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10438 ~1, Anahe ira, C a 1__.__~ f e r_~ni!: -_=_~CO U_~NC I___~L MI_N U_TES -___~O_c_t c)b___~er 31~ 1~967, 1 ~ 30 P. M~ The City Council 3f the City cf Anaheim met in regular session° PRE SEN T ? ABSENT~ PRESENT; COUN£ ILMEN: COUNCILMEN; None CITY MANAG£R; Keith A, Murdoch £ITY ATTORNEYg Joseph Geisler CITY (LERK Done M~ Williams DIRECTOR ~-~F DEVELOPMENT SERVICIS~ Alan ASSISTANT DEIEI(,PMENT SERVICES DIR~(TOR~ ZONING SCPER~iS:JR Rcmald Th<mps:~n ASSISTANT d~IY fNt,:NEP'R Ralph Pease Dutton~ Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley G, Orsborn R. ebert Mickelson The Ma';,:r c~lled t~+ meeting t~ ~dero iNVOCATIJN Re'~eresd Eric ~x,.ers,i,n; ,.,f the First Presbyterian Church, gave the Inv..cati.,n. , ~.A6 SALUTE; (;::anti,man Doit, n led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to t'he flag RESENJATIoNS Mr..James L. Webb District Commercial Manager of the Anaheim ,:ffice, .Pacific Teiep~,._,ne Company presented each member of the City Cc>uncil a copy ~-~ the. November, 1967 Yellow Page Directory, picturing and ad,:erti~ing the City's new Com~ention Center on the co,,.~r. Mr Webb rcp.?rted that 52_0,000 issues of the directory wer~ distrib,~ted ~.n ,.range (,'",~ntv, and an additional 25,000 are distributed ali : ~..er t~ United Sta~tes~ Mr. Webb als? pzcsented~ f,?r the parpose of: c:'~mparison, a November, 1906~ and De<ember, i9i0 "Jre, nge County Directory~ , At the req,~est :[ the City Man~ger~ M~ Webb briefly explained the ~ perat4c~ ct t~,e new ('.:ent~ex system installed in the City (!trices .n ~'ct, bet ~8~ i96~ MINUTES Minutes .f t'be ~naheim (itt,, (, ,Jn¢'ii Meetl~,g of ,gctcber 10, 196~' and '~ctober [;, 19~. were appr xed ,.n m,,ti~.~n by Councilman Krein~ seconded by C,-.uncilman Chandler (Cco. nci~m~n Dut~n abstained from voting on the Minutes cf (ctcber 17, 1967 ) M~ 7~,N t~RRiFD WAIVER ~.';f' READINo - <RD'.NAN(fS AND RESOLUYi~.NS~. Councilman Krein moved to waive the reading in f,.~ll c,.f all ordipances and res.':lutions, and that consent to the waiver of rending is hereby given by all C~-uncilmen,~ unless after reading of the title, specific request is made by a Councilman f:or the reading of such ordinance or resolution (eunciiman Dutton seconded the motion, MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRI EiD. REPORT' FINAN£IAL DEMANDS A(:;A1NSI 1HE (.IT\~ Demands against the City in the amount of $3,233,07~05, in accordance with the 1962-68 Budget~ were approved. PUBLIC: HEARING ~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NC. 963: Submitted by Calvary Baptist Church ~f Anaheim (Mrs. Arm Madis,'n, Agent), requesting permission to estab~ lish a Day Sch,:u.l in conjunction with an existing church; R-A zoned property, located at 1906 East South Street~ Anaheim. City Planning C. omm:issicm, pursuant ta Resolution No~ PC67-207, granted Conditional Use Permit Nc) 963. subject to the following conditions~ 1 That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on fi].e with the off,ce of the Director of Public Wcrks. 2- That the existxng structure shall be brought up to conform to the Uniform Bailding, Plumbing and Electrical Codes as adopted by the City of Anaheim° 3 That the schc:,l shall be permitted for a period of one (1) year, after which time if an additi?nal period of time is requested and approved by the Planning Ccmmissi>n, the 6 feet masonry wall adjacent to the residential ,~ses t~, the west shall be constructed° 10439 Cit Hall Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES October 31 1967 lg30 P.M. 4. That a maximum cf L0 students shall be permitted to utilize the facilities. 5. That a retaining wall be constructed along the front of the property' except at accessways, adjacent to the sidewalk; or that the front yard be sloped to eliminate the grade differential° 6o That all air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view~ 7. That Condition Nos. 1,2,5, and 6, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to> final building and zoning inspections. 8~ That the owner cf subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of ]5 cents per front feet along South Street, for tree planting purposes, within 180 days or prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, whichever occurs first. 9. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City cf Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos~ 1, 2, and 3o Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City 6©~ncil and p~bl~c hearing scheduled this date~ Mr. Ronaid Thvmpscn n6:ted the l:?catic~n of subject property and the zoning and t~ses in the ~mmediate area~ He advised that pursuant to Condi- tional Use Permit No. 5713 the propert7 was approved for a temporary church facility, which ~se was extended At, gust 28~ 1967, by the City Planning Com~ mission for an additional year~ In s~mmarizing the hearing bef~5re the City Planning Commission Mr. Thompson repr>rted that the Day School, in conjunction with the Church activities, was appr,~ved for one year and a maximum of 40 students: subject tc further review at the end of the one year peri~:d. Slides c~[ sobjecn propert~ taken from various locations, includ- ing the interior <~f the building were shown~ The Maycr asked if the applicant wished to address the City Council~ Mrs. Ann Madison advised that her clients wished to withdraw their request for waiver of the block wall fence to the west, and further request a permanent use permit for the day school, with a maximum of forty students for the first year, end permission to come before the City Council for re- view at any time after the first year for possible increase of students° Mrs. Madison was of the opinion that the proposed use in conjunc- tion with the Church was the highest and best use for the property at the present time and would not adversely affect the adjoining land uses in the area, and would further act as a buffer between the existing commercial and residential uses. Mrs° Madisc~n noted the existing uses in the vicinity and referred to a petition previously filed, containing 46 signatures of property owners within the three hundred fa:ut radius of subject property who have no objec- tions to the requested use~ She advised that the size and shape of the pro- perty, together with improvements, could accommodate more than 208 students, based on State requirements. In explaining the proposed operation, Mrs~ Madison noted the sched- ule of play time and the fact that the proposed school would lessen the student load on local schools. At this time Mrs Madison asked those in the audience approving the use to so indicate by standing~ With reference to Reclassification No~ 67-68-16, and Conditional Use Permit No~ 960, Mrs~ Madison stated that her clients would like to go on record at this time as not opposing the restaurant, since the sale of beer and wine has been omitted~ 1O44O City Hall, Anaheim, Califc, rnia- COL~CIL MINCT~S - ~ctobe__r_21 1967 1~.~0 In answer tc Councilman Outtcn's questions, Mrs, Madison reported that the Calvary Baptist Church has cbtained other property, and a new, non.- denominational church, composing six familes, will be moving in tc operate the Church and the school, which is t. be a day school and not a kindergarten or nursery~ However~ the hours may be extended to 5:00 P.M. as an assistance to some of the parents that w~.rk; the school would normally b= out at 3~00 P.M. Further, the sale of the prt?pertv is c,'mdltioned upton securing the requested conditional use permit. Mrs. Leslie ~iardner, 2181 West Midwc~d Lane, Anaheim, reported that the group is a ncn-demimiaati:nal cctmmmity church, and the school will be rep- resented by all ~aithso ~arther, the sch(:cl will be teaching Bible to kinder~, garten through the fifth gradt, with ne emphasis ,:)n any particular denonimination. Mrs. Gardner advised that extended care for after school will be pro- vided fc~r th.:se children whcse w~ rking parents cannot pick them up at 3~00 P.M. She emphasized that it w~:~Jld n: t be a nursery operation, and further advised that all C~ristian day schools operate ~n this basis, in answer t~ C. uncilman Chandle~'s questioning, Mrs Gardner stated that their group will incc)rporate as a charitable organizatic:n, operating a church and a da? sche~.l, and t~,e school tuition will be used to. pay C;:'ancilman Dutton n. ted tgat n,'~ ~icense had been issued for the school operatic:n. Mrs~ Gardner advised that she and her husband bol. d licenses under another den::,minati, n whicr~ presently e~ists in the City, and inasmuch as they do not wish t, ha?e another church ,.