C'.NDAR[ES ~ F CFRTAIN _~hi'Nt% SH~i:'i!i~D BE CHANGED~ (6?-68~? = R-H~ 10,000) o Rc~] i (:all D~tt s, Krei~, Schutt~ and Pebley N~-ne The Ma'~ r d~-.cl.a~ed Resolt~ti.:o. N~:. 67R-61 i duly passe:d and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING ~ R~JCLASbIFICATION NO. 6 -~68.-lh ~Rectassification No~ 65..66-51~L Initiated by the City Planning Commission, requesting a change of zone from R-A ~o C-H~ pro'pert? i~cated ~t th~ .s~"~ut:kwest c,>r~er of Lincoln Avenue and Villareal Drive: The City lann~ag (cmmissi:::n, pursuant to Resolution NOo PC67-233, recommended approval ,~f said ~ec]assiffcat. ion, s~bject, to the following con- di t ions: 1~ That "No Parki~g" sign~ shall be installed along Lincoln Avenue in accordapc, e wit~:, standard 'plans .an~d specifications .3n file in ~:h.e of'fice of the City Engineer witbf~ a pe~-.d ;t 180 days er such farther time as the City Eouncil may grater. 2~ That trash storase ara:as shall be provided i~ accordance with appr:~,,'ed plans "n fi]e in the : ffic~ ~:f the Direct:'~r of. Public Works and Superin,~ tende.,t of Streets, pri,'r to final b~.~Jlding a.nd zoning inspections. 3: That t~ire hydr~nts sba!l be installed a.s required and determined to be neces.sary by t:he C, hie[ ~-,f Lbo Fi~e Department, said fire hydrants to be installed prio~ ~ final b,si[diag and z,..o~og inspections. ao That an.~ air ~ccnditiT>ning facilities located ,3n s'~bject, property shall be properly shielded f~:m abutting streets, prior t.o final building and zeroing inspectioos ~ Excerpts f:r.i'm the City Planni,g Commission meeting, held October 23, 96:~., were submitted clarifyiog the, (c,mmission s vote on Reclassification No. 67~-68 =]4. Mr~ Thompaon nc~t~ed the location c,f subject pr3perty, advising that there was an existing resolution of istent fc~r C-1 zoning on the property at the present t'ime, which was c~nsidered prior te tbe form,~latien of the C-H, Commercial=Hillside zone, ~nd it was now the ~,pinion r-f the staff and the City Pla.oaing Commissi~n that r:h~,s ;~.'~: sl~'~d b,, ~st. abii. shed -~r~ subject: pr pert>". Ma/:-r t;~.hl,, v ~sl<,,d if .4,-.v,n, b,~d ~-,.id~rca t pra's~.--r~t t.-. the 104~1 ~lAnaheim Calif:c~rnia COUNCIL MINUTES- November ? 1967 1:30 P.M. Roll Call Vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: NOES: C?UNClLMEN~ ABSENT; COUNCILMFN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte and Pebley None Chandler The Mayor declared Resolution No~ 67R-618 duly passed and adopted. RECLASSIFICATION NOo 65~.66-51: City Planning Commission Resolution No~ PC67-234, was continued from the meeting (~f October 31., 1967, to be considered in con-. junction with the ~cregcing public hearing~ said resolution recommending amendment t:~:. Resci~tim Nc, 65R-890, which appr~>ved C-1 zoning en property described in Reclassification Nc.~ 67-68.-14, designated as Parcel 3, by' the deletion ¢7f said parcel, l~cated at the s::athwest corner cf Lincoln Avenue and VJliare~l Drive~ RESOLUTION N.?o 67R-619; Cc:,oncilman Dutton c;ffered Resolution Nco 67R-619 for adoptim~ amending Res lutiln No. 65R.-.890~ by deleting Parcel No~ 3 from property described as Reci~ssificati2n No~ 65~.66.:.51~ Refer to Resed.~tion Bcc~k, A RESOLUTION OF 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~MENDING RESOLUTION NO~ 65R-890 IN RFCLASSIFICATION PROCEEDINGS NOo 65-66-51, Roll Call Vote~ AYES? £:0 UNC! LMEN: NOES; COUNCILMEN; ABSENT; C2~ UNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte and iPebley None Chandler The May'or declared Resolution No~ 67R-619 duly passed and adopted. iPUBLIC HEARING .