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10403 ~j~~ California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES- Octo______be__r 3, 1967, 1~30 AYES~' COUNCiLMEN~ NOES~ COUNCI LMEN~ ABSENT COUNCI LME N~ Duttcn, Krein, Chandler and Pebley None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 67R-565 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT~ Councilman Kr~in moved to adjourn. Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED° ADJOURNFD~ ~ a0 P.M. SICNED~ ~ ¢~ C~erk -- ' The City C<;u~cil ,:of: the £ity ~¢f Anaheim met in regular session. PRE S E NT .~ ABSENT ~ PRESENT ~ COI~CILMEN.. Dutt~.n, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley 03 UNCI LMEN N~:ne ASSIS?ANT CITY MANAGER~ Re. bert Davis CITY ATT[JRNEY J.~seph Geisler ([TY (JERK, Done M. Williams DtPOT? CITY Ci~Rg:, Alone M. Farrens Ct~TY ENGINEER: Jame:s P. Maddo~x ASSISTANT DE'VE[.~P~'.NT SERVICES DIRECTOR:~ Robert Mickelson 20N1NG S,JFERV[SOR: R,,nald Thompsen PERS~)NNEi DIREC~R'; Roy Heissner (?ON~E'NTION CENTER AND STADI.~ DIREC~R~ Tom Liegler May~:~:r Pebley called the meeting to order. INVOCATION; Reverend Richard Le Gros, First Christian Church, gave the Invocati~n~ FLAG SALUTE; Councilman Dutton led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance, to the Flago SALUTE TO ANAHEIM CiTY GOVERNMENT; Mro Bud Coulson, local Chairman of Salute to City and County Government Week, submitted and read Res~luti~:m ~,f. the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, ,~rging participati{¢n in a "Salute to Anaheim City Government." Said Reso, luti~_n was presented to Mayor Pebleyo On behalf e~ the City Council, Mayor Pebley thanked Mr~ Coulson f~:~r his contributi,>n as local Chairman, and extended apprecia~ tion to the Chamber of: Commerce for the foregoing Resolution. REPORT LIFETIME SPORTS PROGRAM GOLF TOURNAMENT: Mr. Lewis Herbst, President of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, reported on the two-day Championship Golf Tournament being sponsored by the Recreation Committee, scheduled to be held at the Anaheim Golf Course, October 14 and 15, advising that regis~ tration indicated the event would be a success. RESOLUTION~ Councilman Krein ~:f[ered ~or adoption a resolution entitled as follows~ 10~ O~ ~D~ Galif~>rnia COUNCIL MINUTES - Oct,~:fber 10 1967 1~30 P.M. A RESOLUTI~>N O~ THF (.ITY £OUNCIL OF THE C1TY O~ ANAHEIM ENDORSING THE SIXTH ANNUAL ECONOMIC, DIT, VE'IX;PMENT CONFERENCE IN ORANGE COUNTY~ Roll C~ll vt'to: AYES - [O UNCI LMt Nt NOES t CoUNC I LMEN ~ ABS ENTt CO bnNCI LMEN ~ Dutt::,n, Krein, Schutte, Chandl. er and Pebley. N,>ne Nome May::r Pebley declored th~ f~ regoing res~ lutien duly passed and ~dopted~ MINUTE C~:RR~CTICN - JULY j~_19~_~.'= On motf~n by' C~;uncilman Chandler, se:conded by G~,~ncilman Schatt~, the City Cl~rk was instructed t~ amend Minutes of the City C~tincii me,ting h~ld July ~, i9~.7, pc,training t~, Res:~lution No,. 67R.?{75, page i02z3, tc r.~d a~ f i I~,w= '?n r~D'rt and r~c~,mmendati n ..t~ the City Att.,~r'ney, Councilman Duttcm ~f~e:red Re.~,loticn Nc~ 67R~..~>5 t~r ademption, adding certain classi= ficat~ons t,. t~,>se in¢loded in the memorandum of understanding between the Citf :~f Anaheim ~nd the Service and Maintenance Employees Union, Local 399, purs~nt t[-~ Re-_cl,oti~n N~:~, 66R.r~8, ad~,,pted b~ the Anaheim City Council March 29, i966" M..T[,3N CARRILD. MINUTES; Appr,:v.=l : f' th~, mio,,tes ,f the Anaheim Cit.?' C..:a. ncil Meetings held on Septembe:r 26~ i9~2, ~nd Octc,be~ *., 1967, w~s deferred to the next meeting. WAIVER OF READ1NG .. ~;RDINANCES AND RE $OI UTi :.;NS ; Cc0uncilman Dutt©n moved to waive the reading in [ol.l . ~ ~ll .z, rd~nanct, s and resc, lutic, ns, and that consent t,.o, the wai,~,er, f ~ading is hereby given by ~1i Councilmen, unless after reading ,f the. title, Sp~tit. li' re:qoest is made by a Councilman for the reading of such <rdin~nce r res. ] :ti, n C, oncliman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION UNA1Vi MC USLY CARRIED, REPORT · [INANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY~ E:inancial Demands against the City in the amc,unt ~f $91~8,8.V~,9t, in ~ccordance with the 1967~68 Budget, were appr- redo PUBLIC H~&RiNG RE£I._AS~I~icA. TION NOS<. 67~68~19 and 67-68~20 (Tentative Tract No. 6~51)_L S~bmitted by F. sther May Penhall, concerning property located east :f E;ucli. d Street, west <f Arden Street, and west of the terminus of Alv'y ~,nd Amb~,,y St:reets~ RECiASSI~ICATION NO, 67-68=,19; Requesting change of zoning from R-A, Agri- c~lt'qral zone, t,~. R 2, Multiple Family Residential zone. REClaSSIFICATION NO. 67.~68:20~ Requesting change of zoning from R-2, Multiple Family Residential z~.,ne, t~ R~' 5000, ~,,ne-..family Residential zone. The Cit. y Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. PC67.=209, recommended apprc, val c~f Reclassification No. 67=68.=19, subject to the follow lng 1~ That ~ Final Tract Map of subject property be approved by the City C<mo¢ii and rec,~rded tn the ~sff!ice of: the Orange County Recorder, or a C¢nd~tic.nal Use Permit be filed for the development of a planned resident$al development. iPursuant to Resc, l~ti ..n No. PC67-zlO, the City Planning Commission rec.~.'~mmended appr.,,val of Reclassificatzon No. 67~.68.-.20, subject to the follow= lng conditi~.:n~. 1. That a Final Tract Map of subject property be approved by the City C~n~il and recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. 104.05 Cit Hall Anaheim Californ_ia__2_~ C~_OUNCIL MINUTE_S_L Octo_b_erl0z~196~ 1~30 P.M. Zoning Supervisor, Ronald Thompson, noted the location of subject property, and the existing uses and zoning in the immediate area, summary, izing the evidence submitted to and considered by the City iPlanning Commis=~ sion° He briefed findings of the Planning Commission and reported that the second application was a request for an acceptable alternative to the R-2 zone~ that the size and shape of subject property would render the land difficult to develop f~r any type of multiple-family subdivision. Mayor Pebley asked if the applicant or her agent had evidence to present~ Mr~ Cal Q~eyrel, Engineer, representing the petitioner, stated that the evidence was on record and he would be happy to answer any q~es- tions of the Co~ncii~ The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the City Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. At the conclusion of the brief discussion that followed, verbal request of Mr. Queyrel for permission tc withdraw application for Reclas$i~ ficatien No. 67.