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10289 ~Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Au 'ust 8 1967 1~30 PoMo The Cxty Council cf the City of Anaheim met in regular session~ PRESENT~ ABSENT-; PRESENT~ CO[~CI[.MEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte (entered meeting 1~37 P,M.), Chandler and Pebley~ COUNCILMEN; None~ CiTY MANAGER~ Keith A~ Murdcch~ CITY ATTORNEYt Joseph Geisler, CITY LLERK~ Dene M~ Williams. ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DfRECTOR~ Robert Mickelson~ ZONING SUPERVISOR: Ronald Thompson CITY ENG]NEERz .James P~ Maddox~ May~r Peblev called the meeting to order~ INVOCATION: Reverend L;,ren Fischer of the Magnolia Baptist Church gave the I~VC~CatlOD~ FLAG SALUTE~ Cot~ncilman Krein led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag ANNOUNCEMENT -iBUZZA CARDOZO; Mr~ Anson McArthur presented an Architect*s Rendering of a proposed extension to the present Buzza Cardozo facilities, at 1500 South Anaheim Boulevard and announced that in November ground would be broken for a new fo>ur story building adjoining the present building~ which will do~ble the ~ize of the facility to apprcxim.ately 1~ acres under one rocf . 'Ihe announcement was received with appreciation and best wishes extended bv the City Counci]. MINUTES~ On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman [<rein, Minutes of the reg~]ar meeting held July 18, 1967, were approved° MOTION CARRIED~ WAIVER OF READING - ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; Councilman Krein moved to wai~e the reading in full cf ~all ~,rdinances and resolutions, and that consent to the waiver of reading is hereby given bv all Councilmen,, unless after reading of the title, specific request is made by a Councilman for the reading of such ~>rdinance c~r resolution, Councilman Duttcn seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMUUSIY CARRIED~ REPORT FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITYT' Demands against the City in the amount of $616,190 86 in accordance w~th the 1967-68 Budget were approved~ PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO~ 61-62.~44 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO~ 95}7 Submitted by Henry Steinbrink requesting deletion of deed restrictions on property presently zoned C~I. located at 1922 East Santa Ana Street, te perm4t a coin operated car wash with waivers of required front and interior land- scaping, required screened landscaping and 6 foot masonry wall- The C~ty Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No~ PC67-15a recommended disapproval of removal of deed restrictions and pursuant to Resolution No~ PC6~-155 denied Conditional Use Permit NeC 953. Mr. Ronald Thompson noted the location of subject property and uses and zoning in the immediate vicinity, in summarizing the hearing before the City Planning Commission. Mr. Thompson referred to the findings of the Commission as contained in the above referred to resolutions resulting in recommended denial of subject requests~ Mayor Pebley invited the applicant to address the Council~ Mr, Walter Steinbrink, 516 South Revere Street, advised that the main objection was possible noise from the carwash, and ~urther advised that the operation did not create noise- Mr~ Steinbrink stated that the proposed operation would be similar to an existing facility en East Street, and thereupon agreed to the installa- tion of required landscaping, 10290 =Cilia_Anaheim_, California - COUNCil MINU%ES - Au~st 8 196~30 PoMo Mr, }<enneth Brown representing the Web-Con coin operated carwash, advised that: approximately aO such installati,~ns have be~n made in the So~Jthern ~'ialiforni. a ~rea, .ope have been objecti~,oable because of the noise [actor as a diff~re.ot typ~ of eq,~ipment is used As to the hours of operation, Mr Br:-wn stated that the operation can be clcosed at any time specified~ perhaps at 10~00 t'_M The Mai?r asked if anyc, ne wished to address the Council in -~,pp.:siticn there being no response, dec]~ared the hearing closedo RE, SOIUTION NO. 67R-~a ;' {_c, uncilman Scht~tte cf[ered Resolution No 67R-gh7 auth~,rizing an amepdmenc t, d~,ed restrictJc, ns filed in conjunction with Reclassification Nc 61 62-g,-a to permit the establishment c,f a coin operated carwash Refer t~, Rear luti,'..n Book A RESOI:.;ri£'N ,F THE (!TY C(~L.~NCIL OF THE (.ITY OF ANA.H~iM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO ?/-~'~ IN RE(]ASSi~iCATION PR()(EEDIN(:S NO, 61.~Z-hh (Deed restriction removal ) Roll call AYES' ( ';;rNC i l MEN NC;ES ~,;' ~!;N( '." 'LMEN A~SENT~ ~'~', ~q(~_ ~I MEN g.r~r:, Schutte, (Band]er and ?ebley Duttcn N,:ne 7he Mayor declared R~=c. ldtion N,: 67R-naP', duly passed and adopted~ RkSOi~Ti-_,N NO~ 67R-,"~8 ~ ctmcilman Schutte , ffered Resoluti,:n No 6?R-Z~a8 granting ¢',ndi. ticnol !J[se Permit Ne 9~ i in part; granting waiver cf the required ~, f~'~t mass,orr wall :',nlv, subject t~ the following conditions That t~ash storage ~,rtas shall be provided in accordance with approved plons ~n ~1ie with the cffict ,'~f Director c:~ Public Works prior tc final b~iidt~g insp~cti,:,~- That =ubject pre'pert5 si:all b~- der=l, ped sabstant~ally in accordance with plans and specific~ti.: n= cn file with the f;ity c~f Anaheim marked Exhibits N'~ > I, 2 a~d ~. Refer t,t, Re=< luticn Bc,.k A RESOI i!Ti(!N i,F THF f_ iT5 (>LIN(il '.i;F THE (~TY OF ANAHEi'M GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERM'! 3 NO. 953 Roll call vote AYFS; £O;rNC [/tq~ N NICES' f~_N ~IMD:N ABSENT: O.) ~ 'NC' i [ MEN krein, Schutte, £handler and Peblev Dt, tton Nome The Mayor d,clared Res:,lution No- ~R-ah8 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING tiENERAI PlAN AMENDMENT N( 95 REClASSIfICATION NO, 66-67-73 AND TENTATIVE MA P__~_T_~R4f:T=_N_,_~__~?.~: .. General Plan Amendment Nc. 95 encompasses that general area s,'.utheasterlv of the intersecti,m cf Euclid Street and Orangewood Avenue The City Planning Commission pt~rsuant to Resc~lutic, n Nc, P(67-140 recommended disappr. ~al Reclassificat:i,,n No, 66-07-?1~ St~bmitted by John A gakin requesting change of zone from R-A t~ R-~, pti;perry located at the southeast corner of Euclid Street and Orange Avenue (inclt~ded in General Plan Amendment No 95]), and also described as Tentative Map, Tract No The City Planning Commission p,~rsuant t.o Resolution Nc, PC6?-lal recommended disappr, val ,'.f subject reclassification, ~md in accordance with excerpts cf their meet:lng held J:.~ne 19, 1967, denied Tentative Tract No: 639~ projecting g:, pro, pc. sod R-~ l.'ts 10291 (i~ Hall~_~Anaheim_~ California -COUNCII MINUTES - Au ust 8 1967 1:30_ Mr. ¢:harles Roberts, Assistant Planner of the Development Services Department, reported that General Plan Amendment NoG 95 was the result of the application for reclassification that fellows. He reported en the study made to determine if appreciable changes have occurred since the original adoption of the General Plan, and te explore whether or not multiple-family density w~uld be appr~pria, te fcra p~rtion of the area at this time. Mr Roberts reported that after consideration of all information presented, the City Planning £ommission determined that there was no evidence fir a trend towards multiple-family use in the area, and thereupon recommended that Genera] Plan Amendment No 95 be disapproved. Reclassification Nc, 66-67-75 and Tentative Ma~t Nc.,~ 6392~ Mr- Thompson advised that after review of the pro, posed General Plan Amendment 95, the City Planning (cmmission was t,f the opinion that no land use change had taken place t.., warrant consideration of zoning reclassification, and further reported that it was the opinion of the City Planning Commission that the apprc;ximate subject 8 and 3/S acres was developable as single family residential, and thereby denied Tentative Tract No 6'392~ Maw,r Peblev asked if the applicant cr bis representative wished to. address the f .uncil- Mr.