~ the same denomination operating in the City,they wi]l operate as ~ c,'mmunitv church: Mrs. t;ardner f~Jrtber replied, in answer' t.:t a question of the City Attorney, that ,Jntil the gro~p can inc<'rp:;rate the title of the property will be in her and her husband's name May~r Peblev asked if they w,[,Jld consider purchasing the property with the one year use permtt. Mrs. Gardner replied, "~c~" due tc the fact that there was no assur- ance that a permit c~ uld be c,btained after the c:ne year period, and as a result the church grotJp mta?t ha~e prfperty they could n~2t use. in addition, the neces- sary loan ccuid n;t be obtained with the one-~ear limitation. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council in opposition. Mrs. Robert Re. th, 1900 ~'ast South Street, Anaheim, presented a petition containing 38 signatures of property owners opposing the requested use. Mrs, Rcth further advised that their property was adjacent to subject property, and she personally feared losing their tenant, who is a night worker, a~d d~v ~ieep~r~ b+~ose ~f t~,~ ~t~e Mrs. Stanley Jacklin, 1901Dia,a Avenue, Anaheim, adjacent to subject property, addressed the Council in opposition, advising that their bedroom win~, dows were appr~-×imatei~ five feet from the play area, which is considerably noisy commencing at approximately 8~lB A.M. and continuing intermittently throughout the day, t(~ as late as 6~00 P.M. Mrs: Jacklin questioned whether the building, constructed as a home, would meet the Code requirements f.?.r a In conclusion, Mrs. Jacklin noted that the majority of the signatures favoring the requested use were residents north of South Street, who were not actually as affected as those <.n the petition of disapproval. 1O441 9ity Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 131 1967 1:30 P.M. Mrs. Anthony De Leese, 1814 Diana Avenue~ Anaheim, addressed the Council in opposition) advising that the temporary permit obtained one year ago, requested now to be a permanent permit, would be handed from church to church, and in addition, a traffic hazard exists, primarily when the children are being delivered and picked up at the school° The Mayer asked if the applicant wished to address the Council in rebuttal~ Mrs. Madis~n reported that recesses are at scheduled times, and in her opinion, a solid, 6.~)?t block wall would reduce the reported noise factcr considerably Mrs. Madison ca~led attention to the fact that they presently are in possession ~,f a temporary permit ti operate the Christian day schcol~ With torero,ce to (~de r~q.)irements, Mrs= Madison reported that the building has be~ ipsp~cted and meets Lode requirements for the requested use. in conclusion, Mrs, Madisor) ncted again that the avaible space would accommodate 208 children~ and that their request was for a maximum of 40 children It being determined tbst sufficient evidence had been presented, Mayor Peble? declared the ~caring clc~sed, £~uncilman D~.tt<,n, in reviewing the history of the property in- v©lved~ noted (cnditJcnal ~se Permit No ~5'.], granted a two-.year interim use, with a p{~ssible ,~e~vear e×ter~sion to a Church, and because it was an interim use, appr~.,,~ed wai,~er cf certain reqairements~ (i~ nditi?na] ,.se Permit Nc 96~ was noted as a supplement to Con- ditiona] Use Permit No 75~, e×r~endipg the church interim permit one year, plus permissi<~r~, t~. expand the use t~ a Christian day scho~l~ (.~,.qcilma~ Dutt~n further noted that on two occasions, and prior to hearing be[ore the ~:'.i~ ? Plannipg (ommission, Mrs~ Madison appeared before the ~ity ~o~cil ~ a.~ ~ms<h, eduled item, requesting temporary permit pending the actic:n n {,cnditi<n61 ~se Permit ~o~ 963~ RESOLUTION Nt~ 6~R-603 Councilman Dutton reported that he had requested re- view cf Conditional Use Permit No 963, which was an extension of the interim church use, and increased the use by the addition of a school, clearly indica- ted to be s permanent use~ In ~is opinion~ t~e subject property, by its loca- tion would be besu utilized as a part of the co~ercially zoned property front- ing State College Boulevard, and ss recommended in the Front~On Study. He thereupon offered Resol,.~ti~m No~ 67R-605 for adoption, denying Conditional Use Permit No~ 963~ Pricer tc Roll Call on the above resolution, Mrs. Madison was granted permission to address the 0cuncil. Mrs. Madison advised that the previous waivers were purposely not requested in Conditi,'nal Use Permit ~e~ 9613, so that a permanent permit could be obtained, and they proceeded to use the property, feeling they had the proper authoritv~ Further, the interim permit was requested because school had started and the children were already enrolled in the school~ It was her opinion that Conditional Use Permit No, 753 was unrelated to Conditional Use Permit No. 963. Mr~ Geisler.~ in interpreting the application, reported that it was to establish ~ day sch(i~ol ~n conjunction with an existing church, and as such, would be for a one,-yea~ period only, due to the fact that the church use is by an interim permit, He questioned the legality of granting the day school use for a period exceeding the interim permit granted to the church~ 10~t2 ~Anaheim, California - 09UNCLE MINUTES - October 31 1967~I130 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 67R-603: (Roll Call) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl: OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOo 963~ Roll Call AYES~ C(.UNCILMEN NOES~ CO L~C, IiMEN: ABSENT: C'O UNC:I LME N~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley Nc.ne None The Mayer declared Resolution N,', 67R-603 duly passed and adopted. Prier to adj;,urpment of the City £euncil meeting, Mrs. Madison addressed the Cconcil, requesting a rehearing c:n O~nditional Use Permit No. 963, on the basis ¢:.f a one-year period, ~r until the end cf the c'urrent school year° On motion by Ccuncilman Chandler~ seconded by Councilman Schutte, rehearing before the City (cuncil was authorized, en the basis of an interim permit~ subject te the payment cf the required fees: MgTiON CARR£ED, NOTE~ (Subject pr'perry is iacluded in £ouncil action initiating C-] zoning prc. ce~_-'din~s, sobi~ct t.- the p~,meot ,.f r~qoired filing fee~ See Page 1044 q) o PUBliC HEARING R[(~;_ASSf~[,A~i~,N ~!. 6'-68-1~ iCcnditional Use Permit No. 960~ Submitted by ieee, inc., reqt, est. ing amendment to deed restrictions limiting use cf sob)eot property [ ba_~iness and professional, tc permit the estab- lishment cf a restaurant with, at the sale c~ beer and wine; property pres~ entl? z,:ned C~l, l~cated ~ the s uthwest c rner ~ ~ South Street and State Coliege Bc~levard~ Apprcr=l was rec~.mmended by the City Planning Commission, subject tc cc.nditions ~ ~irst public ~hearing was held by the (ity Council September 26, 196:', ac which time p~rsuant tc Re_~ luti~'p Nc.',s. 6VR-5/-2 and 67R-54.~ res- pecti~e]y, subject Reclassiiicati n aad (~,nditi,?nal :.se Permit were denied. At the request ; f tee applicator, a rehearing was authorized by the City Cesncil ~,n the basis tk~ the restaurant would be operated without the sale cf beer and wine. Mr: Ronald Thcmps~-n n:~ted the location cf the property and summar- ized the action erigina]lv taken cn subject applications by the City Planning Commission. T~e Mayer asked if the applicant wished to address the Council. Mr. Robert Orr, )36 North Central Ave., Glendale, California, rep- resenting the applicant, advised that it was his understanding the original deed restricticms cn subject pr~perty permitted a restaurant operation, and were subsequently changed to limit the ~se cf the property to a two story business and professional boi]d~g, tn kis opinion, the value of the pre- petty precluded any small type business and professional development. Mr. Orr stated that at the last meeting, he was not in position to advise whether Amigo Restaurants, Inc., would proceed with the acquisition of the propertv f~.,r a restaurant a, peraticn without the privilege of selling beer and wine, even thoagh their primary operation is a family restaurant. Mr. Milton D. Fradelis, Exec,~t. ive ~'ice~President of Amigo Restaur- ant, Inc., advised that their application at this time was for permission to operate a ll8-seat restaurant, without tb,.