~68~19 was granted, on motion by Councilman Dutten, seconded by Councilman Krein. MOTION CARRIED° RESOLUTION NO. 67R~566~ Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 67R~566 for adoption, authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone from R~A, to R~Z 5000, subject to condition recommended by the City Planning Ccmmission. Refer to Resoluti3n Bcok~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~INDING AND DETER~ MINING THAT T1TLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAt THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED~ (67~68~.20 R~2 5000) Roll Catl 'vote~ AYES; COUNCILMEN~ NOES ~ COUNCILMEN; ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley. None None Mayor Peb].ey declared Resolution No. 67R-566 duly passed and adopted. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 6451~ Developer ~ JoWo McMichael Company; tract located on property described in Reclassification No. 67~68~20, and con- tained 19 proposed R~2 5,000 zoned lots, (continued from the meeting of September 26, 1967, to be considered in conjunction with said Reclassifi~ cation). The City Planning Commission, at their meeting on September 13, 1967, approved said Tentative Map, subject to the following conditions~ 1o That should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. 2. That the approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 6451 is granted subject to the approval of Reclassification No. 67,-68=20. 3. That Lot "A" be excluded from the blue border of the Final Tract Map. a. That the cul-de-sac radius be decreased to 47 feet to provide a uniform parkway width. 5. That a 6-foot masonry wall be constructed along the westerly tract boundary, but not within the street right-of-way. 10406 ~_~A~ California = COUNCIl, MINUTES October 1~02 1967~ i130 P.M. On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton, Tentative Map of Tract 6451 was approved, subject to the recommendations the City Planning Commissi~)n. MOTION CARRIED° PUBLIC HEARING - RECi~$SIFiCATICN NO. 67,68-2~ Initiated by the City Planning Commission, requesting a change of zone from R-A to R-I~ property described as on the east and west sides of Cherry Way, south cf Romneya Drive. The City Planning Commissi~m, pursuant to Resolution No. PC67~-211, recommended unconditional approval ~f said Reclassification. Mr. I'h~mp~c, r~:pcrt~:~d that the Planning Commissi~n initiated the application im ord=r t:~ appl~ the m~,st appropriate zoning on sub~ect property, whick w?uld giTe the ~wner~ m:~re iiexibility fc~r use c,f their properties. The Ma?>r asked if anTone wished to addres~ the City Council, for or against ~ubject applicatirn, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. RESOL!JTION NJ. 67R :,~i'~ t;_,zncilman Chandle~ ct. fared Re.s~:lution No. 67R-567 for ad._~ption, auth:~rizing prepare~ti3n of necessary :rdinance changing the zone: ~ ~ec~:~mmend~d ov the Piano. lng C?mmis~ien. Refer A P~$diiJTE~N ?F ?'HE :.iTY CJCNCIi ~ THE JITY 0~' ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TiTLF. 18 [)f~ THfl ANAH!iIM MbNICiPAL LODE RF~TING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT B,[>t)NDARii~ ..f tF. RTAiN £ON'E~ SH(ULD BF CHANGED° (67~68 22 , R,~I) ABSENT~ i ~'.~NC,.iiMkN~ Dutt,t~p~, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley N,~ne Tbt: M~'~':r de~:ia~=d Res,:i~ti:n N~. 6TRail67 duly passed and adopted. RECLA831~ ~t. ATi©N N<io ~;' '68'i)~.~_ND~kTi'~,NAL_USE PERMIT NO. 962~ VARIANCF NO. 1911 ,~fT, NT~AT_7!'V_~_~FKACT.__.__ N{i~ 6,,59)~ Submitt~d by Earl Dahlman and Clarke Wingert, request~ lng c. hange~ c>~ z'r'.c fr{~m RAt ~ R ?, and permission te establish a 204~unit apartmtmt ~}mpia×, with wai',e~r5 ~ minimum distance between buildings, maxi~ mum dwelling u~it ai~tance fr.'m ~ standard street and carp~.rt iecatic~n on P~>rt-i~n N~. l, end r+~que~ing perml.s~ic:n t4:. establish a i6~-l~>t R~3 subdivision with wai-~'ers ~. minim:~m side yard ~etback and required masonry wall on Portion N}o 2~ ?r~partp bri~?fl¥ des~.~ribed ss l:~cated at the. northeast corner of Linco>in A~zenue arid Sunkist P4blic H~?.sring w=~s i~{-id by the OiLy Council at their meeting of Sept~m'ber 26~ 1967, at which time the hearing was closed and decision de,~ .fer~ed t/., th£.s date. The City Planning C~mmi~ssi~}n recommended denim of subject reclassify, ficatiTn, and denied said C:nditi~,nai Use Permit and Variance, as well as Tentati,-~, Tract No. 6,159. Discussi~Tn was held by' the City Council, and Councilman Krein advised that he would n~t faPc,.r pl~ing an R-3 deyelopment in an area surrounded by established single-family he, mas. RESOL{JT1ON: Cc. umciiman Kr~.in 3flared a Res~luticn uphc~lding the action taken by the fity Planning C~mmis~i~n, disappr:?ving Reclassification No. 67~68-17, and d~m}-ing {_c, nditi~mal Use Permit Nc, 962 and Variance Ne. 1911. Pric~ t{ c~sting their ~ctes, the ~c.'llowing statements were made by the Ctty ('~?:uncil. 2 C?upciima~ S(hl~tte advised that his investigation confirmed the Petiti~'mers pr~vi u~ ~tatement t~a[ lenders were not interested in an R~i dc-vel,-pm~nt ?f -~,'!~j~:t pr:p~rty. 10407 Cit" Ha. li An'ahe:iml_~t_'jt'ali~23r_.~'2~i~_~__CjOUN. ~L~MINO'TES_=- G'ct:;ber 10, i9~', 1~30 P.M. C<;nciimar~ Char, diet ~t~ted that e~.:'en though a number cf pr~tests were filed, ta~ir~g itt ~ c:~n~;id'~'rati,7~ th~ impact of the new Free,way ~n th~ area, and the fact that Sunkist 'Street will ~itimately .zxtend through tc the aouth City Limit~, that the pr-pert5 in question is b~cnded by the new Freeway ,'.~n [w~ ~ides, gnd by 5;~nkist Street <.p the third, he ~aw nc~. particu- iar impact ~r:..:,thor p~:p,~rriea- in th~ area if subject applicati::ns were ap p[evad. (J ;mciim~r, Da[t r c~li~:d atte.nt~on tc references made to the General ~ian b3 cpp~nc~r~t~ ~f ;~7~bj~ t applicfitic~n~, noting that when the Plan was adopted t~ ~rang~~ ?r~-~,~ wa~ n~t ~ ~alit), h-.weT,r, the ~mpact -~f the Free,way ~n ~.3.bject ar~ wa~ :~.w ?c,' miqg ,oppar~,n[, He was of the gpir~ion that the pr?po~ed (-' ~nc'tima.:: :~h~v ~?.~t,-;d ?.~ wa.s in fav':,r ~:.:f the: muitipie famii: reside-nt:zai d~::~-,,_:~pmer:~ ~I .,ng the ?f:i7.~ramp ~;i the i~raeway, but eapresaed ~.:.~ UN'i.iiM~iN: ~r~,in <_ ;~TNt:i;',M&N- D,itt ~, Sch'..ztte, Chandler and Pebiey failed t,: carry. 1 That str~,:~t impr ;v~_mer, t plans shall be prepared and ai. 1 en giz;~rir~g r~q,~ir~-m~'t-, ::t ti',~- C.ity ~t' Anaheim along Sunkist Stree. t (f,?r pa'~.ing, draicag:4 ti-,<il~ti.