~ Harry Kniselv, Attorney representing the applicant, 17al South Euclid Street, st~bm~tted f~',r founcil review the elevation cf the proposed pro.. ject Mr Knisel? noted that the property is located on what is destined to bec<'me a majt~r intersection in the, city¢ in his opinion R-~ would be an apprr, priate zc. ne for the property and wc,~2ld be c~>mpatible and comparable to the area He further reported that the units would rent at $200 or more per month Mr Kniselv was of the opinion that if the area was held to an R-1 zone, the subject prc~perty would not be condusive to the existing high quality R-1 in the area and it wtyuld be more desirable to have high quality R-~ than substandard R-l, which would be what the property would attracto iD c,~nclusien Mr Kniselv noted that no variance or waivers were requested, that the devel~.pment would be in accordance w~th the adopted standards. In answer to Counci]man Dutton's questic~n regarding the accessibility to the area, Mr. Knisely rep~',rted that the tract indicates that the traffic pattern is ~i,rientated to' E,.~clid Street with the exception efa few units fronting c, ntc~ C*rmngewr,ed Avenue~ He f,~rther rated that all units have an R-1 appearance, and the density c;f appr,;ximately 80 units on the 8, 7 net acres, wc, uld be belc, w medium density Mr Roy Kiter, 2185 Orange ihlive Read, Architect for the project, reported ~_,n the refinements ~?f the prop,',sed development such as heavy shake rot'fa, std.,ne and brick, the architecture t~ be Calif,~rnia-Spanish, Colonial and Regencw; the units t~' be twc~-bedrc~em, two-bath, with service porches, formal dining-rot, ms, fireplaces, etc. Mr. Kiter advised that the design of the front units is that of an expensive R-] development which would be a pr,'~tection for the s~,rrounding R-1 area; the second-sic, fy development, is one unit and would be 75 feet distant fromm the front pr~;perty line, and wo~ld be over the garage area. Plans were again reviewed indicating entrance to the. units not fronting a street. Mr~ Kiter in answer to Council question, advised that the units would be a minimum ef 1,000 square feet up t~ 1,100 square feet, depending on city standards as t,:, lot sizes. The Mayor asked if anyone wished ir, address the Council in oppc~- sition 10292 ~!t__zv Hall, Anaheim, C. alifornia COUN('IL MINU%ES .~ Ao~~%.30 P.Mo Mr? Stanley Bell, d123 Della Lane, reported that after reviewing all information available through the city, he built his home in this area assured that the character of the area would be Hr Bell ad~,ised that he als,' was a builder, and a 1,000 square f,~,ct ~mit, in his .,pini,,n, was no, thing at all and would not enhance the area, and w~,_~ld tc, t-ally degrade the R-1 ares within 1~000 feet of subject pr~perty. He further advised that the h,~mes ~n this immediate area range from 2~100 square feet t~- s~'me in excess cf .~,000 square feet, and that subject property co,~ld and shc~ld bc d~el,~ped as R-I~ Mr~ Gl~?ria Alexander, 16~8 ~rd Way, presented a petition ~f ,~ppesitien centazning appr,-,xtmately ~0 signatures. Mrs, Alexander reported that the h~.¢mes in her area were valeted from Sa0,000 plus, and represented a significant ~nvestm~nt Reference was made t,', Disnevland. Mel~dyland, the Anaheim Stadium and the Convention (enter, and the executives connected with these various enterprise~ desiring he-mos in the area ef their businesses~ Mrs, Alexander felt a nice area stjch as theirs, should be reserved for an executive type home. In conclt~sien Mrs. Alexander called attention to the vacant land in the ~rea, fearing that change ,"f z.-~ne t~: R~l wculd establish a precedent. Mrs laoi. ce Beckham, Z2Z~ Della lane, advised ~f a $7,000 addition tc their home increasing the val,~ t{~, 950,000, and further advised that they' would have n~t made this impr~7, vement, had they felt the adjacent property might be devel-ped with apartments. Mrs. Beckham was c,f the opinion that the property could be developed with single famil+' res(dentes back~g t E.,.~clid Street similar to those, homes ,'n Ord Way, and it was her further ,'pini,;n, that apartments, regardless of their valise, wcold depreciate the value ,-~f their home Mr Don A+'er, 7080 lida fane, called attentian to the present fast traffic on ~ra.ngew,'.,-~d Av~.n,.~e and the certai~ traffic increase and parkin~ pr,'-blems with opartment c, mplexes Mr Aver reported on his personal im:'est~gati,-'n cf apartment .areas relative t,: parking pr~:.blems, and ]n conclusi,m advised that a 1.000 sq.are f~,,:t apartment ,mit could not be c~,mpared w~th the caliber , f h,,mes tn th~: area Mr~ Kniselv i.o reb~ttal, presented a petition f.f those in the area ~av,.~ring the recla~sificati, n and a map ~ndicattng the l~cation cf the signers With reference tc~ a pettti~,n of opp.,sxtion ,,btained on Ord Way, Mr- Knit. ely called strontium tt~ the vacant parcel in between Ord Way and subject pr,,pert¥, and reported that the vacant parcel is ~'~wned by the Latter Day Saints (h~rch wh{ have advised them that their pr:petty is being held f'r church c,-nstructi,:n Mr~ Rniselv referred te !*r.ange Grove Avenue in Pasadena, which to, day is 70 percent R 3 and are adjacent te many mansions, He felt the answer was quality, and f,~rther felt: that subject pr,',perty would never develop R-1 in the caliber ,'f those en Della lane or 1.ida Lane° There being no further evidence. Mayor Pebley declared the hearing closed, GENERAL PIJN AMENDMENT ~ 95~ Ccmncilman Krein offered resolution sustaining the recommendations of the City Planning Commission disapprouing General Plan Amendment No. 95 Roll call v,:,te AYES: CI'iUN( I L, MEN ~ NOESt ABSENT: C~PN( t LME'N ~ Krein and Peblev Dutton, Schutte and Chandler N(~n e 10293 CitHall Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Au ust 8 1967 i~0__P~M~ Said resolution failed to carry having not received a majority affirmative vote. Mayor Pebley in explaining his vote stated he favored R-3 facing Euclid Street with the extension of Lida Lane with R-1 on both sides of Lida Lane- RESOLUTION NO. 67R-4~9; Councilman Dutton offered Resolution NOo 67R-449 approving General Plan Amendment No. 95 Exhibit "A"~ Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATED AS AMENDMENT NOo 95. A. YESg COUNCILMEN~ NOES~ COUN£ILMEN: ABSENT~ COUNCILMENx Dutton, Schutte and Chandler Krein and Pebley None The Mayor declared Resolution No~ 67R-449 duly passed and adopted. RECLASSIFICATION NOo 66-67-73~ Councilman Krein offered resolution sustaining the recon~endation of the City Planning Commission denying Reclassification No, 66-67-73~ Roll call vote: AYES ~ COUNC I LMEN~ NOES ~ COUNC I LMEN.