- RECLASSI[~iCATION NO. 67-68~27~ Submitted by Saga Development Compapy, Incc~,rpc~rated, requesting change of zone from R-O to R-3; property lc~cated c'n the s:~uth side ~:~f North Street_, e. ast c,f Leara Street~ Tht: City Planning Commission~ pursuant to ResolutiCm No~PC. 67~231, recommended denial cf said reci. assificationo Mr~ Th~;mpson nC;ted the location of subject property~ and the exist~ ing uses and zoning in the immediate area, summarizing the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning Commission° He referred to findings set fortb 4n the Commission's ~esolution; noted existing private recorded deed restrictions limiting the entire subdivision to single-family residen~ tial develc>pment only, and advised that the tract was designed with these lots facing North Street, rather than using a back-up treatment, since there was a difference of one lot in the two alternative designs. The Ma¥~z aaked if a representative of the petitioners wished to address the City Co~nci]~ Mr. Ge~;rge Karcher, authorized agent, noted that an earlier appli- cation for R-3 zoning, (Reclassification No~ 67-68~-5), had been withdrawn and he thezeupen read a letter from Coast Federal Savings, 855 South Hill Street, Los An. geles, stating that: the seven lots on North Street were com= pletely unsuited for R-1 use in their opinion, due to tbe area across the street to the north. As a result cf said letter, the developers had sub~ mitted subject petition. Mr~ Karcher ra:ferred to a drawing, posted on the east wall of the Council Chamber, noting that the two, small, single-family homes on the north side of the street would undoubtedly be reclassified for multiple use in the f~.ture, the balance of the property having previously been zoned R-3~ He ~urther noted the schcol~ the 7P~st Office, and the ~uture YMCA, to the west~ 10462 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIl, MINUTES - Nc. vember 7 1967 1:30 PoM. In conclusion, Mr, Karcher displayed a sketch illustrating the front elevations of the buildings proposed, advising that said one,=story units would contain a. minimum of 1,000 square feet each, having a ratio of two units to a lot, closely resembling single-family dwellings. In. response to Council con~nents, Mr. Karcher noted that the de'vel- opers had been unable to obtain financing for R-1 development of subject pro- petty, He advised that they were willing tc dedicate a four=foot walkway' through subject property, for use by children enroute to the school. %he Mayor asked if anyc. ne wished to addr~:ss the City Council in opposition. Mrs. Ruth Green, 38a~D Avenida Castiil. o, Laguna Hills, owner of R-3 property cn the north side of the street~ was of the opinion that to grant subject application would generate an increase in already heavy traffic. She expressed concern thatR-3 zoning w~?uld be immediately adjacent to custom built homes° The Mayor asked i~ anyone else wished to address the City Council° Mr. George Reish~ 1.212 West North Street, Anaheim, expressed the opinion that the only undesirable properties in the area were the vacant lots, and due to other development in the neighborhood, he felt the quiet residential atmosphere had 'vanished; that. the proposed development would be an improvement. Mr0 Ralph Callen, 14~3 West Park Avenue, Anaheim, referred to Petition of Oppositicn~ signed by appr<~ximate]y 53 p~rsons, representing eight percent of the people residing in the Westm~t Tract, wbich wa~ previously submitted to the City Planning Cc.mmissi~n~ He ~f~rr~d t~c~ the deed restrictions, and advised that when the homes wer~ purchased it was represented tu the owners that custom homes of 1,800 square f~e~ minimum w.