~s, .-r :ruer ~.ppurtenant work sh~ll be complat_ed a~ r=qulr&d b~ t'~,= (;zt~' [:nain.:¢r and zn accordance with standard plans and .peciti,.:~ti t:-. tile i,:, [kc, , f:fice ,=:[ the City Engineer~ and that a bc::nd ~..r~ ~n xm'u,z;t: and f;tm ~:.o[~s:Ta~ t_':ry [.t trio City .:if Anaheim shall be post:ed wi. th tht :J~t.v t ', gs,~ron~' the tnsto~i~a, ti.;,n :~f said engineering requirements. (. 'Ih~t th~- zwna~ ~ f es~sbjett pr. perty shall pay to the City Anaheim l'n~ .~';m : t 5200 p~.l f'Iont ~_<'t al. cng Sunkist Street (f:3r Portion I), f:*r ~tz~.~.t 1. ighr~ng pu~p'~-~, ,~r is~t&]l street iights in accordance to plans pr~Tar-d bv tn~ Fl~ctrzc.~i 3. That th~ ..wv=-rs cf ,5~ubject property shall pay te the City Anaheim the sum ;f iJC per f~ont feet along Sunkist Street (for Portic;n 1), d. That t:r.a'~b st.':rage areas shall be provided in accordance with appr'v'ed plan: n f'zlt: w~th th~ -ffice: q~i the Director of Public Works. ~.. That fir~ hydrants shall be installed as reqaired and determined t ' be De~:o~y by thl (bio:' ' f [be Fir~ Department (fz~r Portion 1.) r4. That ~:-.f ,t m,~:; ~ry w~ll shall be c.~nstructed ai?ng the easterly and ~-,uttheriv pr,:t:,vrt) ". Ihat any ~ir c~..ditit:oing facilities proposed shall be properly shi~ided fr ~m view. 8~ That the ;:wn~ r: , t :~ub]ect pr:',perty shall paF to the City A~aheim the s,:m ~:f 52,.00 p,z d'welii.ug unit, to, be used for park and recrea~. ti:,n p~rpc, ses, said am:.m~t c,-- be paid at the time the building permit is i s sued. 9~ That ~ 'Ff~al Tract Map ~'f subject property be approved by the Cit2 Cc'unc~l and xec:[rded iD the ~ffice ~',f the Orange County Recorder (for f::,r tion 2). 10. Th~ appr<val :'.f the alignment ~:>f the southerly and easterly pr;,perty lines shall be e;ppr ~v¢...d by the State Division of Highways, prier to issua~c~, ~7,~ c~ building permit. 1'i~ That (..:r:d~tim Nc~. 1., 2, and ~'~., ab<Tve menti~med, shal. 1 be com.- piled with wzt~ir', a 'pe'rt:,d ::[ i80 days fr;,m the date beret f, .~r such further time as the- [Tit~w C~;.,Dtii m~:4 granto il: That ( .nditi~;n N,s. ~i, 5, 6 and 7, abc. ye mentioned, shall be c,.~mplied wztn pri~r t' :i~;ai building and z. ning inspections. 1O4O8 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - October 107 1967~ 1~30 P.M. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED° (Reclassification 67-68~17 - R~3). Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN: Krein ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution Noo 67R-568 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 67R-569~ Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 67R-569 for adoption, granting C~nditienal Use Permit No. 962, subject to the following ccnditiens~ 1. That this Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the com~ pleticn of Reclassification No. 67~-68-17. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accord,~ anco with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Refer to Re.solution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 962. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN~ Krein ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution Noo 67R~569 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NC,. 67R-570: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 67R~570 for adoption, granting Variance No. 1911, subject to the following conditions: 1~ That this Variance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No~ 67~68-17. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NOo 1911. Roll [:all ~ote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES~ COUNCILMEN: Krein ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No.67R-570 duly passed and adopted. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 6459: Developer - Fredricks Development Corporation; Tract located on property described in Reclassification No. 67~68-17, and contains 16 proposed zoned R-3 lots. The City Planning Commission, at their meeting held August 28, 1967, denied said Tentative Map on basis that reclassification of subject property was also reconunended for denial. 10409 ~1 Anaheim Califo~rnia COUNCIL MINUTES - October__i__0~_l~96~z_~ ~{0 P_____~.M_~ Cc~uncilman Duttc:n moved that Tentative Map Tract No. 6459 be approved, subject to. the f>~llowing c<~.nditi~ns~ 1o That sh,~>uld this subdiv~ision be developed as more tha?~ ~,ne subdivisic~n, each s~bdivision there~o,:fl shall be submitted in tentative ~.rm for approval ~ 2~ That the. appr~:.~val , f Tentative Map ~,:f Tract Nc. 6459 .is granted subject to the appr:~v'al ~..f Reclassificati~_~n No, 67.~68~17 and Variance No. [911. ~. Thst Str~.t "A" snail be rec..:rded as Ward Terrace. e. a. That tb~ ~.ehicgl~r acce~ss rights, e'xcept at street ~.nd/3;r alley .>pe~ng~, t :~ S~3nkist Stre~t shall be de:dicated ts the City ~[ Anaheim. J. That th.~ ~lignment ..f the easterly tract bc~ndary ~ball be 6~ That ~ll , ~ Ward Terr~c'e~ shall be sbown ~n the final tract map within the bl~:e b,,.rder. i ,~ncilman Chandler se¢c. nded the moti,.n. To this motion, C~.uncil~ man Krein ~ted "N~" M£TION CARRIED° SIGN REgUEST 900 SO~TH HARBOR BOULEVARD~ Application for sign permit submitted by L,~ng Beach Ne~'n Adve~tiszng, Inc., cn behalf ~f Texaco Service Station at the s~utheast ¢~..rne~ ~ f Harbor Bc,~ulev~rd and Vermont Avenue, was reviewed by the Citv C uncil, t gethe~r with r~port ir~m the Zoning and Building Divi~ si~>ns, r~c~mm~nding that the Texaco Oil C~'rp©ration submit a written agree~ ment, appr~>~d by th~ City Attorney, guaranteeing relocation ,of subject sign at their expens= within the ultimate property line, if and when full d~dica= ti~>n and str~et impr..'~,~tments are made for this portion of Harbor Boulevard. At the t nci~>i~n ~=;f brief discussion by the City Council, Council~ man Chandler m~,¥'ed that C~,,uncil action on the f~regoing request be continued two weeks, t r iurther ~_tudy and report by the Development Services Depart- ment regarding the exe'c:sti~-n ~,f an agreement and Irrevocable Of:fe, r of Dedica~ tion c~f ultimate right~ ~,,f,-'waf and r¢sp,',nsibil, ity f~or relocati~',,n of sign. Councilman 8theatre' seconded the moti:~,n. MOTION CARRIED° ANAH~iIM STADIUM RENTAL iFERi R~(~UEST ~OR ADJUSTMENT~ Mr. Don. aid L. D~>uglas, ]2~0 S~uth i&'n~'iid Avenue, addressed the Council, relating point by point his re.~mme~dati~ns s~bmitt~'d f~.r the development ~.~f an adjusted rate schedule f.~.