~ ABSENT~ COUNCI LMEN~ Krein and Pebley Dutton, Schutte and Chandler None Said resolution failed to carry having not received a majority affirmative vote~ RESOLUTION NOo 67R-450: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution Noo 67R-450 for adoption authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone as requested, subject to the following conditionsg 1o That a final tract map cf subject property shall be approved by the City Council and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder~ That the owner or owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25~00 per dwelling unit to be used for Park and Recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued~ That trash storage areas shall be approved in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Workso 4~ That any air~conditioning facilities proposed shall be properly shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent residential homes. 50 That Conditions Nos~ ~ and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AN_ENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGEDo (66~67-73 R-~) Roll call vote5 AYES ~ CO UNC I IJMEN i NOES: COUNCILMEN ~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte and Chandler Krein and Peble.y None The Mayor declared Resolution No~ 67R-450 duly passed and adopted~ 10294 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Auf~t 8~ 1967~ 1:30 PoMo~ TENTATIVE TRACT~ MAP Nee 6392~ On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Chandler, Tentative Tract Map Nee 6392 was approved subject to the following conditions~ That the approval of Tentative Map Tract No~ 6392 be granted subject to the approval of Reclassification Nee 66-67-73~ 2o That should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdivision each subdivision thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval~ 3. That vehicular access rights except at streets and/or alley openings to Euclid Street and Orangewood Avenue, be dedicated to the City of Anaheim~ That a predetermined price for Lot "A" shall be calculated and an agreement for dedication entered into between the developer and the City of Anaheim prior to approval of the final tract map. The cost of Lot "A" shall include land and proportionate share of the under- ground utility and street improvements~ 5~ That the southernmost alley shall be returned to "A" street between Lots 14 and 15, rather than be extended to Euclid Street~ That the easternmost alley shall be extended northerly to Orangeweod Avenue~ To this m~tion £1~'uncilman Krein voted "No"~ M~DTION CARRIED° PUBLIC HEAR1N~ 66-67--75 AND VARIANL~ NO~ 1890~ Submitted by G~ Barton Heuler requesting a change cf zone fr~m R-A to C-0 to permit the construction of a medical office facility on pr.vpert¥ briefly described as l()cated on the north s~de of La Palma Avenue east ef Eu¢~lid Street, and requesting waivers of off-street parking requirements, building height and setback, and required number of refuse st~)rage areas~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No~ PC67-144 recommended said reclassification subject to the follewing conditions~ That the c, wners (~f subject pr~,perty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum cf ~2,00 per frc~:nt f~ot al,>ng La Palma Avenue, f~)r street lighting purp~ses~. 2o That tbe ¢>wners ~f~ subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front fo~)t along ia Palma Avenue, for tree planting purposes~ 3~ That the owners ef subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a 5~-.f~cot public easement, al~ng the easterly boundary of subject pr~,perty~ That vehicular access rights to Glen Drive and the alley to the east shall be dedicated to the Cit¥ of Anabe~m~ That any air~conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view. That outdoor lighting facilities for the parking lot of subject property shall utilize down-lighting standards no greater than 6 feet in height~ That Condition Nos. l, 2, 3, and a, above mentioned, shall, be complied with within a periled ,of ]80 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Lcuncll ma? grant. That Condition Nos 5 and 6, ab~ve mentioned, shall be complied with prior tc final building and zoning inspections~ The City Planning Commission pursuant' to Resolution No~ PC67~145 granted Variance No~ 1890, subject to the following conditions: 5. 6o 7. That the sidewalks shall be installed along La Palma Avenue, as required by the City Engineer and in a¢cc)rdance with standard plans and specifi- cations on file in the office of the 6ity Engineer~ 2o That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works~ That this variance is granted subject to the completion of Rec]assifi~ cation No~ 66-67-75° 4~ That Condition Nes~ 1 and 2, above mentioned, shall 'be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos~ 1, 2, and 3. 10295 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES August 8~ 1967~ 1~30 PoMe That this variance for the waiver of the parking requirements of the C-~0 Zone shall be applicable only so long as the property is used for medical-office facilities developed substantially in accordance with plans en file herein~ Mr~ Ronald Thr~mpson indicated the location of subject property and noted the existing zoning and uses in the area, and briefly reviewed the hearing held before the City P]anning Commission~ The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council in opposition, there being no response, declared the hearing closed° RESOLUTION Nee 67R-451~ Councilman Krein offered Resolution Nee 67R-451 authorizing preparati~m of necessary ordinance changing the zone as requested subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission~ Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUiNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED~ (66-.67-75 - C-0) Roll call vcte~ AYES :~ COUNCi LMEN NOES ~ CO'UNC I LMEN~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN ~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley Nc,me None The Mayor declared Resolution Nc~ 67R-451 duly passed and adopted~ RESOLUTION ~)~ 6'7R-4521 Councilman Krein offered Resolution Nee 67R~452 granting Variance No, 1890 subject t,3 the recommendations cf the City Planning Commission~ Refer t,; Res~ lution Bo~:?~k~ A RESOLUTION O~ THE CiTY C(~UN'CII OF THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO , 1890, Rcll call w:te~ AYES ~ COUNC 1 LMEN~ NOES ~ CO UNCI LMEN z ABSENT: COUNC l LMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None ?'he Mayor declared Resolution Nco 67R-~a52 duly passed and adopted, PUBLIC HEARING ,- RECLASSIFICATION NCo 67-68-1.~ Submitted by Annie Torres requesting a change of z¢,ne from R-A to C-l, property located at 3435 West Ball Road~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution NeC PC67-169 recommended said reclassification subject to the following conditions~ 1o That the owner of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Ball Road, for street widening purpcses¢ 2 That street improvement plans shall, be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Ball Road, such as c'urbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, er other appurtenant work shall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the ~fice cf the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements, That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2~00 per front foot along Ball Road, for street lighting purposes¢ 10296 ~naheim_m_~California 40 5~ 6~ 7. o o OOUNCiL MINUTES -August 8~ 1967~ 1:30 PoMe That the owner cf s~bject pr~perty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15c per front foot along Ball Road, for tree planting purposes. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office ef the Director of Public Works~ That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief cf the ~ire Department° That Condition Nos, 1, 2, ~, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, er such ~urther time as the City Council may grant~ That the conversion ~f the existing structure for a commercial use shall be in accordance with the Uni[orm Building Code, and the site development standards cf! the C~.I Z~ne as adopted by the City of Anaheim, That Condition Nos. 5, 6, and 8, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final bt~ilding inspections~ Mr~ Rcna. id Thompsc, n. indicated the location of subject property and briefl? reviewed the public hearing held before the City Planning Commission noting that while no plans of development were submitted, the property was adequate in size and shape to be developed in accordance with the C-.1 Site Development Standards, The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council in opposition, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTIO~ Nee 67R-.~5.~;~ Coancilman Dutton offered Resolution No~ 67R-453 authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone as requested subject to the re¢ommendation, s of the City Planning Commission° Re[e~ to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OE THE £ITY COUNCIiL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM F!INDING AND DETERMINING THAT T[TiE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING S~)ULD BE AMENDED AND THAI THE BOUNDARIES O'E CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED~ (67~68-1 C-l) Roll call w~te~ AYES ~ COUNC I LMEN ~ NOES ~ C.~O UNCI LMEN ~' ABSENT~, CO [J'N(J ~[ [ Duttcn, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Rescl~tion No~ 67R-4.53 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING -. RECLASSIFIfATION NO. 67-68-~; Submitted by Charles Davis requesting a change of zone from R-2 to C:-i, property located at 857 North Harbor Boulevard. The City Plamning Cc:,mmissicn pursuant t:o Resolution No0 PC67-.150 recommended said zeclassification s~b]ect to the. following conditions~ That the owners of s~bject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 45 [eet in width, from the center line of the street, along Harbor Boulevard, including a 15-foot radius corner return, for street widening purposes~ 2. That vehicular access rights, to Harbor Boulevard shal. 1 be dedicated to the City of Anaheim~ That the sidewalks shall be installed alc~ng LaVerne Street, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on iile in the office of the City Engineer. 4. That the sidewalks shall be repaired along Harbor Boulevard, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifica- tions on file in the office of the City Engineer. 5. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Pablic Works° 6. That the owners of subject property shall, pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of' $2°00 per front foot along Harbor Boulevard and LaVerne Street, for street lighting purposes. 10297 Cit Hji~j~ Anaheim~ California ,- COLrNCIL MINUTES -,__ Ao ust 8 1967 1;30 PoMo That the owners of sub~ect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Harbor Boulevard for tree planting porposes~ 8o That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip cf land 5 feet in width along the westerly property line for alley widening purposes~ 9o That C~ndition Ncs~ 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a pericd cf 180 days from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant~ 10. That Ccndition Nos~ 3, 4, and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior tc final building and zoning inspections~ Mr~ Thompson noted the location of the property and in summarizing the hearing held before the City Planning Commission, advised that the requested zoning would establish the existing market as a conforming use in the most appropriate zone; while no plans of development have been presented, the petitioner indicated that all development would be in accordance with the C~i Site Development Standards~ Mayor Pebley asked if anyone wished to address the Council in opposition, there being nc response, declared the hearing closed~ RESOLUTION NOo 67R~454~ Councilman Krein offered Resolution No~ 67R~454 authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone as re- quested, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission~ Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 O~~ THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIN~ TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED~ (67,~68-3 - C,-1) Roll call vote~ AYES; COUNCILMEN: NOES g CO UNC I LMEN ~ ABSENT; CO ONCI ll~iEN; Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 67R.-454 duly passed and adopted, PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFI£A~iON NO~ 67-68~a AND VARIANCE NOo 1895~ Submitted by Jane Marie Carpenter requesting a change of zone from R-A to R~i to permit the division of two existing Jots into four lots, with waivers of minimum tot width and area~ property briefly described as located on the east side of Cherry Way south of Remneya Drive~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. PC67~151 recommended said reclassification subject to the fol. lowing conditions~ That the owners :~f: subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum o~ S2~00 per front foot along Cherry Way, for street lighting purposes That the ~wners c~ subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the som cf 15c per frmnt foot along Cberry Way, for tree planting purposes~ 3~ That a Parcel Map to recc~rd the approved division of subject property be submitted to the City of Anaheim Eer approval and then be recorded in the office of the Orange County Rec~:rder~ That Conditi~n Nos~ 1, 2, and 3, above menticmed, shall be complied with within a period c~f 180 days from the dale hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant~ The City Pla~ni. ng Commission pursuant to Resolution Noo PC67-152 granted Variance No~ 1895 subject to the following condition, s~ 1.~ That this variance is granted subject to the completion, of Reclas:- sification No, 67-68-a. 2, That the sidewalks shall be installed along Cherry Way, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office c~f the City E~gineer, prior to 10298 Cit Hall Anaheim) California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Au__~~1967) 1:30 final building inspection~ 3~ That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit, to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the Building Permit is issued° That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, Exhibit No. lq Mrs. Ronald Tbompson summarized the hearing held be[ore the City Planning Commission advising of their findings resulting in a favorable recommendation. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the City Council in opposition, there being no response, declared the hearing clcsedo RESOLUTION NOG 67R~455g L, mncilman Dutten offered Resolution Nog 67R-&55 authorizing preparation cf necessary ordinance changing the zone as requested subject tc the recommendations of: the City Planning Commission. Refez t.i Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIl OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM EINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TIT1. E 18 ~';F' THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAl CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHO!JLD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (67-68-a - R-i) Roll call vote~ AY E S :; (()'!.!NC I LME N ~ NOES; CO UNC I LMEN; ABSENT'~ COUN~ ~ LMEN; Dutton, grein, Sch~tte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declare~d Res::lution No~ 67R-.