~' sale of beer and wine. He further reported on the pr~p,:sed rested;rant, ~tating that it will be a $220,000.00 investment, with forty-eight pdrking spaces, which is mere than Code require~ men ts, 10443 ~naheim~ California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES October 31~_~__1~30 P.Mo Mro Fradelis reported that they planned thirty of the restaurant units for Southern California and felt that one in this area would be an asset tc the community. Pictures of similar building presently under construction at 428 East Seventeenth Street~ Costa Mesa, and a mock.~up of the intended menu was also reviewed by the City Councii. Mrs:. Joe Anderson, 1919 East South Street, Anaheim, addressed the Council, stating that in her ~-pinian when Mr~ Voge purchased the property it was with the knowledge of the deed restrictions, and each time he has a prospective buyer it is fcra use contr~rv tc the deed restrictions, re- quiring time~cznsoming hearings for all~ Mrs. Andersan asked how a franchise restaurant could make an excep- ticn for one not selling beer and wine, and felt they would come back to the City Council and request reconsideration. Mrs~ Anderson requested that the buffer wall requirement on the north side of sobject property be maintained, thereby prohibiting access to South Street~ In answer to May~*r Pebley's question, Mrs. Anderson adv4sed that she wc~ld appr~,~e ~;f the establishment ,. f th~ restaurant, without the sale ~..f beer a.od wine~ if t_be bi eR w~ll .,n Sc~th Street was required. Ccuncilm~n D~tC, n referr,d to the 'Front~On Study, wherein it is recommended that iht? pr perry ,:n tht north side of South Street, (inclading that of Mrs. Ander~.n), tc D, 'ver Street; be considered proper for C-1 zoning. Mr. Robert K Matlab:so;-., 1915 East Soath Street, addressed the (ouncii in ,:pp,:siti.n~ advising ,: f the fobncil's previous denial of a drive- in resta~rant which~, in hi_~ 'pini.'.r',, was n_, different than the restaurant prep;sod Mr Mat¼es~:n als,: called z~ttenti,,n t~:. the fact that the classifi= cation with deed restric, ti.i~s were ~n the property when the owner purchased it, and since the pc~zcbase of subject pr.;.perty, three professional office buildings bare been cc, nstr~cted in the vicinity. Mr Matbeson f~r{her ad~ised that they find themselves defending the policy established b> the City C~2uncil, and that all they have ever re.- quested is the pr~,tection the City Council originally afforded them, and that is ~ professional ~i'r medical b.~ilding development on subject property. In conclusi,'.n, Mr~ Mathes,2'n stated that a restaurant without a block wall on S¢,uth Street, with a~to ligbts coming directly toward their property~ w~,,21d afford them no protecti~m, Mrs~ Albert Kl<~the, 821 South State College Boulevard, Anaheim, related condit2,;ns of the area when they first purchased the property twenty years ago, and advised that because ~zf the changing times the area was commercially zoned. She rep~rted that buyers were very interested in acquir- ing the property until they learned of the very strict restrictions and the limited uses the property can be put to, and on the other hand, the tax assessor assesses the prc, pert~ commensurate with other commercial property, and at a value that they could never realize with the existing restrictions on the propert¥~ Mrs K]uthe stated that their taxes have risen by 66% over last year's taxes. Mrs. Kluthe rea]ized that the decision made on the property in the past by the City Council m]ght, at that time, have been in the best interests of all, however, they are not irrevocable, that changes have been made, or Anaheim would net have pr;Tgressed as it has~ 104~4 Mrs. ~luthe urged approval, f the restaurant operatic>n, and felt that this decision would be in the best interests of everyone. Mr~ ~Icge addressed the [ouncii, and ~erified the increase in taxes as reported by Mrs Rlutbe. Be further advised that the entire block is at a stalemate, because ,-f the ~×isting deed restricticns~ Mr. Remy, Past~'r ~ [ the {[alvsry Baptist Cburch~ residing at 2781 East Wagner Street, Anaheim, was cf the opinion that the entire area would be mere valuable if the ~ge~ Kluthe~ ~nd the fhurcb property could be pur- chased and devel~ped b~ eno d~ei..per: Mr, Gilbert Ki,;the, 83! S::.Jth Stole College Boulevard, referred to the existing c, mmer~i~] d~tel pments in the area, and noted that the general pr,_gress and c-i-~ange~ fn th~ ,~r-= dictates the need tc lift the deed restric tic ns Mr~ fradelis ad~.ised ,'t their willingness to comply with ail City requirements. It being d~termis~d s,~fftcient ~;idence had been presented, Mayor Peble¥ dec]ared the ~earin~ ~1: sod Plan~ end [il~s ~er,~ r~,iewed by the (iitv Council and discussion bold. It was o ltd ttlar wb~r~ Reclassification No~ 59-60~9,2 was approved, and .>sos restricted by deed r,,:~rricti..-, it was at a time prior to the Lenersl C-]. Zoning Re~.,isic~.~, o~d ~d, pti~n cf site de.~elopment standard quirements. .. RESt~LUTIUN NO. 67i2-00'-'~ ,i;',:ncilmar~ Chandler offered Resolution No. 67R-604, non.send,nero, ~ne removal ol..¢e~r~aln oeeo re~.~.r;~¢~ ~ ~~-[Z~J-, subject [. t, ~ ~ ~i 1: wing c ,nul£1Ons~, I 7hat spy ,:~tr c, ~di~l ofrg f~ciliti~s proposed shall be pro- peri? shielded frc:m view, ~nd t'r~e s. ~md b,~ffered from adjacent residential ~[~:,mes, prior hrl fJ~] building and z:ning inspections 2 That the :whet f s,~bject property shal] pay to the City' of Anaaeim thC sore ~,f I~,. p~r fr~t f,.:'t al~ ag State College Boulevard and South Street fc.r tree plantir~g purpc, s~'s, prior t,:., the time that the build~ lng permit is J ss~:ed :r wit~,~n a period c,f [80 days from date hereof~ which~ ever ,:ccurs first, , r s,.~c}z f,.~rther time as the City Council may grant. c...r, tingent~ That-tbe-~mptetion of this rectas~f~cation proceeding is , uprm t~e gra.ting of Conditional ~Ise Permit No~ 960. a.: That a 6 foot, dec,:rative masonry wall shall be co~ucted along the west pr, party line, and that a bend in an amount an~orm satis- to the City , f Anaheim shall be p, sted with the~'of fact:ry Anaheim, ho g~srantee the tnstallati~..,n ,.,f asia west wall, an~ ~a a2jinch, decorative masonry wall shall be c:mstructed ~long the nor~eperty l~ne, at the rear c.f a 6 foot landscaped area 5. That vehicular access r~ to South Street shall be dedicated tc the City cf Anab, eim, except f~r~4-f~:,:t driveway, 12 feet cn each side of s line projected sc,~tberlv ~r~m the cesterline of the alley leading north from Sc.,~tb Street~ 6~ That ('c:~{~t~c:ns Nos l, 'g.? 3~ and ~, above mentioned, shall be complied wit'b pr~-'"~o final he, tiding and zcning inspecticns~ ? ~at subject property shall be developed substantially in cordance.~{?h plans and specifications on file with the City cf Anaheim, mark~'~khibits Nos. 1, ~, ~ and a, revised, and the structure ~:,rientated Refer t,: Res~.luti,,n Bo~k ........... ,.,~ :,~ T'H~~ {:~TY (~,:.,N£{! ,~b ~NE ~ tT¥ OF ANAHF~tM ~tNDtNG AND DETER- MIN[~'~'.~ ~'**,~, TITE~-~O ~F THE ~NAHE~M M~JNt(;~ PAL ('.OD~. ~. REI,ATI. NG TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT ~ ~7~-ND~R~kS ~F (:~RT~tN gONES ~:~{/t.D BE 6HA~ED: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~AHEIM CONS~TING TO THE R~OV~ OF CERTAIN DEED RESTRICTIONS FROM THE PROPERTY H~EINAFTER DESCRIBED; ~D AUTH- ORIZING THE MAYOR ~D CITY CLERK TO SIGN A ~NS~T TO SUCH R~OV~. (59-60-94) 1044.5 C~i~ Ha___~]l, An__ab_eim__~ Califcrn. ia (iOu' '~NC~.,~:~ MiNLTE~S ~ October 31 1967~ la30 P.M. Roll Call Vote AYES: ( 'L"UNC i LMEN N(ES; (O bNC [/,MEN' ABSENT~ COUN( I LM~;N: Dutton, Krein, Sch~tte, Chandler and Pebley Nc:ne Nene The Mayer declared Res,~lution Nc. 67R~60~ duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO~ 67R-605 Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 67R-605, granting Conditional i!se Permit No 960 in part, to establish a restaurant <,peraticn without the sale :f beer and wine, subject tc the following con~ diticns 1 I'bst this conditional use: permit is granted subject to the completic, n t'f Reclassificati,m Nc. 6:~68:16o ~' Ihat trash st(rage oreas shall be provided in ~ccordance with appro~ed plans n [il¢ in the ffic~ , f the Directcr of Public Workso '~- Ttoat. p~king ~re'~ saoli be lighted with d(:wn~-.lighting type ~ lights and shall b~ dir~:ct.~d a~ fr,:m the property lines to protect the residential i~tegri~v t t'he are~.,, and n. fl~s'hing lights of any type shall be placed ~n any signs h That ~ebJc~lar access rights to S,?utb Street shall be dedicated te the (ltv ~ f A-sh~im, except ~ ~r a fa. f~. t driueway, 12 feet on each side r f a line prelected ~c,itlN~rlv frm the c~nterline >f the alley leading north from ~utf ~ 'fh,5~ a ~ t t dec retire masonry wall sh~ll be constructed ~i. ng ~hc west pr per~v lioe and tb~t s bond in an amount and farm satis= fact, ry tr t.