~r the ~se. ~_..f Anaheim Stadium by the Anaheim Union High Sch~>ol Distric~t, dated Sept~mber 28, 1967. He n~ted signatures of endorsement by va~i,~,us pers~ns c~nnected with sc.h~l activities and submitted an addendum thereto, containing additi~nal signatures of persons from other vocations. Mr. D©~glas advised that it was the intent of the proposal to make tempc:rmry recc~mmendations to solve a community problem, rather than t~ criticize administrative polio?. Discussic~n was held by the City' Council, and Councilman Krein noted that the mmtter ~d been previously tabled, pending recommendation from the City Manager~ Attenti~n w~s calle:d t.c the fact that the subject under c~nsidera,= tion was one that h~d received a considerable amount of diligent research by experts, during the past few years. Mr~ R. Ken ~Wines, 1418 Janeen Way, Assistant Superintendent of the Anaheim Union High School District, addressed the City Council, advis~ lng thmt the District Bc~ard of/ Trustees was interested in using the Stadium, if circumstances warranted, however, this current proposal had not been officially brought before the Board. He was of the opinion that the matter sh~uld remain in. the hands of the City Manager at the present time. 10410 Cit HailAnaheim Califcrni~ .~ COUNCIL MINUTES ~ Octc. ber 10 1967 1:.' 30 P.M. At th~_ conclusion ef the disc~ssim, Councilman Krein moved that final determinatio~n ~';~n the pr~p~sal be defe..rred, pending report by the City Manager. C~uncilman Schotte se¢~:,nded the moti,>n. MOTION CARRIED.~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. 65-.66 62 EXTfNSION O~ TIME~ Mr. Robert Mickelson reported that requests had bee~ received fr~m pr.~pErt~' owners for permission tc proceed with z~>ning requiremEnt~ ~ndiv~dually, and for extension of time to City Planning Ccmmis~ion=initiated REclassification No. 65=66~62, (briefly des~ cribed as bt~unded by Harb,~r B~7,~levard, Helena Street, Broadway and Santa Ana Street~ On mott~:=,.o bo (ounciiman D~tt,m, sec.::nded by Cou.ncilman Schutte, .~ix m?nths ~t~n-zi, n ~ ~ tim~, ~nd permissi~,n t~ rez~'~ne individu~!ally, was grant~d~ C ~;~cilm~p Krein obst~ined [r~,m v'5.ting .,n said motion. M<~TION CARR] ~D FINAL MAP TRACT NO. 6,412~ De ~[,per $~ddleback S~'..uth, 'lnc~ tract l~-~;cated on the s;uth side ' f S:..~th Street 510 t~t't east of State Cc:liege Boulevard, and con-- ~ains 2q prT~;p sod R I 1 t~-,(Re~-la~sificati~.,n No. 66.67~71). The Czt~ Engineer rEp~rt~d said Final Map conforms substantially with the Tentative Map pr.e:vi,;~sl? app~oved; that Bond has been posted and apprc;ve~d, and re:quire:d [e~.s paid, and he recommended approval thereof. c~n. th~ rec.~mme-ndatt.~ns ,:t the City InginEer, Councilman Dutton moved that ~'inal Map Tract N- , 6&12 be appr..3t, ed. C,mncilman Krein seconded the moti~-,n. M~T[ON £'ARRI~D~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. 66~'6P'~'~9~ C~mm'~n~cat. i~->n dated October 2, 196'7, was s~bmitted fr~.m Mrs. Bertha Th~>~m~s, ro. quebting perm£ssi~n to proceed with R-2 z~;ning ,'2n Parcel 4 ~,t P~.rtic~n 1, as described in Reclassification No. 66,~.67~.29,(12~8 So~th Western AvEnue). Z~.~,ning S~p~.r~is~z, R;nald Th~,mpst*,,n, reported that he could see nc ~,,bj~c ti ','n tt~ indi~id~al reci.~ificati~;n of subject pr~;perty. On m;,tim by (,~.t~ncilman ~chutte, seconded by Councilman KrEin, the f,2reg~;ing re, q~e~t was granted. MOTION CARRIED° R~CESS~ C~;uncilman Dutb_n m~v~d f,,;r a 12~ minute rec. Ess. Councilman Chandler sec,~mded the monition. M,~,T!ON CARRIED. (2~5 P.M.). AFTER RECESS~ Mayor PEblei~ called the meeting to order, all members of the City Council being prEsent~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS~ Actions taken by the City Planning Commission, at their meeting held September 25, 1967, pertaining te the following appli~ caticns were submitted for City Council inf~>rmation and consideration~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95~ Submitted by JosEph and Ann Silver, request® ing permission for ~7n:~s~le bEEr in c~njunction with proposed restaurant in an existing sh¢~pping center; property l~pcated on the south side of Ball Road, approximately 520 feet ~st ~*f Knf~tt Street, (~414~::.A West Ball Road). iPursuant to Res¢>lution No. PC67.~.21~, the City Planning Commission granted said permit, subject t~ conditions. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 966~ Submitted by Florence E. Taylor, requesting permission t~ establish a restaurant having an outdoor eating area (patio), with on-sale beer ~nd wine; C-1 zoned property, located at the southwest corner ~ La Palma Avenue and Citron Street~ Granted by the City Planning Commission, subject to conditions, pursuant t~ Resolution No~ PC67-~1~ IOAi1 ~~ 1 An_ahe/im Calif~..rnia ~ COUNCIL: MINUTES ~ October 10 1.96/ 1~30 P.M. VARIANCE NO. 1.911!~ 34bmitted by Classic Devel~.pment Corpv, raticn and Tiara Estates, Inco, requesting permissi m f~'>~r c,mstructi~m of additional dwell,, lng units in an existing m,~ltiple~,famzly c,~mplex, with waivers of the fo. 1~ lowingz (1) M~ximum height limitation within 150 feet of R~i prcpertiesj (2) Minimum ~tquirf~d building setback; (3) Minimum number of parking spaces~ (a) Minimum building separsti~n~ (5) Maximum lot c¢verage~ and (6) Recr~,at~,nal ~rea~: R~ ~ z~ned pr~pertv, located ~n the east side. o~ Euciid Street, ~ppr'~imat_et? Ce0 feet s~uth ~ ~. Kateli.~ Avenue, (n-..rth and south sid~ ~.f Dudl~ ~wenoe), T'~e (7it¢ ['l~n.o~r)g C,,:mm~s~.n, pursuant t: Resc::~ution N, . PC62 21~., granted ~id '~ariance in p~rt, den~ing tw, st,i~ry construction :::n alii [,,ts ~x~.;pt 1 t; r,~m¢,r~ , thr~ .~gh 13 .'n~g f: Tract N>~ 54891 denying wai,~er ~,;t c ,~rage ,.nd ~ppr ,rog ~t~,~.r ~fl parking req'uire~ments7 and granting warx;e~r .:f b~ldir~g _-ep~rati n f r I ts n,ambars I thr~.:ugh l'l ,rely, and grant: lng w~i¢-e:r, f r-q,aired :00 .-q,~are fv¢t dwelling unit recre:ati,n ar=a r~quire, merits, [ .r i, cs n4~m'Uer, t thr'>,~gm i~ ,.nly, =ubject tc cenditi~zns. PRtP©SED A. BAND, NMkNT C;aLMAR STREET~ Th¢ Planning Commissz~m, in c~>njunc~ ti,:m with k;arLa~,c ~ N ~ 1913, re~.~.mm~nded that Calmar Street n:~t be abandonded, ~mles~ th= pz~pert': wn~r~ ~ n~rted ~a~d abandon, ned street fc~r r¢c~eatic~nal. ta~ii~tt_~:., ,i.m~ thc R ~ tract had n.;.ne, and the Petit. i~>ner was prt,p~2sing a~ ~dditt na~ -~ unir~ ~n the area p~;p;-~sed fc,,r abandonment. PARI~.NCE: N ~ [91~: :, ;bmxtt,~d b~' Jame~ A. and Charlotte Kel. 15z, requesting permission t v~p~nd an ~'~i~txng apartment unit with walv~r c.f required minimum set:ba~k; R : z:ned pr~;p,.r'cy, 1,,,cated at. tlc n,~)rthwest c.,~rner' ~f Catalpa Dri.