~uid b~ constructed in the tract~ financing for fut~re development c~f l:>ts ] t~r~ugh 7 t,-be~ obtained at an early date, to insure the single-family residential d~el,~pment~ Mr~ Callen wa~ ~f th~. ,~.pini,~n that pro, posed multiple-,famil, y residences wc~ld lower the valo. e :,.f: tt, e ex'isti~g homes and he reported that two cf the pro~. perry owners ha~?~, filed a.n sct:i~n t~. epf,,rce the deed restrictions~ He pointed ~ut that a substantia~l am,.,unt ~f R~.'.~ z~,ned property ~pn the north side cf North Street has not vet bees de,.,'el~:ped~ and he was ~.~f the opinion that the property could be de~,~.l.~'..ped [~r s~sgl~., family 'ti mos, and failed t:o see the need for addi- tic'nal multiple..famil? zoning in the ar~a, Mrs~ Mary Lot~ Cotter, resident en Park Avenue, adjacent to subject pro- perty~ addressed the City Council concurring 'with statements of Mr. Callen, with reference t,~ representations made to them at the time they purchased their home. Mr. C~,.I~ Martin, ~wner ~f propert-~ at 1449 Park Avenue, Anaheim, advised he purchased his 1.:,t to ccnst:ruct a custom home, howe~er, he had delayed financing, pending decision ~n subject application, which would a~fect tb.e amount of his loans Councilman Chandler entered the meeting - 2:35 P.M. Mrs~ Betty' Callen addressed the Council, expressing concern that R-3 zoning would be requested for fi~e additional vacant lots in the area, and she was of the opinion that: the proposed devel, opment would at:tract a transient popu- tation~ Mrs° Sonanberg, 1402 James 'Way~ Anaheim, addressed the Council in support of previous statements concerning future development of subject: property, It was her opinion that the proposed multiple dwellings would cause a severe population problem at the school, and she pointed out that no evidence had been presented that anyone in the subdivision was in fay'or of the proposed reclassification° In rebuttal, Mr. Karcher advised tbat the seven lots in question, were in effect, not a part of the Westmont Tract, but were separate and distinct, and would become part ~>'~ the comple~ already established, consisting of the future YMCA, the school, and the fut~r~ R. 3 devel~pment to the norths In his opinion, the pro- posed multiple--.fami]y dwellings w<:,uld not affect the people in the Westmont area~ 1.0~,63 City Hall, Anaheim~ California .-, CO[~CIL MINUTES ~:- November 7 1967 1:30 P,M. Mayer Pebley declared the hearing closed° Council discussion was held, it being noted that the lots in ques-. tion were, in fact., a part c~f the tract, and that the devMr>pers had indica- ted they w~uld be dexel,pped f:7, r R~.I purpeses, RESOLUTION NO, 67R~6~0: Ccuncilmao Krein offered Resolution Nc~ 67R~620, concurring with action taken by the City Planning Commission, denying Re~ classificati,?n 'N~>~ 67 68~.~7, Refer t ~, Res, 1uti:.., 6~.~ k, A RES(~L~Ti(N ';F THE C~TY CO(TN(il (~E THE CiTY '~F ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMIN- ING THAT A UHANGF ('~' Z~i~NE SHC~U[,D N(~T BE GRANTED IN A CERTAIN AREA )F THE CITY HEREINg~TER :DESCRIBED, (6 -68~/)~ AYES: C~)?NCiLMEN: Dntt::n~ Krein., Schutte and Pebley NOES~ ~ ?i?N( i~ 1MEN~' N~ne PASSED: C, :.'L~N(: i.i. M ~:N ~ ( handl er ABSEN ?: t¥: :YNC f i,MEN: Nr,n¢ The Mav, r dec]arid Resolotion N~:~ 67R~.620 duly passed and ad©ptedo "ERONT-ON STLrDY*': The St,Jd¥ entitled~ ~'A Study of the Problems of Residential Homes Fronting ~n Arte, riak Streets,*' was c':.ntinued from the meetings of August 22, ]967~ and September ~6,, i967~ and was further continued to December 5~ 196'7:, as rec~_mmended by the Develc:.pment Services Department, :)n moti..3n by Councilman Krein~ seconded by Councilman Dutton~ MOTION CARRIED.