~ , ity 't An~t~eim shall be p(~sted with the City to guarantee the inst~llati ~ . t sold west w~ll, and ~ :~Z inch decc. rative masonry wail shaii be c.o~stz~cted ~i,n~ the ~,rtt~ pr~,'pe:rtv iine~ to the rear of the re~ quired planting strip ~- That ' 'r,dlti ms N~'s j, .t, and -~, above menticned~ shall be c:;mplied wit? pti r t final baildiog ~nd z..:ning inspections %~t 5:~bject pr pert? shall be de~elc,ped substantially in ac.- c~rdapce with plaos 4nd sp~-ci ticstl.'ns '.n file with the City c.~ Anaheim, marked Exhibits ~,s ], ~. )~ ~nd ;, rtvised, pr .vided however, that the structure shall be , ri~r. tated t, St..to (,..liege Boule~ard~ Rater t Re~ ]t~t ir n RFS :1 7: N F ~IF!F , :'~'~ ; i'N("'i ~ v THE CiTY ~ F ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL PERMIT N.. 960 Rcll dali AYES t ,~JNCiLMEN: N,'ES ()LNfitI_M~N ABSffNI t)'.)U N( i 1 MiEN Dutten, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley N OD e None The Mav, r declared Resol~.~ticn No 67R-605 duly passed and adopted. REC. lgSSIFICATiON N,_~. 59 60 % ~.ND CONDifl!~NAL USE PERMIT NO. 963~ On motion by Counci]man Chandler, sec..nded by Councilman Dutton, the City Council author- ized initiati:,n <t i,r~ceediags for the rem.cra1 cf: deed restrictions on the balance ,,[ pr~p-rties d6scribed in Reclassification Ne,59,~60-94, and initiat~ lng C-1 proceedings ,:n pr4perty described in Ccnditional Use Permit No. 963, on conditi,:'n that the required filing [~es be paid by the property owners. MOTION (ARRiED. RECESS: Cnuncilman Krein m,:'x;,ed frr a i5 minute recess. Councilman Chandler seconded the m:-ti:,n~ M~'TI~'N (ARRI~.D (3. 30 P.M.)~ AFTER RECESS; May, r F'eblev called the meeting tc c. rder, all members of the City Council being present bBLI£, HEARING RE(LASSi['ICATIx:.N N,, 67-68-21~ Submitted by R.J, Maag, request~ lng change r.f g, ne ~rem R-A ~ R-~, property located cn the so~tb side of Santa Ana Ca~yc.n R, ad, we. st , i Sticmc.n Drive~ 10446 Cit H~_~_~]_~ Anaheim California COUNCIL MINUTES ~ October 31_~_1967, 1~30 P.M. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution Nco PC67-217, recommended denial ~,f said Reclassificatic,n~ Mr~ Thompson noted the lc~cati~n of sub~ect property', advising of a single-family subdivision tc the s~utheast, two pr,~p~sed Churches, with schools, tc the east~ and a proposed high scho,'~l t,~ the west, (presently agricultural properties to the east, west and nerth)~ He st~mmarized the evidence submitted to and considered b? the Cit~ Planning Commission and briefed findings of the Commission in recommending den~al of sob]oct petition~ In answer to £ ~ncil q,~esti~_ning~ Mr. Thomps,'~n advised that R-A property, adjacent tc subject pzc~pertv ~ the south, was under the same owner- ship; further, that Sc~,m~.n Dri~'e was Access P int Nc~ ?, as approved by the State Divisic~n cf Highways for the Sa. ts A_na Canyon Road, imperial Highway being Access l~cint No 6, and traffic weold be f~rced to use Cicero Road from s~bject property te Solomon Dri~e and c~t cn to the highway, unless another access point were apprcved~ the l~'gical point being between subject property and the proposed high schcc~] t,~ the west° The Ma?~_,r asked if the app]i~.amt wished to submit additic, nal inform, mation, Mr~ Cal Queyr~l, ~f inacal tmgineering, auth~rized agent~ referred ~o a map p~sted ,~p the ~st w~ll ~-f th~ ~i,~onci] Chamber, ~oting that the e×~, te~si~.n ,~f ~i~er~ R',ad ~br~,~ ~O]ect pr p~rty w~iuld provide a natoral separa-~ ti~n between the pr.'p,,s~d R ~ and f,~t ~re r~id~ntial de~el©pment to the south~ He pointed cut that the pr~-:pe~ty was ~. the ~i¢init¥ of the intersection of two major freeways, the Ri~erside ~r~ewav ccnstrocticm scheduled for next year, which w~old greatly redoce Santa Bna Camv,~n R,pad traf~ico Mav~r Pebl~',, le~.~ rt, e ~e~tiug at J'58 P.M. Mr~ Quevrel ad~i~ed thg=t a street pr~posed tc~ extend al~?ng the easterly b,'~ndary ~i~f the high sch~ ~] pr~.p~rtv t the west. wc~ld be detrimental to single ~am~.lv devel,~pment ~f s,~bject parcel, hcw~,e~, it wa~ld be an asset to R-3 develop- ment, He was ~.f the ,pini~n that m,.~ltlp]e family residential development should be located in ~,'ari,?,~s ~r~as thr~.ugh~t the fit '~ with architectural control, rather th~n clustered in ~ne large a~ea~ ~h~reb~, 1, ~Jng thai~ identity~ Ma¥~ r Peblev returned ~t ~ 0> P~M,, in reb,~ttal ~ Ii.dings made. b~ th~ Planning Commission, Mr~ Queyrel was :[ th~ ~'pi~ir'n t-~,at the ~ill s.d (an+':.n Gene, tel Plan had not ~:c, nsidered th~. probable foil f,.~t~re e×t~_.n~ ,:.[ the (itv~ that an increasing population was helpful t, business in general, ~nd be.e[icial to the City; that every req,~est sh~o]d be determined tn the basis c[ individual merit, not on possible precedent; that the p~,b]ic amd prt~at~- scb,-,:ls and churches pr.oposed on two s~des ~-? the property generat~-d hardship b~- rendering single-family development undesirable; that. ~he pri:p~ sod d+.~el, pment w~ ~ld be well planned and the traffic from the R-~ w~-~ld .~ t r,e¢.~s~rilv ~nt~r the f~tore R-1 area t~' the south~ ]n answer t,t £, on¢ilman Krain's q~esti:,n, Mro Th,~mpson stated that $,l]-,m~'~p Dri~,e:~ serving the si.gle f~mi]v det~l.:,pment to the s~:utheast, c~old ,~ltimate]v crr~ss Santa Ap~ [snv,:n R~ad t~-, t. be north, provided that the (itv~ the (icontv sad the Stat~ were in agreement:, ?he Mav;~r asked if anv,:'ne wished to, address the City Council. in oppo~ siti,>n~ there b~inz ~,-, respa-use, declared the hearing c]osecL~ Cconcil discuss~.n w~s held, it being noted that Hill and Canyon General Plan indicated 1.'-w density resfdentia] ~ses for the area in question~ Council~ man ([handler was ,~'f the c'pini ~ that t:, gr~nt subject application would in no way violate the General Plan fc.r the ~rea~ 6z"~ncilme~ Sch~tte and Dntton called attemti.~n t,o the phvsicai separati,,r~ ~:f the pr,~posed develc, pment from a [,~t~r~ R..l ~re~ r_o the s.,~th, as w~]l ~-_- fr~m other residential areas~ 10a.4 ?' ~itiz Hall Anaheim Calif~ mia C,3i:NCi[ ~NLTEb ,:, 6ctobez ~1_a~I_26~30 PoM RESOLUTION NO 67R-606~ C~uncilman Duttc, n offered Resolution No 67R-606 for ade:ptien, autb rizin~, pr~parati n ,l- necessary, ordinance changing the zone as reqaested, subject t, the f .11 '~ing condititns~,, 1- Ihat a Fin~] Tract Map cf subject property be appr©ved .by the City Councxl and rec:rded in the :'ffice o~ the Orange County Recorder. ~ That. trash st,:-rage areas shall be pzcvided in accordance with. appr~_ved plans ~:n ftle with the ffice .f th~ Director <f Public Works, prier t:, final building ir~specti;.n ~ ['hot t~..~-, whorls} f s,~bject pr petty shall pay t the City ~:,f Aha'herin the =~m t 5~x:. 00 per dk:e[iing ,.~nit.~ [. be .used for park and recr~ati.n purp, s~> Refer t Res~[,.,t; n B, k. A RESC[(Ti 'N : F rB~ ~ II¥ ( iN(Ii .'? THE.: ([TY , F ANAHEIM PINDiNG AND DETE~iN-. lNG THai ~[I[~ 18 ,'~ I~E: ANAH~i.M ML, NIi71PP,.l (,:DE RF. LATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE ~ENDE:D &ND THAI TBE B~.~:ND3R[Eb ~,[ [ ERTAIN Z~}NES SHOULD BE C~NGED~. (62-68-21 Dutt:~, ~rein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley N. ne The Mo:.z d~cior.d Re>,: l,,_;t~,:~ No, 67R-606 duly passed and a. dopted~ (. ~NTiNUED ~:~0~. H~4RiNO (. NDi. I;~ NAi ;.~5~ PERM.iT N~:.,964~ Submitted by Harris:n r~que~ti~g p<rm~ssi..'n t' establish a rest. h~.me for the ambulatery aged, R-~ r~r~d pr. pert, [. c:2tod ~t c2'~8 Sc.~tth [care Street, The (it,, Pl~-;r~in~ C mmxssi n, pursuant to Resclut. i(n No, PC67~208 granted s~d ?rmtt > ,bl~_~ t t: the f,:,ll wing conditic,ns? I I'hat the t~r:er(s) , f subject px petty shal[ pay [o the City ,. f g-.nabetm, t.h~ s;m :;f S2 O0 pe-r front f.;, t ~'l og Lo~ra Street, for street l~glnting gurp, scs ;: II'tm t[~ wr~<'I (S) f ~bject p~:pertv shalJ pay t: the City f ~aheim the ~:~m f iSc per tr;t~t, f c:t ~[cng Lcara Street, for tree plant., lng purp.,ses ~ I'hot t~=~h st, r=g~ =tans shall be pravided in accordance with approved plans c,r~ fil~: with the (ffic~ ~::f the Directer of Public Works~ ~ ?hat t~re hydrants shall be installed as required and deter- mined t~- be necessar~ by the Chief ',f the Fire Department, 5 Ihat tb~ ~tructur6 sh~ll be brc:,ught up to, the minim(2m standards cf the Uaif~ rm Bt~ilding, Pl~mbi~g and Electrical Codes~ as adopted by the ~itv cf Anaheim~ 6 That ~ fl f~ t ma~c~rv wall aha1.1 be constructed al.ong the east pre, per t v line 7 That. ti; nditi n Nos ] and Z, ab':ve mentioned, shall be complied with pri':r t tb~ time tn~t the Building Permit is issued or within a period c:f 180 days fr m the date here- ~, whichever ~ccurs first, ,::r such further time as the (ic~issi>n ~:r City (,.:oocil may grant. 