~55 duly passed and adopted~ RESOLUTION NOG 67R-456; Co'oncilman Dutton offered Resolution No: 67R-456 granting Variance No 1895 s{.~b)ect to the recommendations of the City Planning Commi s s i.?n Refer tc Resolution Bock A RESOLUTION OE THE CI. TY COUNCIiL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO, 1895 Roll call vote' AYES ~ COU NC. 1 [.MEN NOES~ COUNC ILMEN~ A B SENT ~ CO UNC I LME'N: Dutton~ Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 67R-a56 duly passed and adopted° PUBLIC HEARING- GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO, 96: Area bounded by South Street, State College Boulevard, Ball Road and Sunkist Street~ The City Planning Commission pursuant t.o Resolution No, PC67~156 recommended disapproval ~:of said general plan amendment~ Mr. Ronald Thompson advised that the general plan amendment was undertaken at a time when a trailer park was proposed in this general area, since that time however, the trailer park proposal was withdrawno The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council for or against the general plan amendment, Mr~ Ralph Biester, 2214 Olmstead Way, advised of a petition of protest to the trailer park containing approximately 500 signatures which was presented to the City Planning Commission, and further advised that those in. the area disapproved anything other than R-.l. (Conditional Use Permit No~ 948) 10299 .Ci~ Anahei~__~C~lifornia COUN£IL MINUTES - Au ust 8 1967 ~30 PoMo The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being nc response, declared the hearing closed~ On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Chandler, recommendations ef the City Planning Commission were sustained and General Plan Amendment No~ 96 disapproved~ R~UEST - ABANDONMENT~ Submitted by Harry Basse requesting abandonment of a portion of Rio Vista Street from Wagner Avenue southerly~ was submitted together with excerpts ~f the City Planning Commission meeting held h~ne ]9, 1967, rec~mmending said abandonment be disapproved~ (66~-13A) ficuncil activin was cc, ntinued from the meeting of July ]1, 1967 at the request of the app~icant~ Mrs Ann Madison, R~altor, was present representing the applicant° Mr~ Madd¢,x advised that a complete study of the possibility of said abandopment was made and it was the staff's recommendation that the easement be retained for a p,~ssible future roadway connecting with Ball Road. At the request cf Mrs~ Madiso~ explanation of a "reservation" as related to an"easement" was explained~ aisc explained was the responsibility ~.~ the City as it relates tc~ street improvements~ At the concl,~si~n ~.'.f the discussion~ C,?unci]man Chandler moved that the departmental rec~>mmendati~n be appr~ved~ (lo,~nciiman Dutton seconded the motion T~ this motion (¢~n¢ilm~n Sch~tt~ abstained~ MOTION CARR!ED~ STREET NAME CHAN~]I - NOIIL RANCH ROAD Suggesti,on of John D~ Lusk, President of 1,osk C. orperation, and Mr. Io~,is E, Nohl, to change the name of Lincoln Avenue tc Nohl Ranch Road fr,::~m the Newport Freeway easterly, was submitted together with repc.rt of Ci~ty Engineer and Zoning Division c:f the Development Services Department Mr- ~3e~.,rge l,~sk, representing the Lo. sk Corporation, explained the reasons for their req~est for a change of name, which in his opinion would be to the benefit of the Ranch and the desires of the homeowners, thereby giving the Ranch an identifying name Discussion was held on the pc~ssible conflict with Walnut Canyon Road which was recently changed to N~>hl Canyon Road, and Mr. Louis Nohl reported that at the present time Lincoln Avenue dead-ends approximately four miles into the Ranch and the logical place to end Lincoln Avenue would be where it intersects with the Newport Freeway~ Mr: Nobl further reported that the issue has been before the City Council of the City of Orange, who have referred it to a Street Naming Committee which according to his nnderstanding, Anaheim was not a member~ Mr~ Nohl stated that the Nohl Ranch Road would start at the Newport Freeway and run through the Ranch tying in with the Santa Ana Canyon Road easterly~ Mr, Murdoch questioned the road leading to the lake, and Mr., N~hl felt that later the name could be changed to Lake Road or something else if there was a confusion, Mr~ Nohl further advised that they plan to request identification from the State Highway Department, and changing the name will prevent a lot of undesirable traffic in that area Councilman Chandler noted the City of Anaheim's cooperation with the entire County solidifying for the convenience of the traveling public the names of streets running through their respective jurisdictions~ It was noted that to effectuate the name change would require approval from the City of Orange and County of Orange~ 10.300 .City Hall~ Anaheim~ California COUNCIL MINUTES - August 8~ 1967~ 1~30 P~Mo' At the conclusion of the discussion, it was moved by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Chandler that the request be forwarded to the City Planning Commission and Orange County Street Naming Committee for report and recommendation, Mr.. Nohl advised that they were anxious to make this change before homes were built on Lincoln Avenue, which would involve changing addresses° Roll call vote was called for on the foregoing motion~ AYES~ COUNCIIMEN~ NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ ABSENTI COUNCIIMEN~ Duttcn, and Chandler Krein, Schutte and Pebley None The Mayor' declared the mc, tion failed to carry~ Mr~ Nohl was of the opinion that if Anaheim took the initiative in approving the change o~ name, the City of Orange would also approve the change of name within their .jurisdiction. Councilman Schutte moved that the City of Anaheim approved the change of name as requested subject to the approval and change of name by the City of Orange within their j~risdiction, and further subject that all costs of signing be that of the applicant Councilman ~rein seconded the motion~ Roll call v~te was called for: AY E S ~ CO UN C I LMEN ? NOES~ £:O U'NC I LMEN~ ABSENT ~ COUNt i LMEN t Krein, Schutte and Pebley Dutton and Chandler None MOT1ON CARRIED ~ RECESS'~ Co~ncilman Dt~ttc. n too. red for a 10 minute recess° seconded the mc, ticn~ MOTi'2'Y (ARRiED~ (3~&5' P.M,) Councilman Chandler AFTER RECESS~ Mayor Pebley called the meeting to er'der, all members o~ .the City' Council being present TRAfT NOo 5a39 RkCLASSi?]CAT[ON NOo 62-63-38 - IMPROVEI4ENT BOND; Request of Mr~ Clarence Clark to release impr,~vement bond filed in conjunction with Tract N,3 5~9, and Reclassiiicati~:~n No. 62~63.-38, was submitted together with rep,?rt of City Englneer and Development Services Divisi~n~ RESOIUTJ"'N NOo 67R-a57:~ Councilman Chandler o£fered Resolution Noo 67R.-457 amending Resolution No~ 6~R~.63 as followsg 2. That sidewalks shall be installed along Del Monte Drive as required by the City Engineer and in accc>rdance with standard plans and specifications ,~n file in the ~-ffice of the City Engineer prior to final building inspection. 