> ANAHEIM AREA VIS!TOR AND C;(.)~,:'F~NTION BUREAU REQUEST ~ HOTEL TAX: Council consideratir.n :f,',r request ,:,[ increase t,~, the Mctel.~otel Roe3m Tax from 4% to 5% was c~ntimsed f~,m the meeting :,f October 3, 1967, for further study, On the roe ,mme:ndati,?ns , f the City Manager, Councilman Dutton m©ved that said request be further' deferred t.; November 14, 1967, for additional infc~rma, tien~ C:?~nciima~ Krein seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED° TENTATIVE TRACT NOS, q/.51 AND 6090 -. EXTENSION CF TIME; On the recommendation of the City E:ogineer~ :ne year extensi:m of time was granted to Tentative Tract Nos, 51~.51 and 6090, :r~ mlti n by C~:tuncilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Schutte. M&T IDN CARRIED, RECLASSIFICATION NO~ 66.-6? 59 AND VAR!AN(iE NO. 1871 ~ EXTENSION OF TIME: Request of Covington Brothers, dated October 16, 1967, was submitted for six months extensio~ of time f~r Reclassification No, 66=67-59 and Variance No. 1871, for cc~mplianee with certai~ cooditiens, pursuant to Resolution No~67R~308 and 67R¢.309~ On motion by C,::uncilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Krein, six months e×tensi~2 :f time was granted, effective November 30, 1967, subject t~ compliaoce with Condition N~,, 1~ Resol~tion Nc, 67R~308, re~ quiring dedicati~?n c:f 53 f~,et fzc;m the center line of Magnolia. Avenue, as rec:_~mmended by the Devel:~;pment Services Department, MOTION CARRIED° RECLASSIFICATION NO~ 62~63~..64 AND CONDI. flONAL USE PER2MIT NO. 357 - EXTENSION OF TIME: Request of Empire Financial C<',rporation; dated October 18, 1967, was sub-: mitted for one. year extension ?f time~ to Reclassification No~ 62=63-64 and Conditional 17se Permit No, 357~ for compliance with certain conditions. Also* submitted and. reviewed by the City Council was report by the Development Services Department, dated November 7~ 1967~ ~'n moti;,n by (¢:7~mciim.an D~tt:.~, seconded by Councilman Krein, two year extensxcn c,f t:Jme wss g. ra~ted by the City Council to expire February 15, 1969, M~3T],)N CARRIh:D~ ] 0464 ~ity Hall, Anaheim~ California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES November 7z_~19~:30 P.M. ORANGE COUNTY USE VARIANCE NO. 597h; The City C:?uncil, at their meeting held Octc. ber 31, ]967, authorized a strong protest to the granting of Cir~nge County Use Variance Nc,~ 597~ Upcm report of the City Manager that said use variance had been granted by the Orange County iPiamnin, g Commission, it was moved by Councilman Chandler, seconded 'by Councilman Schutte~ that the foregoing decision, of the Orange County Planning C~Tmmission be appealed by the City of Anaheim° MOTION CARRIED° CITY OF ORANGE ZONE CHANC-.E NOo 496~PRECISE SITE PLAN NO. 26_~6 AND VARIANCE NOo 96: Excerpt cf the City Planning C-,'mmissi~m Meeting held No-c. ember 6.2 196'7, pertain~ lng to. Zc~ne Change N~ 496~ Precise Site Plan Noo 266~, and Variance Noo 96, requesting permissi.'~n t~: establish a c~.mmerciai=.pr,'~fe~sicmal office c,?~mplex, with v'ariance t, po'trait equipment remt.~i -card in a C~i z~ne, cn pr~:~pe~ty located at the southeast c~rner cf ~effers~r. :Stre~'t snd Santa A~a Canyon Read, was sub~ mitred The Planpir~g C'~is~i.m rec~ ~.ended thst the City ~f Orange be urged t~.