8_ That Ce?diticn Nos i~5,5 amd 6, above mentioned, shall be com- plied witk pri':r tt~ final bt~ildi.ug and zoning inspecticnso 9 That subject pr:petty sh~ll be developed substantially in accord- ance with plans and specificat~, ns , ~ f~le with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos~ lond 2, pr,.vided, ~ wever, that any future: plans for expansion shall be submitted t a~d revle'wed ~nd approved by the Planning Comission or City O',uncil Appeal fr~,m ac ti n taken by the City Pla.nni~g Commission was filed by Mr. Robert W.~dl+1gh an inter~.sted party residing acre, ss the street from subject pr,:perte, and D,~blic o~ar~n~ was scheduled October 2~, 1967, and con~ tinued t~. t_hts d~te~ 10448 ~~eim., ColiC: mia - COUNCIL MINUTES - October -31 1967. 1~30 PoM. Mrs Thomps~n noted the locat, ion of subject property and the existing uses and zoning in the immediate area~ He summarized the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning C:mmission and noted findings of the Commission in granting the application The £ity Clerk called at:tenticn tc copies of written statement of spec:i£ic objection to the proposed development filed by the appellant for City Council c,:.nsideraticn 'May.:r Peblev asked it the petiti~-ner wisbed tc address the City Council ~ Mrs~ Clarice Grabam~ 11561Mc~en Street, Anaheim, authorized agent, noted the difference between the prop sod home ~or ambulatory aged and a con~ valescent h.~me, ~d~i~rg that there w~.uld be ~<.~ nursing se~vi, ces; that room and board would be pr, vzded al,mg with necessary care~ She was of the opin- ion that the use w,::uld generate no more traffic than a multiple family resi~ dential devel~pment ~.f the pr. pert¥~ and n,~ted that mcst of the outdoor acti~= vities +f the guests would be c~nfined t~: the rear portion ef the property~ In answer t,: (:~ncil qoesti ning~ Mrs.. Graham advised that the Plot Plan submitted was ten[ati,;e and she n'~ted they were aware that additional plans would ha~:,'e be reviewed by the City pri~"r to any addition to the six guests who> w~'~uld be accommodated in the present struct~are, together with the management; t~t xr was e×?~¢ted that additi~na. 1 b~ildings c uld be moved in at s.~:me f,t~re dat~; f~rther~ t~,at sinc~ this was t~'- be her h©me~ she had searched f~_~r a s~it~b~e pr perry :~n a quiet residential area, The Mayor ~k~d if onyx:ne had :~ppcsiti~Jn t~: p~esent~ Mr Robert Wadlexgr~, Z?a3 S~:~th Loa. ra Street, Anaheim, summarized the objections as pre,z, ,~sl.=v ~,..bmitted in written £orm, (received October 23, 1961~ in the .'ffi~ ~[ the fit~, Clerk) and was :,f the opinion that sufficient parking t.' acc mmcd~t.e the sta~ and x~isit~rs, etc~, for the ,~ltimate fifteen guests prc~pcsed c ~id n. t b~ pr v~ded n t:be property~ He further felt the the proposed ~se w uld be ~.ncr.:a~bm~nt int,. the residential area, and that such a home sh,~uid be p~ac~d ~'~ ~ street whicb carried more traffic, and was closer to cemmerciai ~r~s ?he Ma?,~r ~sked ~f ~nv~ne ~lse wished to address the City Council, fr~r or agatnst the pr p~ ~ed r~,st b,:,me~ there being no response, declared the hearing clcsed~ RESOLUTION NO~ 67R-602g Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No~ 67R-607 for adoption, granting said Ccndrt~:mal Ese Permit~ subject to the conditions recommended by the City Planning Commissinn Refer to., Rescloti n Bc¢,k A R~.SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 964 Rc, ll Call Vote: AYES~ C~UNC!LMEN~ NOELS: COUNUILMEN~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Krein~ Schutte: Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Rescluti~'~n No~ 67R~607 duly passed and adopted. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NCo 886 [:~TENSION OF TIME; Request of Joseph C. Bush~ on be.ball cf Ruby A, Bush. d~ted Oct?bet 5, 1967, was submitted for one year extension of time c.f ¢cnditic. nal [:se Permit No, 884, for compliance with certain conditi ns pursuant to Res¢lution No, 66R~662~ One year .-.~tensi~:n was granted ,,n m~tion b~ Councilman Krein, seconded by (~uncJlman Schutt~i MC'TI 'N CARR[[D 10449 Hall Anaheim. Calif~;,rnia - COUNCIL MIN'UTES ~ Oct.,bet 31 1967 1~30 P.M.~ FINAL MAP : TRACT Ng~ 5990z Devel;'per - Sierra Dc.wns, Inco; Tract l~cated along the northerly c~:.ntinuati.:;n .z£ Hclbr:z ,k Street, north of Orangethorpe Avenue, and contains 61 propelled R-2 5000 ,zoned 1.c, ts~ fha City Engineer rep~.rted said Final Map conforms substantially' with the Tentative Map previ~>usly approved, that bond has been posted and approved and required fees paid, and he recommended approval thereof~ On the rec,Tmmendations ~f the, City Engineer, Councilman Dutton mc;ved that Final Map f Tract Ne~ 5990 be apprcvedo Councilman Schutte seconded the mcti~'~. ~.;T~CN £A.RRIED~ CITY PLANNING COb{M1SS?N iTEMS~ Actl.'ns taken by the City Planning Commission at their meeting held ;~ct, ber 9, 19e~', pertaining t~ the following applica- ti.ns wer~- s~bmitted f r City C-:uno. il in. formation and considerati~;n~ VARIANCE NO. 1917~ Submitted by Peter Warnoff requesting permission to es- tablish a commercial b~i]ding~ with waivers cf minimum side setbacks, per~ mitted r';~<~f sign l~cati;n, and required screen landscaping~ C~i zoned property located at 920 Ea~ linc,?ln Avenue.. The City Planning Cc~mmissi.~n~ pursuant to Resolution Ne~ PC67=228, granted said Yariance, subject tc conditions~ VARIANCE; NCo 1918~ S.obmi~ted b? Br~ :'kmore, Incorpc~rated~ requesting permission t?~ establish ~.~ au.t'm bile parking l~>t~ with waiver cf required 6-foot masonry wall', R-.A zoned pr'perry located .t.n the east side of Brc~okburst Street, south of Ni,:be Avenue~ The City Planning C;.mmissi.ap~ pursuant to Resolution No. PC67-229, granted said Variance in part, subject to, conditions, and denied requested waiver ~pf ~equired masonry wall adjacent to the R-1 zoned property to the northeast~ VARIANCE NO. 19191 Submitted by Eltinge and Grazadio Development Company, requesting permissi.n to erect t.wc free-standing signs with waivers of maximum sign areas and maximum sign height~ C-1 zoned property located north and west cf the service stati.>n at the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Beach Boulevard- Pursuant to: Re~t~laticn No~ PC67 230, the City Planning Commission approved said Variance Jn pa~t, subject to conditions, and denied requested waiver cf sign area. The foregoing acti~2ns were reviewed by the City Council and no action taken cn the above-numbered Variance applications. RECLASSIFICATION NOo 65.-.66-51~ City Planning Commission Resolution No~ PC67-23~ recommended an amendment t~, Res,;lution No. 65R-890, approving petition for the above reclassification, by the deleti~_~m of Parcel No~ 73, proposed for C~l ze, ning, p~pertv 1, c~ted at the southwest corner of Lincol. n Avenue and lli]lareal Drive Councilman Krein mc:~ed that recommendation be continued to November ?, 1967, t~- be c'nsidered in cenj~mction with public hearing cn Reclassifica-, tion No. 67.~8 la. C,..ncilman Dutton seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° HOME OCCUPATIONS M~;Bllf H~)ME PARKS; Request to permit a home occupation in a mobile h,pme park~ 1,'c~ted at 501 East Orangethorpe Avenue, was denied by the City Planning Cc, mm~ssi, n On metim by (,:uncilman grein~ seconded by Councilman Schutte, the Planning £,'"mmissi,:, and De~e].:'pment Services Department staff were directed to stude and rec mm~nd a st~ggested amendment to this zoning 3rdinance to per-, mit b me -.cc~pati..p.~ t~ re:bile h~mes~ and ~lso t~_' consider making appropriate changes that w,'~]d ; [fe'r m. bile home residents the same prc~tection and privi- leges that ar,- ep,]<.v~:d by siogle-f~mi]..v and m~ltiple family residents. MOTION CARRi ED 10/450 _Cit~.~ Anaheim, Califarnia COUNCIl, MINUTES ~-Oct©ber~967z_~oo30 ]PoM. iPLANT MATERIAL LIST VEHICULAR 'PARKING AREAS; The City Planning Cen~ission recommended adoption cf Exhibit A, dated A:ugust 23, 1967, Suggested Plant Material List for Vehicular Parking Areas, for the commercial and industrial developments where c,7mditicns of approval require landscaping as part of the site development standards. On moti.?n by C;upcilman Dutt~:n, seconded by C©uncilman Krein, said Suggested Plant Material Iist was adcpted~ as rectmmendedo MOTION CARRIED. ESPERANZA HIGH SCH.:~L - A. CCFS~ Excerpt frm the minates cf the City Planning Commission. meeting :.eld (ct b~r 9~ 196-~ was sabmitted, recammending that the Placentia U~ified Sc~ cl Di_s~rzct b~ ,~rged tc c;nside~r approval ~f the estab- lishment cf a pri~at~ dz~,~ betw~:~ th~ c ntin~sti~n scbccl site and Orchard Drive f-.r the Esperap~ High %ct-~l site l~cated north c>f Orangethorpe Avenue ~p Orchard Drive .