~'e ~nd Dresden Street. Granted by th~ Cit~ Planning Commissic, n, subject to conditions, pursoant t, Res.'l:~ti~ n N: ~ PL~7: 215. VARIANCE NO. i~]5~ Submitted by' Central Baptist Church, requesting per= missi~m tc~ t:~tablish a c~ wered ~utd~-cr eating area for sch~;ol children, with waif/er ,~[/ minimom serb=ok from prc;perty lines; R~A zoned property, i,:catcd ,~.n the wt4t ~xd¢ ~ t Magnolia Avenue, north of Lincoln Avenue, (22'? North Magn,lia Avenue). The Cit.y Planning Commissi. cn, pursuant to Resolution No. PC67,=216, granted said Variance in part, denying waiver of rear yard setbacks, adja,~ cent t~: single-tamily h mos to the west, and approving the use and the requested wat~er ,_:~f sideyard setback along the north property line, sub® ject to c:snditi<~ns. VARIANCE NC.. 1805 : EXTENsiON OF TiME~ The City Planning Commission granted six months' extensi'-n ~ f time, to expire January 6, 1968; Variance previc, usly appr~_wed as a p~rkxng l~,t as a primary use, 'with certain waivers of minimum re~quirements, pr~:~perti+-: 1, cated at the s~,~uthwest and s,::;utheast corners Harbor Bcolcvard and Sapta. Ann Street. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Nt?. 94i REVISED PLANS,: The Planning C~mmission apprc',~ed r~vised devei~ pm¢nt plans t~:~ permit Church ~ffices, a language sch;,?l and limited Ch,~rch ~ervices o,n pr:,perty l~.~cated on the west side -'f Dale Aven.~e, n rth f Linc'in Avenoe, (405 North Dale Avenue). CONDITIONAL USE PEtLMIT N~;.. 949 ~ TERM'iNATION~ Pursuant to Resolution No. PC. 6?~.227, the Planning C~,>mmtssicn terminated all proceedings ~:n Conditional Use Permit Nc. 9~9, ,~n the basis that the ,';ption held by the Petiti';ner c~,n property incl,oded in the petiti;n was ~escinded by the City Cc:~ncil at their me. eting h¢ld A~gu~t z9, 1967. (Anaheim Transportation Center ~ Res¢Iutic. n No. 6~,R- 50:?) ~ E,'reg, lng ac ti,.ns were reviewed by the City Council and n.> further activin taken ,n the ab,,,ve-ndmbered C,mditi~;nal Use Permit and Variance appli~ c ati ~-,.ns. 10412 ~_Anaheim Cal_i~_;:~r_n~i~_£ CO_UNCI~ MINUTFS ,= O_ct:ber__10~t_!196? l~ 30 P.M. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY; The foil;wing claims against the City were denied, as recommended by the City Att~.-,rneg ~nd ~.;rdered referred t~o, the insurance agent on m~ti~:n by G.~,~mcilman Chandler, sec_,nded by Councilman Krein~ Claim submitted by Mrs Car>lc ~.~ley', f.:r injuries and damages purportedly resulting from zmproper maintenance at public facilities, on or about J~ly 21~, 1967, Claim sobmitted by Mr=~ M. Richard=, fc.r damages purpt~rtedly resulting fr',m f~it: w~t~r line' .n 'r ~b t Aug~st 2, 196~. i%1 Ti N ~iaRRIkD. SAIE OF CiTY ,~,:WNED PR(,PERTY RiF~.f RANGE ,~n rep rt ~r,d re¢c~mmendati~-ns of the Cit~ att,~:rn,-y, C_in~lman C'h~ndl~r m,v~d that the Cit~ Attorney be auth:r- izod t ~t~r ii~t~', es, r~w with H.:bb~ Trucking C:mpapy, f r ~ale c.f :73.658 acre par:~l .. r City wried pr~ perry, ~<~r the sum ::.~ 596,900.00 net to the City ~f Anaheim. ~11 exp~s.,es ~ th= ~>~r w, including br~ker~ge ~{=es t<~ be the re= ponsibil~tv ,f H bbs Trocking C mp8~?. C :uncilman Dutton secc, nded the moti~,,n. Mi Ti<,~N CARRI ~D. RESOLUTi:N N, . ~R,iTl~ n the rec,mmendati~>ns :,.f the City Attorney, Council man ChandLer ~,ffer~d Re..~.>Jut~n N . ~?R 51 [or ~dc,,pticm. Rel'r~ t.~ R=5,11atl .g B A RE3, £UTi N (~F' THb. t ITY C,)UN£rL ~ F THE CiTY ~;'F ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT: lNG THE MA%R AND CITY CLFRK T~ EXECL?TE A GRANT DEED ON B~_:HALF G[ THE CITY IN [A~;,R :'F !,'R~ : M H(.BBS, ~T AL~ (R2FkE RANGE). AYE S ~ C, it"NC Il. MAN_ ABSENT'. ~ ,.~!:NLI IM~ D~ztcn, Kr~:in, Schutte, Chandler and Peb/ey Tht Mo'¢ r d~cl~red Res lott n N,,,. 6,'R-571 duly passed and ad~pted. PURCHASE i?~ PROPERT~f I',.~UiS E N~ HL [WALNUT CANYON RESERVOIR DAM~ The Assistant City Manager rep~:rte, d ~"n pr~:'p,'~sed ~cq~isiti4i, n o,.f a ..517 acre parcel c,:f pr-)perty l,t. cat:ed ~dj~tent t, the Walnut Can~c'.n Reservoir Dam, to be utilized for c~,.nven,, lent ingress and egre:>s t~; a By Pass Structure for the City Reservoir. He advised that the wner ~ f t,~, pre'perry has agreed t~, convey said parcel to the City in e×change fz, t c~ncellati:'n :f a $~,015,00 sum :owed t'~> the City for oversizing .~>f et his Jrrigat~-n line 8c~ .tmplished when the City relocated the.. line. &2uncilman Chandler m.,,ved that acquisition ~>f the .517 acre parcel f,:r rc, adwav access p~rposes tc facilities at Walnut Canyon Reservoir Dam be a~th~2~rlged, in exchange f,.r the cancellation of the, $2,015.00 debt owed to the City by the ~w~er ~:'t subject pr, perty, Councilman Krein seconded the mc~ti~;~,. MLiT[(N CARRIED. SALE CF CITY:-oWNED PROPERTY WELL SiTE ~i258~ Mr. Davis reported on offer received from Mrs. Sally B~r, as adjacent property +>wner, to purchase City Well Site ~258, t<:~g~th~r with ~c(.e=s easement, fc,~r $250.00; excess property having been acquired ~,s ~ portt~n ~.f th~ Dyke Water System, and located adjacent to the east property linc Mrs, Bar's property, at the intersection cf Palais and Rhimes Read, in the C~mnty ~ Orange, (e~st ~,f Gilbert Street, north of Cerritos Avenue). RESOLUTION NOn 67R-572~ On the r~c.~mmenaati,~,ns of the Assistant City Manager, C>uncilm8n Chandlvr ~.fterod Res~'.lution N~,~ 67R-57Y for adoption. Refer t,~~ Re=,,~luti~,n B, ok. A RLSOLUT[ON OF THE CITY COUNCIl, ~.~F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CFCRTAIN R~AL PIROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONVEYANCE THEREOF~, (MRS° SALLY BAR'): 10413 ~ll_J_L_A_n__~ahei___~m~_Ca___lif6rnia- COLrNCiL MINUTLS ~-. Octg_ber 10 196'7 1.: '}0 P.M. Roll Call V~>te: AYES:, COUNCI LMEN~ NOES; COUNC I LMEN~ ABSENT: CO'UNC I LMEN; Dutten, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and iPebley None None The Mayer declared Reseluti~n Nc,~ 67R-572 duly passed and adopted. PURCHASE OF E~UIPMENT; The Assistant City Manager reported on the necessary purchase of a riding-type Turf Vac, and advised that the one manufacturer, Turf Vac, has submitted a quotation for said equipment in the amount ~f $3,045.53, including tax° He thereup&n recommended the purchase be authorized at this time,. .m th.¢ r~:cgmmendati~ms ef the Assistant City' Manager, C~,uncilman Chandi~:r m~ved that the bid ~ ~ Turf Vac be: accepted, and purchase a~th~rized in the amount , I S{,0~ 5t, inclading ta~ C~:uncilman D~ttcn seconded the: m~',ti:~n. ML!IIt~N (ARRIFD~ PURCHASE &t ~!