10o That Conditions Nos~ l, ./ and a, ab(;ve mentioned, shall be co~plied with within a period cf 180 days ~rom date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant~ Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE C!I'Y fOUNCIL OF THE Ci'TY OF ,ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUT]ON NO, 63R~63 IN REClASSIFICATiON PROCEEDINGS NO~ 62-63-,38, (Conditions 2 and 10) Roll call vote AYES~ COUNCILMENz NOESz COUNCILMEN2 ABSENT~ COUNCii~EN~ Dutten, Krein, Scht~tte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 67R-457 duly passed and adopted~ 10301 Cit Hall. Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES A~19~30 PoM__~__~o ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT~ Application submitted by Paul P. Lewko for Entertainment permit for Mimis Tavern, 31&8% West Lincoln Avenue, was submitted and granted for a period of one year in accordance with the Chief of Police recommendation, on motion by Councilman D'utton, seconded by Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED,~ RESOL,T~ON NO 67R-458 FINAL ACCEPTANCE -. SS PROJECT NO l14A; 'Upon receipt of certification from the Director of Public Works, Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No, 67R-458 for' adoption, Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLi!T1ON OF THE CITY COJNCiL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEP%ING THE COMPLET.iCN AND THE [.ORNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQIJlP~N% AND ALL UT!LITIE:S AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND WAIF. R, AND %HE: PERFORMANCE OF Al.[ WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPL~:TE THE FOL1OWIN(; PUBLIC iMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF HARBOR BOUI.EVARD~ FROM SOUTH STREET TO WATER STREET~ lin THE CITY OF ANAHEIM., SS PRCJECT NO~ l14A (Kordick & Sen, Inc,) Roll ca]l vote~ AYES z C(?'I'N6 i [,MEN~ NO~S (,0~,. ( I LMEN ABStNI: ~[i UNC, LMEN Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NO n e None The Mayer declared Resolution No, 67R-458 duly passed and adopted, PURCHASE, -_ ?__~.O~ NATIONAL TRIPLEX MOWERS~ Mr, Murdoch reported that quotations were received from the Park & Turf gq~ipment Company only, as it is a recommendatio~n of the Golf Course, 'Park and Recreation Department and Maintenance Di~:ision Superintendent, based on their experience with various cther type mc,wers that this mower is best in performance and has the minimum of maintenance, On m,:tion by Councilman Krein, seconded by- Councilman Duttcn, purchase of the two National Triplex iMowers, Model 8467 from the Park & Turf [quipment Company in the amount of 92,782~50 was authorized as recommended: MOT[ON CARR~F.D,, CLAIMS AGAINST .TfH~.=.(u!7~=.v/: A Application to., file late claim submitted on behalf of the Cr,:.st- Furniture Company, wherein it was purported that while cleaning a sewer line on or ab,.2ut September 1, 1966, by Cook & Barletta, Contractc;rs, the basement_ showroom of the store located at 12& West I. incoln Avenue, was [ 1 ooded ~ O,n mot'-z,._n by C;uncilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Ifrein, request to file late claim was denied. MOTI'ON CARRIED, iB~ Claim f~led by Dc, ro. thy Marie Bright for damage to tires on or' about July i5, 1967, while entering the Convention Center parking lot, was submitted and denied and further ordered refered to the Insurance Carrier~ on motion by Cc, uncilman D~tton, seconded by Councilman Krein~ MOTION CARRIED, UNDERGRO[FND E:iE;CTRICAL UXlL1TIES PURCHASE OF TRANSFORMERS~ Mr Gordon Hoyt, Director of Public Utilities, brief:ed a report previously presented to the City Council on the proposed method of providing underground electrical utilities ~or residential developments, The primary changes being as follows;; 1~ The system will be totally underground including transformers instead of the surface mounted transformer system now being inst. alled, 2. High voltage of' the system will be a connnon neutral system instead of an isolated neutral system. 3o The transformers will be restricted to General. Electric Company's "leap frog" complete with current limiting fuse and primary switches in a stainless steel tank~ 10302 Cit Hall Ana__h~ California COUNCIL MINUTES - August 8, 1967, 1:30 PoM~ Mro Hoyt explained the present operation as compared with the proposed underground operation, and the changes that would cccur. He further advised that considering the total system, it would reduce the net cost to the developers approximately 50 percent and be a substantial saving to the city. Mr, H~yt reported that the General Electric Company is the only manufacturer at the present time that manufactures a transformer that meets all the requirements felt necessary for a completely buried facility~ In conclusion Mr,~ Hc?t requested approval of the purchase of the Ceneral Electric transformer without competitive bidding, in that there are no other manufacturers that make this kind of equipment and because of the long delivery perle, d; this would mean purchasing approximately 58 units to accommodate tracts pr,;~jected within the next six months, and at a cost of approximately $36,000,00 Mr~ George Edwards, E]ectr;tcal Superintendent, introduced Mr~ Fred Garrison representing the General Electric Cempany~ Slides were shown illustrating the present system of installation and the new underground system of installation, the various pictures were explained by Mr,, Edwards~ The, slides particularly illustrated the method of installation and safety de~ices provided with the General Electric "leap frog" transformer units, At the conclusion of the discussi~>n, i.t was moved by Councilman Kre, in, sec:~nded b? Councilman Dutto~, that purchase cf the General Electric transformer as recommended by the Utilities Director, be authorized without competitive bids, due to the fact that the transformer meeting city specifications in manufactured by only the cne company. MOTION CARRIED° RESOLUTION NO. 67R~&59: adoption Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No~ 67R~&59 for Refez tc Res~'.~lution Boek~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CI%Y COUNCiI~ (.~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONF!RM!NG THE ITEMIZED WRITTEN RIPORT Ot I:HE St~PERINTENDENT OF STREETS SHOWING THE COST OF WEED ABATE~MENT ~N FRONT OF OR ON EA£H SEPARATE PARCEL OE LAND LOCATED IN THE (:!TY WHERE SUCH WEEDS HAV~ BEEN REMOVED OR ABATED BY THE CI%%, AND DIRECTING THE t'IL[NG OF A CERIIFiED C. OPY THEREOF WITH THE COUNTY AUDITOR° Roll call vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ ABSENT; COb~CILMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Resoluti~n No, 67R~a.59 duly passed and adopted~ RESOLUTION NO~ 67R~460~ Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 67R~460 for adoption Refer to Resol. t, tic~n Bo¢,k RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OE ANAHEIM. Roll call vote5 AYES COUNC I LMEN~ NOES ~ CO UNC I LMEN ~ ABSENT; COUNC iLME'N~ Dutton, Kre~n, Schutte, Cbandler and Peb]ey None None The Mayer declared Resolution No. 67R-460 duly passed and adopted. 