(n motion 'by f~:,mcilman Schutte~ secc. nded by Ccuncilman Dutton, the City Coanci. l c~n¢orred with the f, reg. trig re¢ommendatic, n and ~5~rdered a copy thereof forwarded t'~; the Placentia Unified School District, MOTION CARRIED° ORANGE COUNTY ~SE VARIANCE NC~ 596?; Pr p~sing tc establish an awning company office in the attached garage ~.f an ~.×l.-_ting r~sid~ntial structore being used f:~r com~ mercial purposes, parking for said pr:p< sod ese tc be provided cn the front half -f ~ub]ect pr~per~f i c~-d :n th~ wes~ ~id.~ , f Br: 'khur~t Street~ sppr:~ximately 880 feet p:rtt; ~ LiDc in Av:p.,e. :( .... ~ territorf), Exc.arp[ fx:.m the mio,~te.s , [ the ,..ir:? Plan~ing Commission meeting held October 2~ 196 w:s s,~.bmT~rt~:d x~c mmend]ng that the (irange County Planning [ommisstcn be ,.~rg~d t r~-qui~e, dedicati r, if ~ s~xtv fc,~t~ ha. lC width for Bro~ok= burst Street, and its impr ~zem~r.c t~er, f, ~r~. t)e e'~ent Orange (.c.u~ty Use Permit 596; is Ihe city t. ':noel ¢,.r~c: ,:rr~d with the. foregoing recommendati~:ns of the (it~ Pls.on~ng ~ mmf~si n. :mm ti, n b~ C ~pciiman Krein.~ seconded by Councilman 5c',';tte M'~I N CARRi~D ORANGE CiONTY USE ,.AR]ANC~ N,- i;9 Pr~p sing a scho:l and residential facilities f':r ~.:5 resident and ~ day sobs. '1 m~ntallv retarded children.; pri~perty located n th~ soJtb sxde f la Pslma. ~.~.n~, ovd west ::f the fut,.~re extensi:.n of Orchard Drix;, in the 2 rt't~,~=st lndt, str~l ~r~ Excerpt fr,.,m t~e mipotes ~.[ th= t, ity Planning C~mmissi. cn meeting held Oct,:ber 2:~, i96:. was s,~bmit~d, rec:~mm~nding that the Orange County' Planning '?,:>mm~ssi ,n be: ~.~rge_d t~ deny r~ng~ (,:',~nty Use t, ariance Nc~ 5974, noting that the ar~a i:o q,~esti'n bad beep d,~ignated appropriate for more, intense: industrial uses in additi~ n t:~ those alreadw established, tbereby making the propc:sed use isapprc, priate a~d inc'.mpatzbl~, and that t~e n,'r[heast industrial area should be. retained f,r tb:'s~, types ,.~ uses already established and approved, rather tbs., permitting ~ mi×tur~ ,"f r~sidential scho:l uses in the center cf an indus.- trial Cn m-'ticn by (concilman Krein, sac, nded by Councilman Duttt:n, the City C~..uncil definitely ccnc~,rr~d with tb~ City Planning C~:mmissi,>o reco~enda-. ticns and str nglv ..;rged dental . f the r~:qu~sted use, being cf the opinion that this activity would be P, ighlv de'trtm~.nt~l, n~,t ::nl~- to the students enrolled in the school, but t,: this prime_ isd'ostrial ar~a~ further~ the Council requested a repr+:sentative f the De~l:.pma~t. Services Depar'[:ment appear at the hearing b~fore the Orange Ccunt~ Planning t:mmisst:o tc ~xpress the 6ouncil's position. MOTION ~RI ED RESOLUTION NO. 6~R-608 AWARD OF SS PR~ JECT NO, 51aB and .~25B~ In accordance with reo. mmendaticns : f the City Engineer, C .mcflman Krein offered Resolution No~ 67R-608 for adoption. Refer t~ Res. luticn B~::k 10'451 ~im California J COUNCIL MINUTES ,= October ~.1, 196~ 1. C30 P.M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL )F THE CITY CF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAl AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE L©WEST RESPONSIBLE BEDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALi. PLANT,. LABOR. SER'V£CES, MATERIALS AND EQUIP~NT ~D ALL UTILITIES AND T~NSP)RTA~I?N. IN(iUDING POWER~ FUEL ~D WATER~ AND PERFO~-~ lNG ALL WCRK NEF'E'SgARY T~'~ (ONSTRUCT B~D CGMPLETE %HE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IM~, PROVE~NT~ THE iMERC4h~ENT OF P[BCENTIA A'gENUE AND INSTALLATION OF T~FFIC SIGNAI~ [~ THE C~TY ~ F' ANAH~M~ SS PR~'~JECT NO. 51g~:.B AND 525-B. (Steiny & Mitchell, Inc~ ~:2~ 806,61). Roll Call X;ote AYE S C;. UN( ! LM~ N ~ ABSENT (: ;:~"Nt il.MEN: Dutt3n, Krein, Schu. tte, Chandler and Pebley None N 'ne The Mav:r d~ ;lared Res-luti n Noo 67R.-608 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NC. 67R-,609 = W'~RK ~.~:RDER N~7~. 1051 A.ND i057_~ AND WORK ORDER NO. 1056g Cooncilman Chandler 3tfered Res:lotion Nc. 67R-.609 for ad~:,ption. Refer t, Res~ iut i,~:n Bc~,k A RESOI,UTION t;F TH~ (:iTY COUNCil '.~F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MININ(? IHAI PUB1 2(..';,_Nt i~'N~ENC~ AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND £9MPI:ETI:.,N [ A PFB~ 'iM?R, i;PMENT, TO WI'2; CONSTRUCTION ~)[' PA~ STRUCTURES AT P'~NDER(SA ?ARR B~'i]D5N6 N~, 1, WC~RK QRDER NCo 1057~ AND BUILDING NC, 2, WCRR ~RDER N. 1051: a~XD ~.T M/"DJESRA PARK~ B~)ILDING NO, 3~ WORK GRDER 105f;., ',N THE :' 1I~ ~;F ANA. Hb"M~ ~.PFR('~kiN6 THE DESIGNS~ PLANS, PROFILES~ INGS AND SPa,.iFi(.AT~ ,NS ~.,R rile C:)NSTRU{_TiDN THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CON- STR['CTi,/~N (F SA'ID P!'Bi. lt. IMFR:':~/E;MF~NT 'IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS~ SPECI- ?iCAT!,~NS E]Ti~; AND AUTH(R[ZING AND DI]RECTING THE CITY CLFRK TO PUBLISH A NCTICE lNt [TINt: SEM~[D PRCP:i, SAiS F~_~R THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOFo (Bids Be Opened November 7~'., 196'., i700 Roll Cal.] AYES~ N;)~93: <; ~N( ! !.MEN 7 A BS~NT ( !N(] Dutt<,n, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None ~c,n e The Mav..tr declared Rescluti~Tn N:. 67R~609 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION N_,. 67R.-610 J."!B N" 103t Upon receipt of certification from the Directrr .:f Public Works, C.>uncilmap Dutton offered Resolution Noo 67R-610 for adc,pti:m~ Refer tc Rescl,~tion Br~ k~ A RESO1UTICN OF THE CITY c:OLfNC. II. OF THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPIETi(~N AND THE FURNISHING ('F AiL PI.ANT, LABOR~ SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALi UTi1 ITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND THE; PE'RFORMANCE OF AiL WORI< NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE ~OiLOWING PUBIif IMPROVF24ENT~ TO WITt THE IMPROVEMENT OF ?HE BROOKHURST PARR PARg!NG L(q:~ AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF VENTURA STREET AND C. RESC~NT AVEN[!E~ i'N ]~tE CiTY OF ANAHEIM, ~JO'B NO. 103, (Jezowski and Marke], Inc~). Roll (:all Vote; AYE S ~ CO LiNC I 1,M FN: NOES ~ (k; UNC [ I MI{iN ABSENT~ Duttcn, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None N~;ne The May:t:r declared Rescl,~tion No~ 67R-610 duly passed and adopted. 10~52 ~~aheimz California -. COUNCIl. MINUTES October 31~_ 1~30 P.Mo DEEDS OF EASEMENT~. Ccnncilman Schc;tte e. ffered Rescluti~-n Nos,67R-611, 67R-612, 67R-613, and 67R-61.~ for ad,?ption Refer t::, Resolati~n Bo:,k~ RESOLUTION NO.67R~611: A RESOLUTi(~N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN ~ASENiENT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY Ol~ ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES° (Joseph Charles and Mary lnuise Truxaw, and Dept. ,:f Veterans Affairs of State of California, ) RESOLUTION NC~ 6~R--OlZ~ A RESOii.:TI[)N ,,'.F Tile CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCFPTING A ¢.-RANT D~ED £ON'?EYJNG ?O THE' CiTY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT Ef',R bNDERGROUND DRA.[NAGE PURPOSES o (Anaheim Uni,:n High Sch.~..~l District RESOLUTION NO. 67R-617; A RESOU..;TICN OF THE CITY COUNCIl, OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING g GRANT DEED C,~NYEXING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAI PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT F')R RCAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES° (Omy A. Jackson ) RESOLUTION NG~ 6?R-61a; A RESOLUTION O[ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE, iM ACC[PTINC- A GRANT DEED CONVE~[NG TO THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT F'OR STCRM DRAIN PURPOSES° (William J. and Elva Vetter~ ) R:::,il L'all V?tt NC, ES~ { CUNC] L,MEN ABSENT~ Dutten, Krein, Schdtte, Chandler and Pebley' Nc ne The Ma'v.::r declared ResclutJ~';n Neso 6IR--611, 67R=612, 67R-61~, and 67R 6la duly passed arid ad~pt~_d, tl 4n k.:cncilmaq~ D,a~t. , , ffered Resolution No, 67R.-6.15 for adop.- Refer t Rcs: ],.~ti~ .c~ ~' k A RP$('ITTi;::N .i,F T'HP t. iT':' ,:JO; NC[i ,ri:' THE: £ITY OF Ai'~AHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED i R.DM SANTA. F ~ [:AND iMPRO:~kMEN7 C.:[~MP~, A,~ AU%HORI. ZING AND DIRECTING PAYMENT 7HEREF~]Ro {?c, rba S~b-staticn.) Rolt fall Veto AYES: (,';UNfl LMEN; Ne~!:E S :: (OUN(11. MENx ABSENT: C.)LNC I LMEN ? Dutt.:n, Kr¢:in. Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Ma¥c.r declared Resolutiop Nc.. 67R~615 duly passed and adopted~ PROPOSED PURCHASE OF: PROPERTY~ %'he, City Manager reported on the importance of pro~ riding additional access to Stcddard Park from a southwesterly direction, and he presented far Coupci] review a sketch cf the area, advising of preliminary neg..,tiations with the owner ~:,f an undeveloped lot, to acquire a portion thereof, which would give acc,5:ss from Wakefield Dri've. EXEC~JTIVE SESSION; (c. oncilman D,:,tto~ m ,z:ed to recess tc Executive Session f~r the purpt, se ;f discussing values c.f the property. Councilman Chandler sec:nded the mct i:n M', 7ION CARRIED° Aff'TER RECESS~ Mayor Pr.. Tern Sob,atto called the meeting to order, all members of the City Csopcii being preseo, t, with the exception of Mayor Pebley, On m,':tt'n by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Dutton, nego,~ tiations by tb~ ('ltv Man,get t:.r acquisition cf access to Stoddard Park from the southwest were, a,.~th: r:tzed MC'II~N (ARRIED~ 10453 C=it Hall Anahe,i_m, California COUNCIL MINUTES * October 31 1967 1'~30 P.M. May'or Pebley returned t,: the meetipg . 5~08 P,M. PURCHASE OF E_~UIPMENT; The City Manager reported on informal bids received for the purchase ,:f mlscellanec, as fuel tanks and dispensing equipment, as fol- io. wa, and recc'mmended acceptance ~ f the. low bid on Items 1, 2, 3, and 12, submitted by Keesee Tank ~ Equipment Company in the amount of $3,836°39, including tax, the balance .if the Items included in the bid to be purchased on an indit;idu~t basis~ Total Bid Submitted Keesee Ia. nk & Pump C,:mpa~y~ Anaheim ............ $5~076.,02 Downey Welding & Mfg C~'mpany, Dowry.e? .......... ~ 500~95 Duncan-H.~nter C~:mpaov, l:'s Angeles ............ 5~507 ~= ¢omwel Compa,v~ Lynw.:.. d ............ 2,316o~0 Buehler Tank, Steelmasters (u'.mpanv ~ ............ Ne, Quote ap the rec:mmendatic, ns cf the City' Manager~ C~uncilman Krein moved that t?,e 1 ~w bid :~, ~eesee Tank & Pomp ~ompany for Items 1, 2, 3,and 12 be accepted, and porehase autb, ri_;'ed i,~ the total amcunt of $3.,836~39, incl.adin~ tax. Lcdncilman Scb~tte seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. CLAIM AGAINST I24E CITY; Claim submi, tted by Robert Kreitner for reimbursement for personal items lost daring the opening of the Convention Center, in the amc,ant of $75 00~ was referred to the City Manager and the Manager authorized t~ w,:rk ~ut a sett]ement in cash or replacement satisfactory tc the cla£mant and t the City .~f Anaheim.~ on m©tic, n by C~uncilman Krein, seconded by £.c~ncilmap, Chandler. MOTION CARRIED° CLAIMS AGAINST THE: ClYY~ The following claims against the City were denied, as recormr~ended by the 6.fry Attorney, and ordered referred to the insurance agent, on mcticm by Councilman Y~ein, seconded by Councilman Chandler~ Aa Claim filed by '~.~lc im H~ Mack~:'y~ on behalf cl James and Eileen Moore, ~,'r damage~ tc premises and farnishings~ purpc, rtedly resulting from fai]~r~ .._.f rego]a~ing va]~,e ~'.n or about A,~gust 1, 1967. Claim submitted by C.,F, Wc'3dbury'~ on, behalf of Mrs~ Woodbury, for in¢~ jurie~ purported1? resulting fr~m an accident on City,-owned property c:n ~.r ab:t~t September 16, 1967, Claim filed bv Peter G Nihlll, cn behalf of' Elizabeth Couture~ for persc, pal injories p~rp:.,r~edly resulting from dangerc, us cc:ndition on City pr, perry, ~n or about September 16, 1967o MOI.[ON CARRIED ANAHEIM STAD1L~ RENTAL FEE REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT: The City Council, at their meeting held Oct.:~ber 10, 1967, deferred final determination, pending report from the City' Manager, ,,n request ~f Mr~ Donald L~ Douglas for development of an adjusted rate schedule for the use cf Anaheim Stadium by' the Anaheim Union High School District, Mr* Murd~'ch reported that additional information was being accu- mulated through current f::.. tba11 game experience, and at the present time it was bis recommendation that the existing football fee schedules remain in effect ~s pre~:iousl¥ established~ On mcti.:,n by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Dutton, request for adjustment of the fee schedule for the schools was ordered taken off the agenda, to be resched~led upon notice by the City Manager, and it was determined that the. present fee schedule remain in effect at this time, MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION Naa 67R~616~ Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No~ 67R-616 for adoption Refer to, Resolution Book. 10454 Cit Hall Anaheim Calif~.rnia -. COUNCIL MINUTES ~ October 31, 1967~ 1:30 P~M. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COL~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALL©CATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES° (Gas Tax Fund~ ) Roil Call Vote~ AYES~ CO[~CILMEN~ Dutton, Krein~ Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES: COUNCiLMEN~ None ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN~ None The Mayc~r declared Resolution Not 67R~616 duly passed and adopted. PROPOSED LICENSE AGREEMENT ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY~ The City Manager reported on proposed license agreeme'~it between the Southern California Edison Company and the Cit~F cf Anaheim, for use :f the right-off.way between Melodyland %hearse ~nd t'~e Gran~ Hotel Ht~ submitted for Council review a sketch of pro= pdsed ~se cf ~.~d pr,~erty t: pre'vide ~ public picnic area, while beautifying th~ pr~pertv ~ Mr~ Murd,.~ch f~rther reported that the annual rental fee being considered for the property would be $50~00 per acre~ for a total of 4~1 ~cYes - Mr~ Mc Michael, ,.perat,r f tb.~ nursery currently established on the land, advised be w~uld be nappy [z cc4perate with the City for the re® m,:;t, al cf the e~4st, i~g nurser~ st,'ck, G~oncil discussi_,n was held, and at the conclusion thereof the City Manage~ was author i_, ed t~ further neg~tiate with the Southern California Edison Company and with the ~persto~ ,,~ the nursery on the property~ CORRESPOMDENCE: The f, ]]~.~wing c?zresp-ndence was ordered received and filed, on motion by C~unci]man Du[tcn, seconded by Councilman Schutte~ a~ Public Hearing held by State of California ~ Division of High~ ways pr~p,~sed locat:icn of Route 39 Freeway between Route 1 freeway, in Hunti~gt~,~n Beach~ and Lampson Avenue. ~inut~s Anaheim Public Library Beard ~ Meeting of September 18~ 1967, MOTI>N CARRIED. ORDINANCE Nee 2433~ C~.2uncilman Krein offered Ordinance Nee 2433 for adoption, Refer tc ©rd~nance Boc'.k AN ORDINANCE OF THE ('ITY OF ANAHE[M A~ENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14o32 OF THE ANAHEIM 'MUN'IC'IPA]. CODE BY ADf~iNG IHERET~) SECTION la~32~243~ (No Parki~ During School Hc'ur~ P rti:~-ns ,-.f Gilbert Street~) Roll Call AYES~ (3UNf_ILMEN: Dutt.~n, [<rein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES~ CC L!NCI LMEN~ None ABSENT; ( OUNC I LMEN~ None The Mayer declared Ordinance Nc~ 2433 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE Nee 2436; Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance No, 2434 for adoption~ Refer ~; Ordinance AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF' ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ~AHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RE~T'ING TO ZONING (66-67-61 (3) C-R)~ 104,55 Anaha~_m~ California Roll Call 'Vote ~ AYES ~ CC UNCi [,MEN; NO E S ~ CO UNC [ LME N ~ ABSENT~ COUNC I LMEN ,, COUN(IL MINUTES - October 31~ 1967~ 1'130 P.M__~. Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and iPebley NC!D e No n e The Mayor declared Ordinance Ne, 2438. duly passed and adopted~ ORDINANCE NO. 2~35x Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No= 2435 for adoption~ Refer to Ordinance Be-aka AN ORDINANCE' OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNI- CI'PAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING, ( 67-.68 12, R-l, R-A, and R~E). Roll Call ~?ote~ AYES CO UNCI LMEN~ NOES ~ CO UNCI LMEN ~ ABSENT~- CO UNCILMEN~ Dutton, Rrein, Schutte, Chandler and :Pebley None None The May~,r declared Ordinance No~ 2435 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO~ 2.a36~ Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance No. 2A36 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Bc:~.o,k~ AN ORDINANCE C,? THE C~TY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNI- CIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING: (66-67.=.29 - R-2, Portion 2, Parcels 1 and 2). R?ll Call Vote~, AYES: C ] blqC: I LMEN NOES CO UN¢]i LMEN~ ABSENT~ COUNC I LMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte? Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayc, r declared Ordinance Nc,, 2~36 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE NOo 2m37: Co~Jnc:~]man Krein offered Ordinance No; 2437 for first reading- AN ORDINANCE OF THE C.[I'Y OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (66-67~.61 (4) C-R) ORDINANCE NO. 2438~ Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No~ 24:38 for first readin, g~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF' ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4~52, SECTION 4.52.090 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS~ (City-Owned or Operated [acilities.) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE; LLCENSE APPLICATIONS~ The following applications were pre- sented by the City Manager to the City Council for their information: A. Applicati:m for New On-Sale Beer and Wine License submitted by Joe T~ Pharris and Joh~ Wo Emge for Rib Rack #1, 499 South Brookhurst Street, Anaheim~ B~ Application submitted by George Shuma for On-Sale General License at the Bavarian Inn, 2820 West Ball Road, Anaheim. On Motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Dutton, the City Attorney was authorized to file conditional protest with the Alco- holic Beverage Control Board against the foregoing applications, on the basis of inccrrect zoning. MOTION CARRIEDo 10456 C__it~all Ana~alif~rnia - COUNCIL MINUTES .~ Octob~ 31 1967 1~30 PoM. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPiICATIONS~ The following applications were presented by the City Manager to the City' Council f~r their information: A. Application submitted by Clyde K. and Minnie G. Collier, for Person to Person Transfer cf Off~-Sale Beer and Wine License at Stop~N~Go, 1827 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim~ (C-1 z~ne) o B. Applicaticn submitted by Alvin James and Daisy Lee Vincent, for new Off-Sale General License~ at Charterhc~use Gifts and Sundries, 1700-A South Harbor Bculevard~ Anaheim~ (C~R mme Pending). C~ Application sobmitted by R~bert Paul Wertz, Mannings, Inca, fc~ Original On-Sale General License (Bc~na Fide Eating Place)~ at Hansa House, 1840 South Harbo~ B~ulevard~ Anaheim~ (R~A zone, Conditional Use Permit No~ 858)~ D. Application s~bmitted by Paul Takeo Bannai, LeRoy Myron Huisenga, and Garner Wayne King~ for ~rigiaal Cff~$ale General License, at Capp Liquor, at 2161W~ Lincoln Aven~e~ Anaheim~ (C~l zone)~ Re Application submztted by Edmond George Fisher, Jr=, and Charles Edward Timmers~ i~;r Original On. Sale Beer and Wine License (Bona Fide Eating Place)~ at Lincoln Hease, 218 West lincoln Avenue, Anaheim° (C~3 zcne)~ Fo Application submitted by Sam Piccione and Tretha L©uanne Piccione, for Person to Person Transfer cf Off.Sale Beer and Wine License, at Bill's Market, 910 S~uth Harbor Bculevard, Anabeim~ (C-I zone)° No Council action was taken ~n the foregoing applications. PROPOSED SIGHTSEEING TO't~$~ Application before the Public Utilities Commission, submitted by Orange Coast Sightseeing Company, for permission to operate sightseeing service fromm Anaheim-Buena Park areas to Universal City Studios, Universal City~ a~d the NBC Studios, in Burbank~ was received by the City Council at their meeting held October 24~ 1967~ As a result cf supplementary communication received from Orange Coast Sightseeing Company~ Oct~ber 25~ 1967~ ~equesting endorsement of the proposed se~vice~ it was m~ved by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Scbotte~ that a ]~tte~ be forwarded to the California Public Utilities Com- missi:~ ~m sopp~.r~ ~ t~e pr.~p~>sed service as being highly' desirable in the City ~f Anahe~m~ ~ b~i~g ~nd~r~t <.d that the City of Anaheim does not purport tc s~pp,~rt any particular indi,,Jd.~si ,,r cc. mpanv~ MOTff)N CARRIED° ARCHITECFURAI. SER~;L(ES t ~N~:ENT':,:~N (~NTER; Mr Murdcch bri~:~ed certain additions and modifications at th~. C:'nv~rti ~ (;e~ter, prop~'.sed for more efficient opera~ ticp, advising t'?.at the arc?~tect~ra] firm which designed the Center had offered t,_ make, exp]ratcrv' ::r f=asibriit', drawings tc establish the scope c:f the work inv:lved, at the r:~::~ma] f~ of tw' arid ~:ne-ha]f times the drafting costs. Op~ the rec.-mmepdeti.as ,:f the City' Manager~ Councilman Schutte moved that Adrian Wiis - As_-¢iat~s be a,~rh;ri:ed tc design preposed modifications tc the £,:nventicn Cer~re.r, fo'es t, be at two and one-half times the drafting ccsts, amd furth~r m.;.:t~d that tror~sfer ,':>f fdnds in a~ amount not to exceed 610,000.00 b~ a,~th.~rized from ~he Il, ~mcil ({:ntimge~c.? Acco~nt to pay for said feet° £.:uncilman ,.handier ~eco~d~.d the m~ti:>no MOTION CARRIED° ANAHE. IM STADf0M - A[;TOMAT[~ CANI[[N~._,~:Z~CmE_j2'~tj()N STANDS; The City Coancil, at their meeting held J~r~arv 18, 1966, a~th:rized the (itF Attorney to prepare necessar? df. cdmepts t~ acc:tmp[£s? t~e prop<sal .zf the A:~tomatic Canteen Company to install permanent type concession sram. ds ~or an additional $135,000.00, to~ gether with an arrssg~_,ment f r t.Lf pavmen, t thereat b? the City' cf Anaheim and tk:e California ^ngalc. On the rec~mmendations ~:.~ the CiCv Attorney', it was moved by Councilman Du'tton, seconded by Ccon¢~.Imsn Krein, Chat the City Manager be authorized to sign a letter cf agreeme,t:~ dated Jane i1~ 1966, signed by the President of the Golden West Baseball Company, in order tc complete the projecto MOTION CARRIED° 10457 ~_Anahei_ m~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 31~ 19__~67 1~30 P.Mo REPORT - ANAHEIM CITY PARKS~ OVERNIGHT STAYS~ Concerning the Council's request that the City Attorney's office review appropriate sections of the Anaheim Municipal Code relative to uses and overnight stays in Anaheim City Parks, Mr. Geisler reported that existing regulations prohibit anyone from being on park pro. petty after i0~0 P.M., and are adequate for enforcement to pre~, vent e'vernigbt staFs. COMMENDATICNS ANAHEIM ['iRE DEPARTMENT~ At the s~ggestia'n of Councilman Schutte, it was ~be ccmsensus c~ ~:?omcil .~'pinion that Paul Lewandowski be honored at the Annual Employees Award Dinner, f~r bis recent action in saving the life c'~f a fe]i w fir~ma~ ANAHEIM CONVENTION t~NTER Discussier~ was held relative to ~ames of Orange County Cities ha,.ipg been a~sign~d to x:aric~,~s banquet and meeting rooms at the Con- ventien (e~te.r~ and ('.au.ncilman Chandler ~as ,?f the opinion that these names should be- changed =s thee gi~,e th~ impressio~ that other cities had parti.- cipated in the c:nstr~cci:'n .7 f th~ facilitv~ Oe:~eilman Krei~ left the meeting 5~4'5 P.M. Ci?NDITICNAL USE PERMIT NO. 96~ With reference tc public hearing held earlier in the meetir~g~ ~Page 10~t8), for permission t~> establish a day school in c~?njunctico with a c'aarch, Comcilman Chandler advised that the authorized agemt, Mrs~ Ann Madis~:p~ wished tc request permission for reconsideration ,m the b~i~ f . ~ ve~r~ as granted b? the Planning Co--isaiah.n, or until the end cf tt~e c~rr.:.r~t s<:b ~t] yearo /~.t th= cc, 2clos~ .~ c,f brief discussion by the Council and the City Att~:rney, C~ mcilman Cbar~dler moved that actic~n on the temporary interim permit tr' c ~r~d~ct the' sc'b:~:~:~l be stayed, and that permissiom to apply for re.- bearing ~ p C ~diti ~al U e Permit No~ 963 before the City Council be granted, subject t," the immedi~t~ p~yme.st ~:~f~ required fees~ Councilman Schutte seconded the moti,'_n, M~ni 'N C~.RRIED_. ANAHEIM LIBRARY BOARD APP(INTMENT' On the recommendations of Mayor Pebley, Councilman Schutte m,:.'ed that 61enn Po Fry be app,~.inted Trustee of the Anaheim Li'br~r,.. Bi ard to fill .~f'~ une-xpired term of his father, Glenn G. Fry, ending J,,~e ~0, i9~0 Cctmcilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION <TARRI ED :.L>iNT WORK SE¥SI(,N CI%Y PLANNZNG COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL~o Discussion was held relativ~ tc pr::p~sed work session wi~h the City Planning Commission, and it. was determined that a dinner meeting be scheduled in the Stadium Con- foresee Rc~m, .:,n Tnesda~ e~,ening, November 7, ]967; the City' Manager to con- firm the reservatir~n and t~ notify the City Council, the Planning Commission, and the Press. nE PH.OENIX ~, TOUR 9E ANAHEIM~ Councilman Chandler moved that the City Council approve expenditnre 'f $35.00 each f~:~r these members of the Council who wo~ld be able t~:~ attend the activities scheduled for November 17, 1967, during the tour of Anaheim by ~:f:ficials from Phoenix, Arizona. Councilman Dutton seconded the moti~:n~ ~TION CARRIED, ADJOURNMENT; Councilman Schutte moved to adjcurno Ccunci]man Dutton seconded the motio~ ~i)I'!CN (ARR~E'D~ ADJOURNED. 6~15 P.M. £ity Clerk