~ appr~v~ ssid ~ ne chang= ~d pr~:ise sit~ plan, h~:.we~,e~r~ that Variance No~ 96 be deDied ~n the bssis tbst storage. ~,d zeptal ~.~f equipmept c~_~uld include beavw eq,~ipmemt, which ,~uld b~,.e 3 b~rmf~l :~f/C~ct cn the established uses in the City ~)f A.~sheim~ as w~].] ~.~ the pr p .~ad C ~rcial~Proiessicma] O~f~ice C~mplex. &n m~ tTi-r7 by C':;~nciiman t'bandler, sec.:nded by C;;unc~iman Dutten, the Cit? Lc'~,xncil ;s,~stained rec~mme~d~,tX:..ns .:>f the City Planni~:,g Commission, and ?r'd~:red a o'>p? th~:r.: f' f"rward~:d t tb~: (:icy ,f ,tT.r~pge ~Pl~nning C~'~ission~ M~;3, TJ ;N ~:ARR [ ED. CTTY CF~ E. if~'~A PAPal<' ZT;N~'. ,.~HANL~! Z:-.32~.~ k, acerpt tr~'m the minutes ~>f the. Cit7 Planning Commissi~:n meeting held N' ~mk, er ~, I9~:' pe~t'zining tt~, City ?f Buena Park Zone Change f~.1~ pr pT*sing t.i~at pr *pe~ti; b ,~snded b~2~ the Santa Ama Freeway on the ncr~ ~ ~ Fage St~e~t .~,~ th.~ ._~, _,t~, Stapt~'n Avenue on the west, and Dale Street on the e:ast, 'be r~cl~ssiiied t~? the {?~M~ C.t';~e~cial~.Manufacturing zone, was submitted, rec mme~ding that. tb~ C.i~.v ,2~ BL. eps Park be: advised that the City c>f Anaheim is in genf..~al c,<ncutzence witP~ r:he prc~p~sed z.:pe ck~ange as being in conformance with the ,;n m,:.t~:? by (~. :~nc~ima~ D~.;~tt~ po s~zccnd,~d by fi,:uncilman Krein, the City C:.ancii cc'ncurr~_.d wit~:. ~ec~mme.sdati ns ;f the Planning Co~ission ~nd c,rde~ed a c~p? Ik~6r~. ~ ~. rwarded to th~ (.ltv ~.,f Bneoa Park Planning Co~'.~,~.~s~z~n'. MOTION {TARR I ED,~ ORANGE CO.JNTY USE ~AR£ANC£ N.i;. ~59¥ '. Excerpt fr~'~m the City Planning Cc~mmissi/,n meeting held N~'x;ember ~ 1967. pertaining tc i,tFa2ge C:~unty Use Variance No. 5977, proposing to ~:stablisb a b'osiness t:r a hypm-t~:st, with parking in the front set=back in the R--P distri, ct~ pr~zperty l~cat~..d ::n the west side ~:f Brc, okhurst Street, approximately 750 feet p>rtb ,f Lim;_lp Avenue, w~s submitted~ The City Planning C~>~ission recom= mended that the qrange C,'~ptv Pla~ing C~Tm~ssion be urged to deny Orange County 17se 'Tariapce Nc,. .:',9?7, setting f, rth t~beir ~easons therefor~ On m t~>n by, CT,~ncilman Rrb. in, seconded b.v C~Tuncilman Dutt. on, the City C~uncil cc.nc',2rred ~itb. r.commendaticns ~:>f the City Planning Commissi~n and ordered a cc~py theze,3£ L:rwarded t,~ the Orange ¢;c, unty Planning Commissien~ MOTION CARRIED° RESOLUTi'<;~N N~)o 67R 621 AWARD OF WORK L. RDER Nt~ 518A: 'In accordance with recommenda- ti~;~ns c.,f the City Engineer, Cc.mcilmap Kreip ,~>f~ered Resolution N.o~ 67R~621 for adc,,pt ion ~ Refer t. Reseluti:'n Bo:ok, A RFSOLL'7!ON {>'E TIlE CITY' CqT~iJNC,[i "E THE CITY t?t ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL A~ AWARDING A (:>NT~.{]q' ?O IHE L?¢WFST REbP* NSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALi PLANT, lABOR, SER¥iGES, MATERIALS AND EQ[;7~ P~NT AN~ ALL ~3TiLITIES AND T~NSPORTA,- TION. INCL!)DINC P{)WER, F['t~[. AND WAFER, AND PERFO~ING AL1, WORK NECESSARY ~ CON- STRUfT AND ~'Z':MPIFT~ THE Fiii, iWiNf: P!BI]C iMPRt~'Vi~E, NT~ FURNISHING A~ INSTALLING T~F'i(] SIGNALS AND SAE~TY TIGHIiiNC, AT THE [NTERSECT!,>N OF NINTH STREET A~ O~NGE~, WOOD Ai;'ENI)-E~, 7N 'IHE tiTY ~'F ANAH~[M~ W','RK ;TRDER NO~ 5i8-,A~ (William R. Hahn ,-, $12,576~00) 10h~65 ~~aheim~ Cali.fcrnia COUN£1L MINUTE$- November ?'~ 1967 1;30 P.M. Roll Call ~te7 AYES~ COUNCI I:MEN: NOES" COUNCIl,MEN; ABSENT,' COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krei. n, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor d~..clared Resolution No~ 67R--621 duly passed and adopt:ed. A~CQUISITION ANAHEIM 2'NI)N WATER CO'MPANY FACI[.ITIES~ On report and reco~endatien of the City Manager~ Cc,~cilman Chandler moved that the Finance Director be authorized t:' make pa~'m~n¢ from th~ Capital [mpro~ement ~md to Anaheim Union Water Compa~? 