~_MENT:. Mr. Davis r~pcrted ~n necessary' purchase of f~ur Handi Talkies, f. r the Police Department, and adeised that Mc. torola Communica- tic.ns had ~bmitted ~ quctatie:n f..r said equipment in the amount of $3,007°83, including acc¢~ries. He thereapon r~:c~mmended that the parchase be autaor:, ized at this tim+. O.o mctt,,n by C uncilman Dutt(m, se:conded by Cc~uncilman Chandler, purchase ,..~ tour Handi Talkies ~,.~r the ?~,lice Department was auth~rized fr,?m M~:~tc.r~la C:~mmonicati,ms, in the amc. unt ~,f $3,007.83. MOTION CARRIED° SAL~ OF E_~UIPMENT~ Mr. Da~s rep~:;rted ~n quotations received f~r purchase nine surplus vehicle~ [r;2m the City o:t Anaheim, and recommended that said ~e, hicles oe s~.ld t:; the highest bidders as follows; DESCR1PTlt~N OF ~EHICLE HIGHEST AMOUNT BiD 19d.._' F,~+rd 1~ t,~n truck with 85 CoF M. Compressor 1941 G,M~.C, 2 t,~ tr,~ck, cab and chassis only 195a Plymc'otb ~ dr, ~ed~n 1951 Dodge ~ t~m pickup 19a9 Chevrolet Carryall 1955 Plymc~ath 2 dro c~upe [956 Plymc~th ~ dr~ sedan 1941 Cheur~;let } ton pickup with special body 1.95:' Plyme, uth 4 dr, sedan $100 00 50 00 65 00 76 51 7'7 70 67 70 67.50 46.57 75.00 Councilman t~rein moved that sale ¢~,f nine surplus vehicles be authoriz:e.d t,, the highest bidder, as recommended by the Assistant Citv Manager. C,~oncilman Dutt~>n sec~;nded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 67R-57~; tm the recommendati, cm ,~[ the City Attorney, Councilman Krein ~:[fered Res~ lutio, n Nc 67R~.573 for ad~>ption. Refer tc~ Re~olution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIi OF THE CITY O'E: ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE ~XECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION TO MOBIL OIL £ORPORBTI,'N FOR CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT° R~.I1 Call xhte AYES COUNC [ LMEN:~ NOES COUNC[LMEN ABSENT C!,'UNC [ LMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mav~ r declared Resoluti~?.n Nc~ fi, TR-573 duly passed and ad,~pted. 10414 City Hall~ Anaheim, C.alifornia : COUNCIL MINUTES -. Oct~ber 10~ 1967, 1~30 P.M. RESOLUTION N!5. o 67R.-57h~ Councilman Krein ,~'ffered Resolution N~o 67R~574 for adap t ion. Refer A RESOLUTI©N OF THF CITY CCUNC1 k OE THE; £[TY O~ ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT DEED CONYEYING TO THE CiTY C.~ ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR EASEMENTS ~OR ROAD AND PUBLI'C UTilITY PURPOSES~ (HELEN AND LAURA PORTER AND MOBIL OIL COMPANY)o Rc:ll Call Vt. ce: AY 'his NJLS 5 ABSENT- £~ iJNC i LMEN C (~ UN C I LMEN, O ,UNC 1' LMEN,I Dotton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley Nsne N<ne The Mayor declared Reso. luti:~,n No, o 67R-574 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO 67R~575 £~.dncilman D'ott:m ,~ffered Resolution N.c.. ~7R~5'75 for adcpt i ~'~,'n. Refer t,::~, Res<~luti:m Bo<,k. A RESOLUTION OE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTlt~N OF A '[liCENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY GRA~T1NG TO THE CITY /% lICENSE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND USE AN ELECTRIC SUPPIY lINE ACROSS OR ALONG THE PREMISES OF SAID RAILWAY COMPANY AT OR NEAR THE STATION OF ATWt,:CD, ORANGE CC, UNTY, CALIFORNIA° AYfiS~ C,( UNCI LMEN N~? E S C0 !.iN C I LMtlN ABSENT; COUNC'i[MEN5 Dutt~.n, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley N~ne None The May. r declare;d Reso, luti~m No. 67R-,575 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC UTILITILS COMMISSION /%PPLICATIONS:; The following correspondence, relative to matters be~,,re the Poblic Utilities C:smmission, was ordered received and flied on mcti.~;n ~..f C~oncilman Dutt~n, seconded by Councilman Kreino' a. Application No. a96a2 - Southern Pacific Company Request suppc~rt ,:~ Skybus, Inc. application public c, nv'enience and necessity. MOTION CARRI ED- CORRESPONDENCE; The following correspondence was ordered received and filed, on motic,.n by Schutte, seconded by Councilman Krein~ a. State C, ntr~:ller regarding Highway Users Tax Fund. b~ City of Anaheim Einancial Rep~rt .- Fiscal Year 1966~67. MOTItiN CARRI ED ~ ORDINANCE NO. 2427; Cc~uncilman Krein c..ffered Ordinance No. 2427 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance AN ORDINANCE OE THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM AP]PROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE. TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS WARNER~LAMBERT ANNEXATION. R~ ll Call Vote,: AYES, (OUNCI LMEN; NOES ~ (OUNC I I.MEN~ A BS LNT: COUNC I LMEN; Duttcn, Krein, Sc'butte, Chandler and Pebley N~,B e N,~ne The. Mayor declared Ordinance N,:. 242'7 duly 'passed and adopted. 10al5 ~_ity Ha~ll~_Ar~aheim Calif:~rnia COUNCIL MINUTES ~ October 10_, 1967, 1~30 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 2428,. to. unci 1. man Dutton of. fered Ordinance N~. 2~.28 for adoption. Refer t~ Ordinance B~c~k. AN ORDINANCE OF THE C [~Y O~ ANAHEIM ~NDING TITLE 14, C~PTER 14.32 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ~ENDING SECTION 14.32.190 ~EREOF, AND BY ADDING THERETO S~CTI(N 1~.~ ~z~2Af~ (NO ]PA~ING PORTIONS O~ ~TELiA AND WAGNER A~VENUES). R Ii Cali ~ t~~ AYLS COUNCILMEN Dutt~n, Krei~, Schutte, Chandler and Pebl¢? N,.~S~ CJUN(:I[MEN N~ne ~BSENT~ C LN~]I[MEN~ The Ma0 r d~lar~d Ordinance No , 24~8 duly passed and ad~pted. ORDINANC~ NO. ~29 C ~ncilm~n S~h~tt.e . ~fored Ordinance No~ 2429 for adept:i,.~n. Re}e:r t~ ~ rdinance AN ORDINANCE ~?~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~E~I. NG TITLE 1.4, C~PTER 14.40, SECTION 16ohO~OS00~ THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAl CODE, RE~TING ~ SPEED LIMITSo AYES~ C~UN¢ILMEN< Duttcn, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES CO UNL1 ~EN ~ N~?ne ABSENT (~,UN( [ L~N: N~ne Th~ May~r de(lared Ordinance Ne. 24.29 duly passed and adopted. O~INANCE NO. Z~O Q:~nc i lman Dattc~n o:fi:ered Ordinance No. 2430 for adoption.. Rel~r t~ Ordinance AN ORDIN~CE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ENDING TITLE 18 OF THE AN~EIM MUNICIPAl CODE RELATING m ZONING o (66-67=61 (2) Roil Call AYES COUN£ I LMEN~ NOES: £OUN(]tliME. N., aBSENT~ CO UNC.I LMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None N~ne The May~!,r declared Ordinance No. 2430 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE Naa 2~1: C~uncilman Krein ~ffered Ordinance No. 24.31 for first reading~ AN ~)RD1NANCE OF THE (ITY '._'E ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OE THE ANAHEIM MUN16[PAL CODE R~[ATIN(; TO ZON1NG~ (66~67.~15 - C~]). ORDINANCE Naa 24~2~ C~uncilman Chandler offered Ordinance Naa 2432 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (66=67~71. .- R-l) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS; The following Alcoholic Beverage License Applications were presented by' the Assistant City Manager to the City C~uncil, f~r their infJrmation~ Applicati~m submitted by Salvador Garcia and Serrando G~n~ales for eff~sal, e beer and wine license at 108 North Oli~e Street, (C~2 zone). 10416 ~C~ Anahejm_~ Califo, rnia ~ COUNCIL MINUTES October 107 1967~ 1~,30 P.M~. Application submitted by William D. Prout and John H. Purgason, Jr., for ~n-sal¢ beer license at' Big John~s, 807 East Orangeth~rpe, (MLI ~,~ne, Variance 1896). N~3 C'~uncil action was taken .n the foregoing applications. SIDE'WAL~S~z_WEST STREET WESTMONT DRIV~ Acti:;~ ;~n pre;pc, sod installation et ~idewalks in the area of West Str~t and Westm~nt Drive wa= c~ntip~ed from the men, tings ~f September 26 and Oct~,bez ! f.r r~vi~w f r~p,:rt fz~m thE: Czt~ Engineer, dated October 2, i967~ Mr. Madd,,x r~pcrt~d :n [urther disc~assi~m~ with the pro, pert? owners, ad,.;t~i~-,g that the p~ pi~ ~t tn~ n~ rthwest cT, mcr indicated they were not in fav:r ~f aid~walk~ ~t th~ present time, and tf~e pe.~Tple at the southwest cc. rner agr~ttd t2 clt~r the landsc~pi, ng [r',m the right, c,,t~.way which obstructed visi. bilit?, h,.wt:~zer, the~ wer~ :pp~ ~'=d t: ~ ~ide~walk. Mr. Mike Halett, 701 N~rth West Street, requested permission address tlc £itF C?~r. cii ~nd ad:i~ed that hE was ,ppesed to, a sidewalk in front .~f his pz p~rty~ as it w ,~ld c ~t him a great deal of goc, d landscaping, however, ~a w: ~ld n?:t ~bj~ct if the City C~;~ncil [elt there was a need for thw i~st~llati n t, pr~'ent lnj.~rv r ]~.~s, f lif~. Mr. H.~i~tt -~agg~;ted that traffic laws be diligently epf:~,rced in the =r+~, particularly' z~, the e~rlf aftErne,~n when ~ch>o, ls dismiss, and he n,:ted that pedtstria~ traffic t e.~d~d t~' be heakier on the east side of West Str~ t. 'b~tw~en Sv,.~m r= Str,~tt =nd Pi~ neer Priv'e. Discass~ n wa-_ r~ld r=.lati~;~, tc~ m~th~ds ,:',.I: initiating sidewalk instaliati .o, amd 6t the c~ncl.3.-.i r, the'reef, Councilman Chandler moi>'ed that the t itv C.:,~ncil astn r~zt zn~tallation by the, City c£ temporary blacktop walkwafs ,n the tw, i c.,~n~r:, where needed f~.r the p~blic safety (west side :if W~t Strt~t, ~xt~nding ,~ ~th ~,nl~~ ir'.m Westm.>,nt Drive to; the "Bucc~la H,m~-_-'~, ~nd n th~ r. rth and ~, ~th s~des :,f Westmc~nt, al,>ng the southwest and p,4thw,~tz c,~rr, tr pr. p~rti~ ,_nl.~}~ .3n the conditicn that the property ~wna-r~ be. first n t~tied that th~ ha,'e~ the ~,.ppc~rtunity to install c~'>ncrete sid=w~ik2 tk=m~ei,e~, ~f t~,~ t~.ei the blacktopping is undesirable. Cc, uncil= man D~tt2n ~_,_c,~ad~d tht m..tion. M~TICN CARRIED~ RESOLUTI~.N N'(~. 6/R-J?U ,gn tEE rec'mmendati,.~ns c~ the City Attorney, Councilman Krein rtfered Res~ loti n N . 6~'R~576 for ad..ptit~n. Refer t. Re~-~loticn By k. A RESf~IUTION Ut THE C1TY C'._!UNCi~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT WIi_.D P1GtONS ARE A HEALTH HAZARD AND EXERCISING THE POLICE POWER GRANTED THE CITY OF ANAHhlM ~(~R THE AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREh~IENT TO EliMINATE AND CONTRgL ~AID P[(;EON$~ (ANIMAL SPECIALTY CONTROL COMPANY)° R ll Cai! ¥~te: CCUNC[LMEN,~ COUNCILMEiNt ABSENT; " "- t~NCILMEN~ Dutt;n, Kr~in, Schutte,, Chandler and Pebley N~ne N~ne The Ma~r declared Res.~,luti©n No. 67R-576 duly passed and adopted. ANAHEIM AREA ViSiTOR AND CONVENTION BUREAU - EMPLOYEES INSURANCE COVERAGE: Mr. Davis briefed contents of a memorandum to the City Council from the Personnel Director and the City Manager, dated October 10, 1967, recommending that the City's Grc, up Insurance be extended te c¢;v~r Anaheim Area Visitor and Conventic~n Bureau emplcyees~ th~ Bureau t. be billed monthly by the City's Finance Department, and t~ make lump sum monthl~ p~yments t,2; the City. (Blue Cross, Aetna, Travelers). 10/41 '7 ,~Anaheimz Califc.,rni~ COUNCIL MINUTES - October 10 1962 lo30 iP.M. It was mca. red by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Krein, that the insuranct c.>vera~e be extended as reo~>mmended, subject to approval :-~ ~n7 ~uch c..i~:'¢..rage by th~ City Attorney. MOTION CARRIED. SENATE BILL NO. 13065 Mr. Davis called attention to memorandum from the Finance Director, dated ~ctc,ber 9, 1967, recommending that the City Council go on rock, rd in favor of 3enate Bill No. 1306, which would permit commercial banks t<> u~derwrite and deal in Municipal Revenue Bonds, which are legal investments ~[ the, banks. (C,:,mcilman ~chatte left the Meeting, 4;00 P.M.) C: mcilman Dutt n moped that the Mayor be authorized to. forward tz the appr~ prlate p~ ixtic~l r~presentative a letter indicating the City' C.'ancii~s c~_ncarr~nce with Senate Bill No. 1306. Co~ncilman Krein st'conded the m~.ti;~m. ML~TI ;N CARRIED PARK. AND RECREATION COMMIsbIUN BY-LAWS~ Memorandum from Park and Recreation Director, dated September 29, 1967, was brief!ed by Mr. Davis, setting forth rec;~mmended amendment t,: the Park and Recreation Commission By~-Laws, Section 2, which reads as fL~il~;,w~, the underlined w~rds to be deleted~ "The C~mmissi n shall, in rog:Mar session, following the first day ~:f Jul~ :.[ ~r~ ~ear, elect [r,:m their members a Chairman and Vice= Chairman. The t~rm c, ffic~ shall be~ ~ne year and n~ officer shall succeed himself in . ffice, m~.r= than once. Section 904 cf the Charter of the City cf Anaheim and Secti.~n I ~..0&.020 of the Anaheim Municipal Code~:' It w~_- m~ ~,ed b~ C~:~ncilman Chandler, seconded by C~>uncilman Krein, that the roe mmend~:d amendment t._,: the Park and Recr.s~,ation Cc~mmi. ssion By-Laws be appr: ~ed, M~ TIL~'N tARR1ED~ ABANDONMENT REqUEST~ Mr. Davis repc;rted on request received from Mr. LoVoBOstwick, ~or aban&>nment ,.f ~,.,~th Dickel, Clementine, Lemon and Zeyn Streets, south l:rom Midwa~ Drive, between Anaheim Boulevard and the Santa Ana Freeway', and the four all~ys within the area of the Midway Trailer Park. He noted that the City Engineer r~c~Tmmended said request be denied, due to the fact that the aband©,nment w~=~uld not be in the best interests of the City, that the Petitioner dLd n~ t .wn ~11 the property adjacent to the areas proposed for aband~mment, and monv :,i the intezested agencies have existing facilities in the, street= and w~ old require easements to be reserved. He recommended that Public Hearing not be =cheduled by the Council and that that portion ~f the. fee already paid, which would ordinarily be utilized for the adver tislng costs be r~nded. On the rec~.,mm~_ndati,~n ~f' the Assistant City Manager and the City Attorney, C,?nncilman Chandler moved that the requested abandonment not be scheduled f..r public hwaring, and that 550.00 of the $100~00 fee previ?uslv paid b+ ref,~-dcd t. the Petitioner. Councilman Krein seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. AMERICAN LEGION FLAG CONTRACT~__ in connection with the contract authorized by the City Council on A~gust 29, 1967, between the City of Anaheim and the American Legion, Post #?2, for placing and displaying the United States Flag in approximately 86 public places, Mr. Davis reported that request had been rec. eived [rem the Executive Board of ]Post #72, for consideration of an intrease in the rate, from $1.00 per flag to $1.50, to help defray the cc. st ~.~ replacement flags each y'ear. RESOLUTION NO. 67R,-577~. On the recommendation of the Assistant City Manager, Councilman Chandler ~f[ered Resolution No,. 67R~.577 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Bo:>~k. 10418 Ci~' ~Anaheim~._Caiiti>rnia - COUNCIL MINUTES October' 10_~t_i967, 1; 30 P.M. A RES'~>LUTION OF THE' CITY COUNCIL 3F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, AUTHOR- IZING AN ~24ENDMENT T~ THAI CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO AS OF THE 3rd DAY OF SEPT~BER, I967, 'WITH ANAHEIM POST 072, AMERICAN LEGION° (Flag C~ntract). Rol. 1 Call AYES NOES TEMPORARI I Y ABSENT~ ABSYNT~ CO CNG I LMIN C~, UNCI LMEN ~ Ct UNC [ LMEN CC UNC I LM~N~ Dutt.',n, Krein, Chandler and Pebley Nme Schutte N ne The Mav,'r declared Res.:l~ti~n No. 67R~577 duly' passed and adopted. RESOiUTlk;N N,~.,o 6';R. %'8;: On rep, rt and re. cc,>mmendaticm ~-f the Assistant City Manager, C.~unc i lman Chandl +:r f t=r=d Res i~tiom Nc~;. 67R.5'8 for adoption. R~f~r t Re~::ioti,~r; B~,,k~ A R£SOLUTI N (~,F THE £.ITY (0b'NCIL (~ THE CITY OE ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHOR- IZiNG THC E ...... " :X~CbT~.N v,F AN AGREEMENT BETWEhN TH~ CITIES O~ ANAHEIM AND GARDEN GR6:'9~ PRUVIDI'NG PCR THE J~,INT RECONSTRUCTION ~.~ THE WEST STREET STO~ D~IN Rc]i Call AY ES T~iP,;RAR[ £Y ABS[NT ABseNT ,_NC[ [;Nfl 1 MEN (~NC! Dutt,:,.n, Krein, Chandler and Pebley N~. ~ e Sch;~t te N~ ne The Ma?.r declared Res,tl,~ti..m No. 67R-~578 duly' passed and adopted. DOWNT1)WN PARKING 5CRV[Y Mr. Dav~ reported on meetings held and studies made bw the Parking C~..mmittee, relati~;e t..~2, the D~wntown Parking Survey cf City= ;wD~d L~ts, resulting in the r¢,¢~;mmendaticn that an ordinance be adopted, ~-ta'bl~shing L,.ts Nc.s. 2, 8, 9 ~nd 11, as all day parking lots for employers e~nd ~..z.~.i_ .eCs in the d, wnu:wn area, at $6.00 per space, based on 6 days per we~k~ t~: be paid .n a quarterly basis, further, that any sums generated by the r~nt=l , t th~ parktng spaces be set aside for improvement and mainten-~ anc. e _f parking in the, &.wnt~wn area. (C. uncilman Schutte returned to. the meeting at 4:10 P.M.) On motion by C;uncilman Chandler', seconded by Councilman Dutton, the pr.;,gram f~r all day parking was approved, as outlined by the Assistant City Manager. M~TIt:N (ARRiE'D~ ANAHEIM CITY PARKS 6VERNIGHT STAYS; Councilman Dutton requested the City Attorney*s office t,~; review certain secti~,~ns ,>,f the Anaheim Municipal Code regarding uses and ,:~e~rnight stags in Anaheim City Parks. JUNGLE;LAND RELOCATION: t',~.uncilm~n Duttcn reported on contacts with the owners of Jungleland, presently lcd. cared in The>osand Oaks, California, advising that they are intere>t.ed in mc~ving their attracticm t. cr the Anaheim area, if suit- able acreage can be. ,~btaine~d~ The matter was referred to the City Manager. ANAHEIM-FULLERTON MUNICIPAL COL~T- OFF-STREET PARKI. NG~ At the request cf Councilman Chandler, the City Att~¢rne?'s , ffiee was directed to review off.-street parking arrangements with the Cc. unty ~'~ Orange, relative to use of City-.owned property in the area ,;~f the Anaheim:Fulierton Municipal Cc, urt. LXEC:UTI'V~ SESS[:~N C( mtilman Chandler m:':t, ed to, recess to Executive Session. Cc~uncilman Krein sec.~ ~ded the m~.ti~.n. MOTION CARRIED. RECESS. A:22 P.M. 1 Oh 1 9 titZ Hall Anaheim. £alif ,,mia O)UNCiL MINUTES ~ Octo, ber 10 1967 1:30 P.M AFTER RECESS The CCtv (uncZl returned fromm Executive Sessi>n, and the Mayor call,.d the meeting t~: ~rd,r, all members ,.~f the City Council be'ing present'. LITIGATION MED.;DYLAND ~S tlTY f;~ ANaHEiM:. t;.n m:ti~n by Councilman Schutte, se¢:?nded by C oncilman Kr~in, the City Att,?rney was auth~;rized t;' pr~'ceed in c~*f. pe~ti.:~?~ wit'b t'h6 l xtzgati~n ~f Mel dyland v's. City .;f Anaheim, by seeking a Writ ~ f Pr k. ibttt:.n again:st the acti~:n f the Superi ,r C.>urt iv gzanti~g a pr~limxnarv lnjuncti n. M~oTi N CARRIED:. ADJOURNMENT ( .;ncllman Krelo re:red t' adj,:arm. (. uncilman Chandler seconded the m;: ~i::n M~ Ii'N ,,.ARR~:~D City Haiit Ar)~,P,¢~im~ (~1i~, r.ni~ COUNCIL "" .... ~ . ...... = ........ ~ ..... M~Nt, I~:b_~=2 0ctvber 17 19~ I::~0 P M. Tuft: Cltk' (oIIt li f the Cit.? '~f anaheim met in regular PRE: ~ E;N7: aBS ENT5 Robert Miek. els,,:m M~?, r F:r. Iem Schotte ¢~lled th: meeting t.c. order'. Pld*G SALUTE: [' ~.,n. cilm~n (7.'handler led the Assembly in. the Pledge All+g~anc. e~ t. the Flag. RhP:,.RI FiNANCiAl DIMZNDb aGAINSi TH/ CITY, Demands against the City in the.. amcmt :. f ~1£~,~ i;'8i. ~,_, in acc ~rdan¢.= with the 1967=68 Budget were approved. SIGN R[~OEST ~ 316 >al!TH ~.UCLID STREET; ~;levaticn plans were, reviewed at the ( ~.~n.c'il t~bte b~ th~. City £:.uncil, Deputy City Atto~rney and the Z;-mxng' Sup~'~;i~, r, f,'r p~,p' sed ~ddrtic.n ~;. a free;.standing sign, (existing pri~:r to ad~:ptizm ~ cuzr~nt 2. ning Ordinance:), re. questing permissic~n to add a reader parcel and scintiii=ting raceway lighting aro~and the name Cero , and the rnit'ial "t'', ~gn 1 cared at the [r~nt property line .gl business at ~16 S~,uth Eu~ itd Street~ C upc~lman Krein m,'.v'ed that the requested additi~:m to, ~.n exist- log s~gn be appr red, ~t~bject to the ~cndltion that there be no flashing ligbt~ r~tl~ct~ng ~,.o any r~:s~dential properties. Councilman Chandler se::~,nd~d th~ m.t~,n, M,)TItN CiARRIbD, ADJ:LRNMENT; (:. ,.mcilman Krein re,red t.,- adj,p~rn. C~yunciiman Chandler seconded the mt t'~ n, M~WIi~N CARRIED ADJOURNED: l:Z~0 P.M Deputy City