10303 ~ Anaheimt California - COUIWCIL MINUTES ~ Au ust 8 196~0 PoMo CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - CHAIRMAN - CHAIRMAN PRO TIM - SECRETARY: For Council information it was reported that at the City Planning Commission meeting held July 17, 1967, the f'ellowing officers were elected~ Chairman, Horace E, Camp, Chairman Pro Tom, Lenzi Allredo Secretary, Ann Krebs~ CORRESPONDENCEs' Correspondence from the Board of Directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District regarding the discontinuance of service, Line "125", was received and ordered filed on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, MOTION CARRIED° ORDINANCE NO, 2405: Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance Noo 2405 for adoption, Refer to Ordinance Book~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APiPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AS PERALTA HILLS ANNEXATION NO o 2~ Roll call vote~ AYES COUNCILMEN,~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES ~ (O UNC [LMEN None ABSENT~ CO lINC [ LMEN :, None Mayor Pebley declared Ordinance No. 2405 duiy passed and adopted~ ORDINANCE NO~ 2406 Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No. 2406 for adoption, Refer tc Ordinance Boc, k~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14,32, SECTION lg,32, SECTION 14 32-190 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO PARglNC~ (No Parking Miraloma Avenue) Roll call vote~ AYE S ~ COUNC I LMEN NOES (OUNC i LMEN~ ABSENT; CO UN( 1 LMEN Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None Ma~or Pebley declared Ordinance Noo 2406 duly passed and adopted, ORDINANCE NO, 2407~ Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No, 2407 for adoption° Refer to Ordinance Book, AN ORDINANCE O[ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIiPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING° (66~67~5 ~- R-l) Roll call veto; AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ NOES; COUNCILMEN~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN; Dutton, iKrein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None Mayor Pebley declared Ordinance No, 2407 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE NO, 2408~ Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No, 2408 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM /EMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING ~ ZONING~ (66-67-56-. R-3) Roll call vote: 10304 ~ity Hall, ~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES ~ August ~_1967~ 1~30 PoMo AYES~ COL~CiLMEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley NOES~ COL~CILMEN~ None ABSENT~ COL~CILMEN~ None Mayor ?eble.? declared Ordinance No~ 2408 duly passed and adopted~ ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE APPLICATION: On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, Conditional Prctest to Alcoholic Beverage Control Application filed by Richard Douglas Cossette, for On-Sale Beer license at 122 Winston Road was authorized on the basis of zoning° MOTION CARRIED° ANAHEIM AREA VISITOR AND CONVENTION BUREAU ~ ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION BUDGET: Council action on proposed budget submitted by the Anaheim Area Visitor and Convention Bureau for advertising and promotion of the city, was deferred for meeting agreed tc be held August 9th, 1967, 6~00 O'Clock AoMo ~ breakfast° CONVENTION CENTER FACILITY DEDICATiON~ Councilman Dutton reported on Accounting of Cost of dedicatit~n of the Convention Center as of this date~ and advised that the accounting was not final as all of the bills were not yet received, Councilman Dutton reported that the gratuity charge on the serving of ~ocd and refreshments is being further investigated, and if the revenue received by the city from the parking lot and sale of dedication program was released tc the Committee, plus the $750°00 add taken by the city paid, in his opinion~ the cost of the dedication could be met° Action by the City Council was deferred for final accounting.~ LEA__SE~ CITY OWNED PROPERTY - EXECUTIVE HO'USE INC~ OPTION~ Mr~ Alan Orsborn, Director of Development Services Department, referred to report previously furnished each member of the Council, relative to the lease of portion of Convention 6enter site by Executive House Inc~, and iurther advised that according to a telephone conversation yesterday, it was their opinion that the transaction could be consummated within three weeks.~ Mro Orsbern recommended that the hotel development be considered a separate entity fr~)m the proposed shopping center project, and that consideration, be given to increasing the acreage under option to 6~ acres so that plans can be finalized on sufficient acreage to accommodate the hotel project~ He stated that need for additional acreage was contemplated and discussed in the initial negotiation, and if approved, would take care of contemplated expansion cf the hotel with the city receiving additional minimum rental on the additi~)nal property until expansion takes place° Discussion was held relative t(~ the present lease agreement and its effect sbould the acreage be increased to 6k acres~ Councilman Chandler was of the opinion that an amendment to. the lease should be made eliminating the $500,000~ minimum on food and beverage sales, and that further negotiation should proceed along those lines. Councilman Krein was of the opinion that 6i acres would be required and would be ~easonable Mr~ Murd~>ch stated that the change in the lease bv the additional acreage does change the formula somewhat, however, the transaction may still be advantageous to the city~. Mro Murdoch further advised that he would not know what the reaction would be should the conditions of the ]ease be changed~ Mro (~eisler noted that the lease was on 3~ net acres exclusive of access road~ Mr~ Orsborn suggested exploring the possibility of initially requiring construction of 520 rooms, which by applying the same form~ila on 59 percent occupancy would net appro×imately the same return for the 6~ acres as 420 rooms would on the 3~ acres~ This suggestion was agreeable with the City Council in addition to further negotiations on the deletion of the minimum limitation on food and beverage sales: 10305 Cit_~al__l Anahei~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES~8z_196~30 PoMe At the conclusion of the discussion, it was moved by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton, that the Council grant an additional 60 days~ making it a total o£ 90 days as it presently stands (3~ acres) on the paFment of ~10,000~00 for the total 90 day extension (30 days of which will expire August 10, 1967), $5,000.00 of the $10,000o00 payment to be applied on the lease should the option be exercised. MOTION CARRIED° WARNER LAMBERT ANNEXATiO~ In accordance with request, one week continuance was granted to the City Clerk for the checking of petition requesting annexation to the City of Anaheim, known and designated as Warner Lambert Annexation, on motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton~ MOTION CARRiED~ RESOLUTION NOs 67R~461 WORK ORDER N©o 1051 AND 1057~ Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No~ 67R~461 rejecting all bids received for Work Order Nee 1051 and 1057~ Refer to Resolution Book~ AUGUST 3 -~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM REJECTING ALL BIDS REOEIVED UP TO THE HOUR OF 2~00 P~Mo ON BB~Y-R~, 1967 FOR PUBLIC WORKS, WORK ORDER NO~ 1057, WORK ORDER NO~ 10.51 AND WORK ORDER 1056. Roll c~1i ~ete~ A'YES'~ (.O UNC IiME, N~ N~2ES ABSENT (71OUN¢ I/MEN~ Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Resolution Noo 67R-461 dul. y passed and adopted° RESOLUTION NO~, 67R~462~ for adoption~ C~:,.uncilman Chandler o~fered Reselutic;n Nee 67R~462 Refer t,:, Restitution Book. A RESCiUT!(N ,>F THE CITY £;OUNC[L C.F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZIN(] THE EXEC{JT!ON <)F AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM AND ~:ULL]6~RTON WITH REFERENCE TO SUPPLEMENTARY POLICE PROTECTION FOR THE ~!T'¥ £~F ANAHF.'