'in the am ~',t :'[ ~1~0,883~00, repre~entimg Anaheim's costs in the acquisition ..[ ~he Aoa~eim Uni~:n Water Company' f.acil]ties which are to be retained by ~he ~;i~v f-:~c<i]map D~ttm seconded the m?tion~ MOTION CARRI ED. RESOLUTIC. N NOo 67R~6~2', ¢'oo~cilman Duttc, c~fered Resc, iution Now 67R-622 for adopt ion, Refer to, Res:l,~t~c,n A RESOLLTtON >~ THE CiTY (OUNCiL £P THE; CiTY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT DEED FOR STREET AND P[:Bi.~C iJTILiT% :PURPOSES WHEREIN THE CITY IS PAYING A CA~i CONSIDERATI)N THEREFOR, AND AL'TH:;~RIZtNG. PAYMENT THEREOF~ (Ethel Run.yon ~ La Pa!ma Avem~+~ Realignmeat ,~ $~78~,80)~ Roll Cai] NOES: C'2, UNCI J_,MEN ABSEN'I: CO UN(; i7 iMEN: Dutt~;a, Kre~in, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mav':;r declared Resolution No .... 6'R=622~' duly passed and adopted~ SALE OF E_~UIPMENT7 Tbe City Manager rep~rted c,n sealed bids received for the sale of a wrecked 1967 Ford (Police Unit), and ~acommended acceptance of the high bid, that 3f Anaheim F~allert~;n Auto Partso in the amount of $613o01, I3, n the r,~cc,mmepd'a_tf,ms ,t,f [..he City Manager., Councilman Chandler moved the .sale of said ~,-'e. biclet:, the high bidder be authorized, Council~ man Duttcn seconded the m'ti .c~ ~ '~ M~7.)N CARRiED~ CLAIM AGAINST THE C. II'Y; ttlaim filed by Anita L~ Caste llanos , on behalf of Gilda Martinez, for pars;mai injuries and damages purportedly resulting from an accident c'n Cit¥.:wned pr:-perty on or ab,'?ut August 3, 1967, was denied as recommended by the City Attorney and ordered referred to the insurance agent, on motion by Councilma._n Dutt.:t,n, seconded by C. ouncilman Chandler, MOTION CARRI ED~ CORRESPONDENCE: The following cor~esp:mdence was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Chandler, .seconded by Councilman Dutton: A. City cf Tustin Reso].ution No. 902 opposing the principle of Federal Tax Sharing. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution simi- lar to that of the City of 7ustin~ for Council consideration,at the next meeting~ Bo City of Anaheim Accountants' Report June 30, 1967o (. Financial and Operating Reports for the month of September, ]967, MOT[ON CARRIED~ 10466 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES November 7, 1967, 1;30 P.M. ORDINANCE NOo 2437~ Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No, 2437 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Bock° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDiNG TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO Z©NING, (66-67-61 (4) - C-R) Roll Call Vote° AYE S: C©UNC I LMEN ~ ABSENT: CSUNCI LMEN: Duttcn, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The. Mayor declared Crdinance Nc~ 2437 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 2438: Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance Nc. 2438 for adoption° Refer tc Ordinance Bccko AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OE ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4~52, SECTION 4~52,090 OF THE ANAHEIM ML~ICIPAL CODE~ RELATING TO PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS. (City-Owned or Operated Facilities). Roll Call Vcte~ AYES: C,OUNCiI~MEN~ NOES: C.DD~CII~fE.N: ABSENT: Dutton, Krein~ Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Ma?o~ declared Ordinance No~ 2,238 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO~ ~439: C. cancilman Schdtte offered Ordinance No~ 2439 for first reading° AN ~;RDINANCE OF THE CiTY Ok~ ANaHF:iM ~END[NG TITLE 18 OE THE ~AHEIM MUNICIPAL C(':D~: R~LATING TO Z('NiNC. (66 67-,6i (5) ~ C-R)~ ORDi'NANCE NO. 2~+~0~ Cc~mcilmay~ Chandler ?ffered ~rdina.~ce No~ 2~40 for first reading. AN ~RD!NANCE CF' THE CiTY ¢~F JNAHhlM B~NDIN6 TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICI:PAL t(.,D~ RE!,ATSNG TO Z: N]~(:', (67,,68~ 1 OR.DSiNANCE Nf) 24~1: C,':,~mcJlman Duttc~ e[[ered Ordinance No~ 24~1 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE CF THE CiTY O~ ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE REI~AYING TO ZONING (6'~-:,64-.62 (a) - R-3) ORDLNANCE NO 2442; Councilman Schutte offered Crdinance No, 2442 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIIY CF ANAHEIM ~NDING TITi,E 18 OF ~E ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL C(~DE RELATrN(? ~ ZONING~ (67 .68..17 (1)- R-3) ORDINANCE NO 2443~ Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No~ 2443 for first reading, AN ORD~'NANCE OF THE CIIY OF ANAHEIM ~ENDING 'TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RFIATING TO ZON'ING~ (66-.67~61 (6) ORDINANCE NO, 2444: Ccuncilman Chandler offered Ordinance No~ 2444 for first reading, AN ORDINANCE OF THE C!rY OE ANAHEIM A~ING ORDINANCE NO. 2426 RELATING TO T~FFIC tiCNTROL DE¥1CFS AND TURNiNC MOVE~NTS~ ORDINANCE NO 2445: Cooncilman Dutton offered Ordinance No~ 2445 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Ot ANAHEIM ~ENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING~ (67-68~22 10&67 ~ity Hal]~ Anaheim Cajifornia - COUNCIL MINUTES c~ Nevember~1967 1;30 P.M. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATtONS~ The following applications were pre- sented by the City Manager to the City Council for their information: AD Applicatic~n submitted by James Hing Chu, Michael Hong Gee~ and Raymond Hoover Dancy~ for One. Sale Beer and Wine License (Bona Fide Eating Place)~ at the May Flower, 530 North East Street, Anaheim (C-1 zone, CUP No~ 85~)~ B~ Application submitted by General Host Corporati©n, for new ©n~,Sa]e Beer License [Eating Place) at Van de Kamp~s Restaurant~ 2191 S©uth Harbor Bc~levard~ Anaheim {~3 z?ne)~ C~ App]icaticm submitted by Dennis Oscar Nielsen, for Person to Person Trapsfer cf .~n-~ale Beez License at Outer'~s Inn #3, A47 South Brook= h~rst Street~ Anaheim, [C~i zcpe~ C~P N~ 670)~ No C~unci! action was taken cn the foregoing applications° POLICY OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~. ANAHEIM STADIbM SCOREBOARD ~ '~BIG A" TRADEMARK: Mr~ Murd©ch read re¢:~Tmmandati+ns cf the City Attc~rney for a policy govern~ i~g r.~he ~se_~ b? others ~. repre~s~ntstions ~f the "Big A" Sc~reboard~ Discuss~_,z~ was bald by the City Council and City Manager~ and Mr° Murdoch was ~ f the 7pi~ieo that the policy should also designate the method of ~,btainipg wzi~t~ pez~.~si z~ for t~se cf the trademark~ ,'m m;,ti.'~ be ~,-,ncilman. Krein. seccmded by Councilman Schutte, the [:~,ll,,,wing policy : 1~ [b~ City ~c'~onci. 1 was adcpted~ ~'[t is the p~'licv ~.f the C. itv Council that persons or organiza~- ticns wh~ wish t._ ;;.se representati;'ms .7, f the 'Big A' Scoreboard obtain written permi, ssi:n ~f the C. itv t use said r~epresentation~ The use o~ represep,~ati Ds which ha~. the primary effect cf advertising Anaheim Stadium and the ('.ltv f ADabeim is to be enc:~uragedo "The ~e~:_~ t: be c:h~rged for said ,~se should be determined and ne~gctiated f'r e~ch separate r~presentaticn cr use by the Stadium and Cc nventi~ .o (ient~r M~ager~ wit'o approval b,y the City' Manager°" kiD o RESOLUTION N(;~ 67R f2),~ On report and recc~mmendat4on cf the City Manager, C~uncilman ~rei2 cf'f~r~d Rescluticp Nco 67R-623 for adoption. Roi:er rc, Res:luti~m Book. A RESOLUT[i~N OF THE CI7[Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY !3F ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTiC;N OP A.N AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND U~NITED CALI['ORNIA BANK, PROVIDING [~OR THE SAtE OF TIC. KETS TO EVENTS AT THE ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER BY SAID BAN-g~ Roll Cal.] ~;c.tet Ay ES t CCUNC I 1,1~'.N; N~iES ~ C,D UNC I LMENc ABSENT~ COUNCI'LMEN ~ Duttcn; Krein, Schutte~ Chandler and Pebley None None The Maycr declared Resolution No. 67R~623 duly passed and adopted. FIRE STATION NO. 7 ANNEXAT!ON; On repc~rt and recommendation of the City Manager, Councilman Duttcn m:;ved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign petition reqoesting annexaticm to the City c~f Anaheim of Fire Station No~ 7 property, (T;',usseao pr~pertv, so~th side cf Ball Road, east of State College Boulevard)~ (~-~,snc'~lman Scb~;tte seo:mde, d the motion~ MOTION CARRIED. 10a68 Cit~l~aheim~ California -C3dNCIL MINDTB$ - November' Lg_~;30 P.M. RESOLUTION NOo 67R-624: C:n report and recommendation o~f the City Manager, Council- man Schutte offered Resolution No~ 67R-<%2L [or adoption, Refer to Resolution Book A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT A T~PORARY ROAD CROSSING OF ?'HE R©UTE 57 FREEWAY' RIGHT CF WAY OPPOSITE ANAHEIM $?AD!'d~ (letup©tar? Access to Anaheim Stadium from Katella Avenue)o ~4r~:ir,., Sclhutte; (_ha:cdler a:od Peble;v The Ma?-r d-,:iar:od Res.:.]~;t~,: o N.',~ 67R~,62'- ddly passed and adopt:ed, ANAH~iM f'iRE DEPAR$]MEN? - :,EIIERS .'? AfPRkC[AqlTN: The City Manager read letters rece~ed from L,:,,.iis E. N~hl ~nd i.,B, Hamaker; dated November 1 add 2, 1967, respecti-vel, y, ~'og~r:dJ_ug the Fi~,; Department: for tbeiz services during the' RE~UEST~ ANAHEIM STADii'TM ~ (ON?EN!i:TN dEN?t.R~' (. ,unciiman Duttcn request:ed the Cit'~ ~n~.ger [3rr,.tsb btm ~r~ ,:rF=r, iz~[i. ~:~ c.h~rt' indic,~ti~g the chaim ~:,f co--and ]~t:ters r~c'ei,>ed~ b t~.: c ;*mplJm~:-;;ta.r~, and c r0plai'r:t concerning the food a.~d ser'~ice ~t: t.be E:ce'.:ez~t'i,':~ Center b~. furni.~Ped ~.'-'~ _ :ac C4 uncilman~ Murdtch r~pt,rted ~n. the s*:~t:s .f the alte,~tions tc tie sound system at the C.~qticn Ce:ute.~ art, d ad'.,ised tha~. the (''~unity Center AuthoriLy are presently e.ndea::oring t ~:l:~e t'ht: pt.:leer t.: that it can be: dete~mi;oed how much money will be av'aiiable t~.. t. ak~. c~r~: .f rh~.. lJ. st t'f alterations and additions con= ::i.d~r~-d r:e~¢,~.~r~' f ,[ tt:fi~/ie'c.r p~4ti.:tnt tba s~ und spstem is specifical, lv Mr M~rd:,<~~ f~:rtv~ ad'..:[:.~:d rh~t %e would b~: able te report: a.[ter a mee;t, ir, g scheddled th[~ Tvt;::.:,d~:? w]r~ Mr geitt3 add Mr, Piersall regarding the stat-us ::;f t.n,: c,.,:tr.=ct_ [urtb+:~,. it wa~ bis undetstandirg that present claims already made p~ ~xceed ~he ~ema'[~ng funds and as socm as tbese matters are resoJ~,ed, a c::nc]usi:r: can be made ~n the list: of alternates and additicns~ REPORT - ANAHEIM JITNEY SERViCP: ]in response tc Councilman Kzein~s question, Mr. Murdoch adv5sed that a periudJca! rep. Trt was io preparation by the owner of the A~abeim Jitce:y Service, that ii was aDticipated that there would be an increase in patrcpage d~xring the coming bolidavs~ AD.IOURNMENI; (ku~ci]marl Lbandier m,::ved t:' ¢.dj,::urp, MC:,Ti{':N r;ARRi~i), Councilman K. reJn seconded the AI).fOURNED: :}: 50 P~M ;i tv C1 erk