.M~ Roll call v,~te~ AY[;S ['O UNC I LMEN~ NO E S ~ CO UNf: [ LMEN ~ ABSEN'I ~ O~UNC1' LMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley None None The Mayor declared Resolution Noo 67R-462 duly passed and adopted~ CORRESPONDENCE~ Resol,~txcn c,f Local Agency Formation Commission relative to Boisseranc Detachment .from the Buena Park Library District, was ordered received and filed ~:>n motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton. MOT[ON CARRIED, CITY PLANNING COiMMISSION ITEMS~ The following actions of the City Planning Commission taken at their meeting held July 1.7, 1967, were submitted for Council inf~rmation~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Nee 818~ Submitted by Clifford Wolfswinkel requesting permission to establia:h on-sale liquor in a proposed restaurant; property presently zoned C-1 l¢,cated at 1228 South Brookhurst Street~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. PC67-~159 granted said conditional use permit, subject to conditions. 10306 Cit Hall Anaheim California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES -~196~7 1~30 PoMe CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Nee 955g Submitted by Skeoch Development Corporation requesting permission to establish an apartment~hotel development with related commercial uses, and waiver of required 6-foot masonry wall and maximum building height; on property presently zoned C-1 located at the northeast corner of Ci]bert Street and Lincoln Avenue~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No~ PC67-160 granted said conditional use permit subject to conditions. VARIANCE Nee 1898g Submitted by Ichn Balaam requesting permission for addition cf a carport and 6-~foot fence, with waiver of fence location and rear yard coverage~ prcperty presently zoned R~2 located at 204 West South Street~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No~ PC67.-162 granted said variance subject to conditions. RECLASSifICATION Nee 67~68-5~ Application submitted by Saga Development Company for change of zone lrom R-O to R~.3; property briefly described as located on the sooth side of North Street east of ioara Street, was withdrawn by applicant~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Nee 882~ Submitted by Skeoch Development Corporation requesting perm~ssi~m tc establish a walk up restaurant on property presently zc,ned C~-I ]pcated at the northeast corner cf Lincoln Avenue and Gilbert Street~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution Nco PC67~161 terminated all proceedings on Conditional Use Permit No~ 882, having been superseded by Conditional Use Permit No. 955. CONDITIONAL USE 'PERMIT NO° 911~ Submitted by Fredricks Development Corpora- tion requesting approval of revised plans and relocation, on application previous]y granted for on-sale liquor; property presently zoned C.~i located at 1272 Sou~h Magnolia Avenue~ plans~ The City Planning Commissi,?n, by minute motion, approved revised Nc further acti~m was taken b? the City Council on the above referred to variance, conditional use permits and zoning applications~ ORDINANCE NO~ 2409t Councilman Kre~n offered Ordinance No~ 2a09 for first reading~ repealing Chapter ~ 80 cf the Anaheim Municipal Code relative to Cigarette ?ax AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE CIGARETTE ?'AX ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM.. INTRODUCTION - STREET SUPERINTENDENT~ Mr, Thornton Piersa]l introduced Mr.. Bill Lewis, newly appointed Street Superintendent replacing position formerly held by Al. Kohler. Mr: lewis was formerly Superintendent of Public Works for the City of Huntington Beacb~ Mr. Lewis was welcomed by the City Council; CITY TAX RATE~ Mro Murdocb recommended that the City Council seriousl, y consider reduction cf the City Tax Rate by 5c~ as tbe policy of the County Assessor has increased assessed valuation beyond that anticipated. Mr. Murdoch further reported that a tborougb analysis has been made by the Finance Director, and both, the Finance Director and he are of the opinion that the city could operate within the $1o05 tax rate with one qualification, depending on what recommended improvements are made by the Capital Improvement Committee. As to expression of Council opinion requested by Mr~ Murdoch, Councilman Chandler stated that the economy and all el the advantages of this area were shared by approximately five million people annually, and the amount of money paid in property taxes is paid by the people who live in Anaheim~ it was his opinion, that the city should retreat from the property tax as much as possible. 10307 C~t Hall Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES - August 8~ 1967~ 1~30 PoMa The philosophy expressed by Councilman Chandler was shared by the Council~ At the conclusion of the discussion, and on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Chandler, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare the necessary ordinance establishing $1o05 tax rate for the ensuing year, to this motion, Councilman Krein abstained to allow for further investigation~ MOTION CARRIED° ADJOURNMENT~ Councilman Schutte moved to adjourn= Councilman Krein seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° ADJOURNED~ 6~ 30 PoMo City Clerk Cit, Hall Anaheim~California - COUNCIL MINUTES .- August 15, 1967~ 1:30 PoMo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session, PRESENT~ ABSENT~ PRESENT~ COUNCILMEN~ Krein, Schutte, Chandler (entered the meeting 1:45 PoMo), amd Pebley~ COUNCILMEN: Duttono ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER~ Robert A~ Davis~ CiTY AI'TORNEY:~ Joseph Geisler. CITY CLERK~ Dene Mo Williams. CITY ENGINEER~ James P~ Maddox~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR~ Alan G. Orsborne~ ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR~ Robert Mickelson~ ZONING SUPERVISOR~ Ronald Thompson° DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS~ Thornton Eo Piersall~ iNVOCAT!ON~ Reverend G, Paul Keller, of the First Methodist Church, gave the Invccation~ FLAG SALUTE~ Councilman Krein led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance tc the Flag~ MINUT'ES~ Minutes of the Anaheim City Council Meeting held July 25, 1967, were approved on motiop by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Schutte~ MOTION CARRIED,, WAIVER OF READING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS~ Councilman Krein moved to waive the reading i~ full of all ordinances and resolutions, and that consent to the waiver o:f reading is hereby given by all Councilmen, unless after reading cf the title, specilic request is made by a Councilman for the reading of such ordinance or resolution, Councilman Schutte seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ REPORT ~ FINANCIAl. DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY'~ Demands against the City, in the amount of $636,396o57, in accordance with the 1967~68 Budget, were approved~ C(~NTINUED PUBLIC HEARING RECLASSIFICATION NO~ 66-67-66 AND VARIANCE NOo 1888:: Submitted by Genowe~a Hurley for property located at 1703 West Crone Avenue, requesting cb. ange of zone from R~i to C~,i and limited commercial use of residential structure with waivers of parking requirements, required front landscaping and sign requirements~ Subject public hearing was continued from the meeting of July 18~ 1967, to August 1 for amendment to plans of development, at which time request, of the applicant for an